There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 124: Nine nines into one


The atmosphere was a little weird for a while.

Ye Zhizhou stood up and got up, glanced down at Sayang's underside, and said, "I, I won't despise you..."

[The chance of Leng Yan and the protagonist falling in love has dropped to 0%, and the sixth soul flag is removed. Congratulations to the host, please continue to work hard. ]

Sayang pulled the quilt to cover him, and said nothing.

Ye Zhizhou arched his head out of the quilt and said cautiously, "The soul flag that was placed on my head has been pulled out... You see, I love you very much."

[Soul flag fluctuation detected... The sixth soul flag that was removed has been restored and transferred to the soul of Sayang. Please pay attention to the host! Please note the host! ]

Ye Zhizhou stared at Sa Yang, "That flag has gone to you again!"

Sayang's eyes were sharp when she heard the words, she stretched out her arms and hugged him with the quilt into her arms, in a cold tone, "The evil spirits who crawled out of hell dare to covet you, and want to dismantle us and seek death."


[The probability of falling in love between Sayang and the protagonist has dropped to 0%, and the sixth soul banner is removed. Congratulations to the host, please continue to work hard. ]

"Your flag is also drawn..." Ye Zhizhou was a little embarrassed by the changing soul flag, and said in doubt, "What the hell is going on with the protagonist, how could the soul flag run over us, we are all foreign souls. Ah." My lover has not been reborn in this life, not even I am. Leng Yan and Sayang’s true souls have already reincarnated, and the soul flags should not be locked on themselves and their lovers, so these soul flags are shifting randomly. What

[Soul flag fluctuating detected... The sixth soul flag that was removed has been restored and transferred to Yusi Soul, please pay attention to the host! Please note the host! ]

[A plot change is detected, please accept the new plot. ]

Yu Si? The future emperor of Huiyao Kingdom

"The soul flag has changed again. This time it is on the head of Yu Shuang's sister Yu Si." With a serious expression, he hurriedly opened the new plot information, and said quickly, "The plot has also changed. Wait a minute, let me take a look. Plot."

Sayang swallowed the words rushing to her mouth, hugged him and leaned against the bed, thinking. The abnormal shift of the soul flag this time was a dangerous signal, and the variable Xiaozhou might have been discovered. Is it because of yourself? Because he was following irresponsibly this time, Lian Xiaozhou was discovered... He lowered his eyes to his lover who was watching the plot seriously, his eyes darkened. Sure enough, after the soul became complete, he was still too conspicuous, so that the small continent he was locked by his side was also exposed...

"Sorry, I was negligent."

"Apologize for any mess." Ye Zhizhou spelled out the reason for being blown into fireworks by the plot, and raised his hand to blur his face, "Be honest, don't think about it, wait for me to finish watching the new plot first."

The hand power on the face was very light, and Sa Yang's eyes softened, and the obedient no longer thought about it. Trouble has already been caused, and it's useless to entangle the cause. It's better to find a way to solve the problem... For example, kill a source of evil.

"Don't be murderous." Ye Zhizhou slapped him dissatisfied, moved in his arms to find a comfortable posture, and continued to accept the bombardment of the new plot.

In the new plot, the protagonist's name is still Leng Meier, but the gender has changed from female to male. His status is still the illegitimate son of the national teacher and the emperor, but the big emperor Leng Ya and the second emperor Leng Xue, who were moved their flags, have become wild species born to queens and virtuous emperors and others. The three met at a grand festival, and then Leng Ya and Leng Xue, who were traveling in micro-services, fell in love with the protagonist at first sight... Then there was a dogfight drama between two women and one man. Then the protagonist learned of his life experience by coincidence, and suffered from himself. The relationship with the siblings of the two sweethearts, I left sad and went to Hui Yaoguo.

A man like the protagonist who came out of the world naturally followed the peach blossoms, so he and Yu Shuang who ran out of the palace met, and the two quickly became acquainted with each other. The protagonist takes Yu Shuang as a handkerchief, while Yu Shuang thinks that the protagonist is a woman and is secretly tempted by him. Yu Si, who came back from the border, discovered that something was wrong with his younger brother, and discovered the existence of the protagonist after a secret follow-up investigation. She was furious, thinking that the protagonist had seduced her simple brother, so she sent someone to arrest the protagonist. After some imprisonment play, Yu Si discovered the protagonist’s gender and knew that she had misunderstood the protagonist, so she became guilty and amazed. She gradually developed a good impression of the protagonist... After that, the two brothers and sisters fought for a male, and the protagonist was in pain again, so he stayed behind. After a letter informing Yu Shuang of his true sex, he secretly returned to Mingyue Kingdom.

At this time, the two emperors of Mingyue Kingdom already knew the protagonist's life experience, and they were also in pain, they were still hesitating, and then they forced the emperor to recognize the protagonist, making the protagonist a carefree little prince. As a result, as soon as the protagonist got the canonized edict from the prince, Huiyao handed it over with his relatives.

