There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 149: The temptation to go home


Half a month after waking up again, Ye Zhizhou leaned back on the hospital bed and flipped through the news of today's news on, his eyes filled with confusion.

Is it a dream...

Pulling up the sleeves of the hospital gown, the small mirror tattoo on his wrist has disappeared. Called again and again in my heart, the familiar light screen did not appear again. Stretching out his fingertips, a spiritually condensed butterfly gradually took shape.

Only this left... Evidence of staying in more than a dozen worlds.

The butterfly flapped its wings and flew towards the vast sky outside the window. He turned the news one page, his eyes out of focus. Is it a dream... People with high levels of mental power will have hallucinations after being injured...

The sky, the east, the non-stop mission from life to life... and Jiajia...

The call rang, and he hung up again without hesitation, raising his hand to cover his forehead. The memory is sometimes fuzzy and sometimes clear, as if something important is being stripped from his memory... Dongfang... But who is Dongfang

"You can only be mine."

Who is speaking…

"Little brother… "

Don't cry.

"Host, do you enter the next world?"

What are these in my head...

"We will always be together, the next world, waiting for me."

Okay, waiting for you... who are you waiting for? Who is it...

Face after face slashed in front of him, he shook his head uncomfortably and closed his eyes. It really is an illusion... How could I like so many people at the same time... Like it

Has he... Has anyone liked it

The ear-piercing alarm of the instrument suddenly sounded, and he bent over and buried his face in the quilt, and his mental energy poured out uncontrollably.

It’s painful... I seem to be missing a piece of my body...

The door of the ward was pushed open, and a large group of people in white coats rushed in. His body was lifted up and fixed on the bed, his arms were injected with injections, and his eyes went dark, his vision was blocked by a medical helmet.

"The patient's mental energy is in danger of collapsing, hurry! Push to the magnetic therapy room!"

"Notify the patient's family! This situation requires surgery!"

"Free up the quarantine area! If the 3s mental power collapses out of control, all of our patients on these levels will be stunned!"

"It's okay in the morning, why do you...who turned on the patient's communicator?! Damn, didn't you tell the patient that he should not be stimulated and not be able to access external information when he has just upgraded his mental power! Why the star network is still on? ! Who is in charge of this ward? And the family members of the patient! Why haven't I seen anyone until now!"

"Then, that... Director, this patient is an orphan..."

"... They all looked at me! Go to the magnetotherapy room first!"

The hospital bed under him seemed to be moving. He moved his fingers as he listened to the conversations from time to time. What orphan, he obviously has family... Dongfang, Tongtian, and Jia...

"The patient seems to be talking..."

"Get out of the way, don't block the elevator doors!"

"... I was probably wrong."

After waking up for a moment, the frantic pouring of mental energy eased, he couldn't help holding his fingers tightly, and a tear came out from the corner of his eyes. Don’t forget... Don’t... Dongfang, save me...

"Gosh, is this the essence of mental power, it's so beautiful..."

"Ah, so many butterflies!"

"Shut up all of you! The patient's mental strength is even more unstable. Operate now! Arrange the operating room!"

In the special ward of another hospital, a handsome young man with glasses opened the window, turned and walked to the bedside to replace the withered flowers on the bedside table, "Brother, I have slept for so long, it's time to get up, everyone Miss you very much."

A translucent fat butterfly flew in crookedly, landed on the hospital bed, and then collapsed and disappeared.

"Huh?" The handsome young man turned around, then shook his head and laughed. "Illusion... Every time you come to your place, you feel that you are still awake, pretending to be asleep and teasing me... Wake up, brother." Looking expectantly at the hospital bed, he didn't get a response without surprise.

"Really..." He turned around and continued to toss about how to put flowers that didn't look good, and muttered a little childishly, "I won't see you until I wake up. You don't know how difficult it is for me to ask for leave."

The breeze lifted a corner of the curtains, the sunlight slanted in, and the sleeping person on the bed gently moved the fingers in the quilt without being noticed by anyone.

Another month has passed, the ephemeris has finally turned the last page, and a new year has arrived.

Ye Zhizhou opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling blankly for a while, then stretched out a big laziness, rolled up the quilt, touched the communicator on the bedside table, turned out the number of brother Fang Yixing and dialed it.

After a few seconds, the communication was connected, and a weak, hoarse voice sounded, "If you have something to say, I will tear up your end-of-class report."

"Happy New Year Brother!"

Tearing, the sound of paper cracking came, "First page."

"Brother, my injury is really healed, please go back to the research institute!"

Tearing and tearing, "The second page, tear one and get one free, and the third page is also scrapped."

"... I made the finished product of the x2 genetic modification liquid at home, and I made an improved version with better effect."

The opposite of the communicator was quiet for a few seconds, and then there was a sound of something falling and a yelling, "Get me to the institute, right away, right away! Remember to bring your medicine and brain!"

Click, the communication is closed, Ye Zhizhou squinted his eyes and recollected the brother's almost broken roar, lifted the quilt to get up, and jumped vigorously on the spot, "If you die in a catastrophe, you will have a blessing! I am coming!"

In the research institute affiliated to the military, Ye Zhizhou ran into the door under heavy snow. He came to the busiest, chaotic and terrifying gene research area, and opened the door and shouted, "Brothers, I'm back from the robbery!"

