There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 158: The temptation to go home


Qian Yuan is currently only a poor student. It is very difficult to take care of her academically and her frail mother in life. Qian Yuan’s feelings for Ren Qiao began with gratitude. In the year Qian Yuan graduated and entered the Ren Family Research Institute, Qian Yuan’s mother was seriously ill and urgently needed a large sum of money for surgery. Ren Qiao took the initiative to provide Qian Yuan in advance. In the next ten years, Qian Yuan took the money to rescue his mother. From then on, he was grateful to Ren Qiao who took the initiative to help him, and he became more and more devoted to the Ren family.

Ye Zhizhou stepped on the public suspension vehicle, turned his hat, staring thoughtfully at the information on the light screen. This Qian Yuan is a good boy who knows his gratitude. The Ren family is now really helping Qian Yuan. It will certainly not succeed in provoking the relationship between Qian Yuan and Ren family. The only way to start is from Qian Yuan’s affection for Ren Qiao. .

The hovering car quickly reached a lively street in the city center. After getting off the car, he bought an ice cream and walked towards Qian Yuan, who was wearing a doll costume to help a restaurant attract customers by the side of the road.

Judging from the ID photo attached to the information, Qian Yuan's height as a male protagonist is still passable. But it was probably because of the harder life. His complexion was a little yellow, his figure was a little thin, and he looked unhealthy.

After reconfirming the name of the store, he pretended not to pay attention and hit Qian Yuan directly.

"Ah, I'm sorry!" He held Qian Yuan who had almost fallen to the ground, pointed to the large ice cream stain on the doll's clothes, and said embarrassedly, "Sorry, you got your clothes dirty, I will pay you one. "

"No need." Qian Yuanqinglang's voice came from behind the doll's headgear. He picked up the clean towel at the entrance of the store and wiped the stains on the doll's clothes, and said soothingly, "It's just a little bit of stains, no need to pay, look back. I can just wash it."

Ye Zhizhou couldn't see his expression because of the headgear, but from the tone of voice, Qian Yuan was a rare good temper.

This is too good to bully... He sighed in his heart, and then without hesitation, by apologizing again and approaching, he sprinkled some sleeping pills on the place for his doll to breathe, silently for a few seconds, puff, puff, money. land.

"Ah!" He deliberately raised his voice and exclaimed, and said to the waiter who was looking into the store, "I stunned your employee. Well, where is your store owner, I want to take this person to the hospital."

The staff was a little confused. How could I faint with just one hit, but after thinking about Qian Yuan's so thin body that he was walking, he hurriedly turned around and ran back to the store to call the boss.

After Ye Zhizhou and other employees left, they squatted down to help Qian Yuan remove the headgear, squinted and smiled. Isn’t it just a bad health? It’s fine if it is cured. This time it will see how your feelings are still budding.

The person was sent to the hospital for a full-body examination. Naturally, nothing was found. The doctor also said that Qian Yuan was just a little overworked and needed a rest.

The shop owner was very nice, rushed to pay for the medical bills, and also personally sent Yuan Yuan back. Ye Zhizhou hurriedly stopped him, and said embarrassedly, "Obviously I hit him, but I didn't pay any compensation... Well, he has fainted now, so he will stay in the hospital for one night until he wakes up. I will pay."

"You are interested, but Xiao Yuan's mother is still waiting for him at home. Let's take him back. Alas, this child is also pitiful." The shop owner sighed, and was about to call the car again.

Ye Zhizhou stopped again, "I'll deliver it. You can just give me the address. If you don't worry, I can put your ID on you. I have to help..."

The shop owner was amused by him. He thought about it and said, "Well, you can deliver it. I'll give you the address. I don't need the certificate. Seeing that you are tender, you should be a student. I believe you. You have to go for a hard time. ."

"No hard work, no hard work, it should be." Ye Zhizhou grinned, his face silly and sweet.

Qian Yuan's home is in the suburbs. It is a very simple one-bedroom and one-living room. Qian Yuan's mother lives in the bedroom. Qian Yuan usually lives in school, but he lives in the living room during vacations.

Ye Zhizhou helped the thin Qian Mu send Qian Yuan to the simple bed in the living room, frowning slightly. This is too miserable for the Qian Yuan family. Isn't it funded by the Ren family? Coupled with Qian Yuan's scholarship and the money earned from a few jobs during the winter and summer vacations, it shouldn't have been so hard.

"Little classmate, thanks for your hard work, come, drink water." Qian Mu let him sit down on the single sofa, handed a glass of warm water and said embarrassedly, "The home is simple and simple, it makes you laugh."

Ye Zhizhou took the water politely, shook his head and said, "Where... I left the orphanage when I was 18 years old. The university did not start, and I had no money. The place to live is worse than this. Auntie is at ease. Qian Yuan is a good kid who works hard. , Days will get better."

Qian Mu's focus was on his first sentence, and said with pity, "Sorry, I mentioned your sadness."