The emperors were furious and refused to make the marriage. Yu Si was also furious and continued to demand the marriage. The two sides fought for a stalemate over the matter. Afterwards, the emperors were exposed and the emperor was furious. The protagonist was embarrassed. Ascend to the throne. Huiyao took the initiative to cease the war. After a bloody entanglement, the two countries merged. The protagonist took the two emperors and the Yu family sister and brother as the harem, and they were happily together.

One after another, the sky thunder struck down, Ye Zhizhou was dumbfounded, and hurriedly looked at the destroyed part of the world.

How could the two powerful emperors and Yu Si coexist peacefully, so they made various noises, and soon tossed the merged country apart, and each attracted the forces to stand in line. Just as the chaotic and civil wars were about to break out, Yu Shuang, who had never had any sense of existence, became angry. He killed the most violent emperor Leng Ya, then castrated the protagonist and committed suicide.

Ye Zhizhou: "..."

Leng Xue was furious when her sister passed away. The younger brother committed suicide, thinking about suffering. As a result, the two became more and more brutal, and the protagonist couldn't bear the inability of the body and the deterioration of love, and became strong and black, and directly deceived the two of them into imprisonment and various forms of torture. So the heroines rebelled, and the heroines' subordinates took the power of the heroines to resist. The country was divided into three and the melee began. Then the war gradually expanded and the world was over.

"..." Speechless.

"What's the matter?" Sa Yang squeezed his earlobe and asked with concern.

"I..." He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say about the plot, choked, and simply pressed his forehead to explore the spiritual power to blend with the other party, and then stuffed the memory of just watching the plot.

Sharing memories is an act of trusting the other person so much. Sayang couldn't help smiling, closing her eyes obediently to receive his memory, and then closing her eyes to digest. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes.

Ye Zhizhou had almost settled his mood, when he opened his eyes and quickly asked, "Do you have any clues?"

"Yes." Sayang opened the quilt on his body, turned over and pressed it up, "Don't worry, the task will be completed soon. Before that, I need to prove something."

Ye Zhizhou was dumbfounded, and hurriedly pushed his hand to stop him, "What do you want to prove? No, no, no, I don't need you to prove it. Let's do the task. The protagonist's gender has changed. Don't you think this change in the plot is serious? We should pay attention to it. !"

"Harmonious bed movement also needs attention." Sa Yang kissed him with her head down, a cold light flashed in her eyes, "Don't worry, the protagonist who has been changing will live soon."

That night, Sayang took Ye Zhizhou to the Delan Temple, and then sent invitations to the Queen and Xiangui to appreciate the moon. Recently, there are various activities to appreciate the scenery in the palace, and the gathering of a few people did not attract the attention of others.

Ye Zhizhou didn't understand what his lover wanted to do, so he sat down beside Deguijun to watch the show.

After shaking off the person, Sayang looked at the expressionless King, and asked lightly, "How are you thinking about it?"

The queen looked at the wise and noble monarch, and said nothing.

Sha Yang looked at the noble monarch again, "Noble monarch, what do you say?"

"I agree with your proposal." The gentle-looking and weak-looking gentleman put down his wine glass with a sarcasm smile on his face, "I have determined that Xueer is indeed poisonous in her body. She is destined to have no future in her life. Cher and I are not interested in whoever loves to take it."

"I can help her with the poison." Sa Yang said lightly, looking straight into his eyes and asked, "Think about it, you and Leng Xue really don't care about the throne?"

Xianguijun was taken aback for a moment, and then he was surprised and excited, "Master, what are you saying is true? Can the poison in Xueer's body really be solved?"

Sayang watched him silently, waiting for his answer.

Xian Guijun was quickly calmed down by his cold eyes. After a few changes in his expression, he said firmly, "Cher is a soft personality. After sitting on the throne, he is likely to become a puppet of the ministers. Instead of doing this, It's better to let her be a rich and comfortable prince. Queen, please rest assured that Cher has no intention of the throne."

The queen's eyes moved and nodded at him.

"It seems that you have made a decision." Sa Yang got up and handed the two letters to the two of them. "This is the truth you have always wanted to know. Go back. I will inform you of what to do in the future."

The queen and Xian noble looked at each other, put the letter close to the body, and left.

"It's all fate." King Degui watched them leave, then looked at Ye Zhizhou with emotion, raised his hand to touch his hair, "Yan'er, the sky of the bright moon is about to change, you must be well."

"Father Jun." Ye Zhizhou frowned slightly, feeling a little sinking in his heart, "The Empress and Xian Guijun... Are you preparing to... rebellion?"

"No." Deguijun shook his head, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "It is a rebel who plans to kill the country."

Ye Zhizhou was startled and looked up at Sha Yang.

