There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 41: The cold prince is proud of his wife


Yan Mingyong, whose black robe slid to the ground, was suffocatingly beautiful, standing in the sun with his hair draped in a snow-white coat.

Ye Zhizhou's eyes widened, and he moved his butt uncomfortably, trying to stop him but he was unwilling to speak, his face blushed, and finally he looked away angrily. It's despicable! Actually use the beauty trick! No, he will not compromise! The bear kid actually dared to carry him out in the middle of the night to have a night party with an unknown person, and he refused to explain afterwards. Unforgivable!

Yan Mingyong saw that his eyes moved away and did not want to look at himself, his hands holding the collar tightened, his face sank, he tore off his shirt, and loosened the collar of his shirt, leaning forward and breaking his Face, kissed hard!

! ! !

"Yan... you let go!" He struggled quickly to refuse, running wildly in his heart! The lover is still too young now, he can't speak or handle it! He doesn't want to be a beast, he is a good law-abiding citizen!

Seeing him struggling, Yan Mingyong's sanity flew away from Jiutianyun in an instant, and forgot the purpose of doing it in the first place. He sent a vicious kiss and touched his belt, pulled it off, and wrapped his body around him. Suppress it hard, leaving no gap.

"Yan... Um, Yan Mingyong!"

"Le'er, you are mine! Mine!"

The two struggled one by one and suppressed one by one. During the tossing, the clothes were all loose, and the hair was entangled together, looking very ambiguous.

The closed door of the palace was suddenly pushed open, and Emperor Yan stepped forward with a smile on his face, but after seeing the situation inside the palace, he stopped in shock, and then quickly sank his face and shouted, "Little Eight, An Chengle , What are you doing!"

Ye Zhizhou's body stiffened, Yan Mingyong quickly picked up his clothes on the ground to block his chest, which was only a little bit exposed, frowned and looked at Emperor Yan, showing a rare childishness, "Father, why don't you come in! Don't watch it! Happy! I won’t check Brother Seven for you anymore!"

Emperor Yan was suffocated before venting his anger. He couldn't help but raised his hand to cover his chest, feeling a little dizzy, "You, you wicked man, you actually, actually... How do you ask me to explain to An Qing!"

"It's not easy to explain." Yan Mingyong stood in front of Ye Zhizhou and said of course, "I want to marry Le'er, Father, you give us marriage."

Emperor Yan held on to the door frame.

Ye Zhizhou endured it, didn't hold it back, stretched out his leg and kicked his lover's ass fiercely, and then covered himself with his clothes. This bear boy, he will be pissed off by the other party sooner or later!

Emperor Yan was left in anger by Yan Ming. Before he left, he watched Ye Zhizhou hesitate to say something, and then sighed deeply.

Reluctant to live and die Yan Mingyong turned around and hugged Ye Zhizhou, solemnly said, "Happy rest assured, Father will agree to my marriage with you, and when the autumn hunt is over, I will go to your house to propose marriage."

Ye Zhizhou exploded for a second, unceremoniously turned over and pressed back, pressed him against his butt and slapped a few times, then took a side belt to tie his hands, finally relieved, sneered, "Proposal? Okay, you Boldly mention it. By the way, I forgot to tell you that unmarried couples are not allowed to see each other before they get married. You stay here, I'm going home, goodbye!" After speaking, he picked up his belt and wrapped it up. Angrily went away.

After confirming that the person had left, Emperor Yan walked out from the corner and entered the gate of the palace. He saw his bear son's embarrassed look tied to the ground, his expression stiffened for a moment, "Do you like him so much? Do you recognize him?"

Yan Mingyong easily broke away from the waistband that was not tightly tied on his wrist, and sat up and said, "Father, I will only want him in this life. Moreover, he is the most suitable." The emperor, a son who holds a soldier in his hand and is healthy. I don't like it, but a son who holds a secret soldier in his hand but is fascinated by love and will not have his own offspring, the emperor will be very relieved. Duke Zhen Guo is a staunch loyalty to the royal party. It is really appropriate for him to marry with Duke Zhen Guo's son. Although in his own heart he even wanted to give Le'er an uninterested marriage, but the situation was uncontrollable. If he wanted to live in this imperial city freely and casually, he had to hesitate the thoughts of those in power.

