There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 111: My beta my country


Clay's office area is on the third underground floor of the military building, with dedicated access channels. Daly gave Ye Zhizhou Clay's next level of authority, allowing him to freely enter and exit most areas of the third underground floor.

"Ned is going through the reinstatement procedures upstairs, and will come down to look for you after finishing." Daly took his communicator, and then led him to a small lounge. "Someone will send you to the military department later. Come over with a dedicated communicator. Your code name is Zhou. Don’t make a mistake when activating the communicator. I’m going to meet my father upstairs, and I’ll be back in about half an hour. There is a light brain on the table over there, you You can write the report first. Your Highness is waiting."

Ye Zhizhou nodded to express his understanding.

"The red button at the door goes directly to the logistics. You can find them directly if you need it." Daly thought for a while, and added, "Except for a few rooms here, the rest of the area is all monitored. In terms of your words and deeds, Be careful, the surveillance room is full of guys who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. They love the dark history of catching newcomers."

Suddenly a rough male voice came from the horn in the corner, "Daly, you bastard, you discredit us in front of the newcomer again, come and play!"

Dai Li helped with the glasses, lifted his hand and pulled down the switch in the room, and smiled at Ye Zhizhou, "Look, there is no privacy here. If you and Your Highness want to have sex here, remember to pull the switch in advance. Don't worry, every time All rooms are individually energized and will not affect each other."

After a stab of electric current, the switch automatically jumped back, and the rough male voice sounded again, "Daly, come here to singles out, I'm going to punch you hard!"

Daly did not hesitate to pull the switch off again and spread his hands. “But sometimes it’s not easy to pull the switch. The group of guys in the monitoring room control the electrical equipment in the entire office area. They are rascal and shameless. I’m anyway. I don't understand why His Highness recruited them into the team."

Ye Zhizhou: "..."

"Okay, I should go." Daly picked up the communicator to check the time, and finally handed him a copy of the information, "This is part of the content found in that research institute, you can check it out." After turning around, he walked away quickly.

Ye Zhizhou relaxed and took two steps back to sit on the sofa, looked around the small lounge, and turned over the information in his hands, then resigned Guangnao to his fate, and began to work hard to compile the report. His freedom of movement is probably restricted before his lover returns... For the task, go ahead.

The small mirror staying in his pocket suddenly shook, and then the light screen popped up, [Detecting instrument scanning fluctuations, do you cut off the other party's signal? ]

He glanced at a small floor lamp in the corner and replied in his heart, "It should be a normal inspection procedure, don't worry about it. By the way, can you analyze the mecha manufacturing system on the protagonist?"

[Detecting the status of the protagonist... No abnormalities. ]

It seemed that it couldn't be detected. He frowned slightly, clicked on the new and old plot data and placed them together, writing the report as a love letter while looking for the flaws in the mecha manufacturing system.

In the old version of the plot, Yidi’s mecha manufacturing system has a strong sense of existence, which is Yidi’s biggest reliance besides the male protagonists. In the new version of the plot, the system's sense of existence is suddenly greatly reduced, and it becomes a learning machine that can only help the protagonist learn the knowledge of mecha manufacturing faster. Others that Edie used in the old version of the plot have nothing to do with mecha manufacturing. None of the small functions reappeared.

He listed two possibilities for this change. One is that the mecha manufacturing system failed after Edie's death, so the transfer to Inez was incomplete. The second is that the Zerg parasitic in Yidi's body becomes no longer dependent on the system after transferring the host body, and can achieve his goal only by relying on its own ability. If the situation is the former, it proves that the parasitism of the Zerg is not without cost, or that the mecha manufacturing system is probably something that the Zerg brought along when it parasitized into Edie's body. It is not a mysterious golden finger. . But if the situation is the latter, it means that the Zerg is getting stronger and no longer needs the all-round assistance of the system.

Thinking of this, his typing hands stopped, and then he picked up the information Daly had left and flipped through it carefully.

Before his mind was entirely on Inez, he did not pay much attention to this information, but just now he suddenly thought of a possibility-the mecha manufacturing system may not be a "system" like Tongtian, but The product of human experiments. In the old version of the plot, Edie used system functions that have nothing to do with mecha manufacturing, including scanning human aptitude and mental power and physical health, detecting the number of nearby people, and sensing the danger of thermal weapons in advance... All of them are owned by existing instruments on the market. Function, there is nothing beyond the existing technology or particularly against the sky. And when it comes to the mecha manufacturing part, the system has begun to have all kinds of old super gods, just like a living mecha master always standing behind the protagonist pointing him... Maybe it’s not like, but there really is such a one. The mecha master stands behind the protagonist... It just doesn't have to be alive.

