There’s No God in Show Business

Chapter 15


Ji Chengshu drove the car downstairs and waited for Lin Xi early in the morning. When the two of them officially set off, the sky in City B had just been polished. From the East Fourth Ring Road to the B City Film and Television City on the West Sixth Ring Road, it took nearly two hours to drive even on the elevated road in the early morning.

Parking the car in the unified parking lot of the film and television city, the two got out of the car and walked towards the crew together.

The eastern sun has already risen. Although it is not as hot as summer, it still makes people feel that the residual heat is not weak when it shines on the earth. Ji Chengshu took off his beige casual suit jacket and hung it on his left arm. He remembered the events that happened on the Internet and major media last night, and also thought that the entertainment special section of "B City Morning Post" he bought this morning was also divided into a small section. Block area hype and criticism, could not help feeling bored.

"What time did you get to the apartment last night?"

"Around nine o'clock." Lin Xi put his hands lazily in the pockets of the dark blue thin windbreaker, and wrapped himself in a long white velvet scarf around his neck, so that the cold wind had no chance of invading. In his previous life, he was very afraid of the cold, and every year when winter came, he wished he could fly to the south to film a movie. He didn't expect that now that he had changed his body, he was still so afraid of the cold.

Ji Chengshu only wore a thin white shirt on his upper body, and rolled up his sleeves, revealing his weak forearms due to lack of exercise. After hearing Lin Xi's answer, he asked again: "Then have you followed the latest news?"

Lin Xi was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and shook his head.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Ji Chengshu suddenly felt relieved for some reason. Perhaps it was because Lin Xi had just joined CX Entertainment not long ago, and he didn't want to let the other party get involved in the battle in the entertainment industry so soon, so he thought for a while and said: "There is a small incident on the Internet and in the recent newspapers, you don't have to worry about it. The company will solve it naturally."

Hearing this, Lin Xi was slightly taken aback, and quietly turned her light amber eyes to look at Ji Chengshu. I saw the impatience on the other party's face, as if he was angry for something. Although he didn't know exactly what happened, but looking at Ji Chengshu's angry look, he could probably guess it.

It's nothing more than someone using means to create a scandal for themselves.

The entertainment industry has never lacked such kind of open guns and dark arrows. Whether it is scandals and gossip on the surface, or stealthy fights for the show, Lin Xi has seen and experienced a lot in his previous life. He could guess what the "little thing" Ji Chengshu was talking about was nothing more than criticizing the original lead actor for his poor performance and his vampy face. Compared with what he experienced when he and Pan Lun came out, it can only be regarded as a child's play.

But Lin Xi couldn't help being a little surprised seeing Ji Chengshu still seemed a little angry. As one of the top managers of CX Entertainment, Ji Chengshu single-handedly brought up the king of heaven Zhu Qing and the queen of heaven Ye Yiyi. Naturally, he has experienced a lot of ups and downs in the entertainment industry. As for being angry, among the managers, this was one of the few who cared about artists.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little more warmth in his heart, and said, "Don't worry, I won't pay attention to the media, and I won't cause trouble for the company. After the film of "Ling Shen" comes out, there will naturally be I know."

Ji Chengshu was surprised. He looked at Lin Xi next to him in puzzlement, and saw that the latter was looking straight ahead with firm eyes, and his steps were not at all disordered. His face was calm, his brows were clear, and his face was calm, as if what he just mentioned had nothing to do with him. After being stunned for a moment, Ji Chengshu couldn't help but curl his lips with a chuckle, and his original indignation over the dirty water in the newspapers was relieved a lot.

As long as the trailer is aired, there will be a conclusion...

He wanted to see what kind of strength gave Lin Xi such confidence.

The weather is beautiful, and the autumn sky of City B is as blue as a rare blue, only the loose and long clouds, like milk mixed with coffee, rippling on the clear blue sky.

Lin Xi only has two shots left in the movie "Ling Shen", and all of them can be filmed this morning. These two shots are exterior scenes, and Li He specially arranged a bustling market stall as the background. Many extras gathered around the crew, wearing simple linen clothes, short buns and wigs on their heads, and densely packed half of the stage of the props group.

