There’s No Such Thing as Love in a Swordsman’s Heart

Chapter 55: Torrential rain


Li Hanshan actually agreed with Sun Lin's opinion.

He felt that Sun Lin was absolutely right, how could Jiang Su be so annoying.

He cares so much about other people's life events, but once it concerns himself, he seems to suddenly become dull and sluggish, and he is unaware of everything that is happening around him.

It's just that Li Hanshan obviously hates Sun Lin more than he is bored with Jiang Su's sluggishness.

These stinky assassins, every time they interrupt the alone time with Jiang Su, if it weren't for these bastards, he might have already kissed!

The more Li Hanshan thought about it, the more annoyed he felt in his heart, and now that this anger has turned into killing intent, he desperately wanted to capture these killers and slash them with a thousand swords.

Jiang Su was not in a hurry. He was still talking nonsense with Sun Lin, who was hiding behind the wall of fire in front of him, and said, "How can I be bothered by this? I care about you!"

Sun Lin gritted his teeth angrily: "What does it have to do with you if I have a daughter-in-law or not!"

Jiang Su was speechless: "How can you be so fierce when others care about you?"

Sun Lin: "Who wants you to care!"

Seeing that he rejected the topic of his daughter-in-law so much, Jiang Su felt a little puzzled for a while. He wanted to say a few more words. After all, there were not many top 100 people in Jianghu. He still has to work hard.

He was about to continue to persuade Sun Lin, but before he could speak, he suddenly realized something extremely important.

Wait, why did he forget!

After all, this is a world of sports literature with many people. Among the people who can be named in the book, there must be more people who like men than little girls. Sun Lin is now considered to have brushed his face in front of the protagonist, then he It's not the same as having a name in the plot of the original book, which is also equivalent to saying...

Isn't this Sun Lin also a broken sleeve

Jiang Su felt as if he had figured out the whole thing in an instant.

No wonder when he mentioned that he wanted to find a daughter-in-law for Sun Lin, then Sun Lin resisted and was so angry that he wanted to fight with him. It turned out that the most basic hardware didn't match!

But it doesn't matter. Duanxiu has a lot of matchmaking skills and is very experienced. Even if Sun Lin is a Duanxiu, he can help Sun Lin find a suitable... er... husband... husband

Jiang Su scratched his head. He was a little confused about what to call Duanxiu. This was a knowledge blind spot. Next time, if he had a chance, he should grab Fang Yuanluo and ask.

But now the matter is urgent, he has no time to think about it.

Jiang Su coughed, cleared his throat, and shouted at Sun Lin, who was in the same place, "Sun Lin! So you are a broken sleeve!"

Behind the distant wall of fire, Sun Lin was silent.

Li Hanshan was also silent.

what happened? Why did Jiang Su suddenly ask Sun Lin if he had broken his sleeve

After a while, Sun Lin's roar came from afar when he recovered from his composure. He nearly collapsed like a thunderbolt, and shouted, "Your motherfucker is a broken sleeve!!!"

"You don't have to worry too much, you have to be honest!" Jiang Su said, "I know a lot of broken sleeves! If you like it, I'll introduce it to you!"

Sun Lin: "Shut up my mother!!!"

Jiang Su sighed, and after thinking about it carefully, he only felt that he had pierced Sun Lin's fragile heart in front of so many people, which made Sun Lin a little annoyed.

Also, even in this kind of novel, not everyone can publicly admit that they like men, and he still mentioned this matter in front of so many people, so it seems normal that Sun Lin is angry at him.

It's just that Sun Lin couldn't have a good conversation with Jiang Su face to face. Jiang Su wanted to persuade him, so he could only shout at Sun Lin from a distance.

"Don't be shy!" Jiang Su shouted, "I can help you convince your parents!"

Sun Lin: "#¥... %@...!!!"

He was so angry that he couldn't choose what to say, and the insults were unbearable. Jiang Su couldn't help but be silent. He felt that Sun Lin's reaction didn't seem like he was ashamed, but it was like being stabbed in some kind of scale...

