There’s No God in Show Business

Chapter 80


Occupying about half of the building's 60th floor by himself, Steven is clearly a man who enjoys it.

Walking through the long corridor, before taking a few steps, Lin Xi turned a corner behind Steven, and quickly entered this astonishingly spacious office.

"So, you want to do most of the action yourself?"

Steven made a detour and walked behind the desk, opened the drawer on the first floor and took out a thin CD, then raised his head and said: "Lin, actually you don't have many dangerous scenes, but I saw you From the previous materials and movie clips, you seem to have never acted in any gun action scenes, can you handle it well?"

Lin Xi couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard this: "Steven, are you talking about "Dark War"?"

"That's right, although you played a... killer in it, compared with our "X Storm", the action scenes are still too few." Holding the thin CD, he walked in front of Lin Xi again, Steven said. He crossed Uno's side, but he didn't even leave the corner of his eye to him.

Uno didn't care about Steven's intentional neglect of his behavior, he turned around and walked nearly ten meters to the coffee-colored wallpaper. I don't know what to press on the wall with my hand, only to hear a "rumbling" sound suddenly sounded in the empty office.

Just as Lin Xi was about to answer Steven's question, he suddenly heard this weird sound.

He immediately turned to look at the source of the sound on the east wall in surprise, and saw that the very decorative small fountain at the foot of the room suddenly stopped spraying water. It turned downwards, and after a while, a super-large blue light display screen rose from the ground. At the same time, the white alloy walls are stacked one by one from both sides of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, blocking all the bright city lights outside the windows.


"Mantes! Who allowed you to touch my baby!!!" Steven yelled out his throat.

On the other hand, Uno raised his eyes indifferently, glanced at Steven coldly, and asked, "You took the movie CD of "X Storm", didn't you just want to show it to Lin Xi?"

Steven let out a cold snort from his nose: "Don't worry about it." While talking, he walked to the high-definition player that rose together, and put the thin CD into it.

After pressing the play button, Steven turned his head and said to Lin Xi: "Lin, have you heard about Geer from Mantes?"

Lin Xi nodded: "Yes."

"Well, although Geer has always had a bad record, no one would have thought that he would do such a thing." Steven said while debugging the player, but there was no sympathy or regret in his tone: "But after all, Geer Er is a popular male star in the United States, and our local Asian-looking male stars are also more or less related to him, so it is difficult for us to find new actors in our country. Of course, after seeing your clips, I am very satisfied with you and happy to work with you."

Lin Xi immediately understood, he smiled and hooked his lips: "I am also deeply honored."

To get the opportunity to cooperate with Steven, besides Uno's recommendation, these reasons mentioned by the other party are also very important factors. There are not many Asian male stars in the United States, and most of them are also acquainted with Geer. Although the reason is a bit real, it is really unreasonable to steal Geer's role in this way.

Steven said: "During the period when Mantes went to Tian X Dynasty, I asked the post editor to edit the scenes related to Geer in advance. You can watch it first, and it can also be used as a reference."

Lin Xi was taken aback when he heard this.

He had never encountered this kind of thing like listening to a demo song... However, it was also a special experience.

The lights in the entire room were turned off in an instant, only the high-definition player in the center of the room emitted a beam of bright light, shooting towards the display screen that almost covered the entire wall. The dust in the air was flying around under the light, and the whole room was peaceful, only the faint breathing of the three people could be heard.

Lin Xi leaned back, leaning half against the large mahogany desk. After a while, Uno walked over from the door, the two of them looked at each other, and then turned their heads to look at the flashing screen.

On the blue light display screen, a handsome man in a long black trench coat was walking briskly in the dark night. His steps were fast, and his straight brows were furrowed, as if there was a scourge behind him. After walking for a while, he turned a corner and walked into a remote alley without looking back, only to lose track in the blink of an eye.

The scene turned to a small hotel that looked crowded and dirty in an instant. A middle-aged man with red curly hair was cleaning the glass on the bar counter. There was no one in the small shop, and suddenly there was a crisp sound of wind chimes, and the red-haired man immediately looked up at the door of the shop: "Good evening, sir, what do you need?"

The man with a calm expression strode to the bar and lowered his voice: "I'm looking for Moore."

The red-haired man was obviously taken aback, with a mysterious smile on his lips, and said, "Sir, we don't have anyone named Moore here."

"I'm from the Ruhr area."

As soon as the voice fell, a slight "squeak" suddenly sounded from behind the bar. The wall of the bar counter filled with wine bottles was suddenly pushed away. The next second, an evil-looking man walked out quickly, raised his lips, and showed a dangerous smile: "I am Moore."