It seems to know that today is Lin Xi's last day of filming. Since Lin Xi joined the crew, from the make-up team to the costume team, the entire crew has been sneakily watching Lin Xi from every corner. When Ah Mei was putting on makeup, the little girls in the makeup team even surrounded Lin Xi directly, their little faces pulled together, looking like they were inseparable from life and death.

Finally, as if he had been chosen as a representative, Xiao Wu hesitated for a while and walked forward, pouted and said: "Lin Xi, today you are going to wrap up and leave the film crew..."

Ah Mei was applying dark eyebrow powder for Lin Xi. After hearing Xiao Wu's words, she raised her head and glanced at the little girls standing in a row in a funny way. All of them stood up straight like little white poplars, and they all had the same expression on their faces. Don't mention how funny that expression is.

Lin Xiqing's eyes were bent, she smiled and opened her lips: "Well, after the lunch meeting today, I should be leaving the group."

Xiao Wu sighed in disappointment, as if she had made a great determination, she suddenly said: " must accept this one!" His entire face was suddenly lowered and buried in the hollow of his shoulders.

Lin Xi was startled when he saw this, and before he could speak, he suddenly saw the row of upright little white poplars behind Xiao Wu also fell down in a row, everyone was holding plastic bags, lunch boxes, and paper bags in their hands, one by one. They all buried their faces and couldn't see their expressions clearly.

Lin Xi was just stunned for a while before he came back to his senses. The scene in front of him was completely in his expectation, but unexpectedly... he felt warm in his heart. Although he had received small gifts from the crew of the same crew before, he had never received so many gifts from so many people. A handsome and elegant smile bloomed on that Yili's exquisite face, and because of the backlight, her whole body was covered with a faint golden layer. He raised the corner of his lips and said softly, "Thank you, I'm very happy."

When the girls heard this, they immediately exclaimed excitedly, and two red clouds flew over their cheeks.

A girl boldly rushed forward and said excitedly: "Heavenly fairy, can you sign me! I want to go home and have it mounted on the wall, and burn three sticks of incense every day!"

After one person set a precedent, the other girls stopped hiding and rushed forward one after another.

"Heavenly Immortal, I also ask for an autograph, and I even specially printed your photo, asking for an autograph!"

"Heavenly Immortal, I want me too!"

"And I… "

"..." Ji Chengshu stood aside and watched this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times. He had been to many sets with Zhu Qing and Ye Yiyi in the past, and had received many gifts for them, but he had never seen... a whole make-up crew all gave gifts.

Barely maintaining a calm expression on his face, Ji Chengshu accepted the gifts from the little girls one by one for Lin Xi. Before putting down the pile of small gifts in his arms, he suddenly heard a few clear female voices from outside the dressing room—

"Heavenly Immortal, we also want to ask for autographs!"

"Heavenly, I still want to ask for a group photo!"

"We also want a group photo! Ask for a group photo and ask for an autograph!"


Ji Chengshu could no longer maintain the composure on his face. He stood there blankly watching a group of little girls pouring into the dressing room from all directions of the crew, holding presents of all sizes in their hands, abruptly turning the originally spacious The room was packed to the brim.

"..." He is also drunk in this world of faces.

Ji Chengshu's speechlessness turned into astonishment when he saw Lin Xi make up the last two scenes with his own eyes. He stood beside the cameraman in surprise, watching Lin Xi's gloves with iron chains and shackles on his shoulders , standing in the center of the prison car, parading through the streets with a calm expression.

The entire market was silent, and all the extras were originally asked to "just stand and watch, don't talk, don't laugh, don't cry", but when they really stood up and set their sights on the slender and stubborn boy At that time, they were all stunned in place.

Qiu Huan was still wearing the bright red brocade dress from yesterday, and the thick jade belt tightly bound her thin waist, but the miserable shatters on the clothes made the whole gorgeous and expensive dress look tattered. Through the dense cracks on the lapel and wide-sleeved gown with crimson gold, you can see the red blood scars drawn out with a long whip. The flesh and blood are flying, and the blood has turned black. Just looking at it feels painful.

