There’s No God in Show Business

Chapter 74


The sky was blue, with rolling clouds. It is quite different from the name of the fog city a hundred years ago. At this time, the capital of the rotten country is more like a beautiful and quiet resort on earth. The old and distinctive red telephone booths on the side of the road, and the golden maple leaves falling in the wind on the street all make people feel refreshed and calm.

ZP specially sent a car to pick up Lin Xi and Xu Qi from the airport to the headquarters. After the two spent most of the day shooting the photos and posters, they returned to the arranged hotel to check in, and waited for the next afternoon before taking the flight to leave. One is because I have just arrived in the rot country for a day, and the journey is exhausting, so I need to take a rest. The second is to prevent any problems with the bottom photos taken, so that they can be re-shot.

Just as Lin Xi got off the back seat of the black Infiniti and before he entered the hotel, he heard Xu Qi sigh and said in an apologetic tone: "Sorry Lin Xi, I didn't expect their ZP's attitude to be so tough. But this is indeed a We can't give up the good opportunity to open up the international market for you. Today's matter is because I haven't considered it thoughtfully enough."

Lin Xi was not moved when he heard the words. He walked into the revolving glass door and said with a smile: "You have been following Zhu Qing before, so you don't need to worry about this kind of thing. It should be said that my current status is too low to affect The strength is also small, so it caused you this kind of trouble."

After getting the room card from the hotel lobby, the two walked into the elevator in unison.

"Hey, as your agent, I'm not comprehensive enough. How about it, you have a good rest tonight, and I will communicate with ZP again."

Lin Xi smiled lightly and nodded, but didn't say anything else. He naturally knew that Xu Qi would not let this matter pass so easily, but based on what he guessed, ZP would not make any concessions either. Even if it is a concession, there will be no obvious change.

In other words, Lin Xi had guessed ZP's attitude today before he came.

It is not easy for Xu Qi to get an endorsement from ZP. This is also a great opportunity for Lin Xi to enter the international market. If he succeeds, what he will gain will be more than just an Asian endorsement. However, what Xu Qi didn't expect was that when they arrived at the ZP headquarters today to shoot endorsement posters, the other party's planning department staff gave them an overlord contract.

Unlike the Overlord contract that Shu Shan negotiated for Lin Xi from CX Entertainment, this contract is particularly harsh for Lin Xi—

ZP gave Lin Xi's Blue Poison Men's Perfume Asian endorsement for two years. During the two-year contract period, Lin Xi was not allowed to endorse any other male cosmetic products, and every three months had to change a new set of counters for ZP photo.

Seeing this kind of overlord contract, even Calm and Xu Qi was a little annoyed at the time, but Lin Xi stopped him before it happened. The group negotiated for a long time, and finally changed the contract time to one year before finalizing the plan. This result is already very generous for a rookie who has not debuted for a long time, has not had a masterpiece, and has never won an award.

But Xu Qi was very dissatisfied.

Standing by the English-style mahogany window, looking out through the tall curved glass, the sky has not yet darkened, and there are pedestrians hurrying to and fro on both sides of the street. Lin Xi stood quietly for a long time before drawing the curtains and turning to the bathroom. As soon as he set foot on this land, he and Xu Qi were picked up by ZP's people, and then there was a busy shooting, and there was no time to rest.

One year is still too short, Lin Xi doesn't care much about this treaty. He has this confidence that he can stand on a higher and bigger stage a year later, with more and better choices. But the current endorsement of ZP Blue Poison Asia is just a good stepping stone for him.

Not worth the trouble.

What Lin Xi didn't know was that in the next room separated by only one wall, Xu Qi didn't rest even though he was suffering from a headache due to jet lag. With a dignified expression, he made one call after another, discussing and discussing with the person on the phone in a clear, calm and calm manner.

A thick layer of European-style beige printed curtains blocked the scenery outside the window. The setting sun gradually sank and the sky gradually dimmed.

At the same time, the headquarters of ZP Wudu.

In order to protect historical buildings, the Rotten Kingdom did not demolish ancient urban buildings like the Tian X Dynasty. Most of the buildings in the central city of Wudu have a history of more than a hundred years. Unlike other luxury high-rise buildings, ZP's headquarters is also set up in three consecutive four-story red-tiled buildings.

"Oh! Chu, it's been a pleasure communicating with you. Do you have time to have dinner together tonight? I've reserved a table on the top floor of Gelang." A head of beautiful blond hair was neatly done with a hair mask, and the handsome man started from a lenient He walked out from behind his desk and said to the man sitting on the black sofa with a smile.