There is a photo in the information Daly left behind. In the corner of the photo, there are a few scattered light brains, and some messy lines are connected to them. He didn't pay attention to this detail at first, but after seeing the situation of several incomplete experimental subjects detailed in the materials, his heart sank.

Light brain, an experimental subject with incomplete brain... In order to confirm the conjecture, he carefully digs out all the parts of Edie and mecha manufacturing in the old version of the plot, and after a rough classification, he uses the cover of Tongtian to enter the network and remove those proposed by Edie. The mecha manufacturing theory and finished design drawings are matched and compared with the works of all mecha masters that have appeared in history.

After more than twenty minutes, the crazy scrolling light screen stopped, and a person's name was magnified in the center of the light screen.

Jennifer Buffton, Carol's aunt... He couldn't help but raised his hand to cover his face to prevent the guys in the surveillance room from seeing his ugly expression. So that's it... The part that the protagonist found in the mecha manufacturing factory was the last work that Jennifer did before his disappearance...

Optical brain, the brain-mutilated experimental body, the missing mecha maker, the powerful mecha manufacturing system on the protagonist... Sure enough, it is a human experiment, or the most contemptuous experiment of duplicating the human brain as an optical brain intelligence.

A powerful optical brain with the functions of various popular instruments on the market, plus the "intelligence" obtained by replicating the brain of a mecha maker, this is the truth about the protagonist's golden finger, the bloody truth.

The images of illegal human experiments that had been seen in his own world poured out from the depths of his memory uncontrollably, and his mental power began to pour uncontrollably. He was busy taking a deep breath to suppress his emotions, a coldness flashed in his eyes. Damn bugs! Damn human experiment! Sure enough, bugs with IQ are more disgusting than those without IQ!

The door of the lounge was knocked suddenly. He rubbed his face and forced himself to return to normal. After clearing his throat, he said, "Please come in."

Ned opened the door with a tray in his hand, showing him a gentle smile unskilled, and stepped forward to put the tray down and said, "His Royal Highness should be back tomorrow morning... The autopsy downstairs is over, the princess wants to go down and see. see?"

He glanced at the fragrant snacks on the tray, and couldn't help rubbing his face again, "Go and see, I just have some questions that need to be solved."

Edie's corpse was badly destroyed, and there were not many good skins on his body. Ye Zhizhou could not help covering his mouth after only looking at the corpse.

"There was a very long drag mark at the scene of the car accident. I went to see it and simulated it with artificial meat. The conclusion is that following the trajectory of that drag mark, it is absolutely impossible for the corpse to have such uniformly distributed wounds on both sides. "The young forensic doctor with a cold face stretched out one of Edie's legs, boring lips, "And the way the corpse is separated, the maximum speed limit is the same as the tortoise of the ground vehicle, unless it is tied to a few cars. Pull the corpse in several directions, otherwise it will not be possible."

Can't help but start to fill the picture in his brain, Ye Zhizhou quickly went to Tongtian and asked for a pill to swallow.

The forensic doctor glanced at him disgustingly, and then pulled away Edie’s scalp and stomach, "There are also these two places, where a piece of internal organs has disappeared somehow, and his brain is disabled, and I found that his muscles are a little strange, for a short time. A trace of rapid tightening inside."

Ye Zhizhou finally heard the point, and hurriedly endured the discomfort and stepped forward and asked, "Is the brain and internal organs damaged? How much is it probably missing?"

"The internal organs that disappeared are very fragmented. They are about the size of two fists in total, and there are not many brains, probably the size of the eyeballs." The forensic doctor said confirmingly and glanced at the eyeball specimens on the shelf, sure. Nodded, "Yes, it's just that big eyeball."

Ye Zhizhou quickly ate another ball, and when he came back a little bit, he looked at the forensic doctor and asked, "Then have you found anything in the body that does not belong to the human body?"

"Things that don't belong to the human body? Do they mean the small gravel, the small screws on the car, and the countless glass shards?" The forensic doctor took out a detailed autopsy report to him, and then pointed to the other side of the table. "The things taken from the corpse are all over there. If you want to take away to make souvenirs, please submit an application to me first. Seeing that you and the corpse were classmates, I will approve it. ."

"..." Ye Zhizhou refused tenaciously, then walked to the tray with a sullen face and turned on the system scan function.

Ned leaned in suspiciously, and asked in a low voice, "Imperial concubine, but what did you find?"

[Found Zerg gene residue, target, small metal fragments in the third row from the top right. ]

"It does." He turned off the scanning function, picked up the small metal piece with tweezers and put it aside, patted his shoulder and said, "I think this small piece of metal is not pleasing to your eyes, please check it carefully."

Ned: "..."