There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 140: The Beast Emperor is a diao


Ye Zhizhou couldn't help but screamed again, and then quickly shut his mouth when he was shaken by his own unpleasant voice.

"Ah, why is there a feather tribe here?" The rabbit also found the figure of the big bird, and the hair exploded in surprise, "I, I, I, I don't want to feed the bird..."

The kitten rushed to press her under her body, and coaxed her stiffly, "Cocoa, don't, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Ye Zhizhou really wanted to move the feelings of the great friend between the cat and the rabbit, but helplessly, he was not yet familiar with this long body, and when he was excited, he instinctively curled the fox tighter.

"Brother, younger brother, I can hardly breathe anymore." The fox, who looked up at the big bird and bared its teeth, was strangled by him and lowered its head high.

There was another bird song close to the ear, and the few animals felt that a gust of wind was blowing on their bodies, and then the shadow fell, and soon disappeared again, and the bird song disappeared into the sky.

"Huh?" The kitten raised his head, "Big Bird ran away."

The rabbit opened his closed eyes, saw that the figure of the big bird was gone, and instantly came back to life, "Great! We are safe!"

The fox was silly for a while, twisted his neck to regain his freedom, and exclaimed, "Brother! The big bird took my brother away!"

The kitten and the rabbit hurriedly turned their heads to look at his neck, but they only saw a soft and smooth hair, which also exploded, "Ah, brother, hurry up, let's go back and tell the mother beast, let them go to the brother Save it!"

The little animals rushed back to the village while howling, while Ye Zhizhou on the other side resolutely closed his eyes and pretended to be dead after realizing that his body was instantly empty. The claws holding his own bird were very big, hard and sharp, but he was careful not to hurt himself. He could only comfort himself silently in his heart. Perhaps the bird didn’t want to catch itself and return to its nest to eat. In fact, he was a pet. Almost learned...

[Soul flag fluctuation detected... The fluctuation disappeared. Hu Yan, Hu Qian, You Xiaoxiao, Yin Ping'er, Tong Jia'er, Hua Feifei, Haili, Di Qi, Xiong Yi, Yuki and the protagonist's chance of falling in love with the protagonist has dropped to 50%, please keep the host. ]

Ye Zhizhou couldn't help but straightened the tip of his tail, "Tongtian, what's the matter?" Why did the chances of falling in love suddenly fall by half

There was another high-pitched bird song, and the big bird swooped towards the dense forest below.

[Plot change detected... Plot change failed. Hu Yan, Hu Qian, You Xiaoxiao, Yin Ping'er, Tong Jia'er, Hua Feifei, Haili, Di Qi, Xiong Yi, Yu Mu and the protagonist's chance of falling in love with the protagonist has dropped to 30%. Please keep the host's efforts. ]

What the hell!

He hurriedly opened the plot timeline to take a look, and then went silly. Now is the fifteenth year of the protagonist becoming the Queen of Beasts, the country has been established, and the harem has long been established... But why has the chance of falling in love suddenly fallen? ! He obviously didn't have time to do anything!

The ground was close in front of him, Ye Zhizhou only felt that he was holding his bird's claws loose, a flash of red light flashed, and his body fell into a generous and warm embrace, and then a clear and beautiful voice accompanied by a familiar spiritual force moved towards He surrounded him, "Xiaozhou, you finally came."

Ye Zhizhou was startled, and then overjoyed. He quickly raised his head to look at the person holding him, his mental power popped out uncontrollably, peasy eyes burst out and burst into tears, "Woo woo woo (scared to death, the way you came out) Can you not be so cool, I'm afraid of heights dear)!"

The handsome man with red hair and red eyes couldn't help showing a smile. He raised his finger and gently wiped his eyes, "It's so ugly."

The sound of breaking the flute was not his intention, this body is like this! Ye Zhizhou glared at him, his heart settled down, and couldn't help closing his eyes tiredly, "Woo (a bit sleepy, I will sleep for a while)." This body seems to be real not long after it was born, not very useful...

The body in his arms is warm, and the other person's shallow warm breath can be felt on his arms, and he lifts his finger to touch the other person's neck, and the beating of life is transmitted clearly. Dongfang Shu closed his eyes and suppressed all the emotions that were surging up, and said coldly toward the empty dense forest, "Notify Hagi and the others, prepare to attack."

A black eagle flew down from the branch, and bowed respectfully after it landed and turned into a human. "Yes, the patriarch!" After speaking, it turned into a beast, and then fluttered and flew towards the forest with a loud cry.

Dongfang Shu retracted his gaze, gathered the soft body in his arms, and rubbed his head gently, "It's been more than two thousand years... finally."

[Scenario change detected... The change failed. The soul flag appears abnormal... The abnormality disappears. The protagonist’s soul fluctuation is detected... The fluctuation disappears. Detecting task status... Not completed, host please cheer. ]

Ye Zhizhou was awakened by the light screen in a daze, turned over unconsciously, and then he was buried in a large pile of red feathers.

"Woo (Wha...)." He stopped in the middle of the speech, and he was completely awakened by his own unpleasant voice.

"Why do you still sleep so dishonestly?" The body was gently grasped by a palm, and then touched a piece of warm and firm skin, "Pig demon wakes up? Are you hungry, what do you want to eat?"

Ye Zhizhou raised his head, and saw that the enchanting lover in this world was naked, with lazy eyes, and slightly curled eyes, looking at this little animal of unknown species with a smile.

Beauty crit!

Under his body were his lover's strong abdominal muscles. He couldn't help but cocked his tail, blinked his peasy eyes, "Woo (I...)." Shut up again, lying down and pretending to be dead. Even if he can't communicate, he yells so badly that he doesn't want to live anymore.