Chu Jinjie was wearing a black suit, with a straight figure, and smiled with the corners of her lips curled up, "Carol, since you have already reserved a seat, of course I won't refuse."

"Okay, then let's go now."

Carlo took his coat from the hanger, and the two of them hadn't reached the door together when they saw the brown nanmu door suddenly being pushed open. A man in a suit walked in quickly from the door, and came in front of Carlo. He first nodded politely to Chu Jinjie at the side as a greeting, and then said to Carlo, "Mr. Want to see a picture now?"

Carlo frowned when he heard this, and said, "I have something to do with Chu tonight, let's see tomorrow."

The man was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "But the other party is leaving the Rotten Kingdom tomorrow, do you really have no time to watch today?"

Before Carlo could speak again, Chu Jinjie raised his eyebrows lightly, and said, "Look first, it won't be a while." After a pause, he turned his head to look at the anxious man again, and asked: "Asian endorsement? Who is it?"

The man naturally knew the identity of the handsome and indifferent man in front of him, and the spokesperson's information was not particularly confidential, so he replied directly: "Mr. Chu, that man seems to be called... Xi Lin, by the way, use Tian X In Korean dialect, it’s the Lin family.”

The pronunciation was not standard, and it was difficult to pronounce a weird "tin" tone, but a figure appeared in Chu Jinjie's mind instantly. Although it was because of some special reasons that he deliberately got to know the other party, perhaps it was because of the other party's outstanding external conditions, or because of the special relationship with Shu Shan and the other party, Chu Geun had an unexpected impression of Lin Xi. profound.

He turned to look at Carlo, and said indifferently: "It seems that the Asian endorsement of your blue poison perfume seems to be looking for an artist under my banner."

When Carlo heard this, he was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. He laughed a few times, and then said: "It's actually an artist under Chu you? Then let's finish watching before leaving. Gray, you now Just go and take photos…”

"Mr. Carlo! I have something very important to discuss with you! The condition of this department Lin is very good, and the shooting effect is also very good. I think we should let each other..." Before Carlo finished speaking, he saw A man wearing a black photography hat suddenly pushed the door in and said hastily.

When Gray saw the person coming, his face immediately turned down, and he scolded in a low voice: "Jack, why did you come here suddenly? The photos have been taken, your task has been completed, and this endorsement has been..."

"Grey, I can't just watch you let go of a good seed like this!" Jack interrupted Gray's words, then turned his head to look at Carlo who was confused, and said, "Sir, it's like this, today The Xie Lin who came to take the endorsement photos, I think his performance is very outstanding, and it fits our ZP image very well. Since the other party is not well-known in Asia at present, Gray only gave him a Blue Poison endorsement, but I think… "

"Jack! You also know that Lin is not very well-known in Asia. I only give him Blue Poison's endorsement because I value the other party's potential ability and external conditions. This is already a very good opportunity for him! Gray snorted coldly, interrupting Jack's words.

When Jack heard this, his whole face flushed with anxiety: "But his external conditions and camera sense are very good, and men with his image are very popular in Asia at present. It is rare for us to match our ZP style. We... "

"He's still a rookie, there's nothing he can do..."

"With the strength that Xi Lin showed me today, even in the cover model world, he can go very far!"

"Oh no, Jack, he's not a model, so..."

"Okay, okay, if you keep arguing, I don't need to look at the photos anymore." Carlo saw the two people arguing in full swing, and immediately interrupted: "Although our ZP endorsement is very good at personal ability and image, It’s very important, but a certain amount of fame and status is also crucial. Just listen to Gray, Jack, don’t argue any longer. At worst, after the contract is over, we will renew the contract with the other party and change the endorsement contract.”

"Okay sir, I'll show you the photos right now!" Gray immediately took out a square hard drive from the folder in his hand, walked to the computer and started to play the photos.

Jack blushed and wanted to say something more, but since Carlo had already reached a conclusion, he had no reason to fight for Lin Xi any longer. Jack sighed secretly, feeling annoyed that such a good seed had been lost.

At this time, Chu Jinjie suddenly raised her eyes and glanced at Jack who was full of disappointment, the corners of her thin lips curled slightly, and said, "Since I am an artist under my banner, I naturally have to say a few words for Lin Xi. "As soon as the words fell to the ground, Carlo, Gray, and Jack all looked at Chu Jinjie, each with puzzled expressions, not quite understanding what the other party wanted to express.