Looking at his calm expression and indifferent eyes, Emperor Yan felt a little complicated, and then became firm, "I will give you marriage after the autumn hunt is over!" After speaking, he was silent for a while, and asked tentatively. Mingyong, you really don't want the position I sit in?"

"No." Yan Mingyong refused without hesitation, got up slowly and put on clothes, "I want to live a free life with Le'er, and my father may not really want me to sit in that position."

The mind was pierced, and Emperor Yan was a little angry, but remembering the things that this son had always done for him, his heart softened, "Then... You are fine." After that, he turned and left.

Yan Mingyong stopped tidying up his clothes, looked up at the back of Ming Huang who was walking away, and smiled at the corners of his mouth. "Fortunately, I still have fun... and only fun."

The autumn hunting began to lively and lively. From the early morning, a long queue of officials and nobles lined up at the gate of the city, attracting a lot of civilians onlookers.

An Chengsheng put down the collection of poems he read, looked at Ye Zhizhou who was lying in a daze in the corner of the carriage, and sighed, "Happy, but I didn't sleep well yesterday? Why are you listless."

Ye Zhizhou raised his eyelids to look at him, pulled out an "Anthology of Ancient Poems" from his arms and threw it over, changed his posture, and continued to be in a daze. The bear kid actually let himself go home... Suspicious, I always feel that there is a conspiracy inside.

An Chengsheng caught the poem and turned it reflexively. After reading two pages, he returned to his senses. After putting down the book, he glanced at his brother helplessly and leaned forward to touch his hair.

"Big Brother." He threw away the hand on his head and looked at it carefully, "Are you from the eldest prince now?"

"Happy you..." An Chengsheng retracted his hand, frowning slightly, "Who said this to you? Eighth Prince?"

"No." He shook his head, sat up straight and looked into his eyes, and said seriously, "Big brother, the eldest prince is not the future Mingjun worthy of following. The queen's veins are too deeply rooted, the power behind it is intertwined, and there is a hidden behind. Empress Dowager... Now all his advantages will become the ropes that bind him when he is in the upper position, and the eldest prince himself is too indecisive. The mother of the eldest prince and concubine is still that small-minded prince, eldest brother, please think twice." In the original plot, the eldest prince was dismissed by the three princes. An Chengsheng was very suppressed for this, and he was so exhausted that the life of Zhen Guoguo was not easy. Later, the second prince took the opportunity to stretch out the olive branch, and An Chengsheng was relieved. come over. At that time, An Chengjie, who had already been put under the command of the Seventh Prince, didn't care about An Chengsheng's life and death, and was very happy to roll the bed with the Seventh Prince.

An Chengsheng expressed a serious expression, "What news did Le Er hear from the Eighth Prince?"

No, I have read the spoilers in the system information. He reverted back to the corner of the carriage and waved weakly, "Big Brother, the future of the town government rests on your shoulders. Think about what your father did, and think twice." Now the Seventh Prince is looked up at Yandi jealously. To fall to death, the court situation is in muddy water, the plot has completely deviated from the track, and he is not sure which prince will be in the top position in the end, so it is the most wise to remain neutral. Although he does not want to admit it, there is Yan Ming. As long as the town government does not make any major mistakes, stability in the first life can still be achieved.

An Chengsheng looked at his younger brother who turned his back to him, and fell into deep thought.

After arriving at the hunting ground, there was a lively target opening ceremony. After the sacrifices were set, the emperor took the crowd to worship the world, and then shot the first arrow to announce the official start of the autumn hunt. The first prince led the team into the deep forest. The eight princes who hadn't appeared in front of the courtiers followed closely. The other princes also started to gather the team when they saw this. Only the seventh prince was very quiet and hid in the camp tent and complained of illness. Not out.

