There’s No God in Show Business

Chapter 96


A semi-circular bright moon hangs high in the sky, surrounded by scattered stars that are almost hard to detect with the naked eye. The sky, which should have been dark and peaceful, was half red with the bustling neon lights of the city. Even in the middle of the night, the congested traffic on the road showed no signs of getting better.

The silver coupe with excellent performance is interspersed among the cars. From a distance, it looks like a stone falling into the ocean. It is so ordinary that it is difficult to attract the attention of others. The dark brown window stickers played the best protective role at this time, isolating the two men with extraordinary temperament in the carriage from the outside world.

On the passenger seat was a young man with a handsome face, with a hint of flush on his cheeks, which looked a little pink through his fair skin. He smacked his mouth from time to time, and occasionally frowned his delicate brows, as if he was having a complicated dream.

The vehicle was congested and unable to move forward. Fortunately, the handsome man in the driver's seat turned his eyes and stared at Lin Xilai in his sleep. The streetlight shone on Uno's face through the windshield, and the light stopped when his chin was level, and only the slightly raised corners of his lips could be seen.

After about two hours, the beautiful Jaguar Type-F passed through the majestic European-style iron gate of Blue Mountain and entered the villa area. After parking the car firmly in the garage, Uno gently carried the young man into the house.

Because of the inconvenient movements, the man who had always been obsessed with cleanliness didn't even take off his shoes this time, so he went straight through the hallway and entered the room, and gently placed Lin Xi on the big soft bed.

Suddenly touching the comfortable and warm thin quilt, the young man let out a satisfied murmur from his throat, then rolled around and fell back into a deep sleep.


Looking at the person in the middle of the big bed who wrapped himself like a silkworm chrysalis, Uno was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. The next step is to lightly fetch water and squeeze towels. Taking off the young man's shoes and coat, Uno carefully wiped Lin Xi's delicate face with his eyes lowered.

"Well... tonight it's me... I fuck you..."

Uno couldn't help laughing when he suddenly heard the young man's vague sleep talk. Feeling helpless, he soaked the towel in water, squeezed it dry, and wiped it carefully.

The hazy night lightly enveloped this quiet and peaceful room, and the dim yellow lamp at the head of the bed illuminated the surroundings of the round bed, forming a semicircular light circle. Under the light, Uno's tall nose formed a small shadow on one side of his cheek, and his facial features became more three-dimensional.

Outside the window, there is only the silence of the wind blowing, and the moonlight is like gauze, caressing the earth.

The night is deep, and the second day is not far away.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning entered the room through the tall windows, Lin Xi slowly woke up from his sleep. Probably because he didn't drink as much as before, but this time he felt very refreshed and his head didn't hurt too much.

He half propped up his body, and his eyes fell on the empty bed beside him. There were still slightly sunken marks on the pillow, but Uno didn't know where it went.

Stretching out her hands to mess up her hair a little more, Lin Xi got up and went into the bathroom in the bedroom to freshen up. He straightened his hair again with his hands, and walked out of the room. Just before going down the spiral staircase, I heard a suddenly high-pitched voice from the end of the corridor.

"Uno?" muttered to himself in a low voice, Lin Xi frowned suspiciously.

Lin Xi's footsteps froze for an instant, he turned around and walked along the corridor to the place where the sound came from. After walking through two or three rooms, I arrived at the door of the study. I saw that the mahogany door was half-covered and not closed, and at some point, a gap one finger wide opened.

Just as Lin Xi was about to reach out to push the door open, he suddenly heard a burst of unfamiliar but familiar words coming from the room.

Although it is a language that has never been involved, Lin Xi, who has been to Eisenach to film, knows that this obscure and rigorous language is German. The tongue-rolling voice seemed a little strange and unpleasant when spoken from other people's mouths, but paired with Uno's low-pitched and calm voice, it gave him a unique sense of elegance and nobility.

Stiff in mid-air without moving her hands, Lin Xi raised her eyes through the narrow crack of the door, and her eyes suddenly met Uno's. I don't know what Uno said on the other end of the phone, then hung up the phone in a hurry, and walked towards Lin Xi.

"Sorry, I accidentally heard your call." After a pause, Lin Xi smiled lightly and spread his hands: "I don't understand anyway, so you are not at a disadvantage. By the way, have you had breakfast yet?"

Uno closed his eyes and stared at Lin Xi quietly for a while.

Just when Lin Xi was about to ask in surprise, Uno suddenly sighed and said, "No, but it's ready."

"Okay, let's go downstairs to have breakfast together." Turning around, Lin Xi said with a smile.

The sound of pattering footsteps sounded on the steps of the stairs, but within ten minutes, the two sat at the dining table and began to eat. Uno has already prepared toast slices, cheese, butter, etc. It seems that it has just been baked out of the bread machine, and Lin Xi can still feel the aroma of warm bread.

"What's the announcement tonight?" Uno asked while smearing butter.

Lin Xi took a sip from the coffee cup rimmed with white porcelain, then raised his head and replied, "Tonight should be the first-day box office celebration of "Yin Ge Jue 2." After a pause, he added: "If the results are good, maybe Director Wu will treat you again. Are you coming?"

