There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 165: A lover from the Cultivation Star


It is indeed the soul flag, with a gold background and red stripes, a total of three, which are circling round and round.

[Receiving plot data... The reception failed because of interference. ]

[Detecting task difficulty... The task is abnormal and cannot be detected. ]

[Detecting the status of the soul flag... The status is unknown. ]

Dongfang Shu suddenly raised his finger and held Ye Zhizhou’s forehead into his divine consciousness, and then forced a drop of blood to smear his forehead, his fingertips shimmered, and the blood disappeared. Ye Zhizhou only felt that there was something suddenly in his brain, but he couldn’t. Tell me specifically what the excess is.

"It's not a soul flag." Dongfang Shu retracted his hand to look at Su Yin, then raised his hand and brushed it over Su Yin's head, only to see that the soul flag that was still spinning around suddenly stopped, and then shattered into light spots and disappeared without a trace.

Ye Zhizhou was surprised, his tight heartstring loosened a little, and stretched out his hand to pull his sleeve, "How can you see the soul flag? What's the matter?"

"Symbiosis." Dongfang Shu stooped to hug him, and helped him straighten his hair. "He has a false flag on his head, and there is no soul fluctuation."

"Soul fluctuating? Wait, are you going to tell me the truth about the soul flag? Can I know?"

Dongfang Shu nodded, and then glanced at Su Yin, who had become more and more confused by their dialogue, and put down a circle, slammed, Su Yin lay down on the ground and fell asleep.

Ye Zhizhou recovered from the excitement that he was about to know the truth, struggling to go down to see Su Yin, "What's wrong with Shishu again? Don't think Shishu is so strong, he is very courageous, don't always scare him."

"Just let him sleep." Dongfang Shu patted his ass, walked to the front of the flying magic weapon, sat down, and put him on his lap. "I didn't tell you the truth before because heaven doesn't allow it, and the soul flag is the realm of cultivation. Things, Tongtian, too, they are not allowed to appear in front of people in other worlds... Me too."

Ye Zhizhou frowned, "You mean... If someone knows your true identity, you will be expelled from other realms?"

"No, not only us, you are also an external force, and you will also be expelled. People who know our true identity will be wiped out of all the memories of us. Only if you don’t know the truth and don’t understand what you’re really doing. Under circumstances, it is possible for Tiandao to close one eye and open the back door for you. The rules of Tiandao are like this. You can only exploit loopholes and cannot force it."

Ye Zhizhou remembered the days when he had been doing quests in the previous worlds, and he twitched his mouth, "Since the soul flag also comes from the realm of cultivation, why is it not directly expelled by the heavens when it goes to other worlds? Is it very powerful?"

Dongfang Shu picked up the small mirror from his hand, turned it around, and said, "Tongtian is an ancient artifact."

Ye Zhizhou blinked in confusion, how did the topic turn to this, and, "Tongtian is an artifact?" That's it, where is it like an artifact.

"Yeah." Dongfang Shu stretched his finger to the sky again, a faint light flashed, and the sky suddenly became larger and hung in front of the two of them. "The sky mirror can reflect the past and future of everyone or things in the world. The weakest artifact that has been handed down, but it is also the most suitable artifact. Its ability is just enough to restrain the soul flag."

Two slender figures appeared in the magnified mirror. Dongfang Shu was still in a white robe, but he was no longer a child. He became a handsome man with handsome eyebrows... A handsome man who looked exactly like his own body. .

"Xiao Zhou also looks good with long hair, grow up quickly." Dongfang Shu smiled and pinched his face.

Ye Zhizhou closed his unconsciously surprised growing mouth, glared at him sideways, touched Tongtian, and asked, "This is why Tongtian can provide me with the plot information and the identity of the harem? Is it photographed?"

Dongfang Shu nodded, shrank and retracted the Tongtian Mirror, and continued, "Tongtian can illuminate the future of the small world, and it can also illuminate the direction of the soul flag. At the beginning, it illuminates the people who are most suitable to help us resist the soul flag. , It turns out that its choice is correct."

Ye Zhizhou was a little bit shy by him, and blushed and said, "Then the plot data it sometimes gives is broken because of the influence of the soul flag?"

"Yes, it is too difficult to observe the future of a world. With the soul flag, Tongtian can only obtain a part of the truth. So although it can give a plot, it may be beautified by the soul flag or deliberately misderived. Plot." Speaking of this Oriental Book, he paused, then touched his hair, "Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not very hard." Ye Zhizhou rubbed his hand and asked carefully, "That soul flag..."

"It's a magic weapon. There are four magic weapons corresponding to the six artifacts in the ancient times." Dongfang Shu's eyes became cold and explained, "Everyone in the cultivation world thinks that only one ancient artifact has been passed down. They didn’t exist, but they were wrong. In fact, two artifacts were passed down, one is the natal weapon of the present Linxiange’s demon sword, and the other is Tongtian. There is also one magic weapon left with the name For the soul-eater."