Geer was able to take the entire country by storm, and this gentle mixed-race face naturally played an absolute role. He is also of mixed race. Unlike Uno's handsome, handsome, quiet and introverted style, Geer is more inclined towards that kind of neutral beauty. Coupled with the very representative smirk on his lips, even Lin Xi felt that this was a unique capital.

The scene changed rapidly, the narrow hotel was shot into a sieve by laser bullets, and the red-haired man died tragically under the ruins. The handsome man who just thought he found a safe place can only embark on the road of escape together with Moore.

Like most Hollywood blockbusters, "X Storm" attracts the audience's attention with rich gun battles and drag racing shots, achieving intense and exciting visual effects. The escape of the actor Castor Bligh, played by Uno, is the main line, mixed with various factors such as sacrifice, humanity and betrayal.

The background of the movie takes place on the earth 50 years later. A plague without source launched from the world's largest ocean—the Pacific Ocean. It took only one year to completely defeat this human race that claims to be a high-tech civilization.

The source of infection is unknown, the mode of infection is unknown, and even the characteristics of each person's disease are different. Several island countries in the Pacific Ocean were the first to suffer, followed by the United States, Canada, and China on the edge of the ocean. There is no similarity between the infected objects. A strong young man may even fall to the ground and die on the spot, while an old man who is nearly a hundred years old may live a long and healthy life.

In such a blind and selective plague, the government machinery only survived for ten years before quickly collapsing. At the same time, some human beings who survived the disaster have established the "World's No. 1 Organization" as an elite, and began to rule the world with their powerful armed forces.

Humans are an extremely adaptable species.

On the surface, it seems that a new system has been found, and only hundreds of millions of human beings are left to barely survive under the leadership of this high-pressure armed organization. Everything seems to have returned to the tranquility before the disaster.

However, at a depth of 100 meters underground, the last elite researchers from governments around the world still did not give up on studying this weird plague that changed human society. They didn't care about the government's collapse, nor did they care about the arrogance of the "world's number one organization" on the ground, because they knew—

The plague never stops.

Nearly fifteen years have passed, and the humans on the ground have basically gotten used to the oppressive mechanized life. And the underground researchers have also made breakthroughs—

They discovered the X gene at the end of human chromosome 22.

In the day and night research, they realized the extraction of the gene stock solution for the first time, and purified the reagents used by the X gene for three people. Among them, Custer, who was the core researcher, voluntarily sacrificed and became the first person to try to inject the X gene purification reagent.

Just when he had just finished the injection and hadn't even shown the specific effect, the "World's No. 1 Organization" led an army to break through this mysterious research institute. Almost none of the remaining researchers of the government had any armed forces. When they were discovered by the army, the only thing waiting for them was a rout without resistance.

Only Custer, with the help of the first successful X reagent, obtained superhuman physical functions. Under nearly a thousand elite armed forces, he watched his colleagues who had been with him for many years die tragically under the laser shells, and he had to escape alone.

With the last two X reagents in his arms, Custer embarked on the road of revenge against the "world's first organization" and saving human beings under violent oppression.

Among them, the Moore that Lin Xi needs to play is the first partner Custer finds.

Moore, the biological younger brother of Castor's most important friend in the Underground Research Institute. Although they haven't seen each other for fifteen years, the two brothers have always been in touch. The research institute that has lost the support of the government has almost no contact with the humans on the ground except Moore, so Custer can hardly find the power to help him.

And when he found Moore, he hoped to hand over the second X reagent to the other party, and the two would fight against the "world's number one organization" together.

But what Custer didn't know was that the real Moore had been captured by the "World's First Organization" a week before the institute was breached. It was also under forcible torture that Moore confessed the location of the institute, which led to the demise of the institute.

Therefore, Moore at this time...has been replaced by the ace killer in the organization.

Custer, who has acquired superhuman functions, has extremely fast reflexes, and all aspects of his body have surpassed the limits of human beings. Even the most powerful electromagnetic guns cannot kill him. Therefore, the "World's No. 1 Organization" sent out killers, trying to gain Custer's trust first, and then try to seize the remaining two tubes of X reagent.

On the large blue-ray display screen, a fierce and supposedly disparate battle is going on.

Not caring about innocent pedestrians at all, the "World's First Organization", which represents the highest human force on the ground, rampantly fired mine cannons on the road. With every sound of the cannon, a whole mass of black heads fell down. In the bloody ground, only Custer, who had been injected with Agent X, was able to dodge back and forth.