Wait, Jiang Su thinks he understands.

This Sun Lin, willing to give up his bright future, betrayed the right path, disregarded his life and reputation, and almost did everything for the person behind the scenes. If such actions are just for money, Jiang Su is really hard to believe.

But if it wasn't for money, what else could it be for

Jiang Su sighed in his heart.

So this is ah! No wonder Sun Lin started to get angry when he said he wanted to introduce someone to Sun Lin. Everyone should be angry if they changed it!

"I'm sorry, Sun Lin." Jiang Su suddenly realized, "I'm the one who blamed you."

Sun Lin's voice stopped over there, as if he never thought that Jiang Su would apologize to him. For a while, he didn't know what to say, but it wasn't long before Jiang Su took a breath and said again. sentence.

"It turns out that you betrayed the Wulin League for love." Jiang Su sighed, "Doing things for him regardless of gains and losses, willing to charge forward, just for this feeling, Sun Lin, I respect you as a man!"

Sun Lin: "...Are you sick?!"

But if that's the case, Sun Lin would be unable to persuade him to succeed.

He didn't even know who the troublemaker was, and he couldn't find a way to bring Sun Lin together with the person behind the scenes, right

Jiang Su sighed deeply.

That being the case, there is probably only one way left.

Breaking Sun Lin's leg, making his martial arts fall out of the top 100, and he can't come back. In this case, at least one spot can be vacated in the top 100, and the next person to enter is also a single young man.

At that moment, Jiang Su felt as if he had opened some magical door to the world. Isn't this a good way to get together? It doesn't matter if it's not the top 100, as long as the ranking is close, he can make them become the top 100!

Jiang Su's mind has been decided, and the current trouble is how to get out of this fire, and then rush to Sun Lin, break Sun Lin's legs, and let his martial arts fall out of the top 100 in the world.

Sun Lin and the others brought kerosene on the arrows, and they started to burn when they landed. It had rained here a few days ago, and the forest was still quite humid, but now the thick smoke is everywhere, causing people to cough, Jiang Su hesitated for a moment, I really didn't dare to rush into the thick smoke, so I had to retreat.

Anyway, there is no suitable candidate to match now. He can abolish Sun Lin's martial arts later. He believes that if he is not dead this time, Sun Lin will come back to him sooner or later.

Jiang Su and Li Hanshan had not retreated far before they saw the second round of rockets, which seemed to cut off their way, but this method was too simple for the two of them, and the arrow never hurt them.

He Zhufeng and Wu Qi had also seen the fire in their place, and they hurriedly brought people here, only to feel relieved when they saw that neither Li Hanshan nor Jiang Su was injured.

Jiang Su felt that it was no longer necessary to chase after Sun Lin, but Li Hanshan couldn't bear it.

Yes, there is no chance today, but if there is another next time, this Sun Lin dares to appear in front of him again, he will have to break Sun Lin's legs and let this bastard run around all day, which will ruin his good deeds. !

He was in a bad mood and didn't speak with a cold face. Jiang Su looked back at him a few times, but in the end he couldn't help but sighed and asked him, "What did you want to say to me?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

There are so many people around now, it is impossible for him to say what he just wanted to say here, and it is even more impossible for Jiang Su to kiss Jiang Su after saying those words. Of course, he can only frown and forcefully pull out some other words. When things came, he said, "I forgot."

Jiang Su: "Oh..."

Seeing him like this, Jiang Su didn't ask any more questions. He was only slightly distressed and sighed a few times. Then he turned to look at He Lingcheng and explained to him the whole story of the assassination.

Sun Lin came for the key to him and the invincible, but repeatedly caused Li Hanshan to be in danger with him. Fortunately, He Lingcheng didn't blame him, he just said: "You can't stay here any longer, I order them to clean up first, Then move as soon as possible."

He hurriedly returned to the place where the Demon Cult was stationed and ordered everyone to pack up, but Jiang Su was hesitant and unwilling to set out with them.

