There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 152: The temptation to go home


"It's so lively." Fang Yixing opened the door, strode to the young man with glasses, put the box down and opened it directly. After taking a look at Ren Qiao, he said lightly, "Here, the genetic modification fluid you want, just take it if you can't wait. Use it."

Ren Qiao's cry stopped, and He Yu sat up in surprise, "Master, brother, is the genetic modification fluid in the safe?"

"The box is empty."

Fang Yixing stunned all the people in the conference room with a simple sentence. Jiang Guolong was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression relaxed. After suppressing the cheers of the others in the project team, he asked, "Then the reforming fluid..."

"Xiaoye took it home."

Jiang Guolong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. At this moment, Ye Zhizhou walked in and directly slapped the table and shouted, "Second, you are all the same as the rules and regulations of the Institute! You actually brought the research results that have not yet been officially put into use. Go home, this matter must be punished! Also, you take it away with you, the action is not a little detailed, and the temperature setting of the safe was sloppily moved, causing everyone to mess up this scene. I know you didn’t wait for your body after the car accident After recuperation, it is very tiring to work overtime, but this is not the reason for your carelessness. You must be fined for this matter today. You have to deduct one month's bonus. Do you have any objections!"

Fang Yixing glanced at his master, coughed and suppressed the smile that poured into his throat, pretending to be serious. These remarks sounded like reprimand, but in fact they were full of maintenance. Let me scold everyone, then classify the problem of the wrong safe temperature setting as sloppy, and finally mention Ye Zhizhou’s previous car accident, to remind everyone that my apprentice got injured and got the reforming fluid out. It's so great and hard work, and it is excusable to make a small mistake, and I have fined him a month's bonus, so don't interfere, go home and wash and sleep.

"That’s right, brother, you’re so wrong. Two days ago, when you always had a headache, I advised you to take time off and rest. If you don’t, you have to work overtime to keep an eye on the progress of the test. See, something is wrong now, next time. You can no longer ignore your own body in order to save the lives of others, so as not to suffer a loss and not to please you and be suspected." He Yu also heard the bias in Jiang Guolong's words, and hurriedly followed Ye Zhizhou's "study on illness with dedication". "Great" was smashed, and by the way, the young man with glasses was sour.

The young man with glasses heard what she meant and couldn't help but glanced at her sideways.

Ren Qiao didn't expect such a turning point to happen, and bit his lip bitterly. She glanced at Lou Yi, who had an unclear expression next to her, eagerly trying to find a way to turn the situation back.

When Ye Zhizhou came in, he was still feeling a little heavy and was completely tossed by Jiang Guolong and He Yu's words. Although his heart was very warm and heartwarming, he still had to remove the pot he shouldn't be carrying as soon as possible.

"Bringing the research results home is indeed my problem. I have no objection to deducting the bonus, but I don't accept the fact that the safe is set to the wrong temperature." He turned on the communicator and walked to the projector in the conference room to start transmitting video , Said to the people who looked over, "I did go back to the research institute after get off work last night, but at first I just went to the big conference room to adjust the surveillance video in the laboratory, and then I found this. To be safe, I went to the laboratory to take away the reforming fluid."

Ren Qiao's thoughts stopped, his expression changed drastically, and panic rose in his heart, and he said anxiously, "Brother, since the remodeling fluid is okay, the instructor has also punished you, then, let's go away, it's so late."

"No hurry, it's just a few minutes of surveillance video. It won't delay everyone's time." Ye Zhizhou turned on the projector player, glanced at Ren Qiao with a smile but clicked play, "Miss Ren, think about how to explain it. Bar."

After hearing this, Jiang Guolong and the young man with glasses looked at them thoughtfully, and then looked at the projector together. Fang Yixing also saw the clues, leaning on the conference table and taking a cold glance at Ren Qiao, followed by looking at the projector.

The video went black for a few seconds and then the picture became clear. A slender figure walked into the laboratory, first looked up at the direction of the monitor, and then walked straight to the safe, input the password to take out the storage box, enter the password again, wrong, The box did not open. After repeated attempts, the figure became irritable. He took out the communicator and pressed it a few times. After a few seconds, he shouted, "The password has been changed! How do I know that he has changed it." The other side of the communication said. What, the figure is more anxious, and shouted again, "Don't rush! What can I do if the password is changed! Who told you that you didn't kill him in the first place? I need to toss him if I want to kill him?"

