There’s No God in Show Business

Chapter 111


After the "joyful and relaxed" conversation in the coffee shop, the Yarmans strongly rejected Lin Xi's proposal to send them to the airport. So the helpless young man had no choice but to stand obediently on the exotic path, watching the black Bentley go further and further away.

It wasn't until the taillights of the car completely disappeared from his field of vision that Lin Xi breathed a sigh of relief, then turned and walked towards the hotel not far away. Although the lights were already bright at this time, it was not very late. The Yarmans came and went in a hurry, as if they really only came to get this "sudden" inspiration, and they left soon.

The crescent moon hangs high, and the bleak night wind hangs under the hazy yellow street lamps. Lin Xi was wrapped in a windbreaker all the way back to the hotel, and less than an hour had passed.

Wang Fangzheng packed up all the things that he didn't need these days, and was preparing to fly directly to Eisenach in a few days. Seeing that Lin Xi came back so soon, the little fat man put the things in his hand aside in surprise, and asked, "Boss, why did you come back so soon? I haven't had time to tell Great God and Brother Zhao. Those two What did the strange person do to you?"

"Those are Uno's parents." With a helpless sigh, Lin Xi glanced at the suitcase by the door and asked, "Are you ready to go so early?"

Wang Fang's eyes widened, he was so surprised that he couldn't even speak. It took a long time for him to recover, and immediately asked: "Boss, he he he he...they are the parents of the Great God? Uh...the conductor and violinist?!"

Lin Xi nodded: "Well, that's right. It's Mr. Ansjar Arman and Miss Osiqi." After a pause, he added: "It can also be said to be Mrs. Elizabeth Arman."

These words were like thunder, and Wang Fang was completely stunned in place. The scene of meeting those two people just now flashed through his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that those two people really had a unique and elegant temperament. Then carefully recall the tall and handsome foreign man, not to mention, he looks a bit like a great god!

Wang Fang swallowed his saliva, and looked at Lin Xi with blinking eyes: "Boss, he... why did they find you? Could it be to destroy you and... Boss, what is this?! "Just halfway through speaking, Wang Fang's eyes stopped on a small purple velvet box in Lin Xi's hand.

Lin Xi couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, and subconsciously hid the box behind his back.

Wang Fang didn't feel awkward at all, he stepped forward a few steps, trying to see clearly what was hidden behind Lin Xi's body.

"Boss, your box looks so beautiful, is there some kind of diamond beads in it..."

"It's just a small gift." Lin Xi said expressionlessly, with a flat and calm tone: "An event happened to be held in the coffee shop, and a box of sugar cubes was given away."

"Ah, really?! I didn't expect the coffee shop in Vienna to be so powerful. Even the sugar cubes are packaged in such exquisite and beautiful boxes."

Lin Xi nodded calmly and calmly. He lowered his eyes and glanced lightly at Wang Fang who was full of curiosity. When the other party was about to put his face in his hand, he quickly withdrew his hand and said, "Tomorrow, I will pay you back." It may be very hard to rush to filming. By the way, didn’t you say you want to bring delicious food to share with everyone? Have you done it now?”

"!" His attention was diverted all of a sudden, and Wang Fang exclaimed: "Hey!!! Boss, if you don't remind me, I almost forgot about it! I'm going now!"

Looking at the back of the little fat man running away quickly, Lin Xi's tense body gradually relaxed. He walked forward and closed the door of the guest room, and the peaceful and tranquil atmosphere permeated instantly. Sitting on the soft and comfortable bed, Lin Xi lowered his head and carefully looked at the noble and elegant box in his hand.

Only a "click" was heard, and the small purple box opened in response. A white and translucent suet white jade bracelet lay quietly in the light purple soft cloth, with a warm texture and crystal luster, it was extraordinary at first glance.

It seemed that the noble lady's care and advice sounded in her ears again, Lin Xi sighed softly, finally closed the box, and hid the last bit of light white and shiny jade light in the dark box, and she had already made a plan .

"So... Ans and Liz still came to see you last night?" Under the clear and warm sunlight, Uno closed his eyes and looked at the troubled young man in front of him, and said in a displeased tone.

Lin Xi couldn't help chuckling when he heard the words, he shook the small box in his hand, and asked: "Shouldn't our topic now be——Should I return this precious family heirloom to you?"

The staff were busy coming and going, another scene was being filmed in the crew, Lin Xi and Uno had time to rest. The spring sun wasn't too harsh, so they didn't wear parasols, but just took off their heavy costumes and felt very comfortable facing the warm spring breeze.

Slightly narrowing his sharp eyes, Uno's gaze froze on the box in Lin Xi's hand for a long time, then he raised his head. Before he could speak, his gaze touched the collarbone exposed in the air. Probably because the filming was a bit hot just now, Lin Xi unbuttoned two of the shirt's buttons. The white silk shirt was already baggy, but now it's draped directly on the young man's shoulders.