He Lingcheng didn't know what he wanted to do, and was about to ask, but Jiang Su had already opened his mouth and said, "Deputy Ambassador He, in the next few days, you will go first, I will follow, and we will meet again when we reach the Demon Sect."

He Lingcheng raised his eyebrows and asked back, "Since we are on the same road, why should we divide the order?"

In fact, he also understands what Jiang Su is thinking. It is nothing more than worrying that it will involve them and cause them trouble. Those assassins may not be able to hurt Jiang Su, but these followers of the Demon Sect do not have such powerful martial arts. If the two sides fight against each other. Come, if you don't keep it together, someone will get hurt.

In the past, Jiang Su would not have cared about whether the disciples of the Demon Sect were injured, but now it is different. He and Li Hanshan are friends, and Li Hanshan has been thanked and ordered to be the acting leader. , he felt that this might shake Li Hanshan's already unstable position and prestige.

Since this matter can be avoided, Jiang Su certainly wants to try his best to avoid it.

Li Hanshan was unhappy at first, and he was obviously even more unhappy after hearing him say that.

"It's just a few killers." Li Hanshan raised his eyebrows and said, "When has my holy religion ever been afraid of such little thieves?"

Jiang Su frowned at him, asked him to lower his voice, and then said, "Be obedient, I'm here for your own good."

Li Hanshan: "..."

When he said these words, Li Hanshan could only be speechless.

Of course he knew that Jiang Su was doing it for his own good, but even so, he couldn't just watch Jiang Su get into danger and ignore it completely.

"It's okay, they can't hurt me." Jiang Su said, "You go with the Demon Cult first, and we will meet again in a few days."

His attitude was resolute, and his appearance did not allow Li Hanshan to refuse at all. He Lingcheng also coughed lightly and came up to persuade Li Hanshan, saying: "Young Master, Jiang Shaoxia is right. With Jiang Shaoxia's martial arts, you don't have to worry."

Li Hanshan: "...I don't allow it."

He Lingcheng had no choice but to say: "If the young master is worried, then ask Jiang Shaoxia to set off blood smoke when he is in danger. This thing can be seen for dozens of miles. You and I only need to see it, and then we will go back together."

The blood smoke he said was just a prop used by the Demon Sect to spread messages. It was similar to a signal flare, and when it burned, it would emit red smoke, and it could be seen even from a distance. It was considered a good thing for spreading news.

However, Li Hanshan was still reluctant to let Jiang Su go behind alone.

Jiang Su ignored his entanglement and asked He Lingcheng for some blood smoke to reassure Li Hanshan. Then he led the horse to the side of the road and let them go first. Seeing that Li Hanshan was unwilling to move, he couldn't help frowning. , almost deliberately drove him away, saying: "Be obedient, leave here first, I will follow behind you, nothing will happen."

Li Hanshan looked at Jiang Su, frowned for a long time, and then whispered, "I'm worried about you—"

"I don't have to worry about you." Jiang Su interrupted him, "Today, I and Deputy Ambassador He are by your side, giving you advice and telling you what to do next, but if you really become the leader, One day, there will be no one around to make decisions for you.”

Li Hanshan: "..."

"Since you want to be the leader." Jiang Su said, "you should understand what it means to put the overall situation first."

Li Hanshan felt that today's Jiang Su was really different from the past.

It seems that every move is on the boundary between the two, telling him what he should do if he is not by his side in the future and he needs to face the affairs of the church.

This is not like Jiang Su's usual behavior. Li Hanshan thinks it is very strange, but he doesn't know where this strange feeling comes from. He knows in his heart that Jiang Su is right. If he is always the same as today, no matter what. With the help of He Lingcheng and Jiang Su, how will he gain a foothold in this arena in the future

He once thought that if he had the chance, he should protect Jiang Su.

But now Jiang Su doesn't need his protection, but he needs Jiang Su's help everywhere.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help being frustrated and uncomfortable. He could only tell himself that Jiang Su was right, and he should do what Jiang Su said now.

