There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 136: Wang


As a kind of soul power, mental power is stored in the original sea of mental power of the brain. If one's own spiritual power source sea is strong enough, it is also feasible to forcibly invade the spiritual power source sea of others, absorb others' spiritual power, or forcibly strip away the spiritual power source sea of others. But this method is irreversible and destructive to the victim. In his own world, forcibly breaking into and absorbing and stripping the mental power of others is one of the worst mental power crimes.

If the act of compulsory fusion with other people’s mental power is compared to rape, then the act of forcibly breaking into and absorbing and stripping mental power is looting and killing... In the plot of the same death, the heroes Not long after the "power upgrade", that is to say, the male protagonists should have just awakened their mental power at that time, the mental power is still fragile and unstable, and the self-protection ability is about equal to the infant... Spiritual strength, six at a time... enough to be executed 10,000 times. So who is the one who has awakened his mental power and is hiding behind the protagonist to help the protagonist

Ye Zhizhou opened three different plot materials and studied them bit by bit.

The person who can help the protagonist and who can be trusted by the protagonist must be familiar with the protagonist. From the point of view that the protagonist contacted the supernatural organization when he was very young, the person hiding behind him should have known the protagonist when he was very young.

The person who stayed with the protagonist when he was a child... Chang Yao? He was startled by the name that came out of his heart, and quickly denied it. The result of Tongtian's scan is not wrong, Chang Yao is indeed in a state where his mental power has not yet been awakened, not him. So who else, who has been with the protagonist since childhood, and can be trusted by the protagonist... Three pieces of information stopped at the same time in a plot-the protagonist's mother rolled out the medical bills given to the protagonist by the Qin family and ran away after the protagonist became a vegetable.

The volume of money ran away, and never appeared again, even if the protagonist opened a store in b city, and his reputation spread abroad, even... the protagonist finally "perished" with the people of the ability organization, the news of his death The news about the abilities caused the whole world to know.

He hurriedly flipped the information back, frowning more and more.

The protagonist’s mother is named Jiang Susu, an orphan, and has an ordinary appearance and experience. The only unusual thing is that he had a relationship with the drunk father Qin at the age of twenty, and then became pregnant with the protagonist and gave birth to the protagonist. After giving birth, she did not go to Qin's father to make trouble. She only asked someone to pass the news that she had given birth to a grandson to the Qin family and wanted a sum of money to raise the child. Seeing that she was still in peace, the Qin family gave the money directly. Ten years later, Jiang Susu moved suddenly and became neighbors with the Changyao family who had just moved to city b. The reason for the move was to let the children go to a better school...

In the first two decades, she was an independent and strong mother who loved her children. When the protagonist had an accident, she turned her face and turned into a model of a scumbag who loves money. He didn't notice such an obvious problem when he first read the plot information. There is also the part of Jiang Susu’s relationship with Qin’s father. It’s too coincidental. It’s like Jiang Susu knows that Qin’s father is going to be drunk, and then deliberately goes to the floor where Qin’s father is going to go to the wrong floor and waits for a rabbit... Could it be that the ability to predict is not the protagonist? Is it Jiang Susu's? No, the protagonist once said when he called the supernatural organization that his prediction and soul vision could never be wrong... Could it be that both Jiang Susu and the protagonist have predictive abilities? ! But can this thing of ability still be inherited

Assuming that everything Jiang Susu did was premeditated, and assuming that the ability had a certain probability of heredity, then Jiang Susu's behavior with Qin's father during the spring breeze was a bit suspicious. If the protagonist’s predictive ability was inherited from Jiang Susu, could the other protagonist’s soul vision be inherited from Qin’s father? Think about the ending of Qin Shuhou... Maybe Qin Shuhou also inherited the soul vision ability, but he didn't know it. Then the protagonist simply destroyed the Qin family in order to prevent the existence of people with the same abilities in the world...

If Jiang Susu is really the spiritually awakened person hiding behind the protagonist, then this woman's strength is really a bit terrifying, mental power plus supernatural power... Wait, will it be predicted that it is not supernatural power, but spirit A bias for force awakening? Will the protagonist...

He slammed his face down on the seat and beat his head. He used the system to scan the heroes so many times, and also scanned the soul status of the protagonist several times, but he did not scan the physical condition of the protagonist! The protagonist has used abilities several times, and every time the system reminds him, he takes it for granted that the protagonist has abilities... But he actually forgot that the two powers, abilities and mental power, can coexist!