The researchers who came and went like walking dead with dark circles under their eyes all stopped and glanced at him, then rolled his eyes tacitly, and continued to do their jobs.

"Those who come to stimulate their colleagues on holidays should go to hell." The youngest junior sister, He Yu, came out of the printing room with a stack of materials, pointed to the meeting room at the end of the corridor, and said unlovably, "Master The entire project team has been assembled, just wait for you, let's go in. Brother Ye, thank you for your sudden enlightenment. Our project team has one more month of work."

Ye Zhizhou, who did not receive a warm welcome, snorted, stepped forward and grabbed the material that looked very heavy in her hand, and walked toward the conference room on her shoulders, "You guys with no conscience, work overtime for a month, happy. Do you understand all year long! Think about the bonus, have you suddenly fallen in love with me?"

He Yu raised his middle finger to him, "I just want to kill you. We don’t end up with this one and there will be no next one. I have foreseen that next month, the seniors will be arguing about the next topic. Very noisy picture, I hate you."

"You will return to school after your internship next month. What are you afraid of." Ye Zhizhou threw her a ball and squinted.

"Don't look old-fashioned, you are one month older than me." He Yu caught the ball and smelled it, raising his eyebrows, "This sugar ball is so gray that it smells pretty fragrant, what brand? ?"

"Big Brother Ye brand love small balls." Ye Zhizhou replied casually, and opened the door of the meeting room, "Master, do you miss me? I'm here to tell you the good news!"

The gray-haired and serious Jiang Guolong gave him an angry look, put down the information in his hand and pointed to the position on the right hand side, and turned on the projector in the conference room, "The information is there, take it yourself. Okay, everyone is here. , The meeting begins, Xiaoye, you will be the keynote speaker."

Ye Zhizhou chuckled over with a smile, first poured a cup of hot tea for Jiang Guolong, then stood in front of the projector proficiently, turned on the communicator and started transmitting data. Everyone in the project team was accustomed to turning over the information, and each turned on the audio and video equipment to enter the state of taking notes.

"That..." A beautiful girl sitting in the corner hesitated and raised her hand. She smiled embarrassedly at the people who looked over, looked at Jiang Guolong and asked, "Tutor, the x2 gene fluid project is not fixed. Yes, I have all the information ready..."

He Yu, who was sitting on Jiang Guolong's left hand, frowned and turned to look at Ye Zhizhou in front of the projector.

"Have you decided?" Jiang Guolong took the memo and flipped through the memo in confusion, then patted his forehead and explained, "Blame me for not telling you clearly. The x2 project has always been followed by Xiaoye. The keynote materials I gave you are Xiaoye sorted it out before he was hospitalized. He spoke a little deeper, you just need to listen to him."

After the data was transferred, Ye Zhizhou turned off the communicator and walked to Jiang Guolong and said in confusion, "This is..."

"New intern." Jiang Guolong remembered that he hadn't introduced them before, so he said briefly, "Ye Zhizhou, the person in charge of the x2 project. Ren Qiao, the one-month new intern is also from the military academy. I think about it. Seems to be in the same grade as Xiaoyu?"

He Yu shook his head, "No, I am on the third floor, she is on the first floor." The Federal Military Academy's genetic research major is divided into eight grades, and classes are usually concentrated in a teaching building. The first floor is for the first and second grades. The second floor is the third and fourth grade, and so on. The researchers working in this institute are basically graduates of the Federal Military Academy. Everyone is accustomed to using several floors to introduce themselves.

"The first floor?" Jiang Guolong was surprised, "Isn't it the third floor? I think it is written on the third floor in the information."

Ye Zhizhou was also a little surprised. The genetic students can only come out for internships after the third grade. How did the people on this floor get in here

Ren Qiao blushed slowly and explained in a low voice, "I, I skipped the grade. I had passed the skipping assessment before entering the graduate school. From the next semester, I will go to the third floor for class. So... Sister He, I never said which floor I am on, why would you know... Sorry, I should have explained it earlier..."

Everyone suddenly realized that it turned out to be a grade skip. I didn't expect this new beautiful intern to be so powerful... But it seems to be the same. How could He Yu know which floor other people are in class

Everyone’s eyes fell on He Yu. He Yu suddenly felt that he had been shot in the knee. He said speechlessly, “I saw you go to class on the first floor when I returned to school to submit a report... You are all watching what I am doing, and I am right. Isn't she still on the first floor?"

"Okay, okay." Jiang Guolong waved his hand, pushed Ye Zhizhou, who was suddenly in a daze, said with a grin, "Be quiet, Ren Qiao, sit down, and after the meeting, you will go to the office with me, skipping the level. I want to confirm with you again. Xiaoye go up and talk about it, everyone listen carefully."

Everyone turned their attention back to the meeting when they heard the words. Ren Qiao sat down, He Yu opened the information, and Ye Zhizhou returned to his senses. He walked to the projector and turned on the microphone, with a daze flashing in his eyes.

He seemed to have seen a few translucent flags on Ren Qiao's head just now, but those flags only appeared for a moment and disappeared. Is it an illusion? But how did those flags look familiar? Where did I see them

Under the conference table, an old small mirror full of cracks shook, and tried to move it in the direction of Ye Zhizhou.