There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 142: The Beast Emperor is a diao


To the boy’s bold confession, Dongfang Shu’s response was, "Who are you?"

Ye Zhizhou collapsed the straight tip of his tail to relax, then turned around and turned towards Dongfang Shu's hand and took a savage bite. At the same time, he arched his body and tried to crawl out of his arms. The tail twitched the back of his hand vigorously. Jerk, ignore you)!"

The beautiful young man blinked aggrievedly, "Patriarch, I am Xiaoye, you still watched me break my shell and fed me food..."

My name is Xiaoye? Still watching people break their shells and feed them? Later, did you hug someone, kiss someone and take someone to heaven? Ye Zhizhou was outraged, but at such a moment when he needed to tear up the comparison, he was unable to say anything again!

"Woo (Asshole Dongfang, I'm never finished with you)!" The abnormal task that was not completed was left behind by him. He is now full of jealousy that his lover dares to tease others' beautiful little beasts! Suffering from not having hands, otherwise he will surely pull out his lover's arrogant red hair!

Dongfang Shu allowed him to draw himself, carefully guarding him so that he would not struggle to fall to the ground, and looked at the pretty boy and said, "Sorry, I don’t remember you. Also, I already have a partner, please don’t tell him. Misunderstanding."

The beautiful boy widened his eyes, "Impossible! How come I don’t know when you have a mate, Chief! When I received a mission from the clan to approach Xuanyuanhong, you came over and asked me not to really like Xuanyuanhong. Hong, it's hard, isn't this a confession? How could you find another beast as a companion after you confessed to me."

Another older, colder teenager noticed the movement here, and hurriedly wiped off the blood stains on his body, hurried over, raised his hand and held down the pretty teenager’s head and shouted, "Xiaoye, don't be fooling around! The patriarch gives everyone who approaches Xuanyuanhong The orcs have all asked this sentence, it is not a confession.

The beautiful young man was stunned, and he immediately said loudly, "Yes, even if everyone has been asked this way, but, the patriarch has indeed seen me break my shell and fed me food... To love someone is to feed me. His belly?"

Yes, yes! How to explain this matter! Ye Zhizhou nodded in agreement. Seeing that he couldn't twist his lover's arms, he simply tightened his wrist, bit one of his fingers and rubbed it. Let you tease the little beasts and kill you to death!

Dongfang Shu hooked his fingers and pressed down his ungrown baby teeth, held him in the palm of his hand and handed it forward, "He is the orc I plan to raise, and also my partner, thank you for your love."

Only then did Yuki and Yuba notice that there was still a stubby little snake wrapped in his hand, and his mind suddenly got a little knotted. The surrounding orcs of various races also looked over after hearing this, and Ye Zhizhou, who was grinding his teeth with the fingers of Dongfang Shu, suddenly became the focus of the audience.

"Clan, patriarch..." Yuye swallowed, her voice suddenly trembling, "This snake... just born... So, so you went to see my shell because you like... the young teeth? Then I am now. When you grow up, you, you don’t like it anymore?"

Yuki's brows jumped, and he couldn't help but press the head of his stupid brother again, and said to Dongfang Shu apologetically, "Patriarch, I must take care of him when I go back!" As he restrained Yuba's struggle, he leaned in his ears. He explained in a low voice, "The patriarch saw you break the shell because you participated in the new-born sacrifice of the Yu clan! Feeding you is only part of the ceremony, you wait to go home and be scolded by the mother beast!" The back of his neck was forced to change him back into a beast form, and the little black eagle with frantically flapping wings retired.

The Yuye who made Oolong was dragged away, but the words he left still echoed in everyone's ears.

The orcs watched Yu Ye leave, then looked at the handsome and enchanting Oriental Book and the newly born little black snake (?) in his palms, and sighed silently in their hearts: So the Eastern Patriarch likes young teeth...

Ye Zhizhou: "..." Everyone's eyes were so enthusiastic, and he suddenly felt a little hot in his body.

Dongfang Shu seemed to have not noticed the strange atmosphere at all, retracted his hands and hugged Ye Zhizhou again, and ordered, "Clean up the battlefield and announce the death of the Beast Emperor. Xuanyuanhong’s body was burned on the spot, the clan chiefs stayed behind, and the others scattered. Got it."

The orcs scattered each obediently, but their eyes still cling to Ye Zhizhou's body—oh, the poor little beast was just scheduled to be taken care of by an old man (?)...

Spit out the fingers he was holding in his mouth, Ye Zhizhou turned his head to the palm of his lover's hand and rubbed it, then rolled two more times, "Woo (It's so hot, itchy, what's going on)." Could it be that the expression in the eyes of the beasts? Also with heating effect

"What's the matter?" Dongfang Shu pressed his little head, with a smile of contentment in his eyes, "Still being jealous?"

