There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 146: The Beast Emperor is a diao


Ye Zhizhou exploded, it exploded very badly.

"I don't allow it!"

"Yes, don't you keep urging me to find a partner..."

"But I didn't let you go to Jin Yang!" Ye Zhizhou stared at Tong Jia who had shrunk in the corner, and began to bang the table again, "Aren't you scared of him before? Why do you think he is cute now?" When did you get acquainted with him!"

Tong Jia was frightened and trembling by the pressure of the dragon, her ears were so stiff that she didn't dare to move, and honestly replied, "Just, at the annual festival of the four great clans... The annual festival of the rabbit tribe is finished. Later, I secretly went to the four big clans, and was almost bullied once. He helped me..."

It was actually at the sacrifice of the four major clans! Right under his nose!

Ye Zhizhou was even more angry, "Why don't you go to the priests of the four great clans to find me, you want to secretly!"

"I think you are busy, I don't want to disturb you... I can play by myself..." Tong Jia was taken aback by surprise, her already red eyes became redder and there were still tears in her mouth, "Brother, I used to misunderstand Jin Yang. He is actually quite cute. Let me be with him..."

Ye Zhizhou looked at his pitiful appearance and felt a little soft. He wanted to say that Jin Yang had a problem, but he didn't know how to speak. Xuanyuanhong’s affairs are only known to a few older orcs and patriarchs of various races. In order not to cause panic, their investigations of young orcs of various races over the years have been conducted in secret. Tong Jia is bluffing and deceiving. This kind of thing that needs to be kept secret is really not suitable for him to know. But now this situation...

"Yu Mu." Dongfang Shu put down the Formation Book, got up and walked to Ye Zhizhou and touched his hair, and ordered, "Take Tong Jia down, don't let him out of the temple these days, he needs to calm down."

Compared with the furious Ye Zhizhou, Tong Jia was more afraid of the indifferent Dongfang Shu. Although he didn't want to, he honestly followed Yuki and left.

"Don't get angry." Dongfang Shu sat next to Ye Zhizhou and hugged him comfortably, and said warmly, "This matter is actually very easy to solve. Just catch Jin Yang, anyway, sooner or later, you will have to catch it."

"But Jiajia over there..."

"The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain." Dongfang Shu looked at the temple building that stretched away from the door, and said in a light tone, "Since their relationship is not deep now, Kuaishou is really messy."

Ye Zhizhou was silent. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and nodded, "Okay, listen to you, grab it, I'll go grab it myself. But I haven't figured out who is in his harem, so we have to isolate him slowly after we grab him. The orcs around him who have an ambiguous relationship with him will have a lot of work."

"You just need to be responsible for catching the person, remember not to hurt him, otherwise the gods will expel you, and I will take care of the rest." Dongfang Shu touched his hair again and kissed his forehead, "It will be solved. soon."

After the arrest plan was set, Dongfang Shu became busy again, and Ye Zhizhou also began to prepare for the arrest. Because he couldn't directly damage the protagonist, all the more lethal weapons he used before could not be used, and he had to be replaced with a milder one, which he was very upset about.

"You actually have to worry about whether the bad guy will get hurt, damn it." He gritted his teeth and removed the double knives that Dongfang Shu had made for him, replaced him with the standard long knife that Hagi gave him, and covered his black face with the blade. "I won't let him see blood, can I always beat him up?"

Yuki stepped back to avoid the pressure of the dragon that he unconsciously exudes, and pulled the leather strap on the bow and arrow, "It should be okay... but it needs to be beaten lightly." He said that he lit a row of candles in his heart.

"Relax, I have a sense of measure." Ye Zhizhou sneered, and asked after putting away his weapon, "Where has Jin Yang been doing activities these days, did you come to Jiajia? How is Jiajia's mood these past few days?"

"No, Jin Yang has been up to the mountain recently and has never been to the temple." Yuki answered this question more smoothly. "Jia Jia has been playing with the little orcs in the temple for the past two days. Although it is a little unhappy, it looks like It's not bad."

Ye Zhizhou nodded his head to express his understanding, and began to prepare various balls that he might use, "Go down and prepare for it. The arrest will begin at night."

Yagi should be so kind, and withdrew with the weapon.

At dinner, Tong Jia asked to see Ye Zhizhou, but Dongfang Shu refused.

Ye Zhizhou was puzzled, "Why didn't Jiajia come over? Maybe he figured it out."

"I'm afraid you will be distracted." Dongfang Shu cut the barbecue for him, and added some greens. "Be careful at night. Do you need me to accompany you?"

"Don't." Ye Zhizhou quickly refused, "I can do it by myself. You can rest well. What happened to the Yu clan? How can I toss you for so long, and go out early and return late all day long."

