There’s No God in Show Business

Chapter 73


The tall and thin figure of the young man was reflected on the huge glass window. He was dressed in simple and casual beige long-sleeved trousers, and he was quietly staring at the enchanting and charming white with his head down, silent.

The white rose in his hand still has a fishy earthy scent, permeating his nose, and the sharp thorns on the thick stems have been carefully picked out one by one. Lin Xi caressed the thin flower stalk, and his brows became tighter and tighter.

Uno... does he really know what this means

Involuntarily raising her hand, Lin Xi held that beautiful white rose above her head. Through the bright top light, he squinted his eyes and scanned the sudden gift carefully.

He still remembered the expression on that silent and handsome man when he stood in front of the door and solemnly said "I know", serious and dignified, without any intention of joking. It was that unchangeable attachment that left him stunned. When he came to his senses, he realized that he had... accepted the gift from the other party.

White Rose…

White Rose.

How could Uno be serious

As far as Lin Xi is concerned, he and Uno have only been together for a few months since they first met, how could he have such absurd thoughts? I'm afraid I'm thinking too much, perhaps Uno really doesn't know...

"I like men. 』

For some reason, the man's categorical and undeniable words suddenly echoed in his ears.

Lin Xi's elegant eyes widened suddenly, and the fingers holding the thin stems trembled slightly.

His brain suddenly emptied, and his eyes began to replay the last three months of getting along with the other party. From the extra care in the past few months, to now dragging the camera and unwilling to leave the group, could it be that...

There was silence in the room. After a long time, Lin Xi sighed softly, and finally admitted:

"He likes me."

Affirming this conclusion in his heart, Lin Xi's fingers holding the flower stalk gradually tightened, and a complicated look appeared in his light amber pupils. He looked at the white rose that involved too much seriously, and remained silent for a long time. When the moon was in the middle of the sky and the silver glow was all over the ground, Lin Xicai filled a glass with half a glass of water, and inserted the fresh and tender flower branches in it to prevent it from decaying quickly.

Tomorrow he has to get up early for filming, and Lin Xi doesn't have much time to think about this thunder-like problem. Forget about the entangled emotions and thoughts in his heart for the time being, he quickly changed his clothes, and planned to take a bath first before going to bed early.

Just as he stepped into the bathroom with his left foot, a strange question suddenly appeared in Lin Xi's mind—

How did Uno know... he likes white roses


In the next month or so, the entire crew of "Yin Ge Jue 2" entered a more intense and intensive high-intensity shooting period. When I was in City B Film and Television City, the whole crew had a high degree of integration. In addition to a few newly inserted characters, Lin Xi, Ye Yiyi and several main creators who starred in the first film all cooperated tacitly with the crew. Even Wu Zhen often feels that this mythical shooting speed is like going back to the time five years ago.

Sure enough, it was just like Lin Xi had replied to Director Wu's answer on the first day when he first came to Lotte Studios. Instead of the scheduled two-month shooting period, there were still ten days more, and the crew finished shooting all the shots. Even the shooting effect of some shots far exceeded Wu Zhen's expectations.

Probably because I was quite satisfied with the progress of the filming. I have always been as stingy as director Wu, but on the day of the filming, I waved my hand generously and generously asked the whole crew to go to Songyue Pavilion for a meal. When Lin Xi heard the news from Wang Fang, she was quite surprised.

Although Songyue Pavilion is not as famous as Yongshengju, it is also a famous five-star hotel in H City. "Ying Ge Jue 2" is one of the annual blockbusters heavily invested and sponsored by CX Entertainment. It is already a sign of deep pockets that the entire crew can stay in the Lotte Hotel. Unexpectedly, after the whole drama is finished, Wu Zhen still has the funds to invite everyone to have a good time

Although he thought it was funny, Lin Xi went to Songyue Pavilion with the whole crew.

Perhaps it was because they had learned the lesson of getting drunk in Lingyun Tower that day, or maybe it was because everyone knew how expensive the top table meal in Songyue Pavilion was, and the number of people persuading them to drink during the banquet was greatly reduced. By the time this group of ghosts and snake spirits and veterans of the rivers and lakes ate to their hearts' content, and walked out of Songyue Pavilion with their chubby bellies, most of them didn't even smell of alcohol on them.

