There’s Something Wrong with this Development!

Chapter 5


The so-called plan for a day lies in the morning.

The birds were singing, the people were laughing, and Wei Ziqian was howling.

Chest pain, back pain, leg pain, chrysanthemum pain especially! With tears in his eyes, he rolled on the bed with the soft quilt on his body, accidentally twisted his overused back, and let out another heart-piercing silent roar.

But he is a man with a strong body after all, not too weak to get out of bed, after lying on the bed for a while, Wei Ziqian finally managed to gather enough strength, got up slowly, and moved to the bathroom with trembling steps .

After Wei Ziqian woke up, he wanted to have a love education with Shen Shuyao, who had fully satisfied his desires, but found that there was no one around him, the tea was cold, and only he was lying naked in the big room of the hotel. bed.

His little white rabbit turned out to be a... ruthless gong _(;3」∠)_

Washed up with a sullen expression, the person in the mirror looked a little thinner compared to his previous life, the corners of his eyes were still rosy, his lips were bloodshot, and he looked like he was so loved that he suffered from kidney failure. Although the chrysanthemum was still in pain, fortunately, it had been cleaned up carefully and no weird liquid flowed out, which gave Wei Ziqian a little comfort—it’s actually not too scumbag!

Thinking of the fiery sex last night, Wei Ziqian's heart still throbbed. I have to say that Shen Shuyao's technique is really good, so the ferocious pillar was inserted without blood flowing into the river--that's what made me even more upset okay!

Unable to bend down due to the overwhelmed waist, Wei Ziqian could only squat down stiffly to pick up the scattered clothes on the ground, and put on the crumpled short-sleeved shirt and trousers convulsively. The process was as difficult as crossing the robbery. . After putting it on, he looked around and touched his pockets, but only found a crumpled fifty-yuan note and an old-fashioned Nokia with a blue screen.

When did I ever use Nuo(ban)X(zhuan)ya

Wei Ziqian fell into a panic. Indeed, since last night, the situation has developed in a miraculous direction. Before Shen Shuyao's scumbag turned around and let the offense go, now he seems to be reduced to a poor guy, and the situation is completely out of his control. range of control. In this life, Shen Shuyao is no longer the gentle man who loved him wholeheartedly. Thinking of the cold and forceful behavior of the man on top of him last night, Wei Ziqian couldn't help but feel chills all over his body. The chill penetrated from his limbs to his heart. It was biting to the bone, and flustered by the cold.

In this life, he seemed to be the one who became a man's plaything.

This is probably the so-called retribution, he smiled bitterly, took a deep breath to lift his spirits, and forced himself not to think about these worries, and decided to go back to his home first.

After dragging his limp body out of the hotel and taking a taxi to the address where his original villa was located, he had only shabby twenty yuan left on him.

After getting off the car, the summer sun licked his skin, bringing waves of heat. The community he lived in was full of exquisitely decorated and expensive single-family villas. It was quiet, the automatic door at the gate of the community was closed tightly, and it was impossible to go in directly, Wei Ziqian had no choice but to try and walk to the guard room on the side, and knocked on the door.

The person who opened the door was a man in his thirties with a friendly smile on his face. Wei Ziqian knew that this man was called Zhong Shan. He was the head of security here. They will all call Little Brother Zhong.

"Hey! Mr. Wei, why are you here? You look..." Zhong Shan hesitated for a while, looking at the other party's crumpled clothes and tired expression, "You look a little uncomfortable, are you okay?"

"Thank you, I'm fine." Wei Ziqian's voice was still very hoarse, and his throat was very dry and uncomfortable after not drinking a drop of water all morning. "Can I go in?"

"This..." Zhong Shan showed embarrassment, he hesitated and did not speak.

Wei Ziqian's heart turned cold for a moment, and he tried his best to keep looking at the other party calmly.

"I'm very sorry, I'm afraid it won't work... But as you know, only the residents of the community can swipe their cards in and out. Mr. Wei, is there anything urgent for you?" Zhong Shan asked cautiously, "After all, your original house It has been sold, I know you must have no bad intentions, but it is not easy for me to deal with this."

What! ? His 400-square-meter villa facing the lake with spring flowers blooming at an extraordinary price and showing the true qualities of a local tyrant was sold! Wei Ziqian couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, that was the home he shared with Yaoyao's family in his previous life! Thinking of Shen Shuyao's name, Wei Ziqian suddenly had a bad thought in his heart.

