There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 157: The temptation to go home


With Tongtian, the golden finger that was restored to the sky, Ye Zhizhou only took an afternoon to dig out most of the old things about the corners of the Ren family.

"The current owner of the Ren family is named Ren Yunjie, and there is a younger brother named Ren Yunling. Ren Qiao is Ren Yunling’s only daughter and is not close to Dafang. In the original plot, Ren Qiao snatched his cousin Ren after opening the harem. Zhuo’s position as the head of the family made Ren Dan, who had a crush on Qian Yuan’s cousin, married a bad-tempered old man. Ren Zhuo later went away and disappeared. Ren Dan died of illness in the second year after marrying. Neither of them ended well."

He wrote the names of the two on white paper, and then drew a circle and connected them to the names of a group of people from Ren's family. "The juniors who are close to Ren Zhuo are basically miserable. They either leave the federation or leave. I died early, and all have been cannon fodder."

Dongfang Shu wanted to hug him, he hesitated, then took his hand back, and asked, "Do you have a clue about the identity of your parents?"

"Yes." He lowered his eyes and wrote a name. "Yesterday, Brother Fang and I sifted through Ren's family tree and circled five possible candidates. Today I looked at the plot data and found that none of them were. My father should be him, the illegitimate son of the previous generation of the head of the Ren family-Ren Haonan."

Dongfang Shu frowned. He had just turned over the genealogy of the Ren family. The previous generation of paternalists had a very good relationship with his wife, and there was no illegitimate child named Ren Haonan.

After years of tacit understanding, Ye Zhizhou knew what he was thinking only by looking at his expression. He took a few dozens of funding lists from the Ren family decades ago, and explained, “There is really no name for Ren Haonan in the Ren family tree, because he He has never been recognized by the Ren family. He was raised by the Ren family as a designated funding target."

Dongfang Shu took the sponsorship list in his hand and flipped through it, and asked, "There were hundreds of orphans sponsored by the Ren family back then, how are you sure that your father is Ren Haonan?"

“The Ren family does support many orphans, but there are not many orphans who are of the right age, follow the Ren family’s surname, and have stayed in the Ren family from birth to death.” Ye Zhizhou leaned on the sofa, drew a pillow and hugged him, and continued, “Ren Family funding is also divided into levels. Ren Haonan’s performance in all aspects is very mediocre in the file, but he received the highest level of funding. The best conditions, the best schools, the best job opportunities... Not the Ren family My brain is broken, why do I put all the good stuff on a mediocre orphan? And the identity of the orphan of Ren Haonan is also full of doubts. The relationship between the previous generation of the Patriarch of the Ren family and his wife is indeed good, but it is also true that he cheated. Those lace reports of the Ren family are good evidence. I calculate the time, Ren Haonan’s age just matches the time of the derailment of the previous generation of the head of the Ren family."

Dongfang Shu put down the genealogy and clicked on the back of the sofa, "Then the second one?"

"It was the department where Ren Haonan worked after entering the Renjia Research Institute." He took out another piece of information and threw it over, feeling a little complicated. The Division of Nutrition, which has nothing to do with genetic research. I don’t trust that my family is so stupid. I spend a lot of money to pile up personal talents but don’t make good use of them. Instead, I put them aside to waste. The most important thing is... Blurred photos of his, my facial features are very similar to his, and the time of my birth..."

Hearing the words, Dongfang Shu put down the information and sat next to him and touched his hair.

"I'm fine." Ye Zhizhou smiled at him and continued, "I was only a few months old when I was picked up and sent to the orphanage. I was very clean and the clothes I wore were of good quality. It’s been meticulously taken care of... but I was just abandoned."

Dongfang Shu finally stopped being jealous with himself and stretched out his arms to hug him.

"I calculated the time my mother was pregnant with me based on the time I was picked up... Ren Haonan has stayed in the Ren family's site all his life, and has no chance to contact outsiders, so I guess he and my mother should be in Ren's family. I met in the research institute... After that, I looked through the list of the resigners of Renjia Research Institute in the years before and after my birth, and found that an intern named Ye Wenxiu had left Renjia Research without finishing the internship period. She is also a student of the military academy, but she went through the formalities of suspension after leaving the Renjia Research Institute and moved to another city very far away, and the place where I was found... is on the outskirts of that city."

Dongfang Shu sideways kissed his forehead, hugged him to his lap and locked it firmly, and said warmly, "Don't be sad, you still have me."

"It's not so sad..." Ye Zhizhou leaned his head on his shoulder, recalled the photo of Ye Wenxiu on the resignation report, and his voice lowered, "Ye Wenxiu died when I was three years old, and died in an accident. I am. I am confused and remember that when I was young, a beautiful aunt would come to see me every weekend... Ren Haonan died last year. Last year, if I were a little earlier, maybe I could still see him. And my name, I always thought I gave myself I took the surname Ye because I had leaves on my body when I was picked up, but now that I think about it, I probably always remember Ye Wenxiu subconsciously, I remember that aunt Ye who always came to see me... But I finally forgot her. If it weren’t for trying to remember now... the memory of when I was three years old is too vague, I really can’t remember..."