Carlo said: "Chu, although we have a very harmonious discussion on network publicity and management technology, as for our ZP product endorsement, I'm afraid..." The implication is that he will not change because of Chu Jinjie's persuasion. From my own point of view, because Lin Xi is an artist under Chu Jinjie's banner, I will not open the back door for the other party.

Chu Jinjie naturally understood what he meant. Turning his dark eyes slightly, his eyes swept to Gray who was about to open the photo. Chu Jinjie let out a low laugh and said, "Carol, how about we make a bet?"

"Huh? What?"

"In the next two days, you will put Lin Xi's endorsement photos on the major counters in Asia. Let's take a gamble on the sales of Blue Poison perfume in the next week. If it increases by more than 30% in the same period, I will win. On the contrary , you win. The bet is... the percentage of this contract."

When Carlo heard this, he was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. He said with a strange expression: "Chu, you have great confidence in that Lin. We have known each other for so long, and I don't want to cheat you. To be honest, this bet is not good for you."

But Chu Jinjie shook her head with a faint smile, and said, "No, Carlo, you don't understand. As far as I know, Lin Xi has already created many incredible miracles."

Seeing Chu Jinjie's appearance, Nakaluo no longer refused. For this bet that is almost a sure win, he is quite happy to see it come true.

"Okay, then let's take a gamble! I just hope that when the time comes...don't cry too badly, haha."

Chu Jinjie just smiled and shook her head, but did not refute anything. He moved his gaze to the white screen on the opposite wall, waiting for the photo to be played. Following Gray's movements, a photo suddenly appeared on the screen, which instantly stopped Carlo's laughter.

In the spacious and beautiful office, there were no other sounds. Only the click and click of the mouse clicked, echoing from place to place. The sky outside the window gradually darkened, and the lights were not turned on in the office because of the need to watch the photos on the big screen, and it was shrouded in silent darkness.

After all the photos were played, Carlo sat in the 360° revolving panoramic restaurant on the top floor of Grand, sighed a few times, and finally put the sterling silver knife and fork in his hand gently on the white porcelain plate. He looked up to the opposite side of the dining table, and saw that Chu Jinjie was eating calmly, with elegant posture and decent manners.

"Oh, Chu. Why do I feel... I seem to have been tricked by you? Or, how about our bet being voided before the photo at the counter is changed?"

Chu Jinjie raised her head and glanced at Carlo lightly, without saying anything, but Carlo felt the hairs all over her body stand on end. Reluctantly raising his hands, Carlo surrendered and said, "Okay, okay, just pretend I didn't say anything. Hmph, maybe you lost!"

Chu Jinjie let out a low laugh and said, "Then we... wait and see."

In the afternoon of the next day, Lin Xi and Xu Qi took a plane and flew back to Tian X Dynasty, which was half a world away.

The whole night of arguing with ZP had no effect, Xu Qi kept flipping through the thin contracts along the way, his face was so serious that it was about to drip water. On the contrary, Lin Xi seemed much calmer, and signed autographs for the stewardess and some fans on the plane, and there was nothing else to do.

Just facing the sun, looking out through the small porthole, you can see cotton-like clouds covering the field of vision, and occasionally there are a few gaps in the middle, and you can see a little bit of the colorful earth. The high-level sky is a clear blue that can cleanse the soul, it is pure and beautiful, making Lin Xi feel at ease when he looks at it, but after a long time, he falls into a dreamland.

What he didn't know was that during the eight-hour voyage, a new set of photos had been replaced on the bottom left of the homepage of ZP Asia's official website. Just put it on for less than five hours, and the number of hits on the entire webpage soared by two figures!

If this was just the beginning that shocked ZP, then from the next day, the soaring sales of Blue Poison completely stunned them! The sales volume of major counters in Asia has increased by 10%. For three or four days in a row, ZP counters can be seen in many department stores crowded by crazy customers.

Mostly women.

From teenage girls to women in their thirties and forties.

Once, a customer who was wandering around the cosmetics counter on the basement floor of DFS stopped a little girl who had just snapped up three bottles of ZP perfume in surprise, and asked strangely if ZP was on sale recently, or was there any special event. What I got was that the other party asked in confusion: "Eh? Is there a special price? Why didn't I know."

"Then why are you all rushing to buy ZP's perfume? I remember that this blue poison seems to be a men's perfume."

