There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 144: The Beast Emperor is a diao


The tiger orc named Jin Yang mentioned by Hagi was in his twenties, and he was a white tiger who had just grown up for a few years. Jin Yang was in poor health when he was a child, and his animal power training was slow. He was very inconspicuous in the clan. But after moving into the city where all ethnic groups live near the temple last year, his body suddenly became healthy, and the animal power training began to resemble. Advanced as fast as a rocket.

"I have paid attention to this Jin Yang too." Ye Zhizhou flipped through the survey data that Yuki handed over, frowning slightly, "But this Jin Yang became healthy after eating the improved pills that I gave out at the temple for free... He became healthy. , It’s normal for his cultivation speed to become faster. I have observed whether he has any abnormalities such as personality changes, but nothing has been found. Although his cultivation speed is fast, it is still within the normal range of improvement."

"But since half a month ago, he suddenly and frequently came into contact with the outstanding orcs of several big tribes, especially the four tribes with the descendant bloodline." Hagi insisted on his guess and continued, "and he is still close to Jiajia. But Jiajia was frightened by him, and then ignored him."

"Jiajia?" Ye Zhizhou's expression turned ugly, and he focused on the tiger's information, making a decision, "Then pay attention to this Jin Yang first, and don't relax with other people's observations."

"Yes." Hagi respectfully saluted, and then politely retired.

Dongfang Shu came back to life from the background state, stretched out his hand to squeeze Ye Zhizhou's back neck and forced him back into a beast shape, and fished him into his arms, "Do you think it's not Jin Yang?"

"Yeah." Ye Zhizhou rolled in his arms, rubbing the back of his hand with his already grown horns, "Although I am very concerned about the hints that Tongtian popped up in front of closed consciousness, sometimes I will also I wonder if those hints are the reason why Tongtian was attacked."

Dongfang Shu nodded his corner and continued to concentrate on making notes on the formation book, "How do you say?"

"The soul flag wants to mislead us." Ye Zhizhou bit his finger and grinned his teeth, and continued vaguely, "Since the last world, the soul flag has been trying his best to take us to the crooked road. After Tongtian was attacked, I will not I calmed down for a while, so I didn't think about it. My thoughts followed the tips left by Tongtian. But now I suspect that those tips left by Tongtian before being attacked are disguised by the soul flag."

Dongfang Shu finally moved his gaze to him, put down his pen, "What do you think?"

He didn't answer, spit out his fingers and suddenly asked, "Dongfang, have you waited for me for a long time?"

Dongfang Shu pinched his tail and said nothing.

"I heard Yuki mentioned that the patriarch of the feather clan has always been you. Dongfang, has there been a problem with my soul delivery, so you came to this world so much earlier than me?" Orcs have a long life span of at most two. He is over a hundred years old, and the short one is less than one hundred, but the Oriental book is different. His body has the blood of the phoenix, there is no death, only Nirvana is reborn. Hagi once mentioned that Dongfang has been the patriarch from his grandfather's generation, and the lifespan of the feather orcs is generally more than two hundred years. He slept for a hundred years before, and the other orcs were old. Only Dongfang was still the evildoer when he first saw it. After thinking about it, he only thought of one possibility. Dongfang had regained nirvana when he fell asleep.

"Why did you suddenly ask about this?" Dongfang Shu retracted his gaze and picked up the pen again, "I did arrive a little earlier than you. Your soul was thrown by the soul flag, and you were dormant for a while. These are all minor problems."

Ye Zhizhou turned back into a human form and broke his face with a serious look, "Don't be vague, then I will ask you why I have fallen asleep for a hundred years. Don't tell me it is caused by the blood of this body, I don't believe it."

Dongfang Shu was helpless by him, and finally compromised, "Soul Banner is attacking you."

Ye Zhizhou frowned.

