There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 126: Wang


Wen Jiahe hurriedly took the protagonist to the pet hospital for treatment, but unfortunately, the protagonist’s kitten was too badly injured and also frozen, and could not be saved.

The protagonist is desperate and unwilling. He held Wen Jiahe, who was discussing with the doctor about whether to euthanize him, jumped out of the hospital bed with his weak body, and ran to the car beside Wen Jiahe of the hospital, meowing.

Wen Jiahe relented, he refused the doctor's offer of euthanasia, and decided to take the kitten home and wait for the kitten to go.

After arriving at Wen's home, the protagonist endured the physical discomfort that heavier day by day, avoided Wen Jiahe and used Wen Jiahe's computer to write a suicide note to his mother and Chang Yao. A week later, he mailed the hard-wrote suicide note to his mother and Chang Yao in the early morning, and died alone.

The protagonist, who thought he would never wake up again, opened his eyes again. He found that he had actually returned to his body, and his eyes had unexpected powers. Through the walls, he could see the busy crowd in the hospital corridor. !

Ye Zhizhou: "..."

After waking up, the protagonist quickly recovered and was discharged from the hospital, and then he was shocked to find that Qin Shuhou, who knocked him down, had not been punished by the law, and was still in front of his noble eldest master of the Qin family. And his greedy mother, after taking away a large amount of the Qin family's hush money, threw him to the hospital and ran away. He went to the Qin's house to ask for an explanation, but was driven out with a look of disgust by Mr. Qin, and warned him not to use this incident to recognize his ancestors. The protagonist is embarrassed and angry, and silently swears in his heart that he will step on the Qin family in the future!

The protagonist returns to school, and finds in despair that Qin Jia has shamelessly bought the school, and asks the school to drop him out of school on the grounds of absenteeism! At this moment, Chang Yao's phone call suddenly came, and the protagonist suddenly remembered that the other party went abroad after he became a vegetable, feeling wronged and sad. So he hung up Chang Yao's phone, broke the phone card, and disappeared in the capital.

The protagonist with the ability came to the big stone gambling province y province with a small amount of money, and then was pleasantly surprised to find that he could see through the surface of the rough stone whether there is jade inside! He tentatively picked up a leak with the cash in his hand, and he was sure that the bet went up, and the principal invested directly doubled several times!

As the old saying goes, there must be a blessing if you don't die in a catastrophe. After experiencing all kinds of desperation, the protagonist's blessing has finally arrived!

In just two months, the protagonist has secured the position of the new generation of stone gambling princes, and the jade inventory in his hand is far more than some old stone gambling masters. At this moment, he met his third dung shovel officer, Gu Yi who came to buy raw materials. Thinking of the experience of trying to ask this person for help, but being sent to the temple as a monster by the other party, he was ashamed and angry, and then resolutely refused the other party's request to buy raw materials from him.

As the heir, Gu Yi must be persevering in temperament. The company really needs the top jade that the protagonist has just opened. He wants to buy it, he must buy it, and no one can stop it. So Gu Yi began to "encounter" the protagonist constantly, and then during the "encounter", he mentioned to the protagonist about buying jade at the frequency of three meals a day.

The protagonist broke down very much. He recalled the days when this person was used as an uncle, and thought about the days when he was chased by the other side as a mouse. For a while, he rushed to the other side and told the other party's company that he found when he was a cat in the other party's house. In the case of the inner ghost, he also told the name of the inner ghost and what documents the inner ghost had stolen from the study.

Gu Yi was shocked, and then confused, the protagonist consciously missed his mouth, and hurriedly took his luggage to an ancient jade appreciation meeting in the next province.

Probably in a hurry to deal with the inner ghost, Gu Yi didn’t chase it anymore. Just as the protagonist breathed a sigh of relief, he was horrified to find the figures of the fifth male protagonist Xiao Rui and the sixth male protagonist Wen Jiahe at the appreciation meeting. People seem to know each other, and they happen to be talking about raising cats!

The protagonist remembered the two suicide emails sent by Wen Jia and the computer, and was shocked. He was busy pretending to be a stupid and rich antique collector into the conversation between the two and quickly changed the subject.

As the little prince of antique fraud, Xiao Rui is also a very powerful expert in appraisal and restoration of cultural relics. He saw that the protagonist was coming to splurge with a lot of money, and apart from anything else, he took the protagonist to his showcase and picked some antiques that were not on display for him.

