There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 116: Nine nines into one


The war with the Zerg lasted for a long time, until Ye Zhizhou's genetic modification fluid has been developed from x2 to x3.

[Dan Gaote’s chance of falling in love with the protagonist has dropped to 0%, the eighth soul flag is removed, this world mission is completed, do you enter the next world? ]

Ye Zhizhou was stunned, then he chose negative in his heart and picked up the communicator.

The special ringtone rang for the first time, he quickly connected, looked at the pop-up communication panel, with anticipation in his eyes, "found the body?"

"Found it." Klay put away the mecha, revealing a huge bug that was blocked by the mecha. "This is the queen of the Zerg generation. Although it is also very powerful, it is no different from the previous ones. What needs attention is this. Look. Under its abdomen."

Ye Zhizhou looked at the direction of his fingers, frowning, "Twin?"

"A twin who is not fully developed can only be regarded as a parasite, with its own consciousness, but unable to move freely." Clay also saw this for the first time, explaining that he moved the communicator's screen closer to the one. There is no fully developed parasite. "The queen is the high-level mother of all Zerg races and has strong fertility. If this twin is fully developed, then this generation of Zerg races will have two queens, and the scale of the worms formed by then may be the previous two. Triple or even more, fortunately..."

"Fortunately, it is not fully developed." Ye Zhizhou's heart completely fell back to the original place, and couldn't help but sneer at the deformed corpse that appeared on the screen, "but it can be tossed if it is not fully developed. It can't move around by itself. Just use the queen’s super-high mental power and breeding ability to force his thoughts into the queen’s worms, and let other worms replace him. Those human experiments must have been tossed out by it, and the brain is quite good. But a worm is a worm, and only knows to snatch others!"

"It's dead." Clay listened to him in a bad tone, and hurriedly moved back to the screen to soothe him, "The queen has been destroyed, and the Zerg has been hit hard. They shouldn't show up again before a new queen is born."

"Just cut your head to death!" Ye Zhizhou gritted his teeth and said angrily in a low voice, "It's enough to see the bugs of two worlds in a row!"


He looked up again, quickly sorted out his emotions and started to change the subject, "What's the matter? By the way, when will you be back?"

"Soon." Clay looked at him deeply, with emotions that Ye Zhizhou couldn't understand. "You are already twenty years old. We will get married when you go back. In addition, there are some things I haven't asked, but no. It means I don't want to know, Xiaozhou, I look forward to the day when you confess to me."

Click, the communication is closed. Ye Zhizhou was a little stunned, a little stupid, and a little crazy. He knew that his lover had been pretending to be stupid before! There are so many things exposed in his world, even the most secret Tongtian... Ah, it's over!

[Whether to enter the next world? ]

He squinted at the pop-up light screen, "Tongtian, do you want me to take the best strategy?"

The little mirror shook heavily, seemingly terrified of being exposed to Clay, [Host, please be kind to the system. ]

He also had a heavy face, and then gave it the answer with two idioms, "I can't take care of myself, I want to be blessed."

Tong Tian flew out of his pocket with a swish, and then swooped into his space again, horrified.

He was stunned, and then lowered his head to stab the space wildly, "Come out! You traitor, you said that you have to face it together, so you dare to hide yourself and come out!"

The little mirror was unmoved, pretending that he had never appeared before.

The Zerg retreats, the Empire and the Confederacy have achieved a complete victory in the war, the heroes return in their outfits, and the entire galaxy is plunged into a sea of carnival.

"Xiaozhou." Klay dug out Ye Zhizhou who was pretending to be asleep from the quilt, squeezing his earlobe, "I know you are not asleep, open your eyes."

Ye Zhizhou closed his eyes tightly, arching into the quilt bit by bit.

"Xiaozhou." The voice went cold.

Ye Zhizhou stiffened, then quickly opened his eyes and said, "No! I won't tell you about the sky, it's just a kind, harmless and cute little mirror, please let it go!"

"The kind and harmless little mirror has somehow left a hole in your head?" Clay hugged his chest and looked at him with a rare cold expression on his face.

Ye Zhizhou has a guilty conscience, "It's not it..."

"Want to lie to me?"

"Well, it's it..." He bowed his head, obediently, "but I asked it to do so. I was afraid that my brother would be injured after being caught, so I thought of a way to transfer my brother's wound to me... You know , I have a lot of powerful elixirs, and those elixirs are actually given by Tongtian. It has saved me many times! Really, it is a good mirror!"

Clay's expression became colder, "The wound has transferred? What if your brother was killed at that time? Are you also going to die for your brother?"

"I won't die, Tongtian will protect me..."


Murderous! He shook his body and hurriedly raised his hand to promise, "Absolutely no next time! I swear!"

Clay was silent for a while, his expression finally softened, and frowned and asked, "How did you get it?"