"Something went wrong with the newly-born little orcs. I gave them some medicine, and they are now better." Dongfang Shu's lies came casually, and he said it very sincerely, "I didn't tell you before because I was afraid you were worried. ."

Ye Zhizhou frowned when he heard the words, "What is the disease? This world is not good, the medical level is too low, and the physical conditions of different races are different. Seeing a doctor and taking medicine is a big problem. We have to stay here when the protagonist is resolved. Spend more time on it."

"Well, take your time." Dongfang Shu replied casually, and then broke the subject, "Jin Yang is a tiger orc, and his strength is definitely not weak. If he resists very much, let Hagi catch him, don't you Get started."

"I understand." Ye Zhizhou has always been undefended in front of his lover, and the other party is just what he says, so he is very foolish, and it doesn't take much effort to change the subject.

Dongfang Shu looked at him with his head supported, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Soon, you can live a good life after tonight.

In the middle of the night, on the mountain near the temple.

"Damn it, is Jin Yang a tiger or a mouse? He really can hide." Ye Zhizhou pulled his hair with a stinky face, frowned and looked at Yuki beside him, "If it weren't for the arrest plan, only you and I knew it, and I would doubt it. Is there any rape on our side? How can Jin Yang seem to know the time of our action? It's a coincidence."

Yuki nodded with a straight face, "It's really a coincidence. When I look back, I will check in the Yu Clan and the temple to see if someone really has been bought by Jin Yang."

"... The arrest plan is only you, I, and Dongfang know. Are you suspecting Dongfang is a traitor?"

"... Don't dare." Because it is.

Suddenly there was a wave of fluctuations in the unfolded mental power net. Ye Zhizhou's spirit was shocked, and he hurried to grab the weapon and ran towards the fluctuating position, "Quick! Give up!"

Hearing this, Yugi quickly got up and followed.

In the temple, Tong Jia opened his eyes and changed back to a beast shape, jumped out of the bed and ran out. Passing through the garden and the sub-sacrifice halls of various races, he came to the entrance of the main hall and sneaked in quietly.

The black hole in the main hall at night was a bit scary. He rushed to the small square behind the main hall, came to the formation that once trapped and killed Xuanyuanhong, quietly activated it, and then turned back into a human form and secretly hid it before. Four drops of blood dripped into the eyes.

The wave of formation came slowly, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes and he quickly gathered it. After looking around, he cautiously stepped into the formation, cut his fingers and dripped blood into the formation, and changed back to the beast shape and began to release the beast. force.

The entire orc world is sleeping, and no one seems to have discovered the conspiracy here.

Above the ancient formation, Dongfang Shu was sitting on a bird, staring coldly at the ancient formation that was so small that he could barely see it, and asked indifferently, "Is it uncomfortable?"

A heroic woman in a neat short robe fell on the bird's back with cold sweat, and closed her eyes sadly, "Jia Jia is actually... Why, he doesn't care about the feelings for so many years..."

Although Jin Qiu on the other bird's back did not fall, his face turned pale. He looked at the formation below with a tense expression, his chest rising and falling violently, showing that his emotions were not calm, "No, how could Jiajia... He is so innocent, I don't believe it!"

"Then you guys can feel it more." Dongfang Shu took out the small formation plate and dialed it lightly. "I improved the formation just now. Now this is the original version. Feel it well. This is what Tong Jia really is. I want to do to you."

Yayi suddenly covered her chest and spouted a mouthful of blood, and the look in her eyes quickly dimmed. The animal power in Jin Qiu's body began to lose crazily, and blood stains appeared on his body.

In the ancient formation below, Tong Jia sighed comfortably, and the wave of animal power on his body became stronger and stronger. He trembled and long ears, the doubt in his eyes disappeared, and he was satisfied. The anomaly just now should be that the formation has been useless for too long, so it's a little slow... It's worthy of the blood of returning to the ancestors, and the power is really strong.

"You treat him as a relative, a close friend, and a child, but he treats you as a nourishment." Dongfang Shu flicked the array again, and then took out two balls and shot them into their mouths, saying coldly, "From him to the temple If you want to secretly take Xiaozhou away, the game will begin."

Yayi and Jin Qiu's pain gradually weakened, and they were silent.

"He is very smart. The new body did not choose the four big races that were stared the most, nor did he choose the other big races that Xiaozhou focused on. Instead, he chose nothing to do with this matter, but it has some origins with Xiaozhou. Tongli's family." Dongfang Shu glanced sideways at the direction of Mengshan, and then at the silent two, "Xiaozhou is soft-hearted and never guards against people close to him. He makes perfect use of this. You are careful. Think about it, is the death of Tongli's family unsuspicious?"

Yayi has been the lord of the city for decades, his mind turned much faster than Jin Qiu, and closed his eyes in despair when he heard the words, "it is suspicious... and the simple and harmless image of the rabbit clan is very easy to gain the trust of others, plus He was only a few years old..."

