There’s No God in Show Business

Chapter 2


There are only three artists under Pan Lun's team. Leaving aside Songshen and Shu Shan who were scooped up by CX Entertainment just after the contract expired last year, only Qi Wenyuan and Lin Xi are left. He and Shu Shan's status in the music world needless to say, and Qi Wenyuan has always been a king-level figure in the entertainment industry.

So when Pan Lun decided to sign Lin Xi, everyone regarded Lin Xi as the next singing god and heavenly king. However, Lin Xi gave Pan Lun a cruel blow with the facts, and told everyone with ruthless results—how to make a complete vase.

Sing? Insufficient tone.

acting? The face is paralyzed and stiff.

Not to mention variety shows and entertainment, Lin Tianxian has always been the one with the background wall, of course, the most beautiful background wall ever.

So when Pan Lun tried his best to win two roles for Lin Xi, he also resigned to his fate and handed over Lin Xi's related matters to a newcomer assistant to arrange.

"Hey boss, why do you suddenly want to paint the walls?" The new "little" assistant Wang Fang swayed his fat body and carried two buckets of paint upstairs, holding a plastic bag in his right hand, which contained two brushes and a Bottle of mild detergent and two protective suits.

Since the moment Lin Xi decided to start over and step into the entertainment industry again, she has already planned to start from scratch and work hard slowly. Although this body has innate advantages that cannot be ignored, whether it is contacts or qualifications, you must gradually accumulate on your own. The entertainment industry has never simply judged people by their appearance.

He who is no longer the king of heaven seems to have removed the air of nothingness from his shoulders overnight, looking at Wang Fang, a small character who has never paid attention to in the company before, and he is actually a little pleasing to the eye.

This fat body... well, handsomer than Pan Lun.

"It's time to brush. Come and change."

After Lin Xi put on the dark protective clothing, he first took a mild detergent and used an old rag to wipe the densely packed words on the wall, and then used old newspapers to stick the curtains to prevent contamination.

Wang Fang whispered while putting on his clothes: "I told you to stop thinking about Mr. Pan, he is getting married now. You can see what happened to King Qi in the end. He is the king of heaven. Fortunately, you have not agreed to him. this kind of thing."

Lin Xi was taken aback when he heard the words. When he realized the meaning of the other party's words, his beautiful eyes widened and his eyelashes fluttered: "You mean Lin Xi... I haven't promised Pan Lun yet?"

Wang Fang gave Lin Xi a weird look, and asked back: "Didn't you say that you decided to agree to Mr. Pan this weekend? It happened before that day, and it just happened to let you see his true face." .”

Thank goodness, this Lin Xi is not so stupid. Thinking of the relationship he had with Pan Lun in his two lifetimes, Lin Xi really woke up nauseated even from sleep.

The little fat man stared at Lin Xi strangely, and exclaimed as if he suddenly thought of something: "Don't you want to do something with him?"

Lin Xi smiled when she heard the words, curled her lips into a relaxed and gentle smile, looked down at Wang Fang, and said, "I want to do something for him, but...not now."

Wang Fang covered his eyes and wailed, "Boss, don't tease me! I'm a straight man with a girlfriend!"


The two of them worked all night to finish painting the wall full of names. Because they are both newbies, the wall was painted darker and shallower by the two of them, which is quite joyful. After the work was done, Lin Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and slumped on the soft and comfortable blue single sofa. The little fat man was also panting, and looked at Lin Xi in embarrassment.

"Boss, why didn't you prepare a stool for me?"

Lin Xi was taken aback, pointed to the clean and tidy bed without a single hair, and asked, "Why don't you sit on it?"

Wang Fang stared at Lin Xi for a long time with the sad eyes of a resentful woman, until Lin Xi felt goosebumps all over his body, and then said quietly: "If I sit down, you will spend a few days to clean it. Bacteria."

"..." No wonder the room was as clean as if it had been sterilized by ultraviolet rays.

"Come pick me up early tomorrow and go to Tianyu."

Wang Fang was stunned: "Huh? Going to the company on the cusp of the storm?"

Lin Xi nodded amusedly, and said, "Well, this is the cusp."

If you don't exploit Pan Lun at this time and make him powerless to resist, there will be no next chance.

Lin Xi and Tianyu signed a ten-year Overlord contract, with a liquidated damages of up to five million. To Qi Wenyuan, five million is not a lot of money, but to Lin Xi, who is still a rookie and the number one vase in the entertainment industry, he definitely can't pay it back.