However, this young man covered in scars looked forward calmly and indifferently. The originally exquisite face was as calm as still water. Only the shocking and terrifying bloodstain on the left cheek destroyed the face. Elegant and picturesque scenery.

The common people surrounding both sides of the road were silent and did not dare to speak out. They naturally knew that it was this beautiful young man in front of them who eliminated the group of corrupt officials who were plundering the people's fat and anointing. They applaud secretly in their hearts, but they dare not fight against the imperial power. But now the only thing they can do is to stand quietly on the road of the young boy's parade, and send him respectful and admiring eyes.

Qiu Huan's eyes were as calm as stagnant water, the prison car swayed and staggered, and the sky was scorching hot, but he didn't react but stood quietly, quietly... looking up at the figure standing facing the wind on the city wall.

Luo Qing's face was full of unstoppable grief. He ignored the obstruction of his staff and insisted on climbing the city wall. Even if he was appealed by the courtiers, he would personally send Qiu Huan this last journey. Standing on top of the high city wall, he watched the young man in red swim all the way from the north of the city to the south of the city, and under the top of the city. In his heart, there was still a last gloomy hope, maybe... Maybe the father would change his mind, and for the sake of his begging and the death of Qiu's family, let Qiu Huan live.

The scorching sun scorched the earth mercilessly. The convoy passed through the unusually quiet market, Qiu Huan was wearing heavy handcuffs, and was chased up to the top of the city wall step by step by the soldiers beside him.

Luo Qing's handsome face was full of exhaustion, and his eyes were blue. Seeing Qiu Huan climbed to the top of the city wall, he immediately rushed over to meet him. Just as he was about to say something, his eyes suddenly touched the terrifying bloodstain on the other's cheek. He was startled, and he froze in place, his mouth half-opened for a long time, unable to speak.

Seeing the Prince's appearance, the escorting general also sighed in his heart, and waved his hand to withdraw the soldiers on the side, leaving the two of them with a last chance to talk.

"Qiu...Qiu Huan..." With wet eyes, Luo Qing looked at the young man's calm and indifferent expression and felt a deep sense of guilt rising in his heart. His hands and feet trembled, and his heart ached uncontrollably.

However, Qiu Huan curled his lips and looked at the dejected prince in front of him. The smile on his lips was still as bright as before, but the bloodstain on his cheek was frighteningly black, and the rolled flesh was an abnormal blue color, but the pain lasted for a long time. And he didn't feel any pain anymore.

"His Royal Highness, you shouldn't come here to meet sinners."

That white and dry smile, and the bloody wound all stabbed Luo Qing's heart like a sharp knife. Luo Qing only felt the corners of his eyes heat up, and the next second, salty and bitter tears rolled down his eyes.

"Qiu Huan..."

"Thank you for your great kindness, Your Highness. I dare not be a sinner. General Wei, please execute the punishment." The red dress flitted across the air in a beautiful arc. Qiu Huan suddenly turned around and stopped looking at Luo Qing, her tone was firm and her mind was determined.

There was a stagnation in Luo Qing's throat, as if a bell was ringing in his head, and he was stunned. His hands trembled, the corners of his mouth moved slightly but he could no longer speak. Those desperate and crazy eyes were deeply imprinted in his heart, deeply burned, and burned very painfully. It wasn't until this moment that he truly understood what... life and death are parting!

Heavy chains hung down from the city wall, and the thin young man in red was like a duckweed that had lost its roots, swaying from side to side under the strong cold wind blowing from a high place. Qiu Huan looked up at the clear blue sky, his lips were chapped and bleeding, but his heart was calm.

Life is noble, death is like an abandoned dog. The wealth and magnificence of the first half of his life are like a dream, and the distant ones seem to have happened in the previous life, and the distant ones seem to never belong to him. Hearing the sound of the wind falling in the lonely desolation, he couldn't help closing his eyes, and it seemed that the songs he heard in Xiangfu when he was a child sounded in his ears, like the singing from the sky, ethereal and soft.

This life is so tiring...