Through the thin shirt, the fragile and slender collarbone fell into Uno's eyes so openly, which made him startled for a while, and the words he originally wanted to say were also frozen in his mouth.

Without getting a response from the other party, Lin Xi simply put the box on the table in front of Uno, and said: "In short, this is a family heirloom of your Ou family. I... really feel ashamed. This It should be given to the real Ou family..." The voice stopped abruptly, and a faint pink color suddenly appeared on her fair cheeks, Lin Xi coughed lightly, and continued: "This should be given to the daughter-in-law of the Ou family, not me."

The deep blue was gradually rippling in the eyes, and the thin lips were slightly hooked, revealing an imperceptible smile. Uno joked, "Since when are you not the daughter-in-law of our Ou family?"

"!" Angrily, he directly picked up the box and stuffed it into Uno's hands. Lin Xi snorted coldly and turned his head away, never wanting to pay any attention to the man.

"You never thought about why the family heirloom passed on to the daughter-in-law but not to the daughter would be in Liz's hands?" Uno asked with a low smile as he pinched the velvet box gently with his slender fingers.

Lin Xi seemed to have just remembered this question, and he turned his head to look at Uno in surprise. The bright sunlight shone from behind him, so that Lin Xi could only see the slightly curved corners of his lips.

Seeing Lin Xi's puzzled look, Uno sighed softly, and said, "Dual nationality is not allowed in the Tian x dynasty, but I joined the Tian x dynasty a few years ago and chose the surname Ou, which is doomed It is impossible for me to be surnamed Yarman again." After a pause, Uno explained: "Although I have always been named as the original Mantes Yarman outside, in fact, my identity is Uno .”

Frowning slightly, Lin Xi said, "I seem to remember... you don't have brothers and sisters."

"Well. So after my surname was Ou, the Alman blood of Ansi's line was cut off, but he didn't care about it, because all of this is excusable." Shaking his head, Uno's lips The smile didn't weaken at all: "I only have one aunt, and no uncle."

Lin Xi exclaimed: "So... In fact, you originally wanted to start a family and inherit the blood?" As soon as the words fell, Lin Xi suddenly felt a bit of bitterness in his heart, and Lin Xi looked away uncomfortably to look at the man in front of him. The enthusiastic and cheerful lady from yesterday appeared in his mind, and his throat felt choked.

"Actually, when I changed my surname, I didn't intend to get married."

A deep and magnetic male voice suddenly sounded, revealing a touch of gentleness, as warm as the sun caressing. Hearing this, Lin Xi looked up at Uno, only to see that the other party still had such a calm and indifferent expression, but a small self was reflected in the dark pupils.

"I won't like other people, so I won't get married. Liz also knows about this." With a soft sigh, Uno continued: "Times have changed, and she may have difficulty at first. Accept, but she has already thought about it over the years. I think, when she gave you this bracelet, she was already expressing her greatest affirmation and love for you." As he said, Uno put the box He gently put it back into Lin Xi's hand, the movement was gentle, but it seemed to be a solemn and serious ceremony.

The soft down was hung by the warm spring breeze, gently scratching Lin Xi's palm. Obviously it was as light as a feather, but at this moment, Lin Xi felt that selfless mother's love was weighing on her hands, as heavy as a mountain. Hidden behind the laughter and words in the coffee shop yesterday's writing may be the sad and sad tears of a mother in countless nights, helpless and helpless.

However, no matter how sad and uncomfortable it is, as long as it is the choice made by her child and the happiness she can get, the seemingly elegant and optimistic wife will choose unconditional support without hesitation.

Those false and false temptations and misleading, in fact, in the end, they only want to get an answer——

A lifetime promise.

Lin Xi stared at the box quietly for a long time with downcast eyes, feeling bitter in his heart. I don't know how long it took, but he finally curled his lips, looked at Uno seriously, and showed a helpless smile: "Okay, I'll accept it. But it's agreed, this bracelet has not been passed on to his daughter-in-law for a long time. "

Uno laughed: "..."

At the intersection not far away, the white marble fountain of Cupid is gently spewing clear water. The sound of the water is murmuring, and the clear meaning is rippling. Under the sunshine, it reflects sparkling waves, which are as dazzling as diamonds.

"Uno, you have a good mother." Lin Xi sighed, stroking the box in her hand. The exquisite eyebrows and eyes gradually stretched, and a faint smile of nostalgia and envy was raised.

Seeing the young man's appearance, Uno raised his eyebrows lightly: "Isn't it your mother?"

Lin Xi was startled for a moment, then smiled: "Well, it's my mother."

As if he never expected to get such an answer from the young man, Uno opened his eyes slightly, and forgot to answer in surprise. I saw that in the background of the red brick path, the corners of the young man's lips curved a bit more.

"It's my mother-in-law."

Uno: "..."


