There’s a Beauty [Ancient Wear Modern]

Chapter 95: Processing three rooms


Shen Yuhan remained calm in the face of the sharp knife tip, which made Shan Qihuan and the police outside break out in a cold sweat.

He was not worried at all. Instead, he asked Shan Qiyun: "You were the one who gave up Shen Yuhan first. Why are you blaming me? You never started anything. No one owes you anything. I am not afraid of death. I have died once. I just want to ask you, what do you want from working with Shan Qibai and the others? Money? Or fame?"

Shan Qiyun's hand holding the knife trembled slightly. He always showed a gentle and elegant image to others. In his heart, he was indeed not as upright as he appeared to be. He was also calculating, but he never thought of killing others. He was not poor, and he still had a mother who loved him. He was not a desperado.

When asked this by Shen Yuhan, Shan Qiyun began to think, what is he trying to achieve by doing all this

He stared at Shen Yuhan's face intently, and there was only this one answer left. But he had never been with Shen Yuhan, nor did he have a past with her, no vows of eternal love, she was not her first love, nor her white moonlight, so what did he want from Shen Yuhan

Shen Yuhan had already seen the answer in his eyes: "Without me, Shen Yuhan, if it was Li Yuhan or Zhang Yuhan, you would have made the same decision. You don't have to have me, you're just jealous. The only person you've been jealous of from the beginning to the end is my husband."

"No," Shan Qiyun shook his head, "It's not like that. I can't be jealous of Shan Qihuan. His father doesn't love him and his mother doesn't care about him. Why should I be jealous of him!"

"Because he is more capable than you, he can do things that you can't do. Even me, whom you looked down upon the most, and I are very happy after marrying him. And he was eventually chosen by your father to be the heir of the Shan family. So you are jealous of everything about him, including his background." Shen Yuhan is not a psychologist or a negotiation expert. He just looks at Shan Qiyun from the perspective of palace fighting.

In the backyard, there are many young ladies and gentlemen like Shan Qiyun. They are not as good as the best, but better than the worst. They just can't stand others being better than themselves, and they can't stand people who dislike them living better than themselves, so they are jealous. They always want to hear from others how unhappy the other person is. If the other person is really living a good life, they will spread rumors and make trouble. If the other person is really not living a good life, they will talk even more vigorously, flattering the powerful and bullying the weak.

"Shut up and stop talking. Believe it or not, my knife will cut your throat if you lose your balance!" Shan Qiyun was furious when his thoughts were exposed by Shen Yuhan.

Shen Yuhan no longer provoked him. She could guarantee that her husband would show up in time, but she could not guarantee that Shan Qiyun would not get angry and attack him. He still valued his life very much.

He dared to do all this just to help his husband find out who was behind the scenes. No one else could do it, only he could.

Shan Qiyun leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath. He was angry because Shen Yuhan was right about everything. He was just jealous of Shan Qihuan. They were born at about the same time and had the same father, but their treatment was very different. They could live in a beautiful big house, but he could only live in an apartment with his mother. Shan Qihuan had many people to serve him when he was born, but he had to do everything by himself most of the time. The cooking and cleaning were all done by his mother. Later, when he grew up and Gu Biqing became a nun, their lives became better.

He knew that only if he was excellent could he get his father's attention, and he knew how to please his father. After moving into the main house, he saw that Shan Qihuan always looked at them with disdain, and he didn't have to please anyone. He envied and hated him at the same time. Later, he often bullied Shan Qihuan when no one was around, and found his sense of existence.

Shan Tianfeng was nice to him. He couldn't be said to be doting on him, but at least he was better to him than his other brothers and would respond to his requests. However, as they grew up, everyone had their own strengths and weaknesses. He also wanted to inherit the Shan family business. This was his mother's expectation, but Shan Qiyuan had already joined the company, and he saw no hope at all. At this time, Shan Qihuan founded his own company, which was doing very well. It was listed on the stock market soon after financing, which revealed his talent for business and attracted the attention of Shan Tianfeng, but he still did not achieve any results.

Not long after, Shen Yuhan appeared. He initially took a fancy to himself, a prodigal son with no knowledge and skills, and he looked down on him. When the old man asked Shan Qihuan to take over, he was secretly happy. Later, he met Shen Yuhan and Shan Qihuan again, and he regretted it. Shen Yuhan became polite and knew when to advance and retreat, and he also won the favor of the old man, and Shan Qihuan's status rose.

He missed it again. Whether it was luck or reality, he was no match for Shan Qihuan!

