There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 47: Boyfriend is a zombie


To support the normal operation of an entire base, Liu Tao had so many materials in his hands that Ye Zhizhou was a little staggering. The original plot didn't mention what Liu's father did before the last days, only that it was the acquaintance of the Wei family of the military and political family. Now when I look at it... the Liu family would not be the owner of a supermarket.

It turns out that it really is!

The goods affixed to the supermarket seal are neatly yards in the warehouse, guarded by hundreds of armed soldiers and more than two dozen supernaturalists, and don't even want to fly in. Li Hao, who was in charge of the logistics of the base, pulled the rope from the top of the warehouse and slid down, his mad face was full of smiles, "I heard that Xiaochen's awakening ability? Such a big good thing, Lao Liu, do you have to open it? Bring some good things out of the warehouse to make everyone happy!"

Liu Tao greeted him with a smile, and nodded, "Of course, you can open the warehouse and get it if you want! Xiaochen's awakening space still has fruits. Then I will share a little for everyone. During this period of time, protecting the supplies is hard for everyone. Up."

Hearing that there was fruit, the soldiers guarding the warehouse couldn't help cheering, and Li Hao smiled and slapped Ye Zhizhou on the shoulder, taking a bite of "good boy". Ye Zhizhou obediently let him take pictures, his eyes swept across the thin faces of the soldiers, slightly moved. Behind these people are a lot of supplies, but they only eat two meals a day strictly, just to try to save as much as possible for ordinary people in the base.

After a simple greeting, everyone entered the warehouse and began to collect supplies. Ten minutes later, the soldiers followed Ye Zhizhou toward the next warehouse with a look of wonder. The materials in the three warehouses were all packed in less than two hours. The efficiency was so high that Li Hao shot Ye Zhizhou again.

In the next two days, Liu Tao and Li Hao counted the personnel who stayed at the base and sorted out the materials left behind. On the third day, the gate of the base opened, and a long line of military trucks lined up to leave, raising a lot of smoke and dust.

Wei Xu watched the team leave, opened the door of the off-road vehicle with a calm face, and looked sideways at the team members standing aside, "Who would like to go with me?"

Everyone look at me, I look at you, and then all look at Xu Yi and Qiu Xiangyu. These three are the core of the team. Now the captain Wei Xu insists on leaving, the deputy captain Qiu Xiangyu hesitates. Xu Yi, who is in charge of supplies and medical care, insists on staying. For the first time, the opinions of the three leaders are not unified. Embarrassed.

"I'll go with you!" The delicate young man walked out first and got directly into the back seat of the off-road vehicle, without even looking at Xu Yi and Qiu Xiangyu. He already knew the truth about Liu Chen falling into the loss pile that day, and he didn't dare to stay with such a team.

The bald-headed man cursed in anger when he saw him getting in the car, and raised his fist to beat him as a "traitor".

Wei Xu raised his hand to support his hand, his eyes were cold, "You are my team member when you get in my car, you dare to move him to try!"

Xu Yi changed his face when he heard this, "What do you mean, Brother Wei? Are we not your team members?"

"Even recruiting people can ignore me and just cut first and then play. Such a player, I really dare not say that it is mine." Wei Xu looked at him hard, with a hint of sarcasm. In the past few days, the team has held many meetings to decide whether to leave this matter. He has been persuading everyone to go with him, but the "innocent" youth who had sought his protection in front of him has been leading the team to fight with him. . Such a team member, such an ironic situation... No matter, the family is still waiting for him in city b, and he still needs to pay the debt to Xiaochen. This team has no need to stay.

Xu Yi was a little uncomfortable by him, and his tone softened slightly, "Brother Wei, we are not going to oppose you. Now that the base leader is gone, we are the strongest in the entire base. If we also leave, those residents will remain. what to do?"

I don’t want the right of the base manager. I was still discussing the future management of the base with Qiu Xiangyu last night... The last memorial in his heart was completely annihilated. He took a deep look at Xu Yi, let go of the bald man’s hand, got in the car and closed the door. Start the car directly and leave.