"It's not convenient for me to go."

Lin Xi immediately understood, he responded in a low voice and did not speak again.

The gentle and bright sunshine in the morning penetrates through the semicircular arch and reflects on the brown dining table. Just as Lin Xi picked up a piece of cheese and put it in the toast, he suddenly heard a deep voice from the opposite side: "Lin Xi, can you come back early tonight?"

Hearing this, Lin Xi couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, the moment yesterday, at this position, the promise that the person in front of him once made to himself appeared in his mind.

There was a tinge of joy in his heart that he didn't even notice, Lin Xi asked subconsciously: "Is there anything going on tonight?"

"Well. Maybe... I have something to discuss with you."

When his line of sight suddenly touched Uno's solemn expression with lightly closed phoenix eyes, Lin Xi's words that he was going to tease were drowned in his throat. He frowned and asked in a low voice, "What happened?"

"It's not conclusive yet, I think tonight... I should know."

Seeing that the other party seemed to have no intention of continuing, Lin Xi didn't ask any more questions. Although he looked at Uno's slightly serious face, he felt a little heavy in his heart, but since Uno was not in a hurry, it meant that the matter was not very serious.

"Do you have a headache? There is hangover medicine in the drawer." Uno said in a low voice while holding a thin cup handle.

"It's okay." Uno nodded lightly, his lips curled up slightly, revealing a faint smile.

The warm and quiet atmosphere like tea diffused in the small dining room. Holding the warm cup, Lin Xi just raised his head, and his eyes fell into a pair of deep black eyes like the sea. Startled for a moment, he came back to his senses.

"I didn't know you could drink so well." Rubbing the smooth glass wall lightly with her fingertips, Lin Xi said, "I remember that you didn't seem to drink much at the wrap-up banquet six years ago."

Uno was slightly taken aback, and replied: "Well. At that time... pour a glass of wine."

"... Can you still practice?"

Uno nodded calmly: "Yes."

"Please pay homage to the teacher!!!"



The national premiere of "Yin Ge Jue 2" was on a Sunday, and the weather was beautiful. During this period of time, the high-pressure air that was faintly suppressing the Chinese mainland gradually dissipated. The weather in city b is even more refreshing, the clouds are distributed in the clear blue sky, which makes people feel refreshed.

In front of the tall and majestic Daguang Film City, a girl wearing a pink scarf trotted over, panting heavily as she ran: "Hold... Sorry Wang Fang, I didn't expect the road to be so congested today. You must have been waiting for a long time." ?”

Wang Fang was wearing a brown jacket, and when he smiled, two small dimples appeared on his face. He shook his head violently, and immediately said: "No, Rongrong. It's only 8:57, I'm early. Let's go, let's go in and watch a movie." Wang Fang proudly shook the movie in his hand ticket.

Li Rongrong looped Wang Fang's arm naturally, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, you have a relationship to get the tickets. I heard that today's Da Guangming Studios tickets have already been sold out!"

Because of the girl's hearty and generous movements, two red clouds suddenly appeared on Wang Fang's cheeks, which were still a little baby fat. He nodded shyly and said, "After all, yesterday's premiere was held here, so tickets here are the hardest to buy."

The two stepped up the steps and squeezed into the crowded crowd.

"Where, you don't know that many people in other parts of the country are going to the cinema today. This first movie is the most worth watching. As far as I know, the girls in the group are just..."

Under this vast and clear sky, there was a wave of rushing for the first game in all parts of the Heavenly Dynasty. Naturally, Wang Fang didn't know the horror of these loyal movie fans, and even Li Rongrong underestimated the influence of "Yin Ge Jue" on movie fans. Coupled with the strong and effective publicity of the movie, it happened to be the premiere on the weekend, but it was enough to break the threshold of theaters across the country!

In the movie theater, there is the sound of swords roaring, joyful grievances and hatred, and the major public opinion fields are also surging and receiving rave reviews. Unlike many film critics and the media expected, the entire film will become a failure after the first one. In fact, after the grand premiere ceremony last night, many people were stunned in their seats and did not recover for a long time.

It is not like "Dark War" that makes people feel the helplessness of the world and the incompleteness of life, which finally arouses tears that touch the heart. Five years later, with the rapid development of science and technology, "Ying Ge Jue 2" adopts Hollywood's latest cg technology, with the help of imax screen, 3D rendering, and a huge cost to create the most realistic martial arts world for the audience.

Whether it's the icy wind whistling on the cliff, or the piercing through the air picking leaves into knives during a fight, it is the closeness and tension that oppresses the heart. This 2.5-hour movie really made all viewers feel——

What is the pinnacle of martial arts.

"The rivers and lakes are too big, there is no Chu Ge."

"Sighing the farewell horror song, but it makes the tourists ecstasy."

"At the beginning, there was a fire, which cut off the past that left all the way. White walls and black tiles, business travel is like weaving; loess is all over the sky, and camel bells are shaking. In the end, it all became a black and white silhouette of her life."

