There’s No Such Thing as Love in a Swordsman’s Heart

Chapter 127: dissipate


Jiang Su really didn't understand what was going on.

He looked at Sheng Hechen who was limp in a comfortable position on the ground, then silently raised his head and looked at the small medicine bottle in his hand.

This is an ordinary small white porcelain vase. There is no decoration on the outside of the porcelain vase. The whole body is snow-white.

Sheng Hechen said just now that this drug is the unfeeling pill of understanding, and it just so happens that Jiang Su has also heard of this thing.

This medicine is purely a piece of shit developed by the master of the sect. It is said that after taking it, all erotic desires can be cut off. However, after the eldest disciple of his sect tried the medicine, he would not go out, and the master of the sect also took the medicine. He hid it, and only said that he was worried about falling into the hands of people with bad intentions, but Jiang Su felt that the medicine had some major flaws. .

Now it seems that the defect of this medicine should be Sheng Hechen's reaction at this moment.

Jiang Su was still cautious, worried that Sheng Hechen might be deceiving him by acting, and after retracting his sword, he stood a little further away, then squatted down, looked at Sheng Hechen on the ground, and asked, "You don't want to enter the invincible?"

Sheng Hechen reluctantly thought about Jiang Su's question, then frowned, and said softly: "Ah, I still have to climb the mountain, it's too far, I don't want to go."

Jiang Su: "..."

Sheng Hechen silently turned over to himself again, lay lazily on his side, and said, "It's not interesting to lie down."

Jiang Su was silent for a long time, and then asked, "Don't you want the secrets of the invincible?"

Sheng Hechen: "Ah... The secret book... I still have to learn... I'm so tired of studying, I don't want to study."

Jiang Su: "The many magical weapons in the invincible days—"

Sheng Hechen: "Ah... weapons... have to move down the mountain... I'm so tired from work, I don't want to work."

Jiang Su: "...You don't want the money and treasures in it anymore?"

Sheng Hechen: "Ah... Money... I have to spend... I'm tired of spending money, I don't want to spend it."

Jiang Su was speechless.

Looking at Sheng Hechen's current state, he felt that Sheng Hechen should not have deliberately pretended to lie to him, so he had to get closer and asked Sheng Hechen again, "Then what do you want to do now?"

Sheng Hechen: "Lie down."

Jiang Su: "...other than that?"

Sheng Hechen: "In a daze."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su felt that Sheng Hechen was probably really useless.

This renunciation pill is said to have cut off all love and desires, and simply put an end to Sheng Hechen's original ambitions and desires. Now Sheng Hechen has almost lost all worldly desires, and he doesn't want to do anything except lying down, that is to say... Sheng Hechen would obviously not pose a threat to him anymore.

Jiang Su really didn't expect this matter to be solved in this way. For him, the only threat left at the moment is the countdown to the end of the system, and he hasn't figured out the second thing that must be dealt with with Li. What Han Shan did.

He couldn't help but sighed deeply, while he was worried that the efficacy of the Qingqing Pill would not last long. If Sheng Hechen suddenly returned to his original state, it would definitely threaten him again, so he walked over and sealed several acupoints for Sheng Hechen. Living in Sheng Hechen's martial arts, he expected that if Sheng Hechen returned to his original state, he would have to spend a lot of effort to clear the acupuncture point. Then he went to the nearby camp to find a few thick hemp ropes and a stronger tree, and wanted to tie Sheng Hechen. go up.

Sheng Hechen was still paralyzed, letting him operate without struggling. Jiang Su first tied him tightly, he just continued to be in a daze and let himself go, but waited until Jiang Su pulled him up and dragged him to the tree aside, to tie him to the When he was on the tree trunk, he had a slight other reaction.

"Can you not do this?" Sheng Hechen frowned, unable to resist, "I don't want to be tied up here."

Jiang Su's movement of tying the rope paused slightly, looked at Sheng Hechen, and asked, "Mr. Sheng, what do you mean?"

Sheng Hechen sighed deeply.

"Standing is so tiring." Sheng Hechen said, "I just want to lie down."

Jiang Su: "..."

Sheng Hechen sincerely asked: "Can you tie me to that stone and let me lie down?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Sheng Hechen: "To fulfill my little wish, I just want to lie down."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su did not hesitate to tie Sheng Hechen to the tree, only allowing Sheng Hechen's toes to barely touch the ground.

This posture is really tiring, but Jiang Su did it on purpose. Just now, Sheng Hechen tried to feed him this medicine. He is not a good person who can repay grievances with virtue, even if Sheng Hechen has become like this now , I don't want to target him anymore, and he can't easily make Sheng Hechen feel better.

He thought that with Sheng Hechen's temper, he would definitely be furious, but he didn't expect that Sheng Hechen just raised his eyelids lazily, muttered a "so tired", and then closed his eyes, as if he was closing his eyes to rest. It's more like... just fell asleep standing up.

Jiang Su was silent.