[Wei Xu's chance of falling in love with the protagonist has dropped to 30%, please keep the host's efforts. ]

Ye Zhizhou, who was looking through the system data and calculating the time and address of the fourth male protagonist’s appearance, looked at the system prompt thoughtfully and touched his chin. It seems that Wei Xu has also left the base, and it is very likely that Xu Yi will merge. Did not leave with him.

Li Hao flipped over the map, raised his arm and bumped him, "Xiaochen, why do we have to detour to J Province? Isn't it faster to go straight? It saves fuel."

Of course it was to save the four boys who almost hiccup... He turned off the light screen and his face was unpredictable, "I heard that there is a secret arsenal in Province J. Look, we are running out of ammunition..."

Li Hao's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and Bear's paw was excited to take photos again, "This road must be detoured! Let's have more oil, enough care!"

Two days later, the convoy arrived near a small mountain bag on the outskirts of Province J. Ye Zhizhou had no psychological pressure to plan out the secret arsenal that was supposed to be the fourth male protagonist, and then left Li Hao to pack up the spoils and walk around to the small village alone. Sit down and wait by the small river not far from the back of the mountain bag.

Two hours later, a thin man holding a driftwood floated down the river, his handsome, angular face was pale and his eyes were slightly closed, and he couldn't tell whether he was unconscious or awake.

His eyes lit up, and he hurriedly stepped down the river to drag people ashore. After some first aid, he fed him a rejuvenating pill and smiled. I’m a bodyguard? How about taking care of the three meals and the crystal nucleus to end the end of the world?"

Consciousness gradually became clear, a smiling face appeared in the blurred vision, and he moved his fingers with difficulty, looked into his smiling eyes, his eyes moved, and nodded, "Okay, I will do it." ."

[The probability of Yan Zheng falling in love with the protagonist has dropped to 60%, please keep the host's efforts. ]

Actually dropped so much? Ye Zhizhou accidentally poked the man who passed out after speaking and squinted his eyes with a smile. How come the male protagonists in this world are so generous and can love to get it done? What a role model for a male protagonist! Mission pacesetter!

One day later, the convoy arrived at city t not far from city b. That night, Yan Zheng awoke from a coma, and the first thing he saw was Liang Ping with a straight face.

"Here." Liang Ping handed over a small strawberry.

Yan Zheng, who hadn't seen fruit for a long time, couldn't help swallowing, but shook his head firmly, "No need, is there any water? I want to drink some water, thank you."

Liang Ping was very dissatisfied. He put a strawberry into his mouth directly, then took out a fruit knife from his pocket, wiped it carefully, and said quietly, "After eating my fruit, my second child, your third child, understand?"

Yan Zheng almost choked on Strawberry. After coughing, he asked, "Who is the boss?"

"Of course it's me." Ye Zhizhou poured a cup of warm water and handed it over, shook the grapes in his hand, "Call my boss, I have fruit to eat." As he put the fruit down, he took out a map and stretched it out in front of him. I clicked the red circle above, "There is a warehouse in this hospital with a lot of supplies. I need it, so, bodyguard, it's time for you to shine!"

"..." If I remember correctly, his newly released bodyguard still looks like a wounded

The place circled by Ye Zhizhou is a warehouse for storing medical equipment. There is an imported expensive instrument in it, which happens to be necessary for the development of a vaccine. In the original plot, Zhong Qiu, for this instrument, had ignored the blockade of his relatives and ran alone to single out a bunch of high-level zombies outside the warehouse and almost died. But now, in order not to let the genius die in the future, he decided to get this machine first, and then rushed to the b city to pay tribute, so that the genius stayed in the laboratory with peace of mind to save the world.

The warehouse for storing equipment is in the most corner of the hospital. To pass, one must pass through an emergency building, two inpatient buildings, an emergency department, a canteen, and three staff dormitories. Given the density of the population in the hospital before the end of the world, this trip to get the machine is a hardship visible to the naked eye.

However, all of this is not a problem in the face of Xixi Pills!

Like a magic stick selling fake medicines, Ye Zhizhou distributed five pills to Liang Ping and Yan Zheng and smiled kindly, "My dad didn't know that I wanted to enter this hospital, so we must secretly come in this operation. Come on, take the medicine, and when it gets darker, let's set off."