On the side, He Lingcheng urged Li Hanshan to leave quickly and leave with them. Wu Qi had also brought a horse for him. Li Hanshan was looking at Jiang Su, but he saw Jiang Su looked away and did not look at him. It was not the same as usual, and he felt even more uncomfortable. At this time, he moved his steps, got on his horse, said goodbye to Jiang Su, and said, "If you meet them again..."

Jiang Su interrupted him and said, "I won't have an accident."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan had to say goodbye to him.

Jiang Su led the horse and stood motionless on the side of the road, watching a group of people disappear on the road.

Jiang Su took out the hood and hat from the horse's rucksack, dressed it neatly, and looked back to see that the fire in the peach forest was gradually extinguished, only then did he feel as if he had solved another important matter.

He took a deep breath, got on his horse, and raised his eyes to see the torrential rain in front of him. The raindrops fell on the edge of the hat, shattering into countless tiny water droplets, splashing a mist in front of his eyes. road.

But fortunately, the road was flat, and there were no difficult cliffs to walk. Jiang Su was holding the horse's belly, and was about to make the horse move forward when suddenly he heard the rushing sound of rain.

He looked up and saw that at the end of the road, a horse seemed to be galloping.

The horse's hooves smashed the rain curtain, splashing water droplets and mud, Jiang Su was stunned in the distance, and it took a while for him to come back to his senses, but he couldn't help murmured, "This is a fool."

Li Hanshan slumped slightly on the back of the horse. He had never put on his robes, and he didn't expect it to rain. He was soaked in black clothes, clinging to his body.

It wasn't until Jiang Su was in front of him that he restrained the reins, made the horse turn around, looked at Jiang Su, and said, "I thought about what you said just now, and I don't agree at all."

The rain was so loud that Jiang Su couldn't hear the few words he said clearly, but Jiang Su felt that it shouldn't be too important, he just couldn't contain his joy.

In terms of reason, he does not want Li Hanshan to come back. If Li Hanshan is by his side now, it will not bring him much benefit, but it will damage Li Hanshan's statement, but that is only reason, and people are not always. able to remain sane.

Li Hanshan just finished speaking, and in the last sentence, he raised his eyebrows and said, "I have already ordered Deputy Envoy He to lead them to Islam first. If you want to fall behind and walk alone, then I will accompany you to walk alone."

Jiang Su corrected his words with a smile, and said, "How can you walk alone when two people walk together."

Li Hanshan: "I..."

Two people walking, should be regarded as horses side by side.

It's just that Jiang Su didn't want to go any further when he saw that the rain was going to be heavy. He asked Li Hanshan in return, "It's raining so hard, didn't you bring a scorpion?"

Li Hanshan: "... When I came back, it hadn't rained yet."

Now he was soaked all over, and even the small pieces of forehead hair were pressed against his cheeks. The rain was so heavy that even speaking was a little uncomfortable, as if he was choked with water, so he could only lower his body, which was really embarrassing.

Jiang Su let out a long sigh, got off his horse, and started to remove the scorpion on his body. He waved at Li Hanshan and said, "Come here, go to the side of the road and avoid it for a while."

Li Hanshan: "..."

The rain was heavy, but it wouldn't last long. He obediently got off the horse, and Jiang Su spread the robe over the two of them, blocking their bodies, and walked to the side of the road, as if looking for someone to help A place to hide from the rain.

It's just that the clothes were too small to stop the two men. In any case, there was still a lot of rain falling on the two of them. Jiang Su had to get some more beside Li Hanshan, but Li Hanshan was soaked all over. Su came over, and he moved his body stiffly to the side, saying, "Don't get your clothes wet too."

Jiang Su replied, "My clothes are already wet."

He was wearing white clothes, walking in this torrential rain, the hem of his clothes was splashed with countless mud spots, a hand that could not be blocked by the hood was exposed in the rain, and the sleeves were soaked, but he obviously didn't care.