This was clearly mentioned by him himself... Alas, it really makes people wonder what to say to the mother and son. Knocked on the small mirror and scanned Qian Mu's body. After learning that her poor health was caused by too much fatigue in her early years, he could not help but sighed again. While Qian Mu went to the kitchen to cut fruits, he asked for a Shiquan Da Tonic Pill from Tongtian, crushed it and sprinkled it into Qian Mu's water cup, then opened Qian Yuan's mouth and stuffed him with one too. .

After that, he accompanied Qian Mu for a chat, stared at Qian Mu and drank the water, and then deliberately brought the topic to the Ren family.

"Ren's family? Is it the Ren's family who is a mental stabilizer?"

"That's it. If it weren't for them, Xiao Yuan's studies would have been cut off in middle school." Qian Mu said that her face was full of gratitude, and said with satisfaction, "Xiao Yuan is also striving to be admitted to the military academy, and will be a graduate after graduation. A stable researcher will not have to live a hard life."

Ye Zhizhou made a sudden realization, and said, "It turned out to be the Ren family, so it seems that the Ren family may have a happy event recently. I am a medical student. Last time I met Ren Qiao, the young lady of the Ren family, and found out that she was pregnant. Up."

Qian Mu simply believed, and asked with a smile, "Really? Congratulations. Xiao Yuan still knows a lady of Ren's family, and I don't know if I'm talking to you alone. Pregnancy is a happy event, I have to ask Xiao Yuan to write a letter of congratulations."

Just write it and it will be fried... Ye Zhizhou smiled, with a pure face, "I really want to write, Qian Yuan can successfully complete his studies thanks to the Ren family." This Qian Mu has probably been at home for a long time, and he is completely aware of the outside situation. It's not clear, such as the fact that the two ladies of the head of the Ren family are still unmarried.

When returning home at night, Ye Zhizhou found that Dongfang Shu was repairing the lock again, and it was the door lock. He twitched his mouth, grabbed the little hooligan crane who had jumped on his shoulder, and asked, "What are you doing again?"

"You didn't give me the key to my house." Dongfang Shu was sullenly facing the door, with a grievance accusation effect from his back.

Ye Zhizhou is speechless, his house only has a key, blame him

Click, click, the aisle is full of crashing sounds from repairing locks.

Ye Zhizhou sighed up to the sky, raised his hand and wiped his face, stepped forward and bent over and kissed him, "Okay, let's go out to eat at night. By the way, I will give you the key and fix the lock first. There are a bunch of important materials in my study. , Can't be careless."

After hearing this, Dongfang Shu fixed the lock in twos or twos, stood up and kissed him, solemnly said, "I have secured the lock in the study. Don't worry, let's go out for dinner first."

"..." After the quarrel, the lover became more shameless, it was terribly cute!

[The probability of Qian Yuan and the protagonist falling in love has dropped to 50%, please keep the host's efforts. ]

Ye Zhizhou raised his eyebrows. At this point, Qian Yuan should have heard that Qian Yuan said that Ren Qiao was pregnant after he woke up. I hope Qian Yuan is really grateful to Ren Jia, and he wrote a thank-you letter without inquiring clearly, and Ren's family is lively.

Dongfang Shu helped him pick the fishbone and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Qian Yuan's flag is half drawn." He contentedly ate the last bite of fish, pinching Dongfang Shu's face, "Beauty's service is good, double the tip!"

Dongfang Shu looked at him, silently pulled down his hand and pressed it to a certain unspeakable position, "You said it, double it."

Ye Zhizhou swished and retracted his hand, blushing and surprised, "You, you..." Didn't you take the jealousy of your body? This unscientific!

A dim light flashed in Dongfang Shu's eyes, and the little crane suddenly appeared again and began to behave like a hooligan, "This body can only belong to me in the future. I am walking the natal chart... Xiaozhou, you are mine."

"..." Actually let him remember, it's over!

The next day, Ye Zhizhou contacted Yixing, and briefly stated his speculation about his life experience.

"How did you find out so many things in just one day? What did you do?"

"The head was opened by an alien." Ye Zhizhou joked, and then asked, "Who is the father of the child in Ren Qiao's stomach, has it been found out?"

"Unable to find out." Fang Yixing was discouraged when he said this, and he collapsed into the sofa chair, "I have no idea at all. She was pregnant for a short period of time, probably just before or after entering our research institute. During that time, she was stuffed by me. Memorizing the manuscript to deal with the work above, where on earth is the time to fall in love."

For some people, falling in love is not a prerequisite for pregnancy... Ye Zhizhou silently swallowed and typed the name of an academy, and said, "Check it from this house, it should have a clue."

Fang Yixing was almost taken to the ground by the name, "The Bo family? Isn't that the enemy of the Ren family?"

Ye Zhizhou nodded and wrote another name, "Bo Xuyang, the second young master of the Bo family, studied lunatics. In order to study the special reaction of an animal after eating a certain poisonous weed, he ran into the dangerous jungle for half a year and paid him back. He almost died after eating poisonous weeds.” He noticed that Bai Xuyang was too inexplicable and miserable because of the cannon fodder in the original plot. He was more miserable than anyone in the Bai family. Then he thought of Ren Qiao’s pregnancy, so he diverged. I thought...

