There’s No Such Thing as Love in a Swordsman’s Heart

Chapter 118: One thing falls one thing


Jiang Su frowned and thought, there are not many people in the world who need to meet the conditions mentioned by the head of the understanding sect, and if he adds the clue of the key to the invincible, all he can think of is that there is only one person left.

Jiang Su couldn't help his white eyes, he took a deep breath, somehow stabilized his emotions, then looked back at the head of the clear door, and asked, "Where are the others?"

The head of the clear door said: "Jiang Shaoxia, it may not be suitable for you and him to meet."

"Not suitable?" Jiang Su sneered and said, "You let that old man come out to see me."

Li Hanshan: "?"

The head of the clear door: "... Jiang Shaoxia, you can't be so rebellious."

"Isn't it right?" Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, "Just based on what he has done over the years, why did I scold him a few words?!"

Li Hanshan: "??"

"He is no longer in the world." The head of the sect master said, "And he has nothing to do with the past—"

Jiang Su: "I slap you, and then quit the rivers and lakes in situ, can you no longer hold me accountable?"

The head of the clear door: "Uh..."

He didn't know how to answer.

He looked at Jiang Su's eyes, and felt that Jiang Su was a person. If he answered yes, Jiang Su would probably slap him in the face, but if he answered no, then Jiang Su would definitely continue to pursue the question just now. If he didn't let it go, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. After hesitating for a long time, Jiang Su suddenly smiled at him and said, "Senior, if you want to persevere, it doesn't matter."

The sect master smiled awkwardly and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, I should give you the key first."

He thought that Jiang Su came here because of the invincible key. When the key is in hand, Jiang Su will naturally leave, and he doesn't have to be so entangled anymore. It's nice to think about being able to go back and shut him down again.

Jiang Su nodded, knowing that the head of the sect hurried back to the secret room in the back room to get the key, while Jiang Su and Li Hanshan were waiting outside, Li Hanshan couldn't help but ask: "Who is he talking about... Who is it?"

Jiang Su snorted, did not lower his voice to hide the resentment in his heart, and even raised his tone deliberately, saying, "Who else? Isn't he just an old man who ran away and dared not face the words of the rivers and lakes?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Seeing Jiang Su's annoyed expression, Li Hanshan finally understood who Jiang Su was scolding at this time.

In fact, he and Jiang Su had doubts at the beginning. It was rumored that Wen Qingting deliberately set a trap to deceive the leader of the demon sect, Xie Wudao. According to the transcript, these two have a very good relationship, and they are clearly a couple who are deeply in love.

It's just that all the speculations at that time were not confirmed, and in the end it was just the suspicion of the two of them, but today, after hearing the words of the head of the sect, everything is different.

For Jiang Su, Wen Qingting was the bastard who made his martial arts practice go astray, the root of all evil and the culprit, not to mention that he once sincerely worshipped and admired Wen Qingting. The collapse of this belief was more terrifying than anything else. Li Hanshan can understand Jiang Su's anger at the moment, he only hates his poor eloquence, otherwise, at this time, how can he help Jiang Su to scold a few words.

Li Hanshan could only nod his head.

Jiang Su scolded: "Senior Zhengdao? He will mislead the children!"

Li Hanshan nodded.

Jiang Su snorted coldly, and began to yin and yang strangely: "I have never seen such an old ruffian in Zhengdao, and the leader of the demon sect is more upright than him."

Li Hanshan continued to nod.

Jiang Su: "I'm still a shrinking turtle. I used to be afraid of rumors, but now I don't dare to come out and meet people."

Li Hanshan continued to nod.

But no matter what Jiang Su said, there was no movement around, so Wen Qingting might have admitted his death and refused to come out. Jiang Su also knew that even if Wen Qingting came out, he would have nothing to do with Wen Qingting.

For example, at this moment, he knew that Wen Qingting was nearby, but he couldn't detect where Wen Qingting was. Wen Qingting's martial arts should be higher than him, and he really had no chance of winning, so he could only vent his temper on words.

After a while, the head of the clear door came back with the key.

In addition to the Invincible key, he also brought back two swords. He smiled and said to Jiang Su: "Jiang Shaoxia, in addition to the key, that old friend also left a sword for you and Li Shaozhu."

Jiang Su brought the sword over, but when he started it, he felt that it was definitely a good sword that would be rare in thousands of years, far better than the unarmed sword that Wen Qingting left in the Zhishui Sword Sect. Among his hidden swords, few can compete with this sword.

He likes this sword very much. If it weren't for there being nothing here to try the sword for him, he would have gone out to practice with the sword, but... Jiang Su raised his eyebrows slightly, knowing that at this moment, he should never behave Out of love for this sword.

If Wen Qingting had planned to give him a sword, then he knew that the head of the sect would have told them when Jiang Su scolded others. How could it have been delayed until now? If he guessed correctly, it is only after Jiang Su scolded Wen Qingting that Wen Qingting felt ashamed and suddenly decided to make such compensation to Jiang Su.