Anyway, for a martial artist, getting caught in the rain is not a big deal. He can also dry his clothes by himself, but walking in the rainstorm is really uncomfortable, so he wants to find a slightly drier place to shelter from the rain.

Anyway, the luck of the two was not bad. It wasn't long before they saw a dilapidated hut. It looked like a place for hunters to rest in the forest. , hung outside the house, and entered the house.

There was some dry wood in the house, so he lit a fire. He wanted to dry the clothes with breath, but then he thought that he and Li Hanshan had not gone far. If they met Sun Lin again, there would inevitably be a war. At this time, he should try his best to preserve his inner strength, and he should not wantonly waste his inner strength for such trivial matters as drying clothes.

He started to unpack the clothes and said to Li Hanshan, "Sun Lin may still be nearby, save some energy and use the fire to dry the clothes.

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan was stunned.

He was soaked all over. If he wanted to dry his clothes with fire, wouldn't he have to take off cleanly? !

But when he saw that Jiang Su had taken off his robe, he couldn't do nothing without moving, so he was so tangled that he was about to take off his clothes, but Jiang Su moved again, beckoned to him, and told him to go inside the hut, saying: "You have to take off all your clothes, and don't stay by the door."

Li Hanshan: "What..."

"I looked at the hole in the door." Jiang Su didn't change his face, "If someone passes by from outside, I'm afraid it won't be good."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan was already uneasy in his heart. Jiang Su's words made him blushed. Looking left and right, he saw that there were several wooden poles in the house that were used as walking sticks, so he simply took the wooden poles. He came over, set up a random shelf, and placed it between the two of them. Then he took off his coat and hung it on the shelf. It happened to form a rather crude "screen", which was enough to block the sight of the two of them. Said: "Still... let's block it."

Jiang Su only took off his robe and was leaning against the door to wipe the rain on the Qingxiao sword. Seeing him like this, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Are you still shy?"

Li Hanshan: "...don't talk nonsense."

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows and said, "It's not like I haven't seen it before."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Yes, that day he was bathing in the stream in front of Jiang Su, Jiang Su should have seen it, but at that time he still had underwear to cover, besides, he didn't realize that he liked Jiang Su at that time.

Before the ambiguity sprouted, he didn't feel embarrassed to do this kind of thing, but now, he and Jiang Su obviously couldn't see anything, but he still felt that his heart was pounding, and the feeling that day was really true. very different.

Li Hanshan quickly took off his clothes and put him in front of the fire, hoping that his underwear would dry out earlier, so that he would not be too embarrassed, but this kind of thing is not urgent, drying clothes on fire is better than using internal force directly The drying was too slow, and he was anxious in his heart, but when he heard Jiang Su speak, he said to him, "Are you hungry?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

He had just been in the camp, thinking about how to take Jiang Su to Taolin, but he didn't care about eating at all. Before, he was confused and didn't want to think about it. At this time, when Jiang Su asked, he felt hungry and had no choice but to nod, but remembered Jiang Su couldn't see it, so he replied in a low voice, "There are some."

Jiang Su threw a wild fruit at him from the other side of the room, and said, "What I saw just now, let's take it first."

Li Hanshan caught it and took a bite. It was sour and astringent. The taste was really not very good. He was about to swallow it, but he heard the rustling sound of the clothes. On the "clothes rack", he watched helplessly as a piece of clothing was placed on the rack.

Like... like the dress Jiang Su was wearing in his outer robe.

He almost stopped breathing, but when he heard Jiang Su was still arranging his clothes, Li Hanshan paused for a long time before asking in a low voice, "You... what are you doing?"

"Drying clothes." Jiang Su replied casually, "What's wrong?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan closed his eyes, even though he knew he couldn't see anything, he couldn't stop his heart beating, and after a while he choked out the next sentence: "...Are you soaked too?"

Before he finished speaking, he had seen Jiang Su putting his singles on the hanger, and said inexplicably, "What nonsense are you talking about? We got wet together, didn't we get soaked together?"

Li Hanshan stopped talking.

Wet all together, that means... Could it be that Jiang Su is also... completely off