"You're right. I admit that I am indeed jealous of Shan Qihuan and I wish he would disappear, but the more I hate him, the more people compare him to me. If I marry you, he will have no chance." Especially after Shen Yuhan became more and more famous, no matter what occasion he attended, he would always hear people talking about him behind his back. Even his friends asked him if he regretted not marrying Shen Yuhan.

Shen Yuhan chuckled and shook his head: "No, even if I marry you, we will eventually get divorced. My husband and I complement each other and we love each other without thinking about gaining any benefits from each other. You are different from us. The first thing you do when you interact with someone is to see how valuable they are, whether they are worth using, and whether they are worth your time. I am of no help to you, so naturally you will soon give up on me. I think you had already made your decision before the old man chose my husband."

Shen Yuhan's words successfully stopped Shan Qiyun from talking. Everything he said was right, not a single word was wrong. He has been like this since he was a child. He would first evaluate whether the other party is beneficial to him. Shen Yuhan was not missed by him, but he was the one who gave up first. He had already listed Shen Yuhan as worthless.

After this conversation, Shan Qiyun clearly realized that there was a gap between him and Shen Yuhan. Back to the original starting point, they were just two strangers who didn't understand each other.

Finally, Shan Qiyun took back his knife and opened the car door.

From the time Shen Yuhan was taken away to the time the person behind the scenes surfaced, and then to the time Shen Yuhan was found, nearly four hours had passed.

The police pulled Shen Yuhan out of the car immediately. Shan Qihuan once again went forward and hugged Shen Yuhan. He was terrified.

This time, he was really angry.

Shan Qihuan told him directly with a cold face: "Shen Yuhan, I'm angry, and it's useless for you to coax me."

Shen Yuhan gently stroked his back. His shirt was wet with cold sweat from fear. He felt uncomfortable, but his intention was not to make his husband worry and sad.

He hugged Shan Qihuan and said softly, "Hubby, I'm sorry. I know you must be very angry. I shouldn't joke with my own life."

"You still know that you are playing with your life! If something happens to you... How can you guarantee that the kidnappers will not kill you? How do you know that they will not quarrel with their employers and chop off your hands and feet! What should I do if they do something else to hurt you? Shen Yuhan, where is your brain?" Shan Qihuan was trembling when he spoke now. He lowered his head, and drops of hot tears fell on Shen Yuhan's neck.

It is said that men don't shed tears easily, but only when they are heartbroken.

"I was careless and too reckless. You can hit me or scold me if you want." Shen Yuhan began to reflect on herself, "I'm sorry, husband. I dared to be so presumptuous because I trusted you. Just allow me to be presumptuous this time, okay?"

"If something really happens, ten million apologies will be of no use!" Shan Qihuan had no intention of forgiving his recklessness.

No matter what Shen Yuhan said at this time, it could not relieve her husband's discomfort. He now knew that Shan Qihuan was really scared, and he really cared about him.

She did not regret the decision she made. This was her last chance to test her husband's sincerity.

Shan Qihuan brought Shen Yuhan back to Jiang City overnight, and felt much more at ease after returning home.

The matter was resolved relatively quickly without alarming the media, but the entire Shan family was in a state of shock.

After hearing what happened, Dan Tianfeng was so angry that his blood pressure soared, but fortunately no one was hurt.

Shan Qihuan was not willing to give up. After returning home, he did not rest. Instead, he tied up Shan Qibai, who had met a woman in the afternoon, and brought him to Shan Tianfeng.

Shen Yuhan was afraid that her husband would go crazy, so she followed him without caring.

Upon learning about this, the Shan family members all returned to the Shan residence at the same time. Even Gu Biqing was anxious. She has been really fasting and chanting Buddhist scriptures recently. The Shan residence, which was usually not quiet, was brightly lit today, the hall was bustling, and everyone from the four rooms was there, even Shan Qixin had rushed back.

Except for Shan Qiyun who is now detained in the police station and unable to come back, everyone is present.

Shan Tianfeng was still sitting in his main seat. Shan Qihuan had a sullen face and said nothing. After all the people who should have come had arrived, he had Shan Qibai carried into the house.

At this time, Shan Qibai was beaten black and blue.

The second wife screamed as soon as she saw him, shouting, "Shan Qihuan, why did you do this to my son?" She rushed towards Shan Qihuan, but the bodyguard pulled her away.

