There’s No God in Show Business

Chapter 60


It only took a few minutes for Lin Xi to put the suitcase and sundries into the hotel room. After pulling out the electronic card inserted on the wall of the door, he gently closed the door. As soon as he turned around, he saw Uno standing aside and waiting for a long time.

It seems that he is really not afraid of the cold. On such a windy night, Uno only wore a thin black Versace woolen coat. The close-fitting long clothes revealed the man's lean and powerful figure. His figure was handsome and slender. Standing beside Lin Xi, he was even more celestial, handsome and handsome.

The two walked into the elevator together, Uno reached out and pressed the button on the first floor, and the elevator began to accelerate downward.

Lin Xi raised his head involuntarily, and saw the reflection of himself and Uno on the metal door of the elevator at a glance. Uno is about half a head taller than Lin Xi. A dark high-necked coat almost covers half of his graceful neck. Inside is a light gray cashmere sweater, which looks thin and tall.

In contrast, Lin Xi, who was always afraid of the cold, was wearing a short white down jacket, and even her small chin was covered by a thick beige scarf. If you look at it alone, you don't think so. But when standing next to this handsome and handsome man, it makes people feel strange... slightly bloated.

When they reached the first floor, the elevator made a "ding-" sound, the metal door opened to both sides, and the two stepped out of the elevator door together. Lin Xi walked a few steps aside calmly, keeping a certain distance from Ono. He hadn't taken the second step yet, and from the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed that the other party seemed to have moved two steps in his direction unintentionally.

Uno asked in a low voice, "What do you want to eat?"


"Huh? What's the matter?" Turning his head slightly, Uno asked with a slight frown.

Looking carefully at the other person's expression, Lin Xi sighed helplessly, shook his head and said, "It's nothing. Do you have anything to eat?" He paused, and added: "I remember that there is a food stall in front of the gate of Film and Television City in City B. The potato noodles there are good, and it's not far from the hotel. Are you interested?"

"... food stalls?"

Hearing this, Lin Xi took it for granted, "Yes, you don't want to eat potato flour?" Completely ignoring the point of Uno's words, Lin Xi put his hands in the pockets of his down jacket casually, and said, "His potato flour It’s really delicious, it’s the most delicious supper I’ve found near the film and television city, and it’s good and cheap.”

"Are you familiar with City B Film and Television City?"

The sudden question made Lin Xi's pace pause for a moment, and he quickly adjusted himself. Various thoughts came to mind, but after a while he replied with a light smile: "Yes, I'm quite familiar with it. I filmed "Ling Shen" here a few months ago."

Uno looked at Lin Xi thoughtfully, but said nothing.

As soon as he stepped out of the revolving door of the hotel, Lin Xi couldn't help shrinking his neck from the cold wind that hit his face, but he still couldn't stop the biting cold wind that kept blowing towards his face. The temperature outside was about tens of degrees lower than inside, probably because of the cold weather and few people on the street. Under the dim yellow street lights, only a few shadows moved slowly.

"What are you eating? Do you still eat potato flour?" When he reached the intersection in front of the hotel, Lin Xi turned around and looked at Uno.

Uno was silent for a while, the dark sky made it impossible for Lin Xi to see the expression of the other party. And those dark and deep eyes were quietly staring at Lin Xi's body for a long time at this time, the thin lips slightly curled up, showing a helpless smile, and said: "Okay."

Lin Xi said it was a food stall, but in fact it was only compared to those high-end hotels and clubs.

However, the small shop with an area of more than ten square meters has a clean and tidy environment, which is completely different from the kind of small stall that Uno originally imagined with a tent on the side of the road. The store is equipped with heating, and the moment you enter the door, you can feel the warmth like entering a hot spring. Lin Xi chose a table on the inner side to sit down, leaning against a large glass window, he could see the dust flying like snowflakes on the road outside the store under the yellow light.

Uno walked to the side of the table and pulled out a chair to sit down. He raised his eyes and looked around, his brows that had been tightly furrowed finally gradually loosened. With a low sigh, the thin lips that had been tightly pressed into a line also eased, and whispered: "Fortunately..."

Lin Xi had just taken the menu from the shopkeeper. After hearing Uno's words, he turned his head and asked, "What did you say?"

Uno raised his head and stared at Lin Xi, his cold pupils reflected the other's small figure. The indifferent thin lips slightly raised a slight smile, and there was an imperceptible tenderness in the tone: "It's nothing."

Fortunately... the first time I ate alone with you was in such a warm and simple environment.

Lin Xi raised his eyebrows a little strangely, but didn't ask any further questions. He quickly ordered two servings of potato flour from the waiter, and said, "One with beef, and one..." He turned his head and asked, "What do you eat?"

Uno said, "Same as you."

Lin Xi turned around and told the waiter: "Two servings of beef and potato noodles, the big one."

"His one wants coriander instead of onion, and more spicy. My one doesn't want coriander." Uno said suddenly.