Sayang curled her lips, showing a warm smile, "A thief is a thief, how can he keep him happy all the time." They didn't move before because they thought they were useful, but now the other party dares to reach Xiaozhou's head. Naturally, I can't stay anymore.

The days seemed to be calm again. Ye Zhizhou stayed at home and worked as a pig every day. When he was idle, he turned through the plot data and wondered how the protagonist changed from female to male. Although the lover must know the reason, in order to avoid life being too boring, he did not ask and decided to think for himself.

Half a month later, the festival where the queen and the protagonist met finally arrived.

Ye Zhizhou lay on the railing on the second floor of a teahouse at the end of the street and watched carefully. After seeing a slender figure with a flag flashing on his head as the crowd approached from a distance, he hurriedly tugged at his lover beside him excitedly, "Come here. Here, let Leng Ya and Leng Xue look for him."

"It's already down." Sayang hooked his waist to prevent him from falling down, followed his gaze to the direction where the protagonist was, and said lightly, "I promise to let him have an unforgettable night."

[Yu Shuang's chance of falling in love with the protagonist has dropped to 0%, and the sixth soul banner is removed. Congratulations to the host, please continue to work hard. ]

Ye Zhizhou was taken aback, "Why is Yu Shuang's flag suddenly drawn?"

Sa Young squeezed his ear and said nothing.

Suddenly thinking of something, he quickly turned his head to look at the protagonist who had already met the two emperors, counted the flags on his head anxiously, then took out the sky and swept the protagonist’s body, muttering in disbelief. "It's really a man... When he first came here, there were only three flags on his head. After Yu Shuang's flag was pulled out, he still had three flags..."

"So?" Sayang squeezed his face again, feeling very good, and couldn't help but squeeze a few more times.

"So there are actually two protagonists in this world?!" Ye Zhizhou slapped the railing after a while, and finally figured out what was wrong before. Leng Meier's body! Then, that underneath is..."

"Leng Mei'er's twin brother, another child hidden by Sa Yue." Sa Yang thoughtfully explained her confusion, and was finally willing to let go of his face, and continued to pinch his earlobes, "There should be two protagonists in this world. The two are led by Leng Mei'er, and now the soul flag on Leng Mei'er is gradually removed, his influence weakened, his dominant position disappeared, and the other protagonist who had been suppressed by her came up."

Ye Zhizhou digested the news with difficulty, and asked, "Where is Leng Mei'er now? Why did Yu Shuang's flag suddenly be pulled out?"

"Leng Mei'er should have been killed by Ke Qi, the protagonist is dead, and the soul flag has naturally disappeared." Sa Yang threw the bomb lightly, and then looked at the emperor and the protagonist who had been carrying them away, "This is also coming soon. ."

[The probability of Yu Si and the protagonist falling in love has dropped to 50%, please keep the host's efforts. ]

"I was killed..." Ye Zhizhou was a little dazed, and couldn't help but raise his hand and press his forehead. "Since Yu Shuang's flag has always been on Leng Mei'er, then the person who met Yu Shuang in the new plot should also be Leng Mei'er. Later, it was the current protagonist who was caught by Yu Si... No wonder... "He was still wondering what Yu Shuang said before, and he was willing to share his lover with his relatives, and he later killed Leng Ya and committed suicide. matter…

[The probability of falling in love between Yu Si and the protagonist has dropped to 0%, and the seventh soul banner is removed. Congratulations to the host, please continue to work hard. ]

He returned to his senses, frowning, "Yu Si's flag is up, how could it be so fast? Obviously the protagonist has just met Leng Ya and the others..."

[Leng Ya, Leng Xue and the protagonist’s chance of falling in love has dropped to 0%, and the eighth and ninth soul flags are removed. The completion of the task is being tested... The test is complete and there is no abnormality. Detecting the status of the soul flag... No abnormality. This world mission has been completed, do you enter the next world? ]

His words were choked back by the system prompt that popped up suddenly. After a moment of stunner, he quickly turned his head and looked in the direction where the three of them were leaving, "Why are they all pulled out suddenly

Sayang turned sideways to block his vision, raised his hand to touch his face, and asked warmly, "What's the matter?"

"The task is complete..." He looked up at him stupidly, and squeezed his clothes tightly, "What's the matter? Why did the flag suddenly pull out? Could it be that Leng Ya and Leng Xue..."

"Kill the protagonist." Sa Yang leaned in and hugged him, reaching out to soothe his emotions, "Xiaozhou, this is ancient times, and stealing the country is the great sin of the Jiu Clan. Leng Ya and Leng Xue are the future masters of Mingyue Kingdom. , Just did what they should do."

Ye Zhizhou's chaotic thoughts gradually calmed down, blankly picking at the small mirror in his hand, buried his face in his arms, and sighed, "I know... I didn't think Leng Ya and the others were wrong, but..." It was just too fast. He thought that the protagonist's words that his lover had said that he had lived a long time ago were just murderous, but now... the task is actually completed like this, and it feels like a dream.