Ye Zhizhou suddenly remembered the gray space he had been involved in, and suddenly felt a bit cool on his back, "So the soul flag was made by the soul eater?"

"The soul-eating flag, as the name suggests, gains power by devouring the soul. It has been unknown how many tens of thousands of years have passed since ancient times. During these long years, it has hidden in a corner that no one knows and has secretly devoured the soul, and gradually it has been nurtured. A powerful evil spirit, with its own consciousness and ambition, wants to be a real human being, not an evil spirit that is not even a weapon spirit." Dongfang Shu clicked on Tongtian again, and said, "The weapon spirit depends on weapons naturally. Evolve, there is no one, but after becoming the cultivator’s natal weapon, follow the cultivator to practice and ascend together. After ascension, he can transform into a human being and become a spirit immortal, thereby achieving great roads. But magic weapons... It is difficult for magic cultivators to ascend Difficult, let alone an evil spirit in a magic weapon?"

Ye Zhizhou frowned, "The soul flag of each small world is in the end..."

"Soul Devourer Banner is an ancient magic weapon, naturally it has its uniqueness. It can absorb the luck of the soul swallowed." Dongfang Shu put Tongtian into his hands and explained in detail, "In other words, if he swallows With my soul, I can absorb part of my abilities, spiritual energy and air luck, even including merit and cause and effect, and then transform it into my own."

Ye Zhizhou couldn't help holding his hand tightly.

"The evil spirit has spotted the ability of the Soul Eater, and created this conspiracy buried in the dark." Dongfang Shu embraced him in his arms and held his hand instead, "but the evil spirit reshapes The Qiyun merits required by the body to achieve the Dao Dao are too great, and he cannot in any case be able to accumulate enough power without disturbing the cultivation world and the heavens."

Ye Zhizhou suddenly remembered the words of luck he had inferred from his brainstorming, and he was silent. It's really lucky... Should I say that I am smart

Dongfang Shu didn’t know his boasting in his head, and continued, “A cultivator will have to go through a catastrophe period before he ascends. Everyone’s calamity is different, but it must be extremely dangerous. With this in mind, he secretly scattered the ninety-nine and eighty-one flags into all corners of the realm of comprehension, looking for the cultivators who crossed the catastrophe period, and pulled the souls of these cultivators into other small worlds while they were weak. , Made the illusion that the cultivator’s soul had entered the cycle of samsara and deceived the Dao of Heaven, and then pretended that the cultivator had soared, and deceived the entire world of cultivation."

Ye Zhizhou keenly grasped the point, "Nine-nine-nine-eighty-one array flags? So, so, the soul flags I pulled out are the array flags of the soul-devouring flags? Then, the harem..."

"It's the cultivators who were drawn into the small world by the demented flags."

The truth of the soul flag is actually like this... He squeezed the back of his hand, which hurt a little, then thought of something and asked hurriedly, "Then what happened to the soul flag of several worlds later? What is the protagonist? Is it the evil spirit? That Jiajia..."

"Don't worry." The Oriental Book popped up divine consciousness to surround him, with a soothing voice, "The soul of a cultivator is powerful, and he bears a lot more merits and karma than ordinary people, but there is a kind of person who has a lot of merits and karma, and that is each person. The son of luck in the world."

Ye Zhizhou: "..." Oh, a familiar term.

"You later removed too many soul flags, and the evil spirits became anxious. They no longer cling to the soul of the cultivator, and began to attack the children of luck that the small world itself bred. As for the protagonists of each world... There are many souls devoured, not just one evil spirit. Nine-nine-nine-nine-eighty-one array flags, and each array flag has a large number of soul fragments attached to it. The protagonist is the existence bred by these soul fragments, and the soul eater flags these soul fragments. Putting together a new soul and throwing it into a small world into reincarnation becomes the so-called protagonist."

Ye Zhizhou was dumbfounded, "Na Jiajia..."

"It's also a soul fragment, but probably his soul is not too broken, so he still retains a part of his humanity." Dongfang Shu patted his back soothingly, and said, "Xiaozhou, the soul eater is a magic weapon, no matter what those How was the swallowed soul in the first place, over time, it will gradually be contaminated by assimilation, Tong Jia finally scattered his soul in order to save you, it is not a kind of self-liberation."

"I know..." He lowered his head and sniffed, picking up the pattern on the small mirror, "That kind of gray and disgusting place, it's really easy to go crazy after a long time..."

Dongfang Shu quietly accompanied him in silence for a while, waiting for his mood to ease.

He quickly took a deep breath and suppressed his emotions, pulling his thoughts into business, and asked, "Nine-nine-nine-eighty-one flags, does that mean that there are a total of eighty-one cultivators who cross the catastrophe period have been drawn into the small world?"

Dongfang Shu nodded.

"Then how do you explain the matter of the male lead you did three times?"

"I was forcibly ascending when I was found by the Soul Eater. Because the killing was too heavy, my soul scattered after the last heavy thunder catastrophe, so the Soul Eater only took part of my soul."