"He kept calling Xiaozhou's younger brother, Xiaozhou took him for granted as his relatives. Later, Tongli's family died and he became an orphan. With Xiaozhou's character, it is almost certain to adopt him." Dongfang Shuyong The sleeves blocked his clenched fists, and his tone became colder and colder, "With the bridge of Xiaozhou, it has become very easy to get to know you who are descended from your ancestors and outstanding orcs of all races. There are also the paintings around the temple. The mountain of ancient formation, besides him, who else can stay near there for a long time without everyone being suspicious?"

Yayi had no words at all, but Jin Qiu gritted his teeth, took a few deep breaths and suddenly raised his hand to punch his forehead, and uttered a low voice, "Damn! I, I have been, always..."

Dongfang Shu retracted his gaze and looked at the formation again, his murderous intent rolled over. Pure malice is not terrible, those terrifying dark knives dressed in emotional cloaks. With Xiaozhou’s intelligence, Tong Jia’s fault should have been discovered long ago, but because of trust and decades of love, Xiaozhou subconsciously put Tong Jia’s name on the list of suspects, and she still chanted fear. The opponent is hurt. Yayi and Jinqiu, who had a shallow relationship with Tong Jia, knew that the truth was so painful, what would happen to Xiaozhou, who raised Tong Jia as a child, knew the truth

The ancient formation method underneath had already reached its limit, and he moved the formation plate again, hoping to get rid of Tong Jia before Ye Zhizhou rushed back.

In the maze outside the ancient Mengshan formation, Ye Zhizhou was so angry that he wanted to remove the formation in his hand.

"What the hell is going on here? How can it suddenly become complicated." He dialed the array again, and checked the surrounding small array eyes again, and his heart was very broken. It was clearly said that the starting point is here, but why has it suddenly changed?"

Hagi lied too much today, and was already a little numb, "It is estimated that a small animal came in and struck the eye stone."

Ye Zhizhou squinted at him, "The formation eye stones are all buried underground, and there are special evasion formations around to confuse small animals. Do you doubt the IQ of your family leader by saying that?"

Hagi shut up and stood silently in the background.

"Sorry, I'm a little anxious." After Ye Zhizhou finished speaking, he realized that his tone was not very good, and he quickly apologized.

Hagi shook his head, "It's okay." He is now more worried about the bird feathers on the patriarch after tonight...

"Can't delay any longer." Ye Zhizhou put away the array, and said in a deep voice after seeing the sky.

[The physical condition of the host is being tested... Physically healthy and free of hidden diseases. ]

He stared at the light screen that suddenly popped in front of him, and burst into tears without warning, "Through the sky! Through the sky, through the sky! You are finally back!"

[Checking task status... Not completed. The state of the soul flag is being tested... Eight branches have been removed without exception. ]

[Detected the protagonist's soul fluctuation... The fluctuation disappeared. The chance of Yayi and the protagonist falling in love has dropped to 0%, and the ninth soul banner is removed. Congratulations to the host, please continue to work hard. ]

Ye Zhizhou was stunned, "Eight have been removed? Did Xuanyuanhong's soul flag only restore two flags after his death? No, why is the flag at Yayi's place, Jin Yangmingming and Yayi didn't pay..."

[The chance of Jin Qiu and the protagonist falling in love has dropped to 20%, please keep the host's efforts. ]

Ye Zhizhou was dumbfounded, the emotions in his eyes changed rapidly, and in the end there was nothing but a daze after realizing it.

Yuki couldn't see the light screen. Seeing him muttering to himself, he thought he was mad by the formation, so he quickly persuaded him, "Jin Yang is also trapped in the formation. Don't worry, we never go back to the patriarch. I will definitely be worried. I guess the patriarch will be found in a while, and then..."

"Yuki." Ye Zhizhou interrupted him, taking a deep breath and looking at him, his eyes were a little red, but his expression was calm, "It's not Jin Yang, right?"

Hagi's expression froze.

"The so-called arrests are all coaxing me, right?" He gritted his teeth to resist the emotions rolling in his chest, turned his head and looked in the direction of the temple, "It's... Jiajia, right?"

Hanagi stared at him, speechless.

"It really is Jiajia..." Ye Zhizhou pulled up the corner of his mouth and grinned reluctantly, lowered his head and took out the small round mirror from the space, gently touched the repaired mirror surface, closed his eyes and took a deep breath to suppress all emotions, and squeezed his palms. , "Tongtian, I will avenge you." The animal power and spiritual power were released together, and the surrounding formation was quickly destroyed. He put away the small round mirror and rushed towards the direction of the temple.

Yuki was stunned by the dragon and could not move in place. He could only watch him run away, and his heart was too anxious. The beast emperor discovered the truth by himself, and the clan and patriarch’s bird feathers are about to end!