The Lord Zhen Guo returned to his tent and saw his two sons nestled inside. He was very puzzled, "Why didn't you go hunting?" Although he didn't ask explicitly, he still said that the eldest son and the eldest prince were closer together. Clearly, there is also the youngest son, the eighth prince is so sticky to him, it was weird that he was sent back to the mansion yesterday, and now he is not even hunting with him, it is even more incredible.

An Chengsheng glanced at Ye Zhizhou and smiled, "The weather is too hot to move."

Ye Zhizhou told the truth without pressure, "I quarreled with the Eighth Prince."

Zhen Guogong glanced at his younger son speechlessly, without asking the reason, shook his head and left.

An hour later, a blood-covered guard suddenly ran out of the woods and rushed into the camp. They screamed for help while running. Everyone was shocked and hurriedly stopped him. After a detailed inquiry, the results were impressive. For shock!

"His His Royal Highnesses and His Royal Highnesses quarreled over the prey and fought, and then... Then they all fell under the cliff! His Royal Highness and His Highness Eight detoured down the cliff in order to find them, but they didn't want a sudden landslide, and we were in chaos. All lost!"

There was an uproar. The emperor had only eight sons in total. Now two of them fell off the cliff and two were separated. If something really happened...

"Go out to search!" Emperor Yan patted the armrest of the chair fiercely, and his body trembled slightly due to the violent emotional ups and downs, "Get the other princes back first! Lei Shihong, you come back to Beijing to transfer troops, hurry!"

Lei Shihong quickly led Pegasus away.

The lively and relaxed atmosphere in the camp was swept away, everyone bowed their heads and dared not speak. Most of the troops guarding the camp were mobilized to go deep into the woods to find people. The prince An Chengsheng Jiao Xin wanted to follow in safety, but was held back by Ye Zhizhou.


"Don't go." After taking a closer look at the position of the mental power left on Yan Mingyong, he frowned slightly, dragged An Chengsheng out of the crowd, and said in a low voice, "There are weird things, don't move." Yan Mingyong Obviously staying at a location not far from the camp, if the eldest prince is acting with him, then there is no danger at all.

An Chengsheng frowned, hesitated, and glanced at his parents who were standing not far away. After all, he didn't ask for search and rescue anymore.

The bonfire burned all night. In the early hours of the morning, the soldiers finally found the sixth and fourth princes who were seriously injured and unconscious at the foot of the mountain, but the other princes still had no news, as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

"Keep searching!" Emperor Yan, who hadn't slept all night, looked a lot older and haggard. His eyes were bloodshot, and his voice was hoarse, "I want to see people and corpses in life, I..."


The earth-shaking explosion suddenly came from the forest in the distance. Everyone looked back, but only the smoke and dust rising after the explosion.

"What's going on?!" Emperor Yan got up and took a few steps forward to look at the woods with dense smoke and sparks rising in the distance, with a trace of panic in his eyes, "Why are there explosives in the woods?"


After a short period of silence, there was a denser explosion sound, smoke and dust rose one after another, and the sparks in the forest grew bigger and bigger, and gradually became one piece, as if to encircle the entire camp.

"No... My emperors are still in the woods! Hurry up, go and put out the fire!" The hellish scene before him made Emperor Yan's eyes split, he staggered a few steps and almost fell, and he was almost supported by Lei Shihong's hand. Who is hurting my emperor! This explosive... Old Seven! Where is Old Seven? Come out!"

"Father, there won't be anyone else." Yan Mingli walked out from behind the crowd, with a twisted and cheerful smile on his face, "You only have my son, Lord Lei, Father is tired. Don't hurry up and help him go back to rest."

Emperor Yan turned his head in shock, "Lei Shihong, you, you..."

Lei Shihong bowed his head without saying a word, but the gesture of supporting him was very tough.

The ministers were shocked, and before they could respond, a line of soldiers suddenly broke in and besieged them round and round.

Ye Zhizhou stood behind the crowd and looked at all of this, and then felt the location of the spiritual power on Yan Mingyong's body carefully, and twitched the corners of his mouth. He was quite sure that Lei Shihong would not betray the emperor, and that Yan Mingyong was safe now, so now all this... Emperor Yan's acting skills are good.