Lin Xi looked at him in surprise, but saw Uno's expression was natural and his tone was calm, as if there was nothing unusual about it. Lin Xi was stunned for a while, then turned to the waiter and said, "Just do what he says."

The waiter held the menu tightly in his arms, and watched Lin Xi nodding like he was pounding garlic. Her cheeks were flushed, she glanced furtively at Uno and quickly moved away, then turned around and ran away quickly.

Seeing the shy look of the little girl, Lin Xi couldn't help but said with a smile: "This is close to the film and television city, and there are usually many celebrities who come to eat, so don't worry about being recognized." As soon as the words fell, Lin Xi's eyes fell into eyes as deep and vast as the sea. There was a pause in his throat, and after a while, Lin Xicai smiled and asked: "By the way, how did you know that I don't like green onions, but like coriander and chili?"

Uno pursed his lips slightly, his deep facial features softened a bit, and said, "Guess."

"..." Lin Xi twitched the corners of his lips speechlessly, but he probably guessed the answer in his heart—maybe he was discovered when they were filming the MV together. Thinking about it this way, Uno is indeed a person who observes carefully and cares about others.

Soon, the steaming beef and potato noodles were on the table. It was served in a black sea bowl, and the diameter of the mouth of the bowl was as big as Lin Xi's two faces. Before the chopsticks are put down, the whole soup noodles are covered with beef slices, and the muscles are connected, which looks very chewy.

Lin Xi turned to look at the round-faced waiter girl in surprise, but saw that she looked at Uno with a shy and blushing face, said in a low voice, "Eat slowly", and then ran away quickly again.

Uno didn't seem to notice the little girl's gaze towards him, he stretched out his hand and took out two pairs of wooden chopsticks from the white plastic chopstick holder on the table. After carefully wiping the chopsticks with a paper towel, he handed one of the chopsticks to Lin Xi.

" your fan." Lin Xi reached out to take the chopsticks, a teasing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Upon hearing this, Uno paused for a while in the movements of his hands. He raised his eyes and glanced at the bar in the distance, and his eyes met the little waitress girl for a moment. Seeing the little girl running into the kitchen with her face covered, he withdrew his gaze and changed the subject lightly: "I forwarded your Weibo before."

Lin Xi was using chopsticks to put two slices of beef with spices and chili oil into his mouth. After hearing what Uno said, he frowned his delicate brows, but after thinking for a while, he understood what the other party meant. It's been a long time since he posted a Weibo, and the last one was forwarded and Shu Shan's Weibo, to mourn... Qi Wenyuan's.

"Well, I saw it." Involuntarily stirring the rich and spicy soup with chopsticks a few times, Lin Xi said again: "Brother Qi took good care of me in the past, and I'm also very sad about his death..." After finishing speaking , Lin Xi looked up at Uno calmly, and saw that the latter looked calm, as if he was not touched by his words.

Lin Xi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Since Uno reposted his Weibo and said that, it seems that the other party didn't hate himself in his previous life as much as he imagined. Although he didn't understand what the phrase "I miss him" meant, judging from the current situation, Uno didn't seem to be angry.

"He takes good care of you?" Uno asked suddenly.

Lin Xi was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, turned his light amber eyes, and said, "Yes, yes."


Uno pursed his lips suddenly, and a smile flashed in his dark pupils.

According to the information Zhao Xian checked before, Lin Xi never had any contact with Qi Wenyuan during his year in Tianyu, let alone take care of him.

"Why don't you eat?" Sensing the other party's gaze fixed on her body, Lin Xi coughed twice and asked.

Uno shook his head lightly, holding the slender chopsticks with his slender fingers, picked up a few sticks of round and greasy potato flour, put them into his mouth without frowning, and chewed them. The elegant posture, like the most noble gentleman in the middle ages, is incompatible with this simple and simple shop.

About half an hour later, Lin Xi and Uno settled the bill, and both left the shop. Watching the godlike figure gradually disappear at the end of the street, the little waitress slowly put the mobile phone in her hand back into her pocket.

Holding her hot red face in her arms, the little girl walked back into the shop, quickly tidying up the remaining dishes on the table. She happily looked at the big bowl that the Great God had eaten cleanly, and could not help laughing out loud.

Hmph, she asked the chef to put double the amount of beef slices and potato flour, to ensure that the chef will be satisfied...

Eh? ! ! ! Wait a minute, did the master seem to say that you hate eating pasta the most? ! ! !

The little girl quickly took out her mobile phone and opened the webpage, and searched for the great god Qiandu Encyclopedia. It was rare for her eyes to stay on the photo of the handsome god like a god for a second, and the little girl flipped the page to the personal profile of the god.

I saw that on the simple data card, it was rarely bolded in red five-point font in Song Dynasty—

Most hated food: Pasta.

God of QAQ... She was wrong!


"What? You said that the characters in the supplement of the annual special issue of "Wei Feng" have changed?!" A clear male voice suddenly rang out in the spacious dance practice room. The cat's eyes widened in astonishment.