The meeting room was dead quiet. Everyone turned to look at Ren Qiao, He Yu directly exploded, "Ren Qiao! What are you doing in the lab! What did you mean by not killing him? Who are you going to kill? Is it brother! Did you do the car accident that brother did? You, you mean-hearted bitch! Brother, how can I sorry you, you want to harm him like that!"

"Xiao Yu!" Jiang Guolong held He Yu, who was about to rush over, and took a stern look at Ren Qiao. His forehead was bulging. Obviously he was very angry, but he was trying his best to restrain himself, "Miss Ren, I hope this will happen to you. Can give me an explanation."

"I, I didn't, I just drank too much after the dinner... Lou, Brother Lou Yi..." Ren Qiao did not expect that Ye Zhizhou was in the research institute at the time, and he also recorded real-time monitoring. Xiu said, "Brother Lou Yi, you believe me, I didn't touch those remodeling fluids. You have also seen it. I don't know the password at all. I, I am worried about Brother Lou's illness, so I thought about it after getting drunk. Let’s take a look at the condition of the remodeling fluid... ”

Lou Yi had seen all kinds of conspiracies and intrigues since he was a child, and he still couldn't understand the situation at this time. He gently withdrew his hand and shook his head, and said in a low voice, "Qiaoqiao, you have disappointed me too much. I thought you were the only innocent of those people... I walked away and you said you were drunk. So come and have a look. Then you send me a newsletter saying that if the remodeling fluid is damaged by Mr. Ye, you are also drunk when you are drunk?"

Ren Qiao started crying again, "I didn't, I really just came to see..."

In the surveillance video, Ren Qiao left angrily after hanging up the communication, then the screen went black and the video ended.

"After seeing this piece of surveillance, I went to the laboratory to take the modification fluid, and then left the research institute." Ye Zhizhou turned off the communicator, glanced at the crowd, and continued, "The video I intercepted did not capture who changed the insurance. The temperature of the safe, but you can compare the monitoring time. I went home directly after taking the remodeling fluid, and never came back again, so it was not me who changed the temperature of the safe. In other words, there were still people after I left. After entering the laboratory, it may be Miss Ren or not, but whether it is or not, there is a problem with the surveillance video."

Another meaning of this is that even if it is not Ren Qiao who changed the temperature of the safe, that Ren Qiao colluded with the people in the monitoring room is affirmative. It is also affirmative that Ren Qiao wants to harm people. Any fool knows who changed the temperature setting of the safe.

The faces of the senior executives of the research institute were all black, Fang Yixing directly took out the communicator and dialed it to the monitoring room, shouting, "All the people in the monitoring room will come to the large conference room on the top floor. No one is missing, all!" After finishing speaking, he hung up and dialed the communication to his assistant. "You go to the monitoring room and stare at it, then call the police, saying that someone has deliberately stolen and destroyed our research results."

"No, don't call the police." Ren Qiao panicked completely and went to pull Lou Yi's sleeve. "Brother Lou Yi, I really didn't mean it. I was just drunk. Please, don't let them call the police. All this It's all a misunderstanding."

A trace of intolerance flashed in Lou Yi's eyes, and he was quickly replaced by calmness and reason, and gently pulled back the sleeve he was holding. "Coincidentally, since it is a misunderstanding, then go to the police station and say that the misunderstanding is clear. It is the institute's own responsibility to call the police. I have no right to intervene in the matter."

[Lou Yi and the protagonist’s chance of falling in love has dropped to 30%, please keep the host’s efforts. ]

[Fang Yixing’s chance of falling in love with the protagonist has dropped to 10%, please keep the host’s efforts. ]

The light screen suddenly popped up, and the brain started to ache. Ye Zhizhou raised his hand and pressed his forehead, walked to Fang Yixing's side and patted him on the shoulder, and handed the communicator over, "You will be troubled with the follow-up, and trouble."

"Stop talking about such polite words, blame me." Fang Yixing took his communicator to export the surveillance video and sent it to himself, his face was dark, "If I hadn't sent Ren Qiao such a scourge to your project team, you wouldn't have been Toss about this. If it weren't for your wit, I would not only have to stand in the line this time, but also continue to be tricked by cockroaches like Ren Qiao's influx. I have to give you a big red envelope for this!"

Ye Zhizhou patted him on the shoulder again, silently comforting.

Ren Qiao, known as a cockroach, tightened his fingers, and could only use crying to conceal his emotions. The current situation is very unfavorable. She must not go to the police station. This plan has completely failed. She must find a way. There is also Lou Yi. She finally used Lou Qian's gene collapse to approach the other party, and she must not fall short!