"It's trying to kill your soul. I can't do anything about it, so everything is carried by Tongtian." Dongfang Shu held down his frowning eyebrows and gently smoothed it, "You have been sleeping for a hundred years because of your body's blood. , There is also the reason for the soul flag attack, dormancy is a way to protect you from the sky."

Ye Zhizhou pursed his lips, his eyes dimmed. Although he had guessed this was the reason, he still felt sad. He was too useless to make Tongtian what he is now. After a brief period of depression, he quickly picked up again, the soul flag was still haunting, and Tongtian hadn't returned yet, he had to cheer up, work hard to become stronger, and then protect the people and things he cared about.

"The soul flag is changing the target of attack." He shook his head to clear the negative emotions, and analyzed it carefully. "The soul flag started from misleading you to other worlds. It wanted to separate us, but it didn't succeed. Later it thought. It took us in one pot, and of course, it was unsuccessful. Until here, its target of our attack was still very clear, obliterate me, and then lead you away, or use the protagonist to win you over. But starting from this world, he began to concentrate on attacking I, from the time the soul was cast to the later dormancy, his strength was used on me."

Dongfang Shu touched his extremely beautiful eyes after getting serious, and secretly touched his hand on his back.

Ye Zhizhou didn't notice it, and continued, "Assuming that the purpose of the soul flag in this world is still to obliterate me, then the big movements made by Xuanyuanhong are probably the soul flag's means to attract your attention. From the beginning to the end, the spirit banner attacked me, especially after Xuanyuanhong was resolved, I went directly into the second dormancy."

Dongfang Shu nodded and put his arms around his waist, "So?"

"It was aimed at me because I ruined its harem plan, but the reason why I was able to ruin his harem after another was because of the golden finger of Tongtian." Ye Zhizhou frowned again and said, "So I doubt the soul. Qi’s attack on me may also be a blinding method. Its real target is actually Tongtian. With the dormancy during the first soul casting, Tongtian will pay special attention to my safety. And my second dormancy time should be shorter. It is Tongtian who has increased the protective power on me..."

Dongfang Shu stopped his eager hand, leaned over to comfort him and kissed him, "Xiaozhou, don't think too much."

"It's not too much thinking, it's a reasonable guess." Ye Zhizhou forcibly lifted up his unconsciously low emotions and continued, "Then the soul flag attacked the sky when I was dormant and awakened and most defenseless... My golden finger No more, the soul flag can fool me as much as possible."

Dongfang Shu raised his hand and touched his hair.

"That's why I suspect that the last hint left by Tongtian was forged by the soul flag and misled me. Thinking about it further, perhaps the purpose of the soul flag tossing such a large circle is to attack Tongtian and replace it. Tongtian is me. The golden finger, if Tongtian is controlled by the soul flag, then it will be the best tool to push me to hell. Perhaps it is because Tongtian is aware of this that he has closed his self-awareness and will not give the soul flag a chance to take advantage of it."

Dongfang Shu frowned slightly, lowering his eyes thoughtfully. He knows more, so he didn't think about the problem from this aspect at the beginning. Now Xiaozhou analyzes like this... The movement of the soul flag in this world is indeed a bit strange.

Ye Zhizhou didn’t notice his meditation. After thinking about it, he said, “The sky is self-enclosed, but it does not mean that the soul flag has no loopholes to drill. Those few tips are the most suitable introductions for writing. Now the protagonist can’t be sure, and the harem is too wide. Too general, without Tongtian’s help, I would definitely cast the net and focus on it. As long as the spirit flag makes a illusion that looks like the protagonist, add some materials to lead me to kill him... If Jinyang is just an illusion, and I Believe that he is the new protagonist again, Tongtian’s old hatred and Jin Yang’s new hatred now approaching Jiajia, if I’m not calm, I rush over and kill him..."

A gleam of cold light flashed in Dongfang Shu's eyes, and he accepted his words, "Without the protection of the sky, if external forces obliterate the aborigines, you are likely to be obliterated directly by the way of heaven."