Fang Yixing's eyes stared, "Bo Xuyang? That crazy? Do you suspect Ren Qiao and Bo Xuyang..."

"Ren Qiao's qualifications skyrocketed before entering the research institute, and he turned from the tail of a crane to a genius who skipped grades. We just felt surprised at this point, but Bai Xuyang..." Ye Zhizhou paused after saying this, and added, "He recently The subject of studying genetic inheritance."

A madman, a madman researching genetic inheritance, a madman researching genetic inheritance who has found a good case... Fang Yixing wiped his face and gave Ye Zhizhou a thumb, "I will take it, leave it to me, I will check it." Finished hanging up the communication.

Dongfang Shu came in from the door with the porridge in his hand, "Done talking? Are you hungry?"

Ye Zhizhou rolled his eyes and poked open the plot data again, pretending to be busy.

The little crane jumped on his shoulder again and rubbed his ear affectionately.

"First eat something. I want to check what you want. I'll help you." Dongfang Shu put down the porridge and sat next to him, pinching his earlobe. "The flag of Shao Feng should be coming soon, and his marriage line is tied to Lou Yi."

Ye Zhizhou paused with the finger of the data, turned his head to look at him, his eyebrows twitched, "So this is a cheating world where the heroine took two gay men into the harem? This world is still my own world?!" Every world Achieve daily achievement by thunder, fuck!

Dongfang Shu held down his eyebrows and chuckled softly, "Help them, Lou Yi hasn't learned anything yet."

Ye Zhizhou rushed to bit him angrily, "Help, help, you must help!"

Three days later, news came from Fang Yixing that Ren Qiao secretly asked Bai Xuyang to test her before she skipped a grade, and there might be some discordant transactions in it. Ye Zhizhou pulled out the information found in Dongfang Shu and found Bai Xuyang's contact information. An anonymous text message was sent to tell the other party that Ren Qiao was pregnant.

Another day later, Qian Yuan’s letter of thanks and congratulations were delivered to Ren’s family. Fang Yixing, who had been sending people to star at Ren’s family, said that the Ren’s family was very lively that day and sang a big show. The next day, Qian Yuan's funding was suspended.

Ye Zhizhou confessed for his black heart and liver for two seconds, and then quickly contacted Fang Yixing, who asked Fang Yixing to receive Qian Yuan from the research institute and put it into his project team, and by the way, he helped him apply for a funding plan.

Two days later, Bai Xuyang, who had collected specimens in a field, rushed back and killed Ren's family.

"Boss, this is..." Qian Yuan, who had a lot of flushed face, followed Ye Zhizhou in a daze, and some didn't understand what his little boss wanted to do.

"I have said, don't call my boss, but senior brother." Ye Zhizhou said earnestly, and then rang the Ren family's doorbell.

Qian Yuan became more uncomfortable, "But you are younger than me... Also, what did you bring me to Ren's family..." He couldn't help but feel a little sad about this. He has been very grateful for Ren's support for so many years. Congratulations letter... He feels a little sorry for Ren Jia, because he is too rash to write indiscriminately without confirming the facts.

Ye Zhizhou felt a little guilty when he saw his poor appearance. As Qian Yuan, the letter could not have been delivered to the host of Ren's family. Had it not been for him to hide behind and let his lover use some tricks...

But guilt is guilt, and the debt to be collected is still to be collected. Thinking of what his lover found out, his expression faded, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "I'm bringing you here. One is to give you a chance to thank Ren Jia for funding these years, and the other is for some of my own personal affairs. "The third is because Bai Xuyang is making a scene inside, and it happens to be watching the show.

After a few seconds, the videophone at the door turned on the screen, and a middle-aged woman with an ugly expression appeared on the screen, "Ren's family is not seeing guests today, please come back another day."

"I am Ye Zhizhou."

The middle-aged woman's cold and arrogant face immediately changed, and she frowned and looked at it sharply.

Ye Zhizhou had a good time, "I want to have a good talk with Yun Jie, the current director of the Ren family, about my father Ren Haonan, mother Ye Wenxiu, and your stealing of my father's mental power stabilizer patent right by your Ren family."

The middle-aged woman's expression changed drastically, and she wanted to turn off the phone when she raised her hand.

"Or you want me to bring the police to knock on the door." Ye Zhizhou looked at her coldly, and flirted with the bomb. "Or you want me to tell the good news about Ren Qiao's pregnancy with Bai Xuyang's child, Mrs. Ren."

The middle-aged woman's expression froze, and she glanced at Ye Zhizhou gloomily, opening the door of Ren's family.

Ye Zhizhou looked back at the silly Qian Yuan and beckoned, "Go, take you to see the evil of the big family." After dialing the newsletter to Dongfang Shu, he said slowly, "I will take your brother and Shao Feng to take the post. We are watching theaters at home, and we will solve all these messy things at once."

Dongfang Shu glanced at Lou Yi, who was tangled in the sofa, and nodded, "Okay, wait for me."