Of course, if the current Lin Xi insisted on gritting his teeth and had to pay liquidated damages to forcefully terminate the contract, it wouldn't be impossible. For Lin Tianxian's face, it would take a year or two for a normal person to get it out of the entertainment industry. but…

Lin Xi felt excited at the thought of seeing Pan Lun's stern face, and lost five million in vain, and felt a little pain for Tianyu.


Early the next morning, the little fat man arrived at Lin Xi's building on time in an old white Volkswagen commercial vehicle.

With a sound of "Puchi—", the car shook a few times and stopped slowly in front of Lin Xi. The wheels, the chassis, and the lower part of the car body were covered with mud. After Lin Xi got into the car, he found that the wiper in front of the co-pilot was also scrapped and lying on the windshield, twisted in a strange posture.

As if sensing the strange look in Lin Xi's eyes, Wang Fang laughed dryly and said, "Boss, when we make money next time, we can change to a better car."

Lin Xi sighed helplessly, and said, "No need, let's save it."

Wang Fang nodded and stopped talking, and honestly stepped on the clutch, shifted gears, and shifted gears. The car struggled and shook a few times before moving forward steadily.

Looking at the ever-changing scenery outside the window, Lin Xi frowned like Qingdai, her phoenix eyes were lightly drawn, and there was a slight wavering between her brows.

After the contract with Tianyu was terminated, the house would naturally be unlivable, so he had to find a place to settle down quickly. Lin Xi doesn't know the password of any of his bank cards, so the money is useless. And Qi Wenyuan's bank card is even more unusable, so apart from the thousands of dollars in cash in the house, he really has nothing.

The first priority is to make money.

The car turned right, and the towering buildings on both sides of the road blocked the glare of the rising sun, and the gaps between each building revealed lively sunlight, and the light and shadow were mottled on the delicate and refined face like a fairy, more A bit of worldly bright popularity.

When the car drove past Tianyu's gate, Lin Xi saw the black reporters' heads blocking the entire front door of Tianyu. He watched with cold eyes, not at all like the person who was chased and intercepted yesterday.

Wang Fang found a seat far away and parked the car. After getting off the car, the two walked directly towards the crowd of reporters. reporter Zhao Bo couldn't catch up with the first wave of reporters this morning because of the traffic jam. He was fiddling with the Canon 6D hanging on his chest helplessly, and he could only hope that Pan Lun would come out soon and let him take a photo for business.

Suddenly being pushed and shoved by someone in the crowd, Zhao Bo tilted his head and saw the two people who got out of the car and walked quickly.

Zhao Bo's eyes widened involuntarily, and he gasped.

The phoenix eyes, which were as quiet and as dark as a deep pool, simply raised them and glanced at him. There was not even a trace of expression on his delicate face, but he felt dizzy as if he had been hit by a nuclear bomb.

Of course he knows the number one vase in the entertainment industry, but... when did Lin Xi become so beautiful!

The beige windbreaker was close-fitting and slender, revealing the man's thin and straight figure, standing against the wind, as if he had ascended to a fairy. The tips of the tall phoenix eyes were slightly curved, and the small and thin chin was covered by a dark coffee-colored cotton scarf.

The natural brilliance, as beautiful as dusty pearls, seemed to bloom all at once!

I can't tell what's wrong, I just feel... Today's Lin Xi seems to have reached a new level of beauty.

If Lin Tianxian in the past was a vase held at the top and used as a joke, then today's Lin Xi is a monstrous existence that people can't take their eyes off. Those Yili Tianzi who originally only survived in the eyebrows and eyes bloomed outside as if they were ignited, and there was a sense of beauty beyond all sentient beings in every gesture.

Walking fairy!

Zhao Bo couldn't help picking up the SLR in his hand, and the high-definition camera just pointed at Lin Xi, who turned to look at Zhao Bo as if he had a sense. The bright red lips curved slightly, and the air seemed to be stagnant.

When Zhao Bo, who was half-pressing the shutter button to adjust the focus, saw this smile in the viewfinder, he almost pressed the shutter button with trembling hands. Fortunately, his years of shooting experience made him stop after only a trembling. He hurriedly started and pressed the shutter.

When the SLR was removed again, Lin Xi had already entered Tianyu through the small door next to the crowd, leaving only a straight and lonely back.

"Hey boss, it seems that someone was secretly filming you just now." Wang Fang pressed the elevator button and said belatedly.