"Just a pie in the sky..."

Clay couldn't help but sneer, and raised his hand to unbutton his clothes, "You slowly make up, we have a whole night to have a good conversation."

The faint scent of mint permeated the room, and Ye Zhizhou looked up in shock, "Are you actually in estrus when I said Tongtian? Do you love me or Tongtian?!"

Clay glanced at him lightly and lifted his hand to take off his clothes. "You'll know who I love in a while."

Sure enough, it was about to be finished, but the change of the subject and the stubborn entanglement all failed! Ye Zhizhou touched the small tattoo on his wrist, closed his eyes, bit his teeth, and raised his hands to unbutton. After untying, he took off his clothes boldly, then took off his pants, and said viciously, "Just do it, do it!" After finishing speaking, he rushed forward smoothly.

Clay suffocated and hugged him reflexively, and the smell of mint in the air became stronger.

The two quickly rolled together, and a beam of light stretched out in front of Ye Zhizhou while Klay was not paying attention to his weakness, with a ball wrapped in it.

Ye Zhizhou took a deep breath and swallowed, and asked in his heart, "What is this?"

[Exterior Dan. ]

"...Thank you very much." I almost forgot that betas in this world can also give birth to children.

Clay noticed his inattention, his face turned dark, and he changed his posture while holding him, lowered his head and bit his neck, "What are you thinking?"

Ye Zhizhou raised his arms and hugged him, trying to hold his breath while trying to put on a deep expression with his flushed face, and said quietly, "I wonder if the empire will have a concubine who can't have children, and will your parents? Stick to mandarin ducks."


"My dear, will you abandon me for your children?"

"It seems that I didn't work hard enough." Clay kissed him hard and changed his posture. "When you are in bed, you are only allowed to think of me."

Ye Zhizhou was shocked, took a deep breath and grabbed the bed sheet, with a little shame and a little joy in his heart, this posture is really...too much.

Ned stood guard at the door, looking blankly at Chris who had rushed over.

"What about my brother? Didn't he say to take his sister-in-law to see the parents? Father, queen and mother are waiting."

"His Royal Highness and the imperial concubine have rested." Ned tried to maintain his upright expression, and replied solemnly, "It is estimated that he will rest for a long time."

Chris was taken aback, glanced suspiciously up and down, then glanced at the closed door, suddenly grinning with a sneer, "Big brother moves fast... I'll go tell the queen this good news!" Up.

Ned watched him leave sympathetically, and lit a row of candles for him in his heart. Be happy, be happy, when you know that your Royal Highness is not ready to take the position of the heir in order to accompany the imperial concubine well, the second Royal Highness should cry...

Decades later, Ye Zhizhou left first. Clay helped him tidy up his clothes and hair, then lay down beside him and took out the small mirror under the pillow, tapped gently, "protect him."

The small mirror shook, and then a childish voice sounded, "Oh, yes."

"Although I have no memory." Clay put the small mirror in Ye Zhizhou's hands, hugged his body sideways, and closed his eyes, "but I can vaguely feel something... Xiaozhou, wait for me."

The life fluctuations of the two disappeared, the small mirror shook slightly, and then a soft light enveloped Klay, and the childish voice continued to sound, "The rules of the law of heaven have been broken, and the cycle of reincarnation is over, please do not continue to hang around. Thousands of small worlds."

A translucent white shadow floated out of Clay's body. After a long pause, it suddenly turned into a light spot and disappeared into the air. "It has been so long..."

The light spot disappeared, and everything returned to peace. The little mirror retracted its light, and after a sigh, it also shattered into the air.

Ye Zhizhou knew that he was dreaming. In the dream, a white figure walked forward with his back facing him. He wanted to chase, but his legs were too heavy to lift. The thick fog gradually lifted, and the white shadow finally turned his head and said something vaguely. He tried to hear clearly, but suddenly his body shook and his consciousness returned to reality.

"Yan'er, don't be afraid, the big deal is that we father and son will die together." The hand was held, and a handsome mature face appeared in the line of sight. Be a carefree prince, and find a wife who loves you to live a life of peace and stability, but now... it’s the father who is sorry for you."

Brother, is it really okay for you to cry so "pears with rain" as a man, and what is your wife...

Seeing that he opened his eyes and lay on the bed without speaking or moving, Jun Degui became more sad. After a while of silence, a flash of determination suddenly flashed in his eyes, "Yan'er, tomorrow is the day for the medical examination. Can't escape, it's better..." He took out a dagger from his arms, drew the tip of the knife to Ye Zhizhou's chest, his voice trembled and desperate, "It's better to die together with our father and son! As a royal bloodline, why? I can allow those cheap maids to have a physical examination! Don't worry, Yan'er, being a father will definitely keep you innocent. After you go, being a father will soon accompany you!"

Damn it!

