There’s No God in Show Business

Chapter 90


On this quiet and peaceful winter night, nothing seemed to have changed, and it seemed that something was unexpected and went in an unknown direction. In the towering cx artist apartment building, most of the rooms are vacant and unoccupied, and a few houses have also become a desolate black hole due to the owner's notice from other places.

Even at 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, you can still overlook the city's brilliant night scene. The entire vicinity of the cx apartment is a high-end residential area, which is out of place in the distance, and the entire block is shrouded in a peaceful darkness. Only a window on the 16th floor of the cx apartment was brightly lit.

In the blink of an eye, the only light that illuminated the darkness suddenly went dark.

After a while, Lin Xi stepped out of the elevator, and stood quietly in front of the thick mahogany door, the dim yellow light cast his shadow on the door frame. Probably due to the excellent sound insulation performance of the building, only Lin Xi's shallow breathing sounded from time to time in the entire corridor, and there was no movement inside the door.

After hesitating for a long time, Lin Xi finally raised his hand and rang the doorbell.

His hand was still on the doorbell and did not move away, only to hear a "wow-", and the tall mahogany door was suddenly pulled open.

Seeing the other party suddenly, Lin Xi was taken aback, and the words he had prepared were stuck in his throat again.

The two just stared at each other like this, no one spoke, and even the air froze in an eerie silence. Lin Xi's lips moved slightly, she wanted to speak but didn't know how to speak. Suddenly, his gaze caught sight of the pitch-black house behind the man, Lin Xi was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously asked, "Did you turn on the light?"

The young man's melodious voice echoed in the empty corridor, and Uno's pupils vibrated slightly, and he immediately replied: "I don't... Do you want to drive?" The voice was very hoarse and deep, as if he had been thirsty for many days and hadn't drunk a drop of water .

Hearing the other party's hoarse voice, Lin Xi was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head to look at the handsome and elegant man. After a long time, he suddenly clenched his fists, lowered his head, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry."

Under the bright and clear moonlight, the lights of the city slowly dimmed, and a few scattered stars dotted the sky, as if signaling a clear tomorrow. Under the night, the lights of the only house on the top floor of the cx apartment suddenly turned on, and the heating was blown in the room, dispelling the cold air.

Holding a cup of warm boiled water, the scorching heat penetrated from the thin glass, warming Lin Xi's cold hands. Fortunately, warm air was blowing from all directions in the room, and after a short wait, Lin Xi felt his whole body was warmed up.

Putting the water glass in his hand on the small glass tea table, Lin Xi asked, "It's very late today, are you going to rest the next day?"

Uno nodded and said, "Yes. You haven't slept so late, and you haven't announced tomorrow?"

Lin Xi responded softly, and didn't speak any more.

The room fell into an embarrassing silence, the clock on the wall was ticking, only the whirring heating sound broke the silent atmosphere. After an unknown amount of time, Lin Xi lowered her eyes, and said first, "I originally planned to just ring the doorbell. If... you fell asleep, then we will talk about it tomorrow."

Uno lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "I've been standing by the door." After a pause, he sighed again, and added, "Wait for your knock."

Lin Xi was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked reflexively, "Then what if I haven't come all this time?"

The silent silence had already revealed the other party's answer, and Lin Xi's fingers slowly tightened. With a sigh from his throat, he suddenly pursed his lips, and looked helplessly at the taciturn and indifferent man opposite him.

"Uno, I was wrong about this matter. I shouldn't have disbelieved you, and I shouldn't have given you a chance to explain. Of course, your concealment really made me very angry, but... I thought about it for a long time, and you actually didn't Nothing wrong."

Hearing the unexpected words, Uno raised his head and stared closely at the smiling young man.

"If at that time, you told me directly that you knew my identity, then I... I'm afraid I would just deny the facts and alienate you." After a pause, a bitter smile appeared on his lips, "Just like you said, I have been the one who has been deceiving from beginning to end."

Hearing this, Uno's phoenix eyes froze slightly, he immediately shook his head and said, "That's not what I meant."

"No. You don't need to take it back now, because...these are facts." As if he had suddenly cut himself open, Lin Xi's exquisite eyebrows and eyes slowly stretched, and the curvature of his lips also raised a bit: "Uno , I want to tell you frankly now, in fact, I have misunderstood you a lot before, and I also have a little bit of jealousy that I have to admit."

High-wattage white lights shone down from the ceiling, reflecting Uno's elegant mixed-race facial features a bit more deeply. He quietly listened to the young man's words without interrupting.

"But now, I want to make a promise with you." Tilting his head slightly, Lin Xi said with a smile: "Now I'm Lin Xi, not Qi Wenyuan anymore. I don't know what you think of me in the past, But, from now on, the only one standing in front of you... is me."