"Woo (I'm not you, I drink vinegar as water)!" His body is getting more and more itchy, and he rubs it in his palm uncomfortably. He wants to tell him what is happening but he can’t speak, he can only be irritable. Shaking his tail, "Woo woo woo (when I grew up before, it was a lie! Why can't I talk anymore)!"

"I'm the only one." Dongfang Shu thought he was having a temper, squeezed his tail and hugged him to kiss him. The corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, "Xiaozhou, you are so cute." When he is jealous, he is the cutest.

This mentally retarded!

Ye Zhizhou is hot, itchy, and angry! He couldn't help but opened his mouth again and bit his lover's finger, this time he didn't control his strength well, and actually bit the other's finger directly. The blood oozes, he licked it reflexively, and then he was stunned.

He is like this... Is it considered domestic violence

Dongfang Shu was also stunned, and then he hurriedly broke his mouth, "I have a problem with the blood of my body. You are too young to get my blood, and you will vomit it out soon."

But it was too late. The blood entered his throat, and his body became more itchy and hotter. He spit out his lover’s fingers and rolled frantically, his tail snapped and flicked, and his calmness was completely lost. The itch spread from the surface of the body to the inside, and he couldn't help making an unpleasant sound. Scream.

"Xiaozhou!" Dongfang Shu's expression changed, and he hurriedly reached out his mental power to surround him, and then transfer the beast power into his body, hoping to stabilize his blood pressure that began to agitate.

The patriarchs who remained hurriedly gathered around when they saw this, and asked in a rush, "What's the matter? Is this little orc hungry? Everyone brought something to eat, hurry up and feed it. Eastern patriarch, you are like this. No, although he is a partner, he is still young and can't bully others too much."

Twitter, Barabara.

The sound in his ears was dim and clear, and his body was warm and hot for a while, and the itch was forced to his throat, his roar stopped, he raised his neck and let out a long groan, then fell tiredly into his lover's arms and lost consciousness.

"The beast god is on..." The tiger clan patriarch widened his already big eyes, and he dared not say anything. "That was... Longyin?"

The new head of the Snake Clan stared at Ye Zhizhou, who was lying in Dongfang Shu's arms, short of breath and excited, "Look! Is that a horn on his head? So he really is, is a dragon..."

The patriarch of the tortoise clan touched his long beard and smiled, "Another bloodline of returning to the ancestors, and a new era is coming."

Dongfang Shu's expression became dignified, he was busy wrapping Ye Zhizhou with his sleeves, and looked at several patriarchs and said, "After the meeting is postponed, everyone is gone." After speaking, he turned his wings and took off directly.

The patriarch of the tiger clan stared eagerly, feeling anxious, "The blood of the snake clan has also appeared, why haven’t we, the tiger clan, yet? What will the tiger cub with the blood of the beast god look like? Will it be the most majestic gold ?"

The lion clan chief who was playing soy sauce said sourly, "Anyway, it must be better-looking than you, you are so ugly."

The patriarch of the tiger clan was angry and rolled up his sleeves.

"That, that..." The head of the rabbit clan weakly raised his head, and his face was a little pale and pointed to the center of the ancient formation, "Black Jiao's body... it's corrupted and disappeared..."

The patriarchs were shocked when they heard the words, and turned their heads together to see that the body of the black floodwater quickly turned into strands of black mist floating in the air.

"What's going on!" The Snake Clan chief was shocked by this strange sight.

The Turtle Clan Chief’s expression also changed, and he hurriedly said, "Quick! Go and notify the Eastern Chieftain, quickly!"

[Detected the protagonist's soul fluctuation... The fluctuation is over. Detecting the state of the soul flag... It is locked and cannot be obtained. Detecting task completion... The status is unknown, and the soul delivery channel is forcibly closed. ]

[Under interference, the host's soul is detected to fluctuate, the protection mechanism is turned on, and it enters a dormant state. ]

On the big bed covered with red feathers, a little black dragon that had just grown horns fell asleep quietly. A little hand sneaked up to the edge of the bed, and then a little head stretched out, the beautiful red eyes turned, and the short legs started to crawl on the bed, "Brother, I'm coming to see you, why are you sleeping again." "

Xiaolong closed his eyes and slept soundly, with no signs of awakening at all.