Ye Zhizhou frowned, "Forced Ascension? You think you don't want to live anymore!" He didn't believe that his lover would be so impulsive and stupid to run to play forcibly ascend, this person just wanted to commit suicide! asshole!

Dongfang Shu pinched his earlobe, curled his lips and revealed a gentle smile, "That was before, after meeting you, my soul began to gather instinctively. I want to live and come to you."

Ye Zhizhou grabbed his hand and said in a nasty voice, "Then the Soul Eater found that your soul is particularly powerful and delicious, so it stuck to you?"

"It's also because the different levels of soul gathering show different strengths of the soul. The soul flag mistakenly regarded me as a newly ingested cultivator soul and tried to swallow it again. That's why..." Dongfang Shu pinched his bulging face and smiled better. "Later, the Soul Eater flag discovered our existence and began to target us, trying to devour our souls. Of course, because Xiaozhou is particularly powerful, he did not succeed."

"Stop flattering!" Ye Zhizhou was so annoyed by him to squeeze and squeeze him, he simply pulled his hand over and sat under his ass, stared at him and continued to ask, "Then the number of soul flags in each world is different because What? If he throws the soul flag into a small world at once, I will definitely not be able to complete the task."

Touhou Shu resisted the laughter and explained as seriously as possible, "Evil spirits use the characteristics of the Soul Eater flag to put the soul of the practitioner and the protagonist's soul bred by the flag into the reincarnation into the small world, but this kind of reincarnation itself is not affected by the heavens. It’s okay to admit only a few. If there are too many, they will be discovered by Heaven, and then expelled and wiped out. That evil spirit is not that stupid."

"You mean I'm so stupid?!" Ye Zhizhou said with shame, after sitting hard for a few times, "So small worlds are also divided into higher and lower levels? Each world has a different ability to tolerate abnormal reincarnation? Yes, if the soul flag successfully ingests the souls of each cultivator, will it have an impact on the small world?"

"Yes." Dongfang Shu stared at his Bao Baotou, his fingers tickled and wanted to move, "The cultivators who cross the catastrophe period are the closest to immortals, and most of the small world that the Soul Eater throws them into is non-existent. The inferior world of power, their existence itself is a kind of damage to the small world, coupled with the influence of the soul-eater, if the soul of the practitioner is finally captured, the small world is bound to become unbalanced, resulting in turbulence, more serious It just fell apart."

"But the heavens in some small worlds are already aware of their existence, why don't they just drive them away..."

"You forgot how they went to the small world? Samsara, once the Samsara succeeds, before they die, they are all aborigines, and no one can move them due to the rules of heaven." This is also a loophole in the heavens, which cannot be found. Abnormal reincarnation cannot prevent foreign souls from entering the world, and once these foreign souls have successfully entered the world and become aboriginals, the way of heaven cannot directly expel them.

Ye Zhizhou thought for a while, and then asked, "Then how did the protagonist get the soul of the cultivator? The plot data only says that they are together..."

"Xiaozhou, if I am in danger, would you sacrifice your soul for me?"

"Of course... I don't want to!"

Dongfang Shu chuckled lightly and squeezed his Baotou with his hand, "Well, I don't want it either."

Ye Zhizhou blushed, gritted his teeth and wanted to bite him.

"The Soul Eater is a magic weapon that can ingest the souls of others by creating illusions to confuse people. The protagonist of each world is the projection of its ability. Even if those practitioners do not love the protagonist after the reincarnation, under the long-term influence of the soul flag day, eventually They will still be bewitched. Once they die, it is no longer the aboriginals who are free from the protection of the heavens. The Soul Eater flags can directly consume their souls through the soul flag." Dongfang Shu explained in detail, looking sideways at Bilan. The sky, "The Soul Eater Banner is indeed anxious. The realm of cultivation is different from other small worlds. The consciousness of Heaven is stronger. Here, it takes the soul of the ascending practitioner, and it is bound to be discovered by Heaven and will be punished. The fake protagonist is his disguise. We must distinguish our own means as soon as possible."

Speaking of this, Ye Zhizhou also became serious, glanced at his sweet-sleeping uncle, touched his chin, "Maybe... I have a way to find the real protagonist of this world. Since it is a counterattack, then the protagonist of this world is probably the evil spirit. Reincarnation. In order to make me reincarnate, Tongtian ran out of power, so must be the Soul Eater flag. The protagonist is definitely not old now, and must be a magic repair. The Soul Eater flag should be his natal magic weapon."

Dongfang Shu nodded, "I guess so."

"One more point." Ye Zhizhou's eyes lit up, and he began to smirk, "The Soul Eater banner has a total of eighty-one array flags, which is a big clue. Come, come, let's count the total number of the previous worlds. Branch flag. Since it is a counterattack, the remaining ones must be full-length on the real protagonist, definitely more than three! And the fake protagonist must be more than the master uncle, just the urinary nature of the soul flag, this world is real The total number of false soul flags must be eighty-one, isn't it just addition and subtraction? I learned math best!"

Dongfang Shu finally couldn't hold back it, and took him into his arms and rubbed him hard.