Uno's cold eyes widened slightly. At this moment, whether it is the slight sound of the clock or the sound of heating, it has been annihilated in the air. In his ears, only the soft and refreshing voice of the young man sounded, shaking his heart every now and then.

"I don't want to know how you guessed my identity, and I don't want to know what kind of eyes you see me in." Lin Xi fixed his serious eyes on Uno, and said, "But , I believe in you. I believe in the white rose you gave me, and I also believe in the words you said on the streets of the United States. So... "

Lin Xi raised his head slightly, his black shattered hair rested on his full and fair forehead because of his movements.

"Let's make an agreement. From now on, you won't ask me about my past, and I won't doubt anything about you. When we are together, it is a new beginning."

The young man's smiling voice was still echoing in the room, but Uno's deep eyes became darker. His thin lips were slightly pursed, and he opened his lips and asked, "What about Pan Lun? He..."

"Uno." Lin Xi suddenly spoke, interrupting Uno's hasty voice.

Uno was taken aback for a moment, only to see a gentle smile on Lin Xiyili's face. Shaking his head, Lin Xi sighed and said, "Half a year ago, I thought the same way. I only thought about taking revenge on Pan Lun, and sometimes even in my dreams, I could recall his crazy and terrifying smile on the rooftop. .”

Under the shadow of the coffee table illuminated by the light, Uno's fingers tightened a little following Lin Xi's words, unnoticed by anyone.

"However... Later I understood. If you live just to get revenge on people like Pan Lun, it would really be a waste of your life. The life of Lin Xi and I should not only revolve around Pan Lun forever, but should … Standing in a more ambitious place, we should pursue dreams that have not been realized before.”

Lin Xi's voice fell, and the room fell into an indescribable silence.

After an unknown amount of time, Uno suddenly sighed softly, nodded and said, "I understand."

After getting an affirmative answer from the other party, the boulder that had been hanging in Lin Xi's heart since entering the door finally fell. He breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that even his heavy body was much lighter.

Standing up from the sofa suddenly, Lin Xi said: "Speaking of now, it's so late, and I seem to be a little hungry... Do you have any food here?"

Hearing the young man's smiling voice, Uno raised his head slowly, and gradually loosened his grip on the sofa.

"I just returned to China, and there is nothing in the apartment." After a pause, Uno stood up from the sofa, and said, "There is only a little plain noodles left in the refrigerator, but I remember you don't like it very much."

Lin Xi couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard the words, and asked back: "Even if I like it, would you do it?" As soon as the teasing words fell, Lin Xi added: "Go to my place and get some instant noodles, at least enough to fill you up. abdomen… "

"I will do it."

The conversation was suddenly interrupted, Lin Xi opened his eyes wide in surprise, looked at Uno, and asked, "You know?"

Uno nodded solemnly and calmly, and opened his lips: "I will."

"..." After a long silence, Lin Xi suddenly said: "Then you do it, I... want to eat."

In the post-modernist apartment, there are two steaming glasses on the coffee table in the center of the living room. At this time, the owners of the house gathered in the semi-open kitchen, concentrating on—

Stare at the bubbling pot of water.

Lin Xi didn't believe that Uno really had some cooking skills until he watched Uno put the plain noodles, vegetables, and eggs into the pot with his own hands. After drinking the last bit of noodle soup, Lin Xi satiated and wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue. As soon as he raised his head, he suddenly saw the handsome man on the other side of the dining table staring at him with lowered eyes for an unknown how long.

There are deep feelings like the sea in the deep eyes. Although there is no expression on the face, a small self is reflected in those dark pupils. Lin Xi suddenly felt a stagnation in his throat, and a warm current flowed through his whole body.

For some reason, the sad and helpless eyes of this man a few hours ago suddenly appeared in his mind. Lin Xi only felt as if a sharp thorn was poking her heart, and her heart throbbed with pain. But... he understood that the hurt he felt now was far less than... the words that this man suffered at that time.

The fingers clenched into fists, and the nails dug into the flesh. Lin Xi suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged Uno's thin waist.

"?" The action of cleaning up the dishes suddenly stopped, and Uno lowered his head in surprise, looking at the young man sitting on the chair and hugging him tightly.

"Uno... I'm sorry."

Uno's body froze suddenly. After a while, his cold and thin lips curled up slightly, he sighed and replied: "It's my fault."

On the far horizon in the east, a faint ray of dawn struggled to break through the dawn, illuminating the small half of the sky into a clean blue color. The full moon in the western sky did not set, and the moonlight outside the window was as bright as satin, and through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, it gently sprinkled into the spacious and beautiful room.