Probably wanting revenge, Wang Fang rarely ignored the delicacies during the banquet, and tried his best to compete with Director Wu for wine. It's just that the result disappointed him, and the little fat man was drunk again by Director Wu, so he could only ask Xu Qi to help him walk back to the hotel.

Songyue Pavilion is on the west side of Lotte Film and Television City, walking back to Lotte Hotel is just enough to digest food. In the rustling evening breeze, it is also very interesting to appreciate the mountains and rivers in the south of the Yangtze River. Now that he had made up his mind to take a rest along the way, Lin Xi slowed down his pace, and gradually separated a certain distance from the large crew in front of him.

The night is as deep as water, and the moon is as bright as bright. Hearing the rustling sound of the leaves blown by the wind, it seemed that the whole person had calmed down. Anything that bothers and annoys can no longer disturb Lin Xi's state of mind.

After walking only a hundred meters alone, a soft female voice suddenly sounded beside Lin Xi.

"Lin Xi."

Hearing this, Lin Xi subconsciously turned his head to look. I saw Ye Yiyi holding her hands against her long curly hair that was blown away by the evening wind, while smiling charmingly, her eyes were crooked, looking at herself.

"Sister Ye. Why are you walking so slowly?"

"Aren't you too?"

There was no discussion, just like every rival scene in the past two months, the two looked at each other with a tacit understanding and smiled, walking side by side. The cool evening wind blows through the empty streets, and the chatter and laughter of the people walking in front can still be vaguely heard. It was transmitted through a short distance, so that Lin Xi felt that the atmosphere around him was a bit more peaceful.

"Thinking about it this way, it seems like we've only known each other for three months?" Ye Yiyi suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.

Lin Xi rolled his eyes, and immediately understood what the other party meant. From Yongshengju to now, it is indeed only about three months. He said, "Well, it should be almost three months."

The night wind gently caressed Ye Yiyi's cheeks, blowing up the light yellow long silk scarf around her neck, drawing a beautiful arc in the air. "When I first met you three months ago, I definitely didn't expect that one day we would walk here and talk like this."

Thinking of Ye Yiyi, who was brilliant and eye-catching at that time, with strong distrust of himself, but stubborn enough to want to reproduce the classic of "Ying Ge Jue". Lin Xi couldn't help chuckling, and said, "Thank you, Sister Ye, for giving me this opportunity to... be able to play the song of Chu in my mind."

With a gentle sigh from his throat, Ye Yiyi said in a low voice: "I should be the one who thanked you for letting me see that Chu Ge again." After a pause, slowly calming down the grief, Ye Yiyi smiled again He said: "Although I have filmed so many scenes over the years, "Ying Ge Jue" is the most important one in my heart. Bu Chuchu... is also the person I cherish the most."

Hearing the other party speak in such a nostalgic and sad tone, Lin Xi couldn't help turning his eyes, and seriously looked at the beautiful and outstanding woman beside him. Time did not dilute her beauty, but it gave her more charm and brilliance accumulated by time.

"Lin Xi, do you know that the ending of "Yin Ge Jue 2"...was originally a tragedy." Ye Yiyi said, "Bu Chuchu was poisoned by the poisonous Bi Hongzhu and died. The dead wife's body jumped down from the high cliff. But... this time I don't have the good luck of the first part, and what should die should be over."

Lin Xi was startled when he heard that, and couldn't help asking: "How could it be... this ending? I remember that when I got the audition draft three months ago, I had already seen the ending."

In "Yin Ge Jue 2", Chu Ge did not get the holy fruit from the leader of the Demon Cult. Holding Bu Chuchu with only three days left to live, he can only desperately want to go to hell with his beloved woman. But on the last day, when they returned to the wooden house in the valley where they lived in seclusion for five years, Chu Ge suddenly remembered what the leader of the Demon Cult had said—

All of this started because of that house number, and it should end because of it.

house number!

It turned out that at some time, the holy fruit had already been ground into powder by the leader of the Demon Cult, and it was secretly hidden in the house numbers of inner disciples of the Liancheng Sect. The sacred fruit that has been passed down for thousands of years is not as good as a saint who is willing to die for the devil's religion. This is the final disposition of people in the devil way, which is far higher than those righteous people who fight openly and secretly for the position of a martial arts leader.