Hearing this, the little girl turned around and glanced at the ZP counter, which was still crowded with people, and then said with a smile: "Seeing if there is no one at this counter, just look at this poster! We must buy it too! Besides, man What's the matter with the perfume, you can give it to my boyfriend... Cough, prepare it for the future boyfriend!"

As the little girl walked away, she murmured softly: "I'm wearing the same perfume as my fairy, I'm a little excited just thinking about it! Hmph, what's the matter with men's perfume, I just want to wear it..."

A customer: "..."

ZP has always been rich and powerful. Even in the DFS cosmetics area where there are many luxury goods, it also has a large counter covering an area of about 80 square meters in a conspicuous position in the center. At this time, a newly posted poster is being illuminated with 12 white spotlights on a wall 2 meters high and 1 meter wide at the eye-catching position facing customers in front of the counter.

Just one glance can make people stunned in place.

It was a handsome man with outstanding appearance, with tall phoenix eyes, clear nose, and fair skin that was almost transparent, but no one would mistake him for a woman. His gaze was cold, perhaps because of the lighting problem, for some reason there was a deep blue in the light amber eyes.

There was no expression on his delicate face, and he just sat quietly on the crystal transparent throne, with one foot on stilts, his body leaned back, and a tall and sharp ice crown was slanted on his head. It seems to be looking at you, and it seems to be despising everything in the world with ruthless eyes.

Between the fingers of his left hand, he gently held a bottle of 100ML ZP blue poison perfume. The transparent liquid and dark blue square bottle shone like diamonds under the light. But at this time, it is lingering between the slender and beautiful fingers, which makes people feel that it is a beautiful contrast that transcends time and complements each other.

"The charm of blue, the passion of poison."

This is the initial publicity theme of Blue Poison Perfume in the Tian X Dynasty market. And at this moment, in the lower right corner of the poster with a dark blue background, another sentence has been written in sleek and graceful cursive characters——

"The devil's kiss, the blue poison is affectionate."

Devil... This is not enough to describe the outstanding and eye-catching man on the screen. He is a demon, and he is the lord of demons sitting on top of all things. Just an indifferent look in his eyes is enough to take one's soul and make one's heart startled!

Looking at this exquisite poster, the customers passing by just swallowed their saliva involuntarily. When he came back to his senses, he realized... There was already an extra box of blue poison perfume in his hand.


This storm sweeping through department stores has not stopped, not only in China, but also in island countries, baseball countries, and even the entire Asian region. In 2015, it has become a new wind vane for the entire fashion and luxury industry. Men's fragrances, which have always been a little behind, seem to have risen since then, and have begun to crazily seize market share.

The most shocking thing is the online sales of ZP blue poison perfume.

In just five days, it soared by 40%. At the beginning of 2015, it made a perfect start.

That night, Li Rongrong closed the door of her room, took the fragile package that she had just received from the courier, and carefully carried it back to her room. She couldn't wait to open the package, and then quickly took out the small dark blue bottle of perfume.

"Huh, half a month's salary..."

Li Rongrong excitedly sprayed a little on the back of her hand, and quickly, a rich and elegant fragrance like velvet filled the air. It is like the most deadly poison, inducing and confusing the simple world, using the whisper of the devil to pull the pure souls into the abyss.

"Ah... so happy..."

With half a month's salary in hand, Li Rongrong closed her eyes happily, and began to imagine the scene of going to work in the company next day, spraying the same smell as a fairy.

Oh, that picture is too beautiful to imagine!

In today's high-tech era of rapid information dissemination, it took only two days for the blue poison fragrance mist that swept across Asia to reach Europe, where ZP's headquarters is located. Gray looked at the messages that kept appearing on the official website, his face gradually turned blue—

"Oh who the hell is this spokesperson! God, he is really a devil!"

"I really want to see this beautiful demon at the ZP counter in Paris. PS: The poster at the Paris counter has not been changed for a year!!!"

"He seems to be a Chinese, who knows his name?!"

"Hahahaha, Gray, do you know how much Blue Poison's sales in Asia have increased in the past seven days?"

Gray closed the laptop in front of him, looked coldly at Jack who was rolling backwards and forwards with laughter, and said with a sneer, "I knew it this morning, 28%. How about it, it's still not more than 30%!"

But Jack waved his hand, looked at Gray with sympathy, and said, "Oh no, Gray. Yours is just the counter sales data. Did you know that after adding the online sales data, the total sales increased by 34%?"


Oh shit!

Gray covered his face with his hands.

He could already imagine what kind of expression Mr. Carlo would use today to ask him a "gentle" question at the meeting!