There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 43: Boyfriend is a zombie


Ye Zhizhou entered the Zhen Guo Gong Mansion with his front foot, and Yan Mingyong climbed the wall from the next door with his back foot.

The sound of the door being pushed open came. Ye Zhizhou raked his wet hair and said loudly, "Is it Changshun? This water is too hot. Go and bring some cold water."

The sound of footsteps entering the door paused, and then the sound of the door closing sounded, and the footsteps gradually approached, and then bypassed the screen.

"Huh? Didn't you go get cold water?" Ye Zhizhou turned around suspiciously, and was startled by the strange tall man standing behind him. He instinctively shrank into the tub, and then raised his hand as a wave of bath water splashed over, sharply. Shouted, "Who are you!"

Yan Mingyong lifted his hand and wiped the water on his face, moved forward, looked at his face carefully, then glanced into the water and smiled, "Very well, Le'er actually can't even recognize me. "

fun? Except for the name of his family, all that is left is... Ye Zhizhou was shocked, staring wide-eyed at the unparalleled, exquisite and cool-looking handsome man in front of him, his mind was a little knotted, "You, you are Mingyong?" This is a puberty genetic mutation. ? Could this height be too high, and how did his gorgeous appearance grow into the cold feeling it is now

"Le'er." Yan Mingyong bent over, raised his hand to touch his face, slowly sliding his fingers from the side of his face to his neck, and then continued down his collarbone, stopping in a dangerous position, as if he hadn't touched him, "You When taking a shower, I like to let other people come in and wait, huh?" The slender fingers went down and lightly clicked on the bulge.

Ye Zhizhou slapped his spirits, and his hair stood up all the way from his back to his neck. He grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes with a sincere expression and sincere expression, "Mingyong, long time no see, I miss you so much!"

"Really." Yan Mingyong said faintly, his eyes were faint, and the smile on his mouth was also faint. He slowly pulled out his slender and powerful hand, then held his hand back, continued to get closer, and sprayed his breath on his face. Hided from me for four years... Very happy?"

To finish! Yan Mingyong seems to be more dangerous when he grows up! He swallowed and moved back quietly.

Yan Mingyong's eyes suddenly deepened. He grabbed his hand and suddenly pulled him out of the water. The other hand embraced his waist. Then he let go of the hands he clasped and stretched into the bends of his legs. He hugged him steadily and smoothly. The Ye Zhizhou is out of water.

Ye Zhizhou is stupid, princess hug! This is too challenging for shame!

"You let me down!" He struggled hard and raised his hand to break his arm, only to find that the arm of the slender and slender man was actually full of muscles, and his strength was so great that he couldn't break it! What did this bear kid eat in the past few years? I miss the sick child who could spank casually!

"Be good." Yan Mingyong didn't care about his struggle, and the hand lying on his back patted his ass with plenty of energy, then turned and walked out, "Get married tonight."

"No! I don't agree!"

"Then the bridal chamber first." After growing up, Yan Mingyong was still very good at talking.

"This is not even more agreeable!"

"Le'er." Yan Mingyong stopped, lowered his head and looked at him deeply, with a faint fragility in his eyes, "Don't you like me?"

Ye Zhizhou's struggle stopped, his guilty conscience lowered his head, and he calmed down, "No, no, I have always liked you..." It seemed to be too much to avoid seeing the bear child after four years of outings...

"Well, I like you too." With a smile on Yan Mingyong's face, he turned and walked into the inner room and put the person on the bed. The gorgeousness that was not missed, "So first the bridal chamber."

Ye Zhizhou found out that he had been fooled, struggling to run, but was quickly suppressed. Gradually, the struggle disappeared and turned into tangled limbs, the screams gradually lowered, and the ambiguous groans sounded.

An Chengsheng, who was excited to see his younger brother with a collection of recently collected poems, stopped outside the door, then turned around with a tangled expression, and walked away sadly. I really don’t want to stay here...

Three days later, Ye Zhizhou was finally allowed to get out of bed, and then the wedding was held hurriedly. He moved from the bed in the small courtyard of the Zhen Guo Gong Mansion to the bed of Yan Mingyong in the Xiaoyao Wang Mansion next door, and lived a life of drunkenness and death.

A year later, the person sent to take care of An Chengjie sent a letter saying that the remaining poison in the other party's body was finally cleaned up, and his consciousness was restored, but the toxin stayed in the body for too long and lost part of his memory.

Three years later, An Chengjie settled down in a small city half a month away from the capital, opened a small book pavilion, and lived with an honest local businessman, and his life gradually became stable.

So it was a few years later. Emperor Yan died, and the three princes defeated all the brothers ascended the throne. Yan Mingyong took Ye Zhizhou out of the capital in the first time, went to the fief, lived the life of the earth emperor, and truly realized that Xiaoyao II. Character.

After another few decades, Ye Zhizhou lay weakly in Yan Mingyong's arms, holding his hand, and sighed, "In this life, I finally walked in front of you, but what should you do... I don't want to leave you alone..." If the other party leaves first, he can still go directly to the next world to find, but he leaves first. What should the other party do for the rest of the time? What's more, the lover of this life is still so bear in his bones...

"Go to sleep when you are tired." Yan Mingyong raised his hand to cover his eyes, and kissed his forehead with his head down, his expression calm and no sadness, "I will be with you soon."