Uno reached out and gently put the young man's bare arm back under the quilt. After making sure that the young man had not been woken up by him, he carefully put on his clothes and shoes, walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

With the faint sound of the lock tongue closing, Uno took out the mobile phone in his pocket, opened the address book and pressed a name.

After a long beep, an angry voice rang from the other end of the phone: "Six o'clock in the morning! You can always tell me what you are in a hurry, and this is the time to bother people, clear, and dream!!!"

Strolling to the small balcony farthest from the bedroom, Uno closed the sliding glass door and said, "Zhao Xian, I have something for you to do."

"What's the matter with you, you can't call me two hours late!!!" Although there was still a tinge of anger in the voice, it was no longer vague from the beginning, and it was obvious that the other party had lost a trace of drowsiness.

Uno raised his head, his eyes fixed on the far southwest direction, his pupils were not in focus, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

"I promised Yang Sichen yesterday that I will send him abroad safely. You arrange the earliest flight today and send him to the United States." After a pause, Uno added: "I will provide him with 30 million from my account."

"!" Suddenly the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from the phone, and after a while, Zhao Xian's suddenly raised voice came through the sound hole: "Thirty million!!! Are you always doing good deeds?! What is the relationship between that Yang Sichen and you, you want to give him so much money?"

With dark eyes closed, Uno said in a low voice, "You don't need to worry about this." There was a trace of unquestionable affirmation in his tone.

Hearing that Uno didn't answer what he meant, Zhao Xian didn't ask any more questions, but fortunately it wasn't his own money, and even if the other party wanted to throw it in the water, he... would pick it up. With a light cough, Zhao Xian got up from under the bed and said, "Okay, I will reply to you at noon today. Is there anything else?"

Uno raised his head and put his palm on the clean and bright floor-to-ceiling glass. The icy cold air outside passed through the window, making his warm palm gradually lose its temperature. Thin lips pursed slightly, and Uno said in a low voice: "I asked you to investigate...the matter of Qi Wenyuan's fall from the building, you don't need to investigate any more."

After hearing this, Zhao Xian froze suddenly when he picked up the clothes from the ground. In the next second, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he asked, "Don't check anymore?!"


Hearing the short affirmative voice from the other party on the phone, Zhao Xian frowned and asked seriously, "Uno, what happened?"

In the early morning, the mild morning sun rises from the horizon, officially illuminating this sleepy land with brilliant but not glaring sunlight. Moving his cold right hand away from the cold glass, Uno lowered his eyes and opened his lips: "It's nothing. don't have to worry about it."

Even though he had eaten another turtle, Zhao Xian did not simply ignore it like in the past: "What happened?"

"Zhao Xian, you asked me a question before, and I think I have the answer now."

Unaware that the other party didn't answer his question, Zhao Xian was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously asked, "What's the question?"

Withdrawing his gaze from the far southwest, Uno turned around and raised his eyes, looking at the tightly closed door a distance away from the living room. There was a faint smile on his lips unknowingly, and Uno said softly: "If one day, I have the opportunity to tell Qi Wenyuan what the astronomical telescope on the attic of the Blue Mountain Villa is for all these years, I will not will tell him."

Zhao Xian was startled when he heard the words: "I asked this question?"

Uno narrowed his phoenix eyes: "You asked."

"..." Zhao Xian scratched his head, and simply stopped recalling: "Okay, then will you tell him?"

There was an imperceptible smile on his handsome face like a work of art, Uno quietly looked at the closed door, as if he could see through the wall the young man who was soundly asleep.

As if muttering to himself, Uno sighed softly, "I won't."

Suddenly getting an unexpected answer, Zhao Xian exclaimed: "Eh?! Why?"

"Because, I don't want him to feel... owed."

"Eh?! I owe you?! What do you mean, aren't you with Lin Xi now? Why are you still thinking about Qi Wenyuan? Uno, I didn't mean you, you really can't let Lin Xi know about this. If Let people know, they may not know what they will do with you... "

Hanging up the phone abruptly, the chattering sound suddenly stopped, and the spacious and tidy room instantly regained its original calm.

Uno turned around slowly, his gaze froze in the southwest direction. His dark and cold eyes shrank suddenly, but after a while, he turned his eyes away and never looked there again. Gently opened the glass door, walked through the living room, walked to the door of the room and stopped.

He opened the door with the gentlest movement, and as the gap in the door gradually widened, the large white round bed fell into his sight. Looking at the handsome and delicate young man on the bed, Uno's originally cold and astonished eyes gradually softened.

to be able to look at you like this...

It has been the greatest luck in my life.