Just like the first film, Wu Zhen has a unique experience in creating a desolate and sad image of the world, which is difficult for ordinary people to touch. Every character with a distinctive image, whether it is Chu Ge or Bu Chuchu, is a part of the Jianghu, and they are all classic characters created by Wu Zhen to express martial arts.

When the familiar song "Introduction to Songs" at the end of the film sounded again, the film critics sitting in the audience were really touched and couldn't extricate themselves. It's not the destruction of the classics they thought, but... an indescribable alternative re-creation.

"Reshaping Classics, Citing Songs Never Ends"

"Lin Xi achieves a new generation of Chu songs, and the Wu family strikes again"

"Ye Yiyi's swan song before marriage, you have to watch the witch's first steps"

On the second day of the premiere, there was a shocking frenzy of movie viewing across the country, and various media reports and film reviews like snowflakes also appeared in major newspapers, magazines, and online communities.

When the Weibo topics #未搜欧诺#, #楚歌和初初初#, #今天你看看《引歌诀2》了了吗# reached the top ten trending topics with irresistible momentum, Wu Zhen immediately Lift the small hammer and smash the digital ice sculpture engraved with "120 million".

"Hahahaha, it broke 100 million on the first day!" Mr. Wu's bold and excited laughter echoed in the spacious lobby.

Numerous flashlights shone on the raised stage, and the continuous sound of shutters captured all the film's main creative personnel surrounding Wu Zhen.

"Director Wu, what do you think about the fact that "Ying Ge Jue 2" has surpassed "Dark War" by 30 million at the box office?" During the media interview, the reporter from stood up first and asked Wu Zhen a question.

Listening to the other party's rather controversial question, the old man raised his gray eyebrows and said with a smile, "My opinion is that the two together will exceed 200 million on the first day, haha."

The reporter was taken aback for a moment, completely unexpected that Wu Zhen would answer like this. Before he had time to ask any more questions, the reporter from "B City Daily" hurriedly stood up and asked, "Lin Xi, you have successfully nominated the Best Actor and Best Actor in the movie category for this year's Tian x Dynasty All Star Awards." Best Supporting Actor. In the history of the award, there has never been an actor who can win both awards at the same time. What do you think about this?"

Lin Xi looked at the short and thin male reporter in the audience, with an impeccable smile on his lips: "Whether it is Chu Ge or Mo Wei, they are very important characters in my heart. The words of the X Dynasty Star Award..." Putting it off, Lin Xi watched all the reporters prick up their ears and listened carefully to what he said.

The curvature of the lips couldn't help but raised a little more, Lin Xi said calmly: "I'm most fortunate that not both of them are male leads, otherwise... I really don't know how to distribute them."


A gust of cool wind blew, and everyone in the audience was petrified by Lin Xi's cold joke for a few seconds. But for a while, the reporters continued to invest in the bombardment of the film party by virtue of their strong psychological quality.

Until Lin Xi followed Wu Zhen and left the venue, the noisy voices behind him continued intermittently and did not stop, reaching his ears through a solid wall and half a corridor away.

"What a little demon girl, you actually slipped away alone today!" Wu Zhen snorted coldly, turned to look at Lin Xi, and said, "Xiao Lin, you performed well today, you are much better than the little demon girl, you deserve praise!"

Not all the production team of "Introduction to Songs 2" were present today. Because Ye Yiyi had to prepare for the engagement banquet in a few days, she let Director Wu go straight away. Probably because of the absence of the heroine, the media concentrated all their firepower on Wu Zhen and Lin Xi, exhausting them both.

One must know that most of the media's focus today is on Ye Yiyi, who is about to get engaged, and now that the main character is gone, so why not vent his anger

Listening to Wu Zhen's words, Lin Xi could only smile wryly and said, "Director Wu, if I'm getting engaged in a few days, I definitely won't come to this... hell scene."

Wu Zhen immediately raised his eyebrows when he heard the words: "Okay, Xiao Lin, you actually studied with the little demon girl?! Hmph, wait, which girl you marry in the future, don't think I'll give you a red envelope!"


The corners of Lin Xi's mouth twitched slightly for a moment, and he secretly thought: How can there be... Anyway, I won't be lucky to get married...

Since the film production team did not come in full, the celebration banquet on the first day of the film's premiere was moved by Wu Zhen to the day when the schedule ended. Only last night had hemorrhage in Yongshengju, Wu Zhen didn't intend to let his wallet suffer another torment.

So when Lin Xi returned to Blue Mountain, the moon had just risen and the sky was not completely dark yet. He just walked through the long garden path to the door, and before he raised his hand to press the password, the thick door was pulled open.

Lin Xi raised his head, and suddenly saw a tall and straight figure standing beside the door. His handsome figure blocked the small light blue light on the ceiling of the entrance. Because of the backlight, the expression on the face could not be seen clearly.

Smiling and pursing his lips, Lin Xi was just about to ask "Why are you here", when he suddenly heard Uno's hoarse and pleasant voice in the quiet and cool night—

"Lin Xi, do you know Raymond Chen?"