A light laughter sounded, the body was held, and a gentle force slowly came from the place where the two of them were in contact, and then they gathered more and more, which made him get hotter and hotter, sneered, and became alive.

Ye Zhizhou felt the sensation of being close to his lover’s skin, looked at his tender and fat radish legs, and wanted to cry, "Why is it a kid..."

"You are still too young." Dongfang Shu stroked his soft hair, hugged him and kissed him, "I will grow up soon, don't worry."

Ye Zhizhou raised his eyes and stared at him, couldn't help but stretch his arms around his neck, and asked in a low voice, "Last world, you..." He left so early, will his lover...

"My life is dead." Dongfang Shu hugged him tightly, preventing him from seeing his darkened eyes. "There was a problem with your soul in the last world. I was misled to another world... Fortunately, I split in time. The soul was forced into reincarnation and went to your side, but because of the incompleteness of the soul, I once again lost my memory... Sorry, the last world failed to protect you."

Ye Zhizhou didn't expect that the reason why his lover lost his memory in the last world was this. He was anxious and said incoherently, "Split the soul and force it into reincarnation? Then you are now... your soul, you, your world..."

"It's okay, I'm fine." Dongfang Shu patted him and calmed down, "The last world I lived to die of old age, I paid off all the causes and effects, and it had no effect on my soul. In this world, I borrowed someone else's body. The cause and effect of the original owner is fine, you don’t have to worry about it."

Ye Zhizhou breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and hurriedly took out the system and scanned his physical condition. After confirming that everything was the same, he was finally relieved. He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said angrily, "The soul flags of the last world were not at ease. I actually wanted to kill me and misled you... No! Will the soul flag also discover your existence, so that one of the flags will fall on you? And mislead you to other worlds or something..."

Dongfang Shu didn't answer, but gently touched his hair.

This is the default.

Ye Zhizhou is about to explode, and the soul flag wants to kill himself, but he even hit his lover's attention, damn it! In addition to the previous world, the lover has been the hero for three times. How much is the soul flag... He was shocked when he thought of this, and felt that he might have touched the truth about the soul flag.

If the soul flag is regarded as a person, and the protagonist is regarded as the clone of the soul flag in various worlds, then those male and female protagonists selected by the soul flag... The soul flag and soul flag naturally have an effect on the soul, so the soul flag is so big Fei Zhouzhang opened the harem in each world in order to snatch the souls of the heroes and heroines in each mission world

Tongtian said that np destroys the world and his own act of dismantling the harem is to save the world. He had never thought about this before, but now that he thinks about it, he suddenly feels a little strange. It's just opening a harem, those mission worlds will be wiped out anyway, and the butterfly wings don't have such a fan.

He demolished the harem to save the world, so the protagonist opened the harem... to destroy the world? Will the ultimate goal of the soul flag be to destroy the world? ! But what connection does the heroes and heroines who were dragged into the harem by the protagonist have to do with various mission worlds? Why can the world be destroyed by taking them into the harem? Is it possible that they are all the children of luck, destroying the balance of their souls and the world will be over, and then the world will be over... Egg...

The thoughts of the horse racing froze, he silently raised his head and looked at the handsome and enchanting face of his lover.

It seems... the male and female masters of every world are very good people... For example, lovers, if there is really a child of luck in this world who is blessed by God, then it must be like a lover. It's okay if the soul splits up and plays...

But if this is the case, how fragile the mission worlds he has stayed in before can actually be destroyed by taking the soul of the son of luck... Wait, if the soul of the son of luck is just a bridge, a soul flag It was through the soul of the son of luck that took away the luck of the world... uh...

He closed his brain silently and rubbed his head against his lover's chest. It's not a novel. How could it be possible? Don't think or think, the wings of butterflies are still very powerful, and the world will be destroyed in minutes, so don't mess with your brains.


The back of his neck was pinched, and then he snorted, and he became an animal again.

"What to eat?"

The tip of his tail was pinched. His body became stiff and he had no hands. He could only pull out his tail and pat him, "Eat you, don't pinch my tail!" After he finished speaking, he was stunned, and became happy again, "I can Talking about it?"

"Well, you've grown up." Dongfang Shu smiled and touched his head, a set of red robe appeared out of thin air with a wave of his hand, leading him down the big bed covered with red feathers, "You are too I can only drink milk, forbearance, I can eat other things in a few days."

He stretched out his head curiously, bit his collar, raised his tail, "How did your clothes change?"

"Feathers transformed." Dongfang Shu stepped out of this gorgeously furnished room, touched his little head, "If you are full, I will take you to the scene."

With his lover by his side, Ye Zhizhou turned into a silly Baitian who was lying down and waiting to die for a second. He slumped in his arms and asked lazily, "What's the play?" The protagonist is now the Beast King, but he is just a minor task. It has to be long-term consideration, and the degree of favorability that has been inexplicably lowered, he has to take time to figure out... So of course, the top priority is to stick with his lover for a while! You can watch a show! Step aside the task!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help rubbing his lover's arm again, and lovingly wrapped his tail around his lover's wrist.

A smile flashed in Dongfang Shu's eyes, he stretched out his fingers and touched him again, and replied, "I said that the flag-drawing drama will not make you work any more." After a pause, he added, "Neither I will let God drive you out again."

[Detected the protagonist's soul fluctuation... The fluctuation disappeared. Hu Yan, Hu Qian, You Xiaoxiao, Yin Ping'er, Tong Jia'er, Hua Feifei, Haili, Di Qi, Xiong Yi, Yuki and the protagonist's chance of falling in love with the protagonist has dropped to 10%, please keep the host's efforts. ]

Ye Zhizhou's tail froze and was stunned by the pie falling from the sky. Why did it drop again? It's still falling to the point where the flag is about to be drawn... Wait, the drama of drawing the flag? Is this all done by a lover? !