"Yes." Ye Zhizhou nodded, and then laughed again, "but the protagonist finally appeared. Jin Yang's weirdness must have the spirit flag's handwriting. Even if the new protagonist is not him, it must have something to do with him. We are in him. Cast a net around you, don't worry about the new protagonist not getting into the hole."

Dongfang Shu looked at the arc of his mouth, and his restful hand touched his back again, and then got into the hem, "Okay, I'll send someone to stare."

The sensitive part of the body was pressed, Ye Zhizhou was stunned, then squinted at his lover's upright and serious face, "What are you doing with your hands in broad daylight."

"You have been studying the formation recently." With a tear, the clothes were scrapped, "Now that the task has a clue, let's go and celebrate."

Ye Zhizhou beat him with anger, "I haven't finished the analysis yet, you pay for my clothes!"

"Analyze later." Dongfang Shu held his hand and leaned forward to directly block his mouth.

As the sun slanted west, Ye Zhizhou nibbled the barbecue and said vaguely, "The soul flag will definitely make trouble while I am dormant, so I suspect that the new protagonist appeared when I was dormant, and then transferred to the blood relatives based on the soul flag. According to some calculations, the age of the new protagonist should be in the age range of Hagi and Jiajia, but Hagi is now an old bird, but the suspected protagonist Jin Yang is only in his 20s, so the new protagonist should be the son of Hagi. The first generation, which is about the same age as Jiajia... So I wonder if Hanagi gets married too late, how do you become the boss of others. And Jiajia, how strange his generation is because of the short-lived rabbit clan And is it fast to have a baby? No, it’s a dilemma. Let me think about it again, oh yes, if the new protagonist is already as old as Jiajia, then his disguise skills must be very good, either very low-key or very high-key. But look. It looks harmless and completely unsuspecting, so we can sift out orcs of a similar age based on these conditions."

Dongfang Shu helped him fasten his clothes and nodded, "I will tell someone to do it."

"Also, Jiajia will definitely be the focus of the new protagonist. He has a good relationship with us and is timid and deceiving. I have a weak spot like me here. The soul flag will definitely be used. We have to pay attention to Jiajia. It’s safe to not let him run around anymore."

Dongfang Shu's action to help him organize his clothes paused and frowned slightly.

Ye Zhizhou took a sip of the juice and began to wipe his mouth, "I have to talk to Yayi and Jin Qiu, and let them pay more attention to the people around them, especially those who are close and seem harmless. Of course, we also have to pay attention. The protagonist is very thoughtful about our ancestral bloodline."

Dongfang Shu stared at him silently for a while, then raised his hand to touch his hair.

"When the new protagonist is picked out, everyone will be able to live a good life." Ye Zhizhou turned his head and smiled at him, with a happy look in his eyes, "Tongtian should be about to wake up at that time, our bodies in this world are all It’s not short-lived, it can be together for a long time, how about it, happy?"

Dongfang Shu stepped forward to hug him, lowered his eyes to cover the emotions in his eyes, "Happy, I am very happy with you by my side."

"But I have to work harder. When the formation is finished, I will learn the refining tool." Ye Zhizhou murmured in his arms, and then said seriously, "Your body in this world is not very good. Tongtian was injured again. There are Yayi Jinqiu Jiajia and them... Don't worry, I will protect you, and the soul flag don't want to hurt you!"

"Yeah." Dongfang Shu buried his head in his neck and slowly tightened his arms around him.

"Lose a little looser, don't hold it so tightly if you eat too much." Ye Zhizhou patted him, and then looked to the direction of the gate of the temple, with a hint of worry in his tone, "But why Jiajia hasn't come back yet, Yayi gave him His treasure map is generally not too complicated, he is not lost, right."

"Haki has been asked to find him." Dongfang Shu gently patted his back, his pupils darkened, as if they had been stained with blood, "Don't worry, I will come back safely." Xiaozhou is such a softhearted person. ... damn soul flag.