Wen Jiahe was born in a scholarly family, influenced by his grandfather, he loves antiques very much, and he is also quite talented in the identification of ancient calligraphy and painting. Seeing that the protagonist did not have a specific collection direction, he followed Xiao Rui to explain to the protagonist some basic items that need to be paid attention to when collecting antiques, in line with the mentality of insiders and outsiders, and also intimately told him not to be similar to Xiao Rui. This kind of cheating little expert cheated.

Xiao Rui was falsely angry when he heard the words and acted to drive away the troubled friends. The protagonist hurriedly stopped the two people who were about to make a fuss and expressed his belief in Xiao Rui's character. When he was a cat for Xiao Rui, he knew Xiao Rui's temperament and the business he did. Although Xiao Rui cheated, he did not cheat to deceive people, but to prevent others from being deceived. The craft that Xiao Rui really eats is antique repairing and appraisal.

The trusted Xiao Rui immediately recognized the protagonist's friend, Wen Jiahe also had a sharp increase in his affinity for the protagonist, and the three quickly became familiar with each other.

The appraisal meeting ended a few days later, Xiao Rui and Wen Jia returned to Beijing, but the protagonist stood at the airport but lost his way. Now he has enough money in his hands to live a few lives at ease, but there is no goal in life. Province Y is just a place to make money, not a home. He watched people coming and going and didn't know where to go.

Just at this time, Gu Yi, who had cleaned up the inner ghost, called and said that in order to thank him for his help, he decided to increase the price of the jadeite. The protagonist was speechless, and then suddenly a thought arose—he decided to open a jewelry store to grab business with Gu Yi!

Gu Yi didn't buy the jade, but he also gained a future business rival. He frowned, he thought, and finally he decided to go to the temple and worship. Things have gone wrong recently, he must have stepped on shit when he went out. Everything in the temple was as usual. The cat litter abandoned by the kitten was still left in the warmest monk's room under his insistence, but the owner of the cat litter never returned. Gu Yi was a little sad, and also worried that the kitten was not doing well outside.

The old monk who had returned from a wandering trip happened to be passing by. Seeing that he was looking at the cat litter, he told him that the kitten had returned, so he didn't have to worry about it. Gu Yi was confused when he heard it, and then suddenly remembered the reason why he had sent the kitten over, and he was initially suspicious.

The protagonist who decided to open a jewelry store returned to the capital with great vigor, and then used the speed of opening to recruit talents of various needs, bought a store, and began to prepare for the opening. Xiao Rui and Wen Jiahe heard that he had returned to Beijing and came to help intimately. Gu Yi occasionally came over to sit down, and then looked at the protagonist with an inscrutable look. He made the protagonist's scalp numb, especially wanting to drive away this future competitor.

Three months passed in a flash, and the jewelry store finally opened. The three male protagonists are already familiar with each other. The protagonist gradually forgets the days when he was a cat, and gets along more and more harmoniously with the male protagonists, but the three male protagonists' thoughts about the protagonist slowly change.

The protagonist’s shop is taking the road of high-end limited edition, which does not conflict with Gu Yi. With a weird attitude of raising cats, Gu Yi began to build a bridge for the protagonist's business, and quickly helped him open the market, making his shop a hit among the capital's wealthy circles. So Wu Kaien, the second male protagonist who is the representative of the second generation of Quan Dan, brought a lot of tickets to the door, and then surprised the protagonist as a god, and began to stalk the protagonist.

The protagonist never thought that his first shit shovel officer was actually a crook! I just like this one! He was shocked and embarrassed. In order to avoid the entanglement of the other party, he had to run to y again to save the raw materials on the excuse of traveling to find materials. Then he ran into the third male protagonist on the plane. His second shoveling officer Shi Jianwen was surprised to find that the man sitting next to Shi Jianwen was Chang Yao, who was supposed to be an exchange student abroad!

After seeing the protagonist, Chang Yao was very excited, and went straight to hug him, repeatedly saying sorry, saying that he shouldn't have chosen to agree to the school's exchange request for going abroad in order to collect medical expenses for him, and that he should stay in the country and take good care of him. The protagonist who was about to push him was stunned, and then quickly asked him what was going on in the beginning.

When the plane was about to take off, Shi Jianwen thoughtfully gave up his position to the protagonist to facilitate communication between the two. The protagonist is very grateful, and his favorability for this second shit shoveling officer has soared.