Hearing the young man's voice raised suddenly, the other three young men who were still practicing dancing in the mirror on the whole wall looked at each other, and then walked over helplessly, surrounding the young man with long golden hair and broken hair. A boy with short black hair asked with concern: "Sichen, what happened?"

Yang Sichen ignored the black-haired boy, he stared closely at the short and fat assistant in front of him, and asked, "Who is it?" He said in a gloomy and cold tone, spitting out each word from his throat with gritted teeth.

The chunky middle-aged man swallowed nervously, couldn't help but raised his hand and wiped the bean-sized beads of sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, and said in a trembling voice: "It's changed to Cheng Hanfei from CX Entertainment. "

Hearing this, Yang Sichen's round eyes widened.

CX Entertainment... Cheng Hanfei... "Ling Shen"...

Throwing the white towel hanging around his neck to the ground, Yang Sichen gritted his teeth and shouted angrily—

"Lin! Tin!!!"

The mahogany door of the general manager's office on the 32nd floor of Tianyu was suddenly pushed open forcefully, and a boy wearing only a close-fitting black vest rushed in quickly. After quickly looking around with his peripheral vision to confirm that there was no one there, the boy rushed into the arms of the middle-aged man sitting in the black boss chair behind the mahogany table.

"Mr. Pan... You must teach that Lin Xi a lesson for me!" The young man raised his head obediently, and looked at Pan Lun with red eyes. There was still a trace of moisture in the round eyes, blinking, looking very pitiful.

Before Pan Lun could react, he heard Yang Sichen say in a hoarse voice: "They CX Entertainment is too much, I have already finished recording the interview, and they even let "Wei Feng" temporarily replace them!"

Pan Lun was stunned for a moment before he understood Yang Sichen's meaning. He asked in surprise, "You were replaced by "Weifeng"?"

Yang Sichen wrinkled his pretty face, nodded and said: "Yes, Cheng Hanfei from CX Entertainment has changed! Lin Xi must have done it! Mr. Pan, I met Lin Xi when I left "Weifeng", he is "Weifeng" "This year's special issue character!"

Hearing this, Pan Lun couldn't help opening his eyes wide, and a look of horror appeared on his handsome face. After a long while, he murmured to himself: "How could... this... how is it possible..."

When it was in his hands, it was still a vase that couldn't be held up, why did it come to CX Entertainment...

"Mr. Pan? Mr. Pan?" Yang Sichen yelled a few more words, bringing Pan Lun back to his thoughts.

Pan Lun gradually came to his senses, a sneer appeared on the corner of his thin and heartless lips. He stretched out his hand and pressed the boy into his arms again, and after a while he said, "It's okay. Isn't it just a small annual special issue of "Weifeng"? Tomorrow I will contact "Fashion Entertainment" and ask you to give it to them A magazine cover."

Upon hearing this, Yang Sichen was overjoyed. Before he had time to thank Pan Lun, he suddenly realized that the other party didn't seem to have mentioned teaching Lin Xi a lesson. That delicate and delicate face wrinkled, and his soft and boneless arms wrapped around Pan Lun's thick but slightly floppy waist, and he said in a charming and charming voice: "Mr. Pan, then... where is that Lin Xi?"

As soon as the words fell, Pan Lunying's thick eyebrows frowned suddenly. He broke away from Yang Sichen's embrace, his face became gloomy, and there was a hint of impatience in his tone: "Okay, okay, I will naturally deal with Lin Xi's matter. Now you go back and prepare the new album, don't always be careless Come to my office right away, you know?"

Without any preparation, he was suddenly pushed away like this. Yang Sichen was surprised for a moment, then he yelled again in a daze: "President Pan?"

Pan Lun waved his hand: "Okay, get out, I still have work to do."

Seeing the impatient appearance of the other party, a trace of hatred flashed across Yang Sichen's eyes, but there was a soft and flattering smile on his face, and he said softly: "Okay, I'm going to dance practice now. Mr. Pan, today I'll wait for you at the apartment tonight."

When Pan Lun heard this, the gloom on his face dissipated a little. He stretched out his hand and pinched Yang Sichen's upturned buttocks vigorously, the originally handsome and handsome face was completely destroyed by this lewd smile.

"Okay, I'll find you tonight."

Watching the young man close the mahogany gate, the relaxed smile on Pan Lun's face gradually disappeared.

He gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to take the white porcelain cup on the table to the ground, making a crisp sound of breaking.

Why didn't he want to get rid of Lin Xi's crawling stuff? It's just that I didn't expect that CX Entertainment would attach so much importance to that kid this time, making him miss repeatedly! Even at the board meeting last month, he was taught by his father and a group of directors that he couldn't even lift his head.

The corners of Pan Lun's mouth twitched a few times involuntarily, and his resolute eyes were slowly infected with strong hatred.

"Lin! Tin!"