"What are you doing?" The hand was held, and then the waist was tightened, and the person fell into a familiar embrace.

Ye Zhizhou regained his senses, then glanced at his lover’s dark face with unloved one, turned his body down and looked out the window like a salted fish, and said half-deadly, "I am saving my stupid brain... How can I take it so important? The things are ignored..."

Gu Yi frowned and touched his forehead, "Have a fever?"

Ye Zhizhou pulled down his hand and wanted to cry. The former golden thighs became the breeder now, ah, how much he missed the days when he was lying down as a waste...

According to the plot, the protagonist only "just now" discovered that he has an ability, so he didn't go to the gambling club immediately after he came to Province Y, but first picked up a few leaks in the rough shop outside.

Ye Zhizhou tracked the protagonist's location based on the hidden small software installed on the protagonist's phone. After finding the protagonist, he silently turned on the system scan function.

[After the scan, I am in good health and no hidden diseases. There are abnormal energy fluctuations in the brain, and there are preliminary signs of mental awakening. Applicable pill: Corrosion Pill, Top-grade Broken Soul Pill, Top-grade Wandu Pill, Top-grade Parasitic Lishun Pill, Top-grade...]

Actually, he has already awakened initially... He held the glass beads in his pocket and sighed in his heart, "Tongtian, the names of those pills... Do you want me to be driven away by heaven?"

The glass beads rolled in his hand, and the light screen popped up again. [Please calm down and do the task. ]

"..." Who on earth is not calm!

Turning off the light screen again, he tugged at Gu Yi beside him, and said in a low voice, "I will refer to which stone you buy which stone you will buy when you go in. Remember, you bought it, not me, understand?"

Gu Yi retracted the gaze of Qin Bai and Chang Yao and nodded.

When the two entered the store, Ye Zhizhou took a bite of one cousin, and the twitter perfectly showed the image of a cousin who had never seen the world before. Gu Yi's expression was tense when he shouted, and he sullenly picked up the stone, completely ignoring the strange look in the protagonist's eyes.

"It's up! It's really up!" The stone-cutting master suddenly shouted, attracting many pedestrians around him.

Chang Yao looked surprised, "Xiaobai, you are so lucky, it really rose!"

Qin Bai retracted Gu Yi's gaze, waved away the doubts in his heart, and was very veiled with joy. "The old saying goes that if you don't die in a catastrophe, you will have a blessing. It's probably because God sees that I have suffered a lot in the car accident, so I'm here. Compensate me a little bit."

"Then little brother, you can make up for it!" The master stone cutter poured some water on the cut surface, pointed to the cut surface and said, "Looking at this kind of water, the principal invested by you, little brother, can be increased several dozen times. "

Stone betting is like gambling. The feeling of winning is really fascinating, at least Chang Yao is fascinated.

"Xiaobai, how did you choose this stone just now? Haha, now you don't have to worry about the follow-up treatment costs, tuition and living expenses." Chang Yao was as happy as an older child, his cheeks flushed, and he took it from his pocket excitedly. I came out with a receipt and rubbed it out and put it in the trash can, "Xiaobai, you don't need to suspend school, we can graduate together!"

Qin Bai hurriedly smiled and grabbed him and said, "It's okay, everyone around is watching you, let's keep a low profile."

Hearing this, Chang Yao smiled a little embarrassedly at the people around him, then approached the stone cutter and excitedly pulled the stone cutter to ask.

Ye Zhizhou retracted his gaze and pointed to a stone again, thoughtfully. This Chang Yao... Why does it seem a bit silly. In the original plot data, this person is a college tyrant. In terms of feelings, he still walks the path of prudent and painful sentiment. Why now... Is it because of the absence of the excitement of going abroad and the disappearance of the protagonist, the car accident after returning to China, and the training of scholarship... Think, Chang Yao's subsequent growth is actually all because of the protagonist. It’s no wonder that Chang Yao’s feelings for the protagonist will change, in order to change his life experience and even his temperament... plus the protagonist’s guidance...

"Are you still buying?"

Gu Yi's question interrupted his thoughts. He glanced back at the few stones he had selected before and nodded. These are the stones that the protagonist can currently afford, and there are good jadeites hidden in them. Buy, buy, buy, you must buy, and you must cut out a piece that is better than the protagonist’s planting water on the spot!