After taking the seat, Chang Yao organized the language and explained what happened at the beginning. It turned out that the Qin family came to make trouble once when the protagonist entered the hospital in a car accident. The protagonist’s mother saw that her son had become a vegetative man. It's gone-this is why the protagonist can see his body when he sneaks home for the first time after becoming a cat.

Chang Yao was frightened and angry when he learned of this, but he was helpless, but he was just an ordinary student, and his family was not rich, and he was unable to support the protagonist's money for continued medical treatment. At this time, the tutor found him and mentioned that the school would choose him as an exchange student, and said that the exchange student would get a generous scholarship. Chang Yao hurriedly agreed to the exchange student, then took the scholarship to send the protagonist back to the hospital, hired the nursing staff to arrange them properly, and left the country reluctantly.

A few months later, Chang Yao suddenly received a suicide note from the protagonist. In shock, he quickly called the hospital, but was told that the protagonist was still in a coma. He thought that someone had stolen the protagonist's mailbox as a prank, so he didn't care about it, but within a few days, the hospital suddenly called and said that the protagonist had regained consciousness and was discharged from the hospital. He hurriedly called the protagonist, no one answered, and then the phone was turned off. He was very anxious, and hurriedly asked for leave to return home, only to learn that the protagonist had been dropped out of school and lost his trace.

Liushen Wuzhu Chang Yao had a small car accident when he was leaving the school. He suffered a fracture and could not go abroad. So the school cancelled his exchange student qualification and asked him to refund half of his scholarship. In order to make up half of the scholarship that needs to be refunded as soon as possible, Chang Yao took the initiative to follow the project of Jianwen from senior when he recovered from his injury, hoping to make more money and find the protagonist after paying off the scholarship.

Everything is a misunderstanding. The protagonist is ashamed and regretful after learning the truth, and is busy telling his own experience during this period. In view of the wrong situation, he concealed the matter of becoming a cat.

When the plane landed, the two men reconciled. After comforting Chang Yao, the protagonist took the initiative to talk to Shi Jianwen with a good feeling for the second caring shoveling officer. When the spleen was mild, Jianwen didn't mention the two people's previous gaffes, and naturally talked with him gently, and the two quickly became acquainted with each other.

The project of Chang Yao and Shi Jianwen in Province Y lasted for two months, and the protagonist also spent two months in Province Y. During this period, Chang Yao’s feelings for the protagonist changed, and the protagonist’s feelings for Shi Jianwen also changed. , The atmosphere between the three is faintly weird and ambiguous.

Two months later, the protagonist returned to Beijing, Wu Kaien found the door in the first place, so the days of being entangled from time to time began to collapse again. With some ulterior thoughts, the protagonist asks Shi Jianwen for help as soon as he gets entangled. Gradually, Shi Jianwen also gradually develops a good impression of the protagonist.

Gu Yi saw the protagonist’s cautious thinking, with a jealous mentality that the cat he raised but was taken away by others, he started naively looking for things to do for the protagonist, leaving the protagonist too busy to get ambiguous with Shi Jianwen . The protagonist is angry and wants to quarrel with Gu Yi. Gu Yi stays unmoved, and has made up his mind to break the crooked kitten back!

It happened that Chang Yao came to look for the protagonist, and when he saw that the protagonist had provoked Gu Yi besides Shi Jianwen and Wu Kaien, he was jealous and angry, and directly confessed to the protagonist. The protagonist was surprised, Gu Yi looked sideways. Xiao Rui and Wen Jia who came to find the protagonist to have a meal stopped at the door in a subtle mood, blocking the way of Wu Kaien, who came to entangle the protagonist every day, so Wu Kaien wanted to slap, and unfortunately I came over to find the protagonist to talk about returning to school again.

The six male protagonists gathered together, and the atmosphere was embarrassing and subtle. With Wu Kaien, a guy who feared that the world would not be chaotic, the atmosphere soon changed from embarrassment to hot, so hot that it was about to explode. As a result, it exploded, and the topic of several male protagonists gradually turned to raising cats.

Wu Kaien mentioned his Xiaobai who ran away from home, and Jianwen mentioned his steamed bun who also ran away from home. Gu Yi looked "My cat grew up eating a hundred families" and watched the play quietly, while Xiao Rui looked on. Twistedly mentioned his uncle cat who didn't catch mice. Finally, Wen Jia and frowned talked about the cat that had saved him, and also mentioned the two suicide emails that appeared on the computer for no reason... He thought that at the beginning. Whose prank is the email or the computer has a virus...