That means-

At this moment, the sword that Wen Qingting gave him is likely to be Wen Qingting's own sword.

Jiang Su looked at the sword in his hand, and felt that his breath that had been held back for a long time seemed to have eased a little.

He thought that even for a bastard swordsman like Wen Qingting, carrying a sword with him is definitely an important thing, not to mention such a famous sword, just such compensation is not enough to completely relieve Jiang Su's mood, he With a cold snort, he put the key away, but put the sword on the table and said, "Am I missing this sword?"

Knowing that, the head of the sect could only laugh, and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, since he gave the sword to both of you, there is absolutely no reason to take it back. You should accept it."

Jiang Su was happy in his heart, but his face was cold, as if there was endless anger. He put away the sword under the persuasion of the head of the sect. Preparing to rest in the house, he sent Jiang Su away as if he were sending the god of plague. That appearance seemed to be extremely regretful for taking such a mess for the sake of the friendship of the old man.

And when Jiang Su arrived at the small courtyard prepared for him and Li Hanshan by the head of the understanding sect, he pulled Li Hanshan into his room, and then took a closer look at the two swords that Wen Qingting gave them, and he couldn't put it down.

Li Hanshan didn't understand the change in his reaction and wanted to ask him, but Jiang Su raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Anyway, my master knows that he has done something wrong."

He was still pissed.

After all, it was the goal in life that he had admired and admired greatly since he entered the book. He tried his best to achieve such achievements as Wen Qingting, and he also trusted Wen Qingting's records in every possible way, but in the end, who would have thought that he was too naive? Being deceived by Wen Qingting, this matter hit him as hard as his belief in life collapsed.

What has happened, everything is irreversible, and since Wen Qingting feels guilty and wants to make compensation for them, it is better to think of some ways to let this dog master make more compensation, so that he can understand what heartache is.

Jiang Su knew that if he acted dissatisfied with the sword, Wen Qingting would have sent other things over, so he put away the sword and made Li Hanshan just like him. When he went out tomorrow, he was not allowed to express his feelings for the new sword. I love it, and I still carry the same sword as before.

Li Hanshan agreed one by one. He wanted to sleep with Jiang Su, but Jiang Su was reluctant. After all, this was a clear door. He didn't want others to guess his relationship with Li Hanshan, nor did he want others to hear him and Li Hanshan. Li Hanshan's affectionate voice, not to mention that there may be Wen Qingting here, he doesn't want this person to make any fools.

Li Hanshan agreed with his grievance, went back to his room, slept in the middle of the night, and suddenly heard a noise outside the house, he suddenly woke up, got up in a hurry, and jumped outside the house, he saw Jiang Su also heard the sound, and the courtyard was empty, but the ground was empty. Put a wooden box.

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, picked up the wooden box and opened it, a book was stuffed in it, like a swordsman, before he read it carefully, he deliberately said: "This shouldn't be the fall of the disciple of the sect of knowledge. Is there a secret here?"

After saying this, he saw that there was still a note under the wooden box. Jiang Su unfolded the note, glanced at it, and saw that the handwriting on it was familiar, it was Wen Qingting's words at all, and the content was quite simple. He also pretended to be an expert outside the world, saying that he saw a little friend who was destined to give away a cheat book. Jiang Su couldn't help but roll his eyes. Too easy.

Wen Qingting seems to have studied the swordsmanship of the Zhishui Sword School and the Demon Sect. Taking the advantages of the two, he created another set of swordsmanship. .

Jiang Su turned a few pages, closed the sword manual, sneered, and said, "This is it?"

Li Hanshan did not dare to speak: "..."

Jiang Su: "No, no, no, no one really wrote such a bad swordsmanship, right?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su threw the sword manual back into the wooden box, and then threw the wooden box to Li Hanshan, saying, "You can keep it."

The contempt of the attitude really made Li Hanshan's hand shake when he took the box. He just glanced at the sword manual a few times and knew what it was, but he looked at Jiang Su's attitude and thought about what Jiang Su would do. Do... Li Hanshan also took the sword manual and said, "I think the move you told me last time is better than this sword manual."

Jiang Su didn't expect that Li Hanshan would actually follow his train of thought this time, nodded, yawned again, and said, "I'm sleepy, go back to sleep, it's really immoral to be disturbing my sleep in the middle of the night. "

Li Hanshan: "..."

The two of them went back to the house, but when Jiang Su turned to close the door, he caught a glimpse of the treetops of the big trees in the courtyard outside the house and trembled slightly. There was obviously someone on the treetops, and this person was probably Wen Qingting.

He thought that with Wen Qingting's martial arts, he should not have been able to discover it.

But now he not only found out, he could also see that Wen Qingting, whose eyes were higher than the self-confident genius, was emotionally excited by Jiang Su's words, if it wasn't for Wen Qingting's intention to hide his whereabouts at this time. , I'm afraid I'm about to rush down and confront Jiang Su for a showdown.

very nice.

Jiang Su was pleased to close the door, very satisfied.