"Mr. Ye." Lou Yi closed the storage box on the table and lifted it up and walked to Ye Zhizhou, with a sincere expression and solemn expression, "On behalf of Lou Jia, thank you for your help this time, and sorry for misunderstanding you tonight."

Fang Yixing snorted without a good face, Ye Zhizhou tugged at him, smiled at Lou Yi, and said in a gentle and distant way, "It doesn't have to be this way, just solve the misunderstanding." As for the other party's gratitude, he didn't want to accept it. This transformation fluid is not specially made to save people for the other party, it is just an incidental thing... In fact, he would be happier without this incidentally.

Lou Yi saw his reluctance to talk more, and felt a little regretful and guilty in his heart. After a solemn apology, he looked back at Ren Qiao who was still crying, shook his head and turned to leave. After watching a scene that he didn't want to see, and being fooled into a supporting role, he was in a very unhappy mood now.

The police arrived quickly, Ren Qiao was quickly taken away for isolation, and this sudden opening drama finally came to an end.

After a hectic recording of confession, Ye Zhizhou came out of the police station in the face of the rising sun and couldn't help but sighed long. The recent days are really...

"Senior Brother Ye." He Yu followed him out with a stinky expression, and said angrily, "Ren Qiao's family has a little background. This incident did not cause actual losses to the Institute, and there is no direct evidence. It is very likely that the thunder and the rain will be lighter. It's just exposed."

Ye Zhizhou was silent. He discovered this problem when he just recorded his confession. The police's questions were too perfunctory and biased. They really didn't have direct evidence of Ren Qiao changing the safe temperature setting.

He Yu was very unwilling, and continued, "Brother, please remember what happened in the car accident. I think there is something weird in it. Maybe it was really what Ren Qiao did. You see, she went into our courtyard when you got involved in the car accident. If you know how to toss, you will be the main speaker of your project. If you don’t get it back, then she will be able to tell you what the x2 project is, if you don’t save it.

Ye Zhizhou turned his head and smiled soothingly at her, "I know this in my heart. Go back and rest. Girls with dark circles will not look good."

"Come here again, you... Oh, why are you not in a hurry? You are going to be bullied to death!" He Yu lost his temper when he laughed, turned around and ran into the police station again, "No, tell you These are completely useless, I'll go to Senior Brother Fang and Master!"

Ye Zhizhou watched her go in and held the small mirror in his pocket tightly. Car accident, x2, Ren Qiao, Loujia... And the confession he had forgotten about, he felt that a big net was covering his head, ready to fall.

With his thoughts flying around, he turned and walked to the nearby breakfast shop, his expression lightened. Those relatives who said they wanted to admit their relatives but never showed up after their car accident...who would they be

A week later, Ren Qiao's affairs were over. Fang Yixing didn't give up and wanted to continue his investigation, but was suppressed by his old man. For this reason, Fang Yixing almost demolished his old man's office. The people in the monitoring room were cleaned up and several of them were fired. Researchers from other departments also had problems, and several of them left one after another. The atmosphere in the academy was tense throughout January. Everyone was immersed in their work and dared not laugh like usual.

Ye Zhizhou received a large bonus and was taken on vacation.

"My dad has also kicked the iron plate. The chain of interests is too complicated. There is no way." Fang Yixing pulled his hair irritably, and clenched his fists. "That Ren Qiao didn't know which way he was going, but he was flattered. Shao family, damn it!"

The Shao family, the big tree of the federal political circles, and the Lou family of the military department are dubbed by the public as the two big mountains of the federation. The Fang family only occupies a good position in the scientific research of the military department. Compared with the Lou Shao family, it is indeed a bit worse. It is no wonder that the hot tempered old man of the Fang family turned off this time.

An x2 shocked two mountains, and Ye Zhizhou didn't know what to say.

"The Lou family is not righteous! You gave them life-saving things, but they didn't care about you, and let the Shao family reach out to the military headquarters, rubbish!" Fang Yixing was so angry that he wanted to smoke, remembering that there was nothing in the laboratory. The completed experiment can only endure angrily.

"The Lou family is probably busy paying attention to the situation of Louqian... Don't be angry, I'll take a vacation, and I'll take care of myself." Ye Zhizhou handed over a bottle of balls and dropped the bomb calmly, "And I also need time to go. To figure out some things, do you still remember my confession? My life experience may have something to do with the Ren family."

Fang Yixing shook his hand and almost didn't smash the exquisite bottle he handed over. He pulled out his ears and exclaimed, "What are you talking about? Are you, you and that disgusting Ren family involved?!"