Since then, Chu Ge also understood. Once you enter the rivers and lakes, there is no possibility of escape.

Although he lived in seclusion in the mountains with Bu Chuchu, he did not forget about the rivers and lakes. The rivers and lakes are so big, there is one less insignificant Chu Ge, but one mighty Liancheng Sect disciple is indispensable.

This is the rivers and lakes that "Yin Ge Jue 2" wants to show the audience, a place where black and white are in conflict and human nature is mottled.

"Actually, Director Wu and I got the script four months ago. At that time, the holy fruit had already been lost in the thousand-year inheritance, and there was no possibility of Bu Chuchu surviving. It's just this ending... I really can't accept it." Ye Yi Yi smiled wryly, and continued: "The reality is already so cruel, so in the movie, why can't Chu Ge and Bu Chuchu have a happy ending?"

Lin Xi immediately understood Ye Yiyi's meaning. Looking at this old friend whom he had known for many years, he sighed helplessly and said with a smile, "Sister Ye, I like the ending very much."

Hearing this, Ye Yiyi slowly curled her lips, showing a bright smile, and swept away the disappointment just now: "You think so too? When I said that I wanted to change the script, Director Wu still disagreed fiercely. He insisted that , since this is the last part of "Yin Ge Jue", this tragic ending can become a classic and an eternal topic."

Lin Xi nodded in agreement: "Yes. If it is incomplete, it will be more memorable."

Ye Yiyi smiled and shook her head: "That's why I brought this matter to Chu Jinjie." After a pause, she added: "You just joined CX Entertainment, so you may not have met Chu Jinjie. He He is the president of the Chu Group and the highest boss of CX Entertainment."

Lin Xi slightly hooked the corners of his lips, showing an imperceptible faint smile, and said, "Well, I know."

Others don't know Chu Jinjie, but he definitely knows it. A few years ago, he had made a move and punched this noble and proud man. Presumably, that should be the first time the other party has been attacked like this.

"It seems that Ji Chengshu has taught you a lot."

Lin Xi didn't deny it, but nodded with a smile on his face.

"The matter of changing the script has been troubled by Chu Jinjie. After half a month, he pressured Wu Zhen to change the script. Fortunately, the revised script made Wu Zhen feel more satisfied, otherwise the old man would not know what to do. When will I be so angry?" Ye Yiyi joked while recalling.

Listening to Ye Yiyi's words, Lin Xi couldn't help laughing: "The result is good. If the script is really not satisfactory, I think Mr. Wu will not agree to adopt it."

Ye Yiyi suddenly said: "Indeed, I'm going to be self-willed this time." There was an inexplicable sense of loneliness in the soft voice, and the low tone made Lin Xi couldn't help turning her head to look at her. This glance made Lin Xi stunned in place.

Ye Yiyi raised her head halfway, looking at the bright moonlight in the sky, her red lips were half drawn, but raised a bitter arc. The smile was dim, and he said as if mocking himself: "Because I can't do it, so... I just want Chu Ge and Bu Chuchu to have a perfect ending."

The steps under his feet suddenly froze, and Lin Xi froze in place, watching Ye Yiyi walk forward step by step with his eyes wide open. After walking a few steps, she seemed to have noticed Lin Xi's pause, Ye Yiyi turned her head strangely, looked at Lin Xi and asked, "Why don't you leave?"

Her throat suddenly choked up, and Lin Xi was stunned for a long time before slowly recovering. He quickly cleared up the surprised expression on his face, but fortunately, the night was hazy, with a distance of several meters, Ye Yiyi didn't notice the abnormality in his expression just now.

"No... nothing, I seem to have stepped on something just now."

After this interruption, Ye Yiyi has returned to his original posture of talking and laughing freely. Seeing Lin Xi's stupefied look, she joked with a smile: "Could it be that you stepped on dog shit?"

"...No, no."

"Hehe, you are really funny, Lin Xiaoqiu!" The wind at night gradually picked up a bit, and the temperature gradually cooled down. Ye Yiyi pulled the silk scarf around her neck and wrapped it in several layers, but she didn't notice that Lin Xi was looking at her. The complex and strange eyes.