"May I ask if the person who bought it is surnamed Shen... It's okay if you can't tell, but I want to confirm."

"Yes, it is indeed a Mr. Shen."

After getting the confirmation, Wei Ziqian only felt his eyes go dark. Is this plot direction going to beat him to death

How dare he have his home ransacked! No wonder he insisted on going to a hotel to be such a prodigal!

Dazed, he rejected Zhong Shan's offer to come in and have a rest, dragged his body to the side of the road, took a taxi again, and still had a glimmer of hope in his heart to report his company's address.

Inside the guard room, a new security guard asked Zhong Shan curiously: "Brother Zhong, who is that guy just now? Why have you never seen him before?"

"Ah, Mr. Wei is a former resident who moved out half a month ago. Of course you haven't seen him. Although he looks a bit difficult to get along with, he is actually a nice person." Zhong Shan replied with a sigh, feeling Thinking that this Mr. Wei might have provoked someone outside, otherwise how could he be forced to sell the car first and then the house in just one year. I thought it was just hearsay, but now seeing Wei Ziqian, who was originally high-spirited and vigorous, turned into this haggard look, it seems that life is indeed very difficult.

Things are unpredictable.


There is a saying that misfortunes never come singly, and this refers to the current Wei Ziqian.

Just a few blocks away from the destination, while waiting for the red light, the taxi driver with a simple and honest smile asked Wei Ziqian casually, do you have any change? : "Huh? But I only have 20 yuan and a Nokia."

"..." The driver silently glanced at the thirty counter.

Wei Ziqian, who failed to be cute, was brutally deprived of the remaining 20 yuan by the furious taxi driver, and then kicked out of the car.

"... Dear, my Noah is still──"

"Who cares about your Noah, get the hell out of here!"

The driver growled and threw Wei Ziqian's old mobile phone into his arms, along with two one-yuan notes as a gift.

"If you don't have money, you can take a fucking JB taxi. If the bus is cheap, why don't you just stay there! Damn, I'll pay you back!"

[Taxi driver] caused 1000 points of damage to [Wei Zha Gong's self-esteem], and Wei Ziqian felt a sweetness in his throat.

The crumpled white shirt was still dirty with dust, and the bitter Wei Ziqian could only take his only property, Nokia, and walk towards his company on foot. With the two yuan thrown to him by the "kind" taxi driver, he bought a steamed stuffed bun and a cup of soy milk from a steamed bun shop on the side of the road. Got some strength.

Wei Ziqian looked through Nuo X Yali's address book and inbox, and found that there was nothing in it, only an unfamiliar number that was not marked was displayed in the recent call. Didn't find any clues, just when Wei Ziqian was debating whether to try dialing that number, a simple smiling face appeared on the screen, followed by a beautiful melody—the battery was out.


Why even you have to leave me! Wei Ziqian's heart was so cold.

He didn't catch a glimpse of a corner of his company's building until his legs were almost useless. Wei Ziqian was pressed to death on the bed last night, and today he suffered a heavy blow both physically and psychologically. For a moment, I just feel that the world is so hot and cold and the mountains are at the end of the water. Why do you abuse me physically and mentally in the script!

Wei Ziqian gritted his teeth, cold sweat dripped down his forehead into his eyes, and the passers-by, seeing this tall man in a mess, with strange walking postures, pale complexion and contorted expressions, were afraid that this man would fall ill on the street and would run away one after another. A strange vacuum appeared within two meters around Wei Ziqian.

The young master has been abused into a dog by those bastard brothers since he was five years old. This little pain is nothing! Thinking this way in his head, after all, he has been flattered and spoiled by people around him for so many years, but now he is so disgusted by others, Wei Ziqian is still panicked, his handsome face is full of grievances and unwillingness.

Then he froze—

The building still looks familiar, but the name engraved on it is no longer the original name. The sunlight on the glass almost blinded Wei Ziqian's eyes. He mechanically walked forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed someone's arm, and said dryly: "This...isn't the Wei Group? .”

The employee who was being held back and rushed to work pulled his arm back impatiently: "Ah? Didn't that one collapse a long time ago?"

Fuck, this is the rhythm for him to start from scratch at level 0 and start respawning monsters to make money and fight bosses!

☆, the second force is a disease, there is no cure