The scenes in Vienna were finally finished filming under the last three days of rush work by the crew. Just after finishing the project, the team packed up their things without delay, and got on the plane to Eisenach.

In the clear blue sky, a silver-white plane swooped down from a high altitude, and finally landed steadily at Thuringia Airport. It was already night when all the staff arrived, and the bright and dazzling stars covered the entire starry sky, shining charmingly like diamonds in the dark night.

The large area of green forest turned into a deep black in the night, enveloping the whole town in a quiet atmosphere. From time to time, there is a mountain wind passing by, and the leaves on the hill are rustling, like a majestic and beautiful symphony, converging into an ocean of music.

As a tourist city, Eisenach has a lot of inns, which are not big, with a strong medieval style. The crew arranged accommodation in one of the small hotels. The room was very tight, almost two or three people had to squeeze into one room. Zhao Xian had the foresight, he had already flown back in Vienna, and did not follow him to Eisenach. According to what he meant, the rest was filming. He has already left his assistant Xiao Zhang to handle some chores, which is enough, and he has to contact Steven to deal with next month's Golden Bull Awards.

Even though there were not many vacant rooms in the hotel, they squeezed out two single rooms for Lin Xi and Uno each. But it was during the peak tourist season, and when the crew was about to pay the deposit and move in first, two mothers and daughters who were traveling came.

The little blond girl blinked her big round eyes, hiding behind her mother and watching Lin Xi secretly. Suddenly realizing that Lin Xi was also looking at him, he immediately retracted his small head, and then carefully poked out again to check the enemy's situation.

Lin Xi laughed softly.

"Sorry miss, is there really no room here? The hotel we booked before was too much, and this is the fourth hotel we have left." The young woman with a tired face said weakly, her tone There is a hint of pleading in it.

The front desk lady glanced hesitantly at the crew that filled the entire hall, and said helplessly, "I'm really sorry, ma'am. We've already booked all of them, and there's really nothing we can do about it."

"Oh is it... okay, thank you." Replied dejectedly, the mother lowered her head and saw her lovely baby daughter, and immediately cheered up reluctantly, and said with a smile: "Baby, Mom knows that there is a very good one." The hotel where you can see your favorite Winnie the Pooh! Shall we go there?"

"Really, Mom!" Clutching her mother's big hand, the little girl's eyes flashed with excitement, but it quickly submerged: "But Mom, my legs are really sore. How long do we have to walk?"

"It's not far, it's not far, mom comes and hugs."

The mother immediately took the little girl into her arms, and walked out the door while carrying big and small bags. It's just that her body is already thin and weak, and she looks trembling in the dense evening wind, as if she is about to fall in the next second.

Lin Xi's delicate eyebrows frowned slightly. He stepped forward and said, "Hi, ma'am. We can actually spare a room here, but it's just a single room. Do you think it's okay?"

As if she didn't expect such a pie to fall from the sky, the mother nodded sharply: "Thank you, thank you very much. I will definitely pay you double the rent, thank you very much."

Seeing the situation here, Uno naturally understood what Lin Xi meant. He stepped forward, handed the key he just got from the front desk to the young mother, and said in a low voice: "Take the child out, you must be careful."

It seemed that she had only discovered Uno's existence from the crowd now, the young mother opened her mouth wide in surprise, her hand was unsteady, and only heard a crisp metal landing sound of "click", she exclaimed: "Are you Mantes Yarman?!"

Uno nodded slightly, and the woman blushed with excitement. Probably also a movie fan, after asking for an autograph and a group photo, she took her daughter upstairs to rest. The little girl couldn't help but secretly looked at Lin Xi, and after her peeping was discovered, she even made a big grimace, which didn't make Lin Xi laugh, but she laughed until her whole face turned red.

"So... I'll share the same bed with you?" Uno's teasing voice sounded.

The crew has already gone upstairs in twos and threes to rest in the room. It's not that they don't want the room, it's just that it's the peak tourist season and the room is too tight. In the whole crew, apart from Lin Xi and Uno, only Raymond is alone. single. Of course, Raymond's old arms and legs couldn't share a bed with someone, so Uno had to vacate the room.

Hearing this, Lin Xi couldn't help snorting, and asked back with a smile: "Do you remember how wide the bed in the Eisenach hotel room is?"

Uno was taken aback, and subconsciously replied: "Single bed is 1.2 meters." As soon as he finished speaking, even he was stunned.

When they came to Eisenach to shoot a movie six years ago, they experienced this absolutely cramped single bed. In just two weeks, after paying the price of falling out of bed every night, Lin Xi suddenly got rid of the stinky disease that had been dying for many years—

Poor sleeping position.

Uno frowned slightly, and his complexion gradually darkened. After deliberating for a while, he asked tentatively, "You want me to sleep on the floor?"

Listening to the other party's words, Lin Xi curled his lips slightly, and said with a smile: "You are quite self-aware."

" you have the heart?"

Lin Xi said decisively: "Be patient."