Liang Ping swallowed the medicine without saying a word, then looked at Yan Zheng, brightened his scalpel, "The third child, take medicine."

Yan Zheng twitched the corners of his eyes, took a deep breath and suppressed a feeling of unreliability in his heart. In the middle of the night, I went through a hospital full of zombies to move a machine that I didn't know where it was placed... This bodyguard was so difficult to do.

In the middle of the night, there is no moon and no stars.

The three secretly jumped out of the resting car and quickly escaped outside. After running for about a few hundred meters, Ye Zhizhou took out a car from the space, signaled the two of them to get in the car, and then pasted the interest-trapping symbol from the system on the car, and rushed towards the hospital.

All the way to the hospital was unimpeded, the three of them filled up the pills, got out of the car quietly, and ran towards the direction of the warehouse. Yan Zheng watched the passing zombies pass by them unscientifically. He was "blind" and didn't "see" them at all. He just felt that the worldview was being challenged.

Twenty minutes later, the three people arrived near the warehouse. At this time, they were all "blind" zombies, densely packed, and people's scalps were tingling at night. The zombies outside the warehouse were too dense, and it was impossible to go around the warehouse without touching them. When the three of them stopped, Ye Zhizhou took the lead in taking out a long knife and slashing towards the nearby zombies. Upon seeing this, Liang Ping and Yan Zheng also took out their weapons and began to silently harvest these rotten demons. From time to time, there are high-level zombies running quickly around, and the three of them are nervous.

Fifty meters... Twenty meters... Ten meters... Five meters... Seeing victory is right in front of you, a fat and disgusting high-level zombie suddenly fell from the sky, just at the door of the warehouse! Ye Zhizhou's hand holding the long knife tightened, the unconscious mental web retracted unconsciously, and his heart lifted. This zombie actually escaped the detection of his mental network, which is weird!

Yan Zheng stepped forward to block Ye Zhizhou and Liang Ping behind him, his eyes fixed on the zombie, the fire system abilities spread out around him, and occasional sparks that represented danger jumped out.

The high-level zombie seemed to be a little uncomfortable with the suddenly hot air, stepped back, then shook his head, and turned around blankly. The three exchanged their sights, and slowly backed away tacitly, wanting to temporarily withdraw from the zombie's attack range.

The surroundings became quieter.

Click—the sound of the door lock opening suddenly sounded. Ye Zhizhou turned his head to look, and saw that the originally closed warehouse door suddenly opened, and the silhouette of a tall and thin man appeared behind the half-open door, "I smell a good smell, is that you?"

Why is there someone in the warehouse? !

The high-level zombie was startled by the human voice, stopped searching, turned around, tilted his head in doubt, and then shrank back in fear as if he had felt something terrible. A breeze blew from nowhere, and rolled over the people. The senior zombie stopped abruptly, and fell straight back after a broken hoarse roar. The head and the body were separated, and the head grumbled a few times, just in time. Stopped in front of Ye Zhizhou. He bowed his head and was facing the black hole of the zombie.

Good, prickly, exciting!

Covering his chest and pressing the overly lively heart, he quickly took a step back, his entire body erected. There seems to be something wrong with this brother who suddenly ran out of the warehouse! Yan Zheng and Liang Ping stepped forward together, blocking him behind them, and looked defensively at the tall and thin man who appeared suddenly.

Another gust of wind passed, Ye Zhizhou only felt a flower in front of him, and then his waist tightened. He had left the protection circle of Yan Zheng and Liang Ping, and was being held by the tall and thin man, with his chest pressed against his chest, eyes facing each other, breathing and smelling. .

"It's not... So that taste, is it you?"

The sound in the ears is cold, and the breath that hits his face is also cold. Looking carefully, the man's Wen Yajunyi's face is a little too pale against the night, his pupils are abnormally yellowish brown, and his lips are purplish. He dared to touch the hand around his waist and trembles cautiously.

The initial symptoms after being infected with the zombie virus, the body temperature rose sharply and then dropped sharply, his face was pale, his eyes were yellowish-brown, his lips were purple, and the back of his hands was abnormally bulging... He quickly raised his hand against the opponent's chest and shook his head, "This brother, I haven't taken a shower for five days, and the smell is absolutely unpleasant, I swear!"