So the second stone cutter at the entrance of the store was opened.

The stone on the protagonist's side has entered the fine grinding stage, and it is very boring and boring.

Under the guidance of Ye Zhizhou, Gu Yi personally came forward and drew a line on the stone. The stone cutter followed the line with a sharp knife, pulled apart the gravel, poured water, and was happy, "It's up! Here it's up too! !"

The crowd onlookers gathered together, even Chang Yao was no exception. Qin Bai stared at Gu Yi for a while, remembering the identity of the other jeweler, and once again waved away the doubts in his heart. Soul Vision can't go wrong, Gu Yi absolutely has no abilities such as perspective, so this time the cut should be just luck, the other party is making jewelry, and it is normal to bet on stones.

Twenty minutes later, the emeralds on both sides were solved at the same time.

"Not bad, little brother, although your stone is a bit flawed, it can sell for tens of thousands of dollars."

"Hey, the ice seed, this color is really transparent. Find a good carver to make pendants and ring noodles. You can sell for more than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan. Congratulations!"

The voices of the two stone cutters sounded at the same time, and there was a weird moment of silence around them. It was a happy event, but the onlookers felt a little embarrassed and subtle.

Chang Yao touched his hair, "Well, they are lucky, haha."

Qin Bai frowned. In order not to appear too defying, he deliberately picked a flawed stone, planning to create a lucky image first, and then reveal the "talent" of betting on the stone bit by bit to become famous. But now... He glanced at the other stones that Gu Yi bought, puzzled and frustrated. This person had a really good vision, and happened to buy the stone he wanted to buy next.

The surrounding atmosphere was weird. He was busy selling the solved stones on the spot, pulling Chang Yao to other shops in an unhappy mood. There are no more stones in this store for him to pick up, so he has to go to the next store.

Ye Zhizhou, who has been paying attention to the protagonist’s dynamics, pulled Gu Yi, rented a small cart to collect the other stones he bought, and then found a place where no one noticed to collect the stones into the space, returned the small cart, and again Walked slowly towards the second shop where the protagonist went.

This time Qin Bai just started to pick the stones. Ye Zhizhou deliberately selected two stones without emeralds in Qin Bai’s face. Then he greeted his "cousin" to pick it with a silly expression on his face, so the "cousin" casually chose. So I picked a good stone with emeralds in it.

Qin Bai frowned again, and after considering it for a while, he decided not to pretend, and turned around and chose a stone that he had seen through the first time.

Chang Yao was a little worried, "Xiaobai, luck is not possible. The money you just sold for the stone is enough for you to finish college. Let's not bet on the stone, just in case you lose it..."

"No." With Gu Yi and Ye Zhizhou in Qin Bai's heart, his attitude was inevitably perfunctory, "It will go up, trust me."

Chang Yao wanted to persuade him again, but Qin Bai didn't want to continue listening, so he took the stone and went to the store to calcite the stone.

A few minutes later, news of the price cut came again, Ye Zhizhou smiled when he heard the words, and asked Gu Yi to once again wipe out the stones that the protagonist could buy with funds, and directly took the stones away.

He returned the cart for the second time. He stared at the protagonist’s dynamics, and then walked into the third store with the protagonist’s back and forth, turned on the interference function of the system, and then deliberately said loudly, "I would not buy the second batch of stones. Oh, cousin, how could it break down and lose hundreds of thousands."

"It's okay, my cousin has money." Gu Yi looked like a big money, and touched his hair "gently", "You lose whatever you want."

Ye Zhizhou's scalp tightened, and he dared not call his cousin anymore, and honestly picked the stone.

When Qin Bai saw them coming in, he felt bad luck. He was afraid that they would sweep away all the stones again. He hurriedly opened the perspective to find a suitable one, and called the boss to pay the bill. Chang Yao hurriedly stopped him, his face was full of disapproval, "Xiaobo, betting on rocks is also a bet, you are addicted."

"I'm well-measured, don't worry, I won't lose money, don't you think that one piece has also risen." Qin Bai threw his hand away and paid the bill, his attitude even more perfunctory.

Chang Yao glanced at his hand being thrown away, then at Qin Bai's seemingly calm but fanatical eyes, frowning deeply.

Ye Zhizhou also picked a stone without emeralds and bought it, laying it alongside the protagonist.