Lin Xi's refined and beautiful smile just now had long since disappeared. With a calm face, he said, "Well, a reporter from" Aligning yourself is just habitually showing the most perfect side.

Lin Xi frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

The expression just now was the perfect angle that he had worked out in front of the mirror for several days when he was Qi Wenyuan. I don't know what effect it will have on Lin Xi's face. Shouldn't it... be counterproductive

Looking at the photos on the LCD screen downstairs, Zhao Bo's heart suddenly twitched, and he couldn't catch his breath until he coughed several times before he recovered. Looking at the images on the screen, he suddenly felt that his life as an entertainment reporter was really worth it.

Fortunately, I have set the button to shoot five consecutive shots, is there any!

And far above the 33rd floor, Lin Xi stood in front of the large qizi wood desk, looking at Pan Lun expressionlessly.

Pan Lun received a call from Lin Xi just after recording his statement at the police station yesterday. It was a leaky house and it was raining all night. On the one hand, he wanted to put an end to Qi Wenyuan's death, and on the other hand, Lin Xi wanted to terminate the contract.

Chen Ru was also asking for an explanation with herself, and the company was also pushed to the limit by the reporters. He was so anxious that he even had a few more gray hairs, and he looked a few years older.

"Xiaoqing, why do you want to terminate the contract? Do you want to film more scenes, or do you want to sing?" Pan Lun suppressed the irritability in his heart these days, and patiently persuaded him.

Lin Xi sneered in his heart, but his face remained indifferent: "Mr. Pan, terminate the contract."

"you… "

Wang Fang also just found out that Lin Xi came to terminate the contract for a few days. The little fat man widened his narrowed eyes, looked at Lin Xi in surprise, opened his mouth and finally closed it, and stood honestly by the side without interrupting.

Lin Xi signed the contract termination agreement, took the materials and walked out without a souvenir. Wang Fang hesitated for a while, looked back and forth between Lin Xi and Pan Lun, and finally turned around and followed.

Lin Xi looked at Wang Fang who followed him like a little wife, and was silent for a long time before speaking: "Although you are my assistant, I am no longer an artist of Tianyu. What are you still following me for?"

Wang Fang lowered his head coyly, and it took him a while to say: "Boss, I can't do it here, or I'll follow you."

"... What if I can't pay your salary?"

"Boss, don't scare me!" The little fat man's squinted eyes had never been so wide, and when he heard about the salary issue, he opened all the flesh on his eyelids.

Seeing this, Lin Xi couldn't help laughing, and said helplessly, "Don't worry, I can still afford your salary." Well, although I only have one month's salary on hand at the moment.

After waiting for a while without hearing the little fat man's answer, Lin Xi turned his head and looked at him strangely, only to see the little fat man looking at him with a tangled expression, and after a while he complained like a resentful woman: "Boss, you teased me again..."


Behind them, Pan Lun finally couldn't maintain the expression on his face when he heard the door slam shut. He swung the porcelain cup on his right hand away vigorously. The white porcelain cup hit the hard and shiny marble floor directly, and broke into several petals at once.

Pan Lun was also taken aback when he heard the broken sound. He turned his head slowly to look at the broken white porcelain cup on the ground with a dull expression, and suddenly thought in his heart—this cup seemed to be brought to him by Qi Wenyuan when he went to Denmark to film.

The scene of the battle on the rooftop that day was suddenly replayed in his mind, and the bitter wind blew in his ears again, blowing on Pan Lun's heart one after another, cutting flesh and gouging out the heart like a blade, and blood flowed horizontally.

It seemed that I saw Qi Wenyuan's inconceivable eyes again when he was pushed downstairs by him. They were full of surprise, disappointment and disdain, but there was no fear at all.

Why! In Qi Wenyuan's heart, he has always been the useless one! On the bed, it was more when Qi Wenyuan was on top. He is Pan Lun, Tianyu's gold agent. He has brought the God of Songs and the King of Heaven under his command...

Pan Lun was startled suddenly, and sat stiffly on the black boss chair for a long time unable to move.

there is none left…

Now there is no one under him.

Different from the depressing and terrifying office on the 33rd floor, downstairs in Tianyu, reporter Zhao Bo excitedly held his mobile phone and said excitedly to the editor-in-chief on the other end of the phone: "Editor-in-chief, today's incident of Tianyu falling from the building has been covered by me." I have a good idea... what idea? You can see it, I took a very good photo!"