Dongfang Shu patted his back comfortably, silently comforting.

Ye Zhizhou took a deep breath and broke away from his arms, and went to get the information on the table, "The probability that Ren Haonan and Ye Wenxiu are my parents is 80%... I also found a suspicious place, the mental stabilizer used by Ren Jia to stand up. It was developed in the year Ye Wenxiu left. The next year I was picked up and sent to the orphanage. Not long after that, Ren's mental strength stabilizer was officially launched."

Dongfang Shu held his hand with the information and frowned, "Do you suspect that the mental stability agent was developed by Ren Haonan? Then the Ren family threatened Ren Haonan and Ye Wenxiu?"

"Otherwise, there is no way to explain Ye Wenxiu's departure and her going to another country to give birth, and finally abandoning me." Ye Zhizhou took his hand back and looked up at him, "Ren Haonan's file is too perfect and too mediocre, but this perfection Mediocrity itself is not normal. An illegitimate child, an illegitimate child that the owner of the family does not even want to recognize, but has been vigorously cultivated by the Ren family, don’t you feel contradictory? Dongfang, the patent right of the medicine can be passed on to the spouse and the next generation Of... Also, do you believe that a woman who chooses to suspend school and give up her good future in order to give birth to a child will abandon her child? Anyway, I don’t believe it.

And in his memory, Ye Wenxiu secretly ran to the orphanage to visit, all of which told him that there was something hidden in the past. After going through the information several times, he almost made up for what happened back then. First, Ren Haonan developed a mental strength stabilizer, and then the Ren family discovered about Ren Haonan and Ye Wenxiu. Probably because of threats, or seeing that something was wrong with Ren's family, Ye Wenxiu chose to leave because she was afraid of being persecuted after discovering that she was pregnant. Ren Haonan may have been pinned to Ren's family for some reason and could not be with Ye Wenxiu.

After that, Ye Wenxiu went to another faraway city to wait for a child to give birth. A few months later, the child was born. After a few months, the Ren family should have discovered Ye Wenxiu’s traces. Ye Wenxiu was afraid that they would harm the child, so he abandoned the child and hid it. Orphanage...

"And my car accident." He drew a timeline and put everything together. "Ren Haonan passed away, and the patent rights of the mental stabilizer are high. The Ren family must be very anxious. Then they found me and the car accident It happened. It’s a pity that I didn’t die. I lived in the hospital. After that, Ren Qiao's aptitude skyrocketed under the influence of the soul flag. He appeared in my project team and started to cheat me. In short, the Ren family’s actions are definitely not over, I’m here. The peace should only be temporary."

Dongfang Shu glanced at the various materials spread over the coffee table, thoughtfully.

"Soul Banner is quite smart. Whoever is the most malicious to me, it will help." Ye Zhizhou twitched his lips and continued, "I lost all the memory of the mission after I came back, and also forgot what happened before and after the car accident, police Tell me that the accident was caused by the driver's error, so I believe it. But now it seems that my accident is probably related to Ren's family. To investigate this, we can start with the driver's family."

"I'll check." Dongfang Shu took the job, paused after speaking, and added, "I just want to help you, don't worry, I won't..."

"I know." Ye Zhizhou rushed over and hugged him, clinging to him, "You don't have to explain it all the time, I know."

Dongfang Shu raised his hand and hugged him, gently eyebrows, "The power of the soul flag is already very weak. This can be seen from the number of soul flags in this world. Xiaozhou, you are great, not because you are in your own The world is in chaos and I am very happy."

"Then can you tell me what the soul flag is now?"

Dongfang Shu held his arm tightly and was silent.

Ye Zhizhou hit him with his head and said, "Don't talk about it... I can guess it anyway." The last world soul flag exposed too much information, plus Jiajia... the soul flag is probably going to be over, otherwise it won't. Will rush to his own world to toss this. Also, the last world Jiajia said that the protagonist of each world was not a tool selected by the soul flag. After being directly attacked by the soul flag once, he basically recognized this, but the protagonist of this world, Ren Qiao, was obviously by the soul flag. He selected the one, he believed Jiajia would not lie to him, then there was only one explanation for the difference between this world and other worlds, and the power of the soul flag was not enough.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and glanced at his lover, then pursed his lips. When the task is completed, the soul flag completely disappears, what will the future of him and Dongfang Shu look like

Two days later, Ye Zhizhou obtained Qian Yuan's detailed information and contact information, and personally confirmed Ren Qiao's pregnancy.

"Qian Yuan really hasn't developed a super-friendship relationship with Ren Qiao." He smiled and covered the information, ate a Yi Rong Dan, and went out to make a chance encounter.

Raising the flag is necessary. It is also necessary to find out the truth of the year and then have revenge and grievances. Finding out the identity of Ren Qiao's child's father is what is most needed now!