The moonlight is gentle, and the landscape trees on both sides of the road are moved by the wind, swaying and swinging. Lin Xi stared at Ye Yiyi for a long time with dignified and deep eyes, and then slowly looked away.

After walking for so long, no matter how slow the pace is, Lin Xi has already seen the neon lights of the Lotte Hotel not far away. Along the way, the two also talked about "Ying Ge Jue 2", and occasionally heard Ye Yiyi talking about Ji Chengshu and CX Entertainment. But basically, it was Ye Yiyi who occasionally talked about it, and Lin Xi responded with a few words.

If you say, when Uno suddenly gave him a white rose more than half a month ago, his mood was complicated and entangled with a strange joy. So... The fact that Ye Yiyi likes Qi Wenyuan is definitely a difficult problem that he can only avoid and cannot answer.

The two walked up the three stairs of the hotel in unison, Lin Xi took a few steps back and let Ye Yiyi push open the revolving glass door first and enter the hotel. Through a clean glass door, Lin Xi looked at Ye Yiyi's back solemnly. Her figure was slim and charming, but it made people feel strangely thin.

Lin Xi sighed heavily in his heart, opened his mouth to say something, but finally found that he had nothing to say.


The next morning, most of the crew had already checked out and left the hotel. Lin Xi packed her things, and just before she got into the white nanny car when she went downstairs, she saw Xu Qi stepping forward and said with a light smile, "Today, there are only two of us going to the airport. , he should have already boarded the plane."

Lin Xi nodded: "Well, he said it last night." Looking thoughtfully at Xu Qi in a gray suit, Lin Xi's eyes were deep. When the little fat man knocked on his door in the middle of the night last night, he was still a little surprised. He didn't expect Xu Qi to hand over this task to Wang Fang.

Although in the film "Dark War", he is only a small supporting role, so he does not need to participate in the promotional activities. However, a movie promotional event that could impact this year's Celestial Awards, let Wang Fang handle and participate. I don't know if it is Xu Qi's affirmative encouragement to the little fat man, or a merciless blow.

Lin Xi got into the car, a quiet smile slowly rose on his lips.

No matter what the purpose is, this is not a bad thing for Wang Fang.

"The next two days I'm going to the Rot Country to shoot posters and photos for ZP's Asian endorsement counter. How are you getting ready?" Xu Qi asked as he turned around from the passenger seat and sorted out the materials in his hand.

"no problem."

After getting an affirmative answer, Xu Qi didn't ask any more questions. After nodding, he turned on the computer and sent some information.

In the quiet carriage, without Wang Fang's teasing and making noise as a buffer, neither Lin Xi nor Xu Qi spoke again. The mild sunlight shone into the car through the dark brown window stickers, which had already dissipated most of the heat, but Lin Xi squinted his eyes, feeling that it was very glaring.

Rotten country... It seems to be closer to the country of America.

I haven't contacted him for nearly a month. I don't know that person. Now... what are you doing

Thinking of something suddenly, Lin Xi couldn't help laughing a few times because of his worry.

It should be late at night in the United States. Apart from rest, Uno must not be able to do anything else, right? Really think too much.

At this time, half of the world is far away from the bull market in the United States, and the city's bright and extravagant neon lights illuminate half of the sky scarlet and bright. Even in the middle of the night, the spacious streets are still full of traffic.

A tall, handsome man walked quickly through the corridor with a dignified expression, and walked into a large and beautiful office. Without stopping for a moment, he slapped the stack of documents in his hand on the large mahogany desk, frowning, and when he opened his mouth, there was a string of fluent British English, with the deep precipitation like an ancient nobleman: "Steven, this script cannot be changed!"

After a long time, the blond middle-aged man sitting behind the desk gradually came back to his senses. He stood up, walked around the large desk and walked to Uno, spread his hands helplessly and said: "Oh, Mantes, don't be so stubborn. Our "X Storm" will be released in three months, there is no There's no time to find another beautiful Chinese killer. You know, Zhu... Zhu Qing has no schedule. Oh shit, you Chinese people's names are so hard to pronounce."

There was a long silence, the only sound in the huge office was the ticking of the clock.

I don't know how long it took, Uno suddenly raised his dark eyes, looked at the blond fat man quietly, and said, "I have a candidate." After a pause, he added: "He should, right now There is a schedule."