Shan Qihuan was not afraid at all. He said expressionlessly, "How could you not know what he did? Are you trying to take the initiative?" He looked at everyone, "Now that everyone is here, I won't say it directly. I encountered many car accidents before and after taking over the Shan Group. Not only me, but also Yu Han, someone wanted to kill us. I was wondering, who is so vicious that he wants both of us to die? Today, he even sent people to kidnap Yu Han and threaten me."

The second wife scolded like a shrew: "Then why do you think it was my son who did it? What does it have to do with us?"

"Shan Qiyun has already confessed, and Shan Qibai took the initiative to invite him to join." Shan Qihuan watched her performance coldly.

The third wife's face turned pale and her body was shaky: "Why would Qiyun do such a stupid thing? Shan Qibai, how did you bewitch him? How can you be so evil!"

The corners of Shan Qibai's eyes were swollen. He stared at Shan Qihuan with one eye, then sneered as he thought of something: "What evidence do you have to prove that I did it?"

"Evidence? I have plenty. Not only do I have evidence that you hired someone to kill someone, I also have other evidence. Do you want to see it?" Shan Qihuan was able to pull everyone over today regardless of anything because he wanted to lay out everything. This person's buzzing flies were really disgusting.

He not only brought people with him today, but also brought physical evidence. The screen in the hall was plugged in, and his people plugged the hard drive into the interface, and a picture immediately popped up on the screen.

A woman with a good figure also appeared in the picture. She was wearing a mask and a fisherman's hat, so her appearance could not be seen clearly for a moment, but with this figure, it was easy to find her in their Dan family, and they could find her even by the process of elimination.

"Does she look familiar?" Shan Qihuan asked them, "Dad, you should know who she is, right?"

The housekeeper handed Shan Tianfeng a pair of reading glasses.

Shan Qihuan also played another video. The woman was standing in the playground holding a little girl and waiting for someone. A moment later, Shan Qibai appeared in the video. He picked up the little girl skillfully and kissed her on the face.

The hall suddenly fell silent.

It is obvious who this woman is.

Shan Tianfeng turned his head and looked at the Fourth Madam who had never spoken. At this time, the Fourth Madam clenched her fists and stood back, trying to hide herself, but everyone's eyes were on her. She had nowhere to escape.

Shen Yuhan didn't know about this. A hint of surprise flashed across his eyes before he calmed down. It turned out that the old man's concubine had an affair with his illegitimate son. In Qi State, there were many such typical house fighting dramas, but this was the first time it was so blatant.

Shan Tianfeng is a man who has experienced many ups and downs. After the video evidence was released, he remained calm. Perhaps he had already known about the affair between the Fourth Madam and Shan Qibai.

"Qihuan, what else do you want to say?" Shan Tianfeng knew that Shan Qihuan announced everything here not to seek his opinion, but to inform him. This kid's style of doing things is swift and decisive.

"Get rid of Shan Qibai from the Shan family. I will send him to prison. He dares to threaten me with Yu Han's life today, and he will dare to kill all of you tomorrow. Such a vicious person will be a scourge to the society if he remains in the society." Shan Qihuan did not beat around the bush with him.

No one present dared to say a word. The second wife collapsed to the ground. Her daughter was not there, and there was no one to help her up.

However, Shan Qihuan had not finished speaking. He did not have the judicial power to deal with the second and third wives, but he could ask Shan Tianfeng to change his will: "The second and third wives are not good wives. They dared to kill and set fire to people. What else are they afraid of? As for the fourth wife, I have a DNA test here. Dad can make a decision after reading it. Dad, my advice to you is to change the will."

Shan Qihuan did not care about anyone's face today. He forcibly tore off the Shan family's fig leaf and put everything out in the open.

It would be fine if he didn't move, but if he moved, it would shock everyone.

Shan Tianfeng's will had to be changed this time. Now it wasn't just one person who got nothing, but all the people and every family got nothing. He wanted to make sure that this person had nothing!

Of course, if Shan Tianfeng didn't change his will, it wouldn't matter. Shan Qihuan could also make them lose everything and never let them have an easy life!

He didn't want to experience Shen Yuhan almost dying in front of him again.

Now it is not a matter of giving each family fifty lashes of the board, but directly pushing them to a dead end.

Whatever they want most, they will never get!

Shan Tianfeng was silent for a while, then waved his hand and said, "Do whatever you want." The Shan family was indeed a mess. The child he cared about had no character and no humanity. Even the person next to him betrayed him. This might be God's punishment for him before his death.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shan Tianfeng finally fainted, which also foreshadowed the collapse of the third room's backer.

Only then did they realize that the current Shan Qihuan was not someone they could shake.

It's all over.