Even though he was injected with the X reagent and gained superhuman strength, Custer knew nothing about firearms and combat skills. Fight against the enemy.

On the other side, there was Moore, who kept switching firearms and was agile in the ruins. Every shot of the handsome dark-haired man hits the heart, and even the most primitive of firearms can be used with uncanny effect.

"Lin, actually, I don't really care about your acting skills. To be honest, Geer's acting skills can only be indecent in the whole Hollywood." Steven spread his hands and said unceremoniously.

As soon as the words fell, Moore on the screen quickly found an empty car that was idle on the side of the road, pried open the door lock a few times, drove the car quickly, and took Castor to rush through the hail of bullets.

"But I saw that you didn't have too many fighting scenes in "Dark War", so... are you capable of such an action scene?"

There was the rumbling sound of shells in his ears, and Lin Xi looked at Steven upon hearing this. I saw that the fat blond man was looking at himself seriously, not joking at all.

"Steven, actually, although this is the first time I've filmed a Hollywood action scene, I can only say that what Geer is performing now is really full of loopholes in my eyes." Lin slightly hooked his lips. Tin said lightly.

Steven was taken aback when he heard the words, and said with a strange expression: "Although Geer's acting skills are not good, he has made many commercial action films in Hollywood." The implication is that he does not agree with Lin Xi's statement.

After hearing this, the smile on Lin Xi's lips became stronger. Just as he was about to explain to Steven, his eyes suddenly fell into a pair of deep black eyes. Lin Xi was slightly taken aback, and Uno closed his eyes, opened his lips and said, "Only in terms of the quality of the movie, Geer's performance has passed."

Steven also agreed after hearing the words: "I asked Geer to NG nine times for this scene before I finally chose it."

Lin Xi smiled slightly: "Steven, I didn't question your director's level. It's just that no one can be perfect, even you, it is impossible to make every expression, movement, and performance of every character into a perfect one. All figured out and guided to the details." After a pause, he added: "As a director, you have directed this film to a world-class level, but... unfortunately, Geer did not reach the level of a world-class actor .”

Lin Xi reached for the remote control on the table and replayed the video. When he found Geer's close-up scene, he said with a smile: "If it is the real Moore now, even if he has been struggling at the bottom of the dark society for more than ten years, it is impossible to calmly face the 'world number one'. An organization's absolute armed force."

Steven was taken aback, nodded and said, "Yes, you are right."

Lin Xi shook his head and chuckled: "This is what the actor should figure out. It's a pity that Geer didn't do it." Then, he raised his finger to the display screen, and saw that the beautiful man on the screen accurately shot a man. An officer of the organization, his face did not change, his expression was calm.

"I think what Geer thinks must be: as the ace killer of the 'world's number one organization', facing this kind of armed force, he must not have a trace of fear, and he will be perfect. But I don't I think so." Putting down the remote control in his hand, Lin Xi continued: "I studied the script carefully on the plane before. After this fierce street fight, Moore must have been injured on purpose, so he completely got the card. Custer’s trust. This shows that Moore actually consciously knows that he should use this hunt to win Custer’s trust.”

Just a little mention, Steven opened his sunken eyes wide and exclaimed: "So... when facing the organization's pursuit, Moore should show some panic and fear instead of being so calm and calm? "

Lin Xi smiled softly: "Yes. Because from the beginning to the end, Moore was acting in a scene, a scene purely for Custer to confide in himself. As an excellent killer, he should have this acting skill, Make yourself more perfect."

As soon as the voice fell to the ground, no one spoke again. The whole room was silent. After an unknown amount of time, Steven sighed in failure and said, "This is my mistake."

Seeing this, Lin Xi was just about to speak, when Uno licked his lips slightly, and shook his head with a low smile: "Steven, it wasn't your mistake, it was Geer's mistake. This small detail won't affect the whole movie. Moore is just a supporting role, and you don't need to figure out too much about the character's psychology." Even amid the roaring shells, the deep and hoarse male voice was very clear: "If I remember correctly, the reason why this scene was NG Nine times, it's because you think Geer behaved wrong?"

Hearing this, Lin Xi looked at Steven in surprise, only to see the latter laugh heartily: "Haha, sure enough, everyone sees characters from different angles." After speaking, Steven turned his head to look at Lin Xi, The fat flesh on his face was squeezed into a ball, and the only decent glasses were squeezed into a tiny slit.