He really didn't expect a person to be lazy like this, standing or lying down. He even suspected that if no one took the initiative to feed Sheng Hechen, Sheng Hechen would probably starve to death like this.

Jiang Su frowned and pulled another bundle of ropes, tying Sheng Hechen even tighter.

Anyway, he had already offended Sheng Hechen thoroughly enough, so he might as well be more thorough.

After everything was done, Jiang Su got up and went to the river not far away to wash his face, and then turned back, thinking about what the other thing that the system said could be, while taking the way up the mountain to look outside the Tianshan Gate. look.

He has to make all preparations. If the time is about to end, Li Hanshan has not yet come here... He may consider opening this invincible door first, and take a look at the next system response. The time the task was performed.

It wasn't until Jiang Su walked outside the Gate of Victory Heaven that he realized that the movement just now had also seriously damaged the Heaven of Victory. Countless gravels were piled up outside the Gate of Heaven. When the stone is removed, he cannot use the key to open the sky.

But that's fine, at least during the few days he was waiting for Li Hanshan to arrive, he wouldn't be sitting around thinking about it all the time, at least he still had some things to do.

Lifting stones is indeed an unpleasant physical activity.

It took Jiang Su more than a day to clean up the place, but in the end he saw that there were only a few hours left. it is good.

Li Hanshan has not appeared for a long time. Jiang Su dare not wait in the guard camp at the foot of the mountain. He left a note in the camp, believing that Li Hanshan should be able to understand where he is now, and then reinforced the rope that tied Sheng Hechen. , Then he went up the mountain alone, and found a place to sit down outside the invincible sky.

He closed his eyes and meditated here first, but as the minutes passed, he became more and more uneasy.

After coming to this world, it was the first time that he was so at a loss, feeling that no matter what he did, he would never be able to restore the current situation. He said that he would never leave this place, and that even after leaving, he must He tried to get back, but in fact... he didn't know what to do.

Even if he was so anxious, time passed quickly.

When Jiang Su opened his eyes again, he happened to see a system prompt appearing in front of the literal.

"Warning: There is still a quarter of an hour before the punishment starts, please start the final mission in time."

Jiang Su remained motionless.

There was a quarter of an hour left, and he could wait another quarter of an hour.

In fact, it has come to this point, and he has no idea what he is still waiting for.

There is only so much time left, Li Hanshan may not be able to get here, and even if Li Hanshan can get here, he should have no way to save everything.

He looked in the invincible direction, always hoping that a familiar figure would appear there in the next second.

Even if the last sight is to say goodbye, to never see him again, he hopes that his last sight before leaving this world can be him.

But time is running out.

He took a deep breath and felt that he could wait any longer, or that at such a time, it didn't matter whether he was able to open or not.

Seeing that there were only a few minutes left, he slowly got up and walked to the gate of the invincible heaven, hoping in his heart that after he opened the invincible heaven, he could let him delay for a while, even if it was only a few minutes, he was reluctant to leave Here, people who are more reluctant to leave here.

The six keys were stuck into the stone gate one after another. Jiang Su watched the time in the system warning enter the countdown, and then he held the last key and pressed down lightly. He heard a rumbling sound from the stone gate and slowly opened it backwards. When the countdown stopped in front of him, it was switched to a line of words in an instant.

"Congratulations on your successful opening of the Chamber of Secrets"

"The final mission has been completed. If the red fate value is less than 100, after five minutes, you will leave this world."

Jiang Su: "..."

Fortunately, no matter what, he still delayed five minutes.

The gate of invincibility had been opened in front of him. The cave was dark and there were no lights inside. He couldn't see what was inside, and he didn't want to see what was going on inside.

He just stood at the door and turned to look behind him. After hesitating for a moment, he decided not to stay here, but turned and walked down the mountain quickly.

He thought, at this moment, any famous sword secrets in the secret room are no longer important to him.

He didn't care about those things, he just thought that if he went down the mountain quickly with light power and rushed towards the invincible world, maybe on the way, he could meet Li Hanshan.

Jiang Su descended from the sky, seeing the foot of Lingxi Mountain in front of him, and the time jumped to the last minute. He seemed to be drawn out for a moment, and his footsteps were weak for a while, so he had to barely hold on to the big tree and stop, but When he stretched out his hand, he suddenly realized that something was wrong with his body.

His fingertips seem to be fading. From his palm, he can see the outline of the cracked bark of the big tree. He is dissipating, so it seems that the system said that he will leave, which is to make him disappear directly. In this world, there is no trace.

He thought, this is not bad, at least Li Hanshan will not see another Jiang Su, just thinking about that scene, he couldn't help but feel full of jealousy in his heart.

Time to end.

He never imagined that everything would end at this moment.

Jiang Su slowly closed his eyes, but suddenly heard the neighing of the horse and someone shouting his name.

"Jiang Su!"

He opened his eyes at once.

Li Hanshan came on a horse.