"Brother, you have been asleep for a long time. Everyone is waiting for you." Unable to climb up, the child lay down on the edge of the bed a little discouraged, reaching for the little dragon lying in the middle of the bed. Snatch it, brother brother, you became the younger brother of my grandparents, you became my father's younger brother, now you are my younger brother again, don't sleep anymore, if you wake up, OK, I'll be a good brother. "

The little dragon on the bed suddenly turned over, and his curled tail stretched out. The child's eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand and finally touched his tail, hurriedly dragged him over and hugged him in his arms, looked around, and ran outside with a smile, "Brother, I don't sleep well every day, I will take you. Go to the sun."

The closed door was suddenly pushed open, the child was taken aback, his left foot and right foot fell face down to the ground, and his hand subconsciously lifted the little dragon he was holding out.

"Ah! Brother!" Regardless of his painful face and knees, he shuffled back into a beast shape and flew towards the little dragon that was about to fall to the ground.

Ye Zhizhou opened his eyes in a daze, and when he realized that he was actually doing a falling body motion, he instinctively screamed, and then his body became hot and turned into a human-shaped buttocks and fell to the ground, causing tears in his eyes.

Bang, a fat rabbit hit him, and then grumbled out.

Han Mu, who was already a middle-aged handsome uncle, silently retracted his outstretched hand, changed back to a beast shape, and flew out, "Patriarch! Master Ye is awake!"

Ye Zhizhou was stunned, and Fat Rabbit was also stunned, and then Fat Rabbit ran to Ye Zhizhou in surprise, "Brother brother, you wake up, I'll take you to see Grandpa, OK? Grandpa keeps thinking about you!"

Ye Zhizhou turned his head to look at the fluffy little rabbit with his three-petal mouth twitching, wondering, "Brother? Are you my brother? Who is your grandfather?" Isn't the body he used dug out of the mud? Why are there elder brother and grandpa again

The little rabbit was asked by him, and replied stupidly, "I am your brother, but at first my grandparents were your brothers. My grandfather was Tong Li, the previous patriarch of the cat clan, and my grandma was Coco. The rabbit clan was the cutest back then. Chinese cocoa."

Tong Li? cocoa? Who is this? Wait, cocoa? Cats and rabbits

The image of the three small animals that had brought him out of the mud pit popped up in his mind, his eyes widened, "What are you talking about? Your grandpa and grandma? Aren’t those small animals still very young? How, why are they grandpa? Grandma!"

"Because brother, you slept for too long. It took so long for both grandma and grandpa fox to pass away." The little rabbit fell down suddenly, bowed his head and shed tears, "The father beast and the mother beast said that grandpa is coming soon too... brother, you I won’t see Grandpa until I wake up..."

Ye Zhizhou is stupid, the fox and the rabbit have passed away... Has he slept for so long? !

The familiar breath quickly approached. He turned his head to look at the tall figure that appeared at the door, his mouth slumped, and he got up and rushed over, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Did I really sleep for a long time? I'm sorry! I don't know, I'm sorry..."

Dongfang Shu breathed steadily and quickly, closed his eyes slightly to suppress the fierce surging emotions in his heart, squatted down and hugged him into his arms, tightly without leaving a gap, "It's okay to wake up... It's okay, it's not your fault ,It's ok."

[Hibernation is over, the host's physical condition is being tested... The test is completed, and the body is healthy and there are no hidden diseases. ]

[Checking task completion... The status is unknown. Detecting the status of the soul flag... It is locked, and the soul casting channel is closed. ]

[Detected the protagonist's soul fluctuation... The fluctuation is over. The ten soul flags have all been restored, and the bloodline is being transferred. Please pay attention to the host! Please note the host! ]

[The transfer is complete, the completion of the task is being tested... Warning! warn! The plot data cannot be obtained due to interference, please pay attention to the host! ]

The light screen flashed wildly, suddenly collapsed and disappeared into the air.

Ye Zhizhou was shocked, and hurriedly broke free from the embrace of Dongfang Shu and fumbled a small round mirror with cracks out of the space, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you in Tongtian? What's the matter with the protagonist's soul fluctuation? And the bloodline transfer of the soul flag? What do you mean? Are all those flags transferred to the descendants of the harems or blood relatives?"

The small round mirror shook, and a faint childish voice sounded, "Under attack... Host... I'm sorry..." After that, it shook hard, and there was no more movement.

"Wh... the sky!"

Dongfang Shu hurriedly hugged him comfortingly, took his hand and took the small round mirror in his hand and looked at it, shook his head, "The instrumental spirit is damaged, and the closed consciousness has repaired itself."

Ye Zhizhou raised his head anxiously and asked, "What do you mean? Is Tongtian okay?"

"It just needs time to repair it, it's okay." Dongfang Shu reached out his mental power to surround him, patted his back lightly, "Don't get emotional, your bloodline power is still unstable."

How can he not get excited! The mirror of the sky is cracked!