"Lin, I believe you can take my "X Storm" to a new level. But... I'm still worried about your action scenes, you know, you people in the X dynasty have always been... "

"Steven, it seems that Mantes didn't tell you. A new movie I starred in just wrapped up last month. It's... a martial arts action movie from the X dynasty." A confident arc was drawn on the lips, Lin Xi said in a flat tone.

These words sounded to Steven's ears, but it was like thunder on the ground: "Eh?! Tian X Chao Kung Fu?! Don't you know how to do Kung Fu, Lin?!"

Lin Xi chuckled without hesitation: "A little bit of punching is not a problem."

Since entering the showbiz eleven years ago, Lin Xi has filmed many martial arts scenes. From ancient costume martial arts movies to modern kung fu movies, no matter how innocent a person is, he will definitely know a little kung fu after more than ten years. There may still be some problems with defeating the enemy, but with the help of post-production, making a kung fu movie is basically not a problem.

"Hahahaha, Mantes, you didn't tell me about this! You are too much!" The words meant condemnation, but Steven's face was filled with an excited smile, and he kept chanting He said: "You can actually add Tian X Dynasty Kungfu! Lin, you are really suitable for the role of Moore! Before, I always thought that Geer had nothing to do with our role except for that face. I didn't expect Lin How lucky you are to be able to kung fu. I…”

While chattering, Steven excitedly clenched his fists and waved them in the air, as if deliberately trying to imitate the kung fu superstars who were smash hits at Hollywood House in the last century. But this kind of nondescript action looked so funny that Lin Xi couldn't help but chuckle.

Uno lowered his eyes and stared quietly at the handsome young man beside him. After a while, he suddenly asked, "Kung Fu in Heaven X Dynasty?" His tone seemed very flat, and he was just narrating a simple fact, but Lin Xi heard an inexplicable sense of teasing.

He raised his delicate and beautiful phoenix eyes, glanced lightly at Uno up and down, slowly raised his fist, and said with a smile, "Would you like to try it?" As he spoke, he shook his clenched fist, Pretending to be intimidating.

Uno was just stunned for a while, then his dark eyes were suddenly bent, and he showed a faint smile without any concealment. There was a low laugh in his throat, and he quickly covered it up.

Seeing this, Lin Xi raised an eyebrow, and the next second, without any warning, he punched the opponent in the chest.

In just an instant, a beautiful and slender hand met the sudden punch.

Holding Lin Xi's tightly clenched fist, Uno raised his eyebrows and joked: "It seems... my Tian X Dynasty kung fu is not bad."

Lin Xi: "..."

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows covered by white alloy walls, the bustling and lively night in the United States has just arrived. Most of the sky is illuminated by the neon lights of the city into a luxurious and eye-catching crimson. Occasionally, there are flashes of silver light flashing across the sky, but they are not bright stars, but planes that do not sleep at night.

Amidst the rushing traffic, a seemingly ordinary black Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle drove steadily across the Brooklyn Bridge, turned a corner and headed east.

In the spacious and comfortable compartment, there are no dome lights. The flickering lights of the city shine into the car through the dark brown window stickers, and you can barely see the graceful chins and bright eyes of the two people in the back seat.

"Steven looks very happy." An elegant and magnetic male voice suddenly sounded in the quiet carriage, his tone seemed flat, but there was a hint of imperceptible pride: "It's because of you."

Lin Xi was slightly surprised when he heard the words, and then understood what the other party meant. He said with a smile: "It is my honor to meet Steven and work with him."

Uno shook his head lightly, and said, "Even in Hollywood, there are very few actors like you who understand the script word for word. This is Steven's luck."

"There is an old saying in the Tian Dynasty: Stupid birds fly first, and diligence can make up for their clumsiness." A smiling voice suddenly sounded, and Lin Xi tilted his head to look at the handsome and noble man beside him, and then said: "Although you didn't grow up in the Tian X Dynasty since you were young." , but I think you should also know this sentence.”

Uno was taken aback when he heard the words, he opened his mouth slightly, but didn't make a sound.

It happened to be in the bustling downtown area, and the dazzling lights on both sides of the road illuminated the whole street as brightly as day. The extremely penetrating light passes through the dark brown window stickers, illuminating the entire compartment brightly.

Uno stared blankly at the young man's elegant and composed smile, slowly closed his lips, and did not speak again.

After an unknown amount of time, this usually indifferent and calm man suddenly sighed softly, and sighed in a low voice: "I believe that one day, you will definitely stand on that stage."

Lin Xi was stunned for a while when he heard the words, then smiled, and asked, "The place you have already climbed to the top?"

Uno lowered his eyes, shook his head slightly, but did not answer.

…is that, where I need to look up.