"Hey, it's broken..." Master Xie Shi put down his tools and shook his head regretfully.

Qin Bai stepped forward in disbelief and grabbed the gravel, a little excited, "How is it possible, there are obviously stones in it, I think... how could the stones I bought collapse!"

Master Jie Shi saw too many guests who were emotional after the protagonist broke down like this, he shook his head and moved the next guest's stone to his question, and started to solve the problem. The new guests squeezed forward, and the protagonist was squeezed out of the encirclement. Chang Yao hurriedly held him comfortably and persuaded, “If you collapse, you will collapse. Such ups and downs are not suitable for physical recuperation."

"Impossible." Qin Bai was still shocked by the failure of his ability, his eyes darkened rapidly, and he was about to run to the fourth store, "It should be just a mistake, it's okay, let's go and solve it again."

"Little Bai, don't go."

"It's just a mistake, Chang Yao, don't you believe me? Don't worry, it will go up." He is now anxious to determine if the ability has failed. This is his last hole card. If it fails... No! No way!

Ye Zhizhou passed by with a small stone and Gu Yi, with a bitter face, "You actually broke down again, cousin, it’s not easy for you to make money. Can't get out."

Gu Yi patted him on the shoulder, "Then don't buy it, just watch me buy it. You can buy it at the gambling club later. There are more stones in it, and its appearance is better. It's not easy. collapse."

"Okay... Then I will try again, alas, the hundreds of thousands of pocket money you gave me are gone all at once."

The two walked away, Chang Yao was in a complicated mood, and he held Qin Bai more earnestly persuaded, "Look, the children of the rich people know that gambling is not good, and they can't be addicted. Xiaobai, you are now in a difficult time. Medical expenses Living expenses, and tuition for the next few years, the aunt has disappeared again... Calm down, let's not gamble, okay?"

Qin Bai finally recovered a bit of reason. Although he was still anxious, he knew that he had to worry about Chang Yao's mood, so he nodded pretending to be persuaded and nodded, "Okay, I'm sorry, I was impulsive today. ."

"It's okay." Chang Yao breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly pulled him away from this stone street, trying to change the subject pretending to be happy, "Then let's go to other places? Are you hungry, let's go eat? "

A few hours later, the protagonist appeared alone in the street selling rough stones, and began to bet on stones frantically. However, after the initial hacking, his ability failed again and he began to gamble continuously. Chang Yao hurried to see Qin Bai actually betting on his back, he was shocked and disappointed, and he hurried forward to pull him away. Qin Bai had just lost his gambling again, and his emotions broke down. He couldn't listen to Chang Yao's persuasion, and he quarreled. In the end, it was the shop owner who came out to appease the two talents to calm down.

It was getting late, and everyone went back to their homes.

The next day, the protagonist went to the gambling club with Chang Yao on his back.

Ye Zhizhou was very "coincidentally" when he met Chang Yao who was in a hurry at the entrance of the venue. He paused and asked, "Hey, isn't this the little brother who bet on stones at the same store with us yesterday? Why are you here? You What about his companions?"

When Chang Yao saw his eyes lit up, he remembered the conversation with the local tyrant he heard yesterday, and rushed over excitedly and said, "My companion has entered the venue. I can't get in. Are you and you going to the venue? Can you take me? ?"

"Your companion didn't take you with you? The invitation card for this venue starts at 500,000. You can bring an extra companion." Ye Zhizhou pretended to be surprised, and then said very generously, "It just so happens that my cousin and I both have cards. , You come with us, and I will take you in."

Chang Yao looked shocked, "Five to five hundred thousand? Isn't this invitation card from the hotel?"

"How is it possible. You saw it yesterday. The money for gambling on stone is very large, and the transactions are expensive. How can admission qualifications be sent casually? All are for money." Ye Zhizhou explained intimately, and then asked more and more suspiciously. "No, I seem to have heard you mentioned yesterday that your friend has been more difficult recently. Where did he get the money for the admission invitation card that started at 500,000? Did someone bring him in? If he was also taken by someone If you go in, you really can't be with you, a card can only take one person."

"No, it's his own card... As for where he got the money to apply for the card..." The shock on Chang Yao's face faded, slowly turning into sadness and depression, and then he twitched his mouth with a wry smile, "This is also what I think. I know... What the hell is Xiaobai doing..."