Ye Zhizhou hurriedly turned over to avoid the falling blade, and said anxiously, "You calm down! I will solve any problems, really! I can solve any problems! Don't seek death!" Don't drag him with him. die!

Deguijun was taken aback, suddenly threw away his dagger and rushed forward to hug him and cried bitterly, "My silly smoke, you are still so caring, but how do you solve this situation now, or... Or you can run away? , Help you for the father, and never come back after you escape."

Ye Zhizhou was almost suffocated by the other party's hug. He was busy calling the system in his heart while trying to calm the other party mentally. After the other party calmed down a little bit, he immediately sent him away with the reason that he was tired and wanted to sleep.

A small exquisite mirror on the dressing table finally responded to his call. After shaking, the light screen popped up, [Are you receiving plot information? ]

"Quick pick up." He got out of bed and ran over to pick up the mirror, recalling what the man said just now, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart... I always felt a little cool on his back, as if there was a sky thunder on top of his head preparing to face. He chopped it down.

The light screen flashed, and then large texts appeared.

The protagonist of this world is named Leng Meier, the illegitimate daughter of the emperor and the former Chinese teacher. Although she has not been reborn or crossed, she is so beautiful that she is so beautiful that every man who has seen her wants to marry her and give her a baby.

"Wait a minute!" Ye Zhizhou paused the information, taking a deep breath, "Marry her? Give her a baby?"

The light screen glowed softly, quiet as a chicken.

Ye Zhizhou has a deep understanding of Tongtian's urinary nature, and actively asked, "You give me the background information of this world first."

The light screen flashed and the writing changed.

Once upon a time there was a continent, and there were several countries on the land. One of them, Mingyue, was the most powerful, occupying the largest and richest piece of land in the middle of the continent. The daughters of Mingyue Kingdom are brave and good at fighting! The men of Mingyue Kingdom are good at housekeeping and can give birth to babies! The children of Mingyue Kingdom are very smart and cute! Everyone is building a beautiful feminist family garden together and beautifully.

The female respect... The sky thunder struck down, Ye Zhizhou was dumbfounded and could not speak. A man gives birth... He can still give birth in his life! What's more terrifying is that if the lover follows, then the lover should be able to... fuck!

The light screen changed into a beam of light, and an extinct pill was intimately brought to his mouth. Ye Zhizhou gritted his teeth and pulled the mirror, "Dare to give me a more normal world!"

A pair of scissors was wrapped in a beam of light and handed over.

Either die or do the task, good, he understands. Angrily wiped his face, he turned out the plot data and continued to read it.

The national teachers of Mingyue Kingdom are all male for generations, and marriages are not allowed. The birth of the protagonist is an accident and is not expected, and it is a stain that the emperor will never wash away. It's okay to be tender and sweet. When the feelings fade away, the emperor has a new beauty, and the national teacher and the protagonist who was kept secretly become the emperor's thorns.

When the protagonist was seven years old, the assassination suddenly came, and the national teacher finally died of the unfeeling emperor. He sent the protagonist to his friend Xia Qing, the leader of the Tianshan Mountain, and disappeared. Not long after the protagonist entered the Tianshan Sect, Xia Qing died in a traitor’s assassination. One of the male protagonists, Xia Qinggang’s 17-year-old son Xia Yanyun, hurried back after receiving the news, slashed the traitor, and boarded. He has taken the protagonist as his disciple after taking the throne of the leader of the Tianshan sect.

Eleven years later, the protagonist, who has grown into a peerless beauty, realized that she had just become a martial artist, so she bid farewell to Xia Yanyun and traveled down the mountain, opening the way of receiving wherever she goes.

I screamed when I saw injustice on the road. It was Ke Qi, the son of a cult elder, who saved me; I cared about a little girl in the ruined temple in the middle of the rain, but the other side turned out to be Ruan Wanhe, the son of a royal merchant who was disguised as a woman. I wandered around with curiosity. A brothel, and then he was taken by Liu Jun, the big boss behind the brothel who had seen the red-brown; after visiting the brothel, he was chased and killed inexplicably. He jumped off a cliff and met Mu Yan, the cold genius doctor. The general Ying Long liked him and insisted on beating her young son Ying Qiong; he fell into a trap with the enemy's prince Yu Shuang while fighting and did not know how, and then captured the prince's heart; after the war ended. She returned to the imperial court with her military merits on her back, and fell in love at first sight by the new national teacher Rong Guangyan; her life experience was suddenly revealed, and the emperor saw her so excellent, so he was so attracted, and rewarded her with a powerful guard. The protagonist reluctantly accepted it. , Named the dark guard Leng Ye, no surprise, Leng Ye finally fell in love with her...

Ye Zhizhou counted with his fingers, and then silently... A total of nine male protagonists... The protagonist has good kidneys and good physical strength.