Chang Yao looked at the protagonist in shock, and the protagonist looked at a house of shit shoveling officers with a numb face, and then confessed that he had become a cat. So the male protagonists exploded again, everyone thinks they are the master of the protagonist, so the protagonist should be with himself! Only Shi Jianwen took a step back in silence and turned to leave.

The protagonist is anxious and hurries to chase, and then unexpectedly, the protagonist has another car accident, becomes a vegetative again, and enters the body of a cat again.

The protagonists didn’t know that the protagonist had entered the body of a cat again. They were worried and angry. After finding out that the protagonist’s car accident was actually the work of the young master Qin Shuhou of the Qin family, they angrily crushed the Qin family into the dust. Qin Shuhou was given a direct ticket to the prison.

The protagonist who became a cat decided not to find a few male protagonists after hesitating for a while. He squatted in the flowerbed outside the hospital and looked up at the sky, quietly thinking about his feelings. However, several male protagonists guarding the protagonist's bed received a critical illness notice from the doctor. After a while of despair, Chang Yao first mentioned that if the protagonist wakes up, he is willing to accompany the protagonist with several other people. Several male protagonists were silent for a while, and then nodded one after another.

In the flower bed of the hospital, the protagonist was driven away by security, and then tragically caught by the cat-catching team and rushed directly to the street. So the protagonists who just nodded to agree with Changyao's words found that the protagonist's eyelashes trembled and became sober. Everyone is a real man with a promise, how can you be unbelievable! So after a brief moment of stiffness, they acquiesced in their decision to accompany the protagonist together.

Then the protagonist finds that he has six shit shovel officers and leads a happy life of being nurtured.

Ye Zhizhou grabbed the glass ball with his claws, and asked the sky silently. Hosts, why did you decide your own destiny so hastily... Is sharing a lover with others such a thing that does not need to be entangled? And the protagonist, don’t you like Shi Jianwen, but why do you accept five other male protagonists after Shi Jianwen also likes you

I don't understand, he doesn't understand it very much, probably because the brain capacity of this dog's body is too small, and he can't understand the thoughts and logic of the protagonist and the heroes anyway.

Suddenly a pair of shiny leather shoes appeared in front of him, then the light dimmed, the back of his neck tightened, and his body passively lifted into the sky. He screamed in panic, but found himself making a few pitch-changing barks, so he quickly calmed down.

A handsome face without expression appeared in front of him, and let out arrows, "It's so ugly."

He covered the important part with his tail and bared his teeth at him. Bastard bastard, who is the first to scare him, and dare to dislike him for screaming, believe it or not to bite you!

"It's ugly."

"Wow (shut up bastard)!"

The handsome guy turned his head in disgust, "It's noisy."

Ye Zhizhou waved his claws in anger, but the small claws were short and he didn't reach it.


Puff, Ye Zhizhou was shot by an arrow again, and angrily decided to wait until he was free to give this nasty man a bite, and let him get a few shots of rabies vaccine!

The glass on the ground rolled, silent. The host is really good, and he has adapted to life as a pet so quickly.

The boss came over at the right time and smiled, "Mr. Gu is here to pick up Xiaobai? Don't worry, Xiaobai's body is okay. I don't eat because it is too small and the dog food is too hard. It needs to be soaked and given to him first, or Buy wet food directly. By the way, milk powder is also okay, but if you feed milk powder, you must eat fewer meals and the milk powder is digested quickly."

"It's not called Xiaobai." The handsome guy was finally willing to let Ye Zhizhou's neck go, took him into his arms and slapped him, and said lightly, "It's called Xiaoqiang."

I was guessing whether this Mr. Gu was one of the male protagonists Gu Yi's Ye Zhizhou exploded, biting his collar was a burst of madness. Xiaoqiang, your uncle! Not as good as Xiao Bai, at least Xiao Bai is still a dog, Xiao Qiang is directly a cockroach!

The handsome guy lowered his head and pulled out his collar from his mouth, threatening coldly, "Bite a piece of clothing and sleep in the toilet for three days."

"..." Ye Zhizhou silently spat out his collar, and licked it intimately.

"Fight against the master once and eat rice for three days."

Ye Zhizhou looked up at him, wagging his tail awkwardly. For the sake of this person's suspected parenthood, he bears it!

"Good." The handsome guy touched his ears with a cold face, and took out a dog tag from his pocket, "My name is Gu Yi, and your name is Gu Qiang. Remember, you are my dog raised by Gu Yi, so you can't persuade you. "