His vision gradually blurred, and the voice in his ears was also far away. Before Ye Zhizhou could hear the words behind him, his consciousness sank into darkness.

[The life fluctuation disappears, the soul is ready to be released, the novice practice mode ends, the official mission is opened, the world is being matched... The world is matched, the reward is issued, and the soul is started. ]

The small mirror placed in Ye Zhizhou's waist purse shook, shattered into powder and disappeared into the air, as if it had never appeared before.

Yan Mingyong moved the open hand on his lover's face, hugged the other party tightly for a while, got up, picked up the other party with difficulty, and walked outside the door, "Come here, get a car, and go to the mausoleum!"

De'an’s successor, Huaizhou, watched the elderly Xiaoyao Wang enter the mausoleum holding his princess, crying and closed the door of the mausoleum from the outside, knelt down and rattled his head for a long time, and did not want to get up for a long time.

From today onwards, Xiaoyao Palace is gone.

Ye Zhizhou climbed up in pain, his consciousness still staying when he was holding his lover's hand before dying, and he couldn't get back to his senses in a daze.

"Liu Chen, what are you still stunned, run! Ah! Be careful behind!"

A strong rotten smell came from behind with this shout. After spending many years at the border, Ye Zhizhou, who followed Yan Mingyong to practice martial arts and strengthened his body, almost reflexively rolled, perfectly avoiding his back and rushing over. stench. He looked back, and saw a half-rotted corpse pierced by an ice cone three steps away from him, looking very disgusting and hideous.

Wei Xu regained his ability and turned it out from a shelf. When he saw him lying on the ground, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes. He picked up the materials collected on the ground and said impatiently, "If you don't want to feed the zombies, hurry out! I don't have the courage. Don't beg me to take you out next time!"

The delicate young man who had uttered a voice reminder ran over quickly, pulled him up with cold sweat, and led him to run out of the supermarket, lowered his voice and said anxiously, "Liu Chen, don't run around anymore. There are a lot of zombies here, you There is no power, it is better to act with everyone, the door has been cleared out, let's go quickly."

Ye Zhizhou passively followed him to run outside the supermarket, his eyes swept over the men who had gathered with supplies from all directions and the rotten corpses behind them, frowning fiercely.

These moving corpses... zombies


"No! The high-level zombies on the second floor were startled, run!" Wei Xu's expression changed suddenly, and while cooperating with the others, he kept erecting the icy and soil walls behind him to block the low-level zombies from chasing after him. The slower companion accelerated and ran towards the large truck outside the door.

The handsome young man who was pulling Ye Zhizhou was trembling with fright. He staggered and almost fell. Ye Zhizhou hurriedly grabbed his arm to stabilize him, and found that there was a wound on his leg. Without a word, he threw him on his back. The truck in front of him ran away.

"Huh? No need for Liu Chen, you let me down, I can run by myself, your physical strength is not good, I..."

"Shut up!" Ye Zhizhou interrupted him, smelling the increasingly strong rancid odor in the air, his mental power spread to envelop the escaped people, and then grabbed the steel pipe in the hands of the delicate young man, and forcefully inserted the one that was thrown from the side. In the head of the zombie, he finally ran to the truck, put down the handsome young man on his side, and sent him to the car, "Quickly get up!" This is all hell mission world, and the meeting ceremony is too exciting!

The comrades who met them in the truck quickly drew the delicate young man in, and then ran around Ye Zhizhou to meet the other comrades who came from behind.

Ye Zhizhou paused for a hand that stretched out, and looked at the brawny bald man who bypassed him... Brother, don't help. What does it mean to roll your eyes

Seeing this, the delicate young man hurriedly leaned over and took his hand in embarrassment, and explained in a low voice, "Brother Wang is this temper, Liu Chen, leave him alone, come up quickly, Brother Wei and the supernatural powers are sitting in the back of the off-road vehicle, we You must withdraw first, so as not to drag them back."

He retracted his gaze and got into the car with the strength of the handsome young man, looked at the zombies that threw out in groups, and wiped his face.

This world is a bit poisonous.

After throwing off the zombies, the truck started to run wildly. Ye Zhizhou sat in the corner pretending to be resting. He reached into his pocket and poked the old small mirror inside, and said in his heart, "Tongtian, plot information."

The old small mirror shook, and the light screen popped up.

The protagonist of this world is named Xu Yi. Before the end of the world, he was an ordinary sophomore. After the end of the world, he was awakened with the healing and space abilities. There is also a spiritual spring in the space with the function of washing menstruation and cutting the marrow and a plant that can speed up. In the mature spirit field, gold finger is simply against the sky.

Wash the menstruation and cut the marrow

He continued to poke the small mirror, "Tongtian, people's space is much more useful than the one you gave me, and it can wash the sutras and cultivate the soil. Look at you, stingy."

The small mirror moved more violently, then the light screen swished back and turned into a beam of light to penetrate into the space on his wrist. The halo flashed quickly, and he only felt that his eyes were dark, and in the next second, the objects in the foreground suddenly changed, from the mottled truck compartment to a paradise on earth with blue sky and green land, birds and flowers.

"This is... Where?"

[Your space, Zixu Cave Mansion. ]

"..." This is too different from that booger space.