"Okay, card!"

Li He shouted loudly, waking everyone up from that decisive battle.

Ji Chengshu regained his senses in a trance, but his mind was still in chaos. His mind was still immersed in the atmosphere of grief and despair just now, unable to extricate himself. It wasn't until Lin Xi was pulled up from the top of the city by the staff, walked towards Ji Chengshu, saw his strange appearance and reminded him suspiciously, that he fully woke up.

The beating heart in his chest sounded like a drum, and he followed Lin Xi down the city wall, looking at the thin and beautiful red-clothed young man in front of him with complicated eyes, his mind full of thoughts.

The young man on the top of the city wall who curled his lips and smiled just now looked like a beautiful and gorgeous enchantress of the last generation, the same madness and despair, the same... self-pity and dark wounds. That was Ye Yiyi's famous work that won the Celestial All Stars Award in one fell swoop, and it was also the classic role that helped her to be named queen.

Ji Chengshu looked at Lin Xi's thin back in silence, his eyes became more determined.

He seemed to see a bright star path spreading out under the young man's feet, spreading forward step by step. And at the end of that gorgeous avenue of stars, there is shining a jewel-like dazzling crown, quietly waiting for its owner to take it off.


After the noon crew dinner to celebrate Lin Xi's finale, during a reluctant farewell, Lin Xi helplessly looked at the aggrieved bun faces of a group of little girls, and kept uttering comforting words. Before leaving, Li He took his hand and said earnestly: "Xiao Lin, I think the hearts of the little girls in my group are following you after you leave, why don't you leave?"

"..." Lin Xi smiled awkwardly and said, "Director Li, please stop joking."

Li He was still full of dissatisfaction: "I'm serious, Xiao Lin, why don't you just stay a little longer!"


Seeing this, Chen Yajing sighed helplessly, stepped forward and pulled Li He's hand away, glared at the old man, then turned to look at Lin Xi, and hooked her lips charmingly: "Go ahead, the crew is about to start up, There will be a chance to get in touch later.”

Lin Xi nodded slightly, said a few more words, and then followed Ji Chengshu to drive away from City B Film and Television City. It was rare that there was no traffic jam, and the two quickly arrived at the downstairs of CX Entertainment.

Standing in front of the towering building, Lin Xi felt a little emotional. In his previous life, he always took a detour and tried not to pass by the Chu's building, but now he has become an artist of CX Entertainment. During this period of time, I got along well with Fatty Wang Fang and Ji Chengshu, much more relaxed than when I was in Tianyu.

The fate of the world is really wonderful.

After following Ji Chengshu into the elevator, Ji Chengshu directly pressed the button on the 57th floor. The elevator went up quickly and then stopped. As soon as the iron doors were opened from both sides, a purple figure was seen running around in the building without stopping.

Ji Chengshu stepped out of the elevator, led Lin Xi to the man in the purple shirt, and said expressionlessly, "Eric, help my artist design a new look."

Like a spinning top that suddenly stopped, the man named Eric stopped his busy steps, turned around and looked at Ji Chengshu and Lin Xi. He looked Lin Xi up and down carefully, and after a long time, he turned to look at Ji Chengshu, and said, "This look is pretty good, it suits him quite well."

Before Ji Chengshu could speak this time, Lin Xi suddenly said to Eric: "I want a refreshing and sunny look."

Seemingly not expecting Lin Xi to make such a request, Eric frowned hesitantly, and said hesitantly: "Your image of a pretty Japanese handsome boy suits you very well."

Lin Xi's light-colored eyes showed a hint of a smile, and his tone was firm: "The icing on the cake and ingenuity, I think the latter is what I need now."

Eric stared at Lin Xi meaningfully for a long time without saying a word, then turned his head to look at Ji Chengshu to ask his opinion. Ji Chengshu also nodded in agreement and said, "Just follow what Lin Xi said."

Eric spread his hands helplessly, and sighed in his heart: He is obviously the most popular Japanese and Korean flower boy in recent years, but he insists on going in the direction of the sunny niche... Alas, it seems that only by letting him do it himself can he create Make a miracle.