There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 5: Domineering brother-in-law fell in love with me


The exciting day finally passed, Ye Zhizhou rolled into the quilt and exhaled for a long time.

I'm so tired as a dog, if it wasn't for my life...

[You did very well. ]

The vanity mirror flicked out the screen again without saying hello.

Ye Zhizhou was almost choked after he didn't finish his breath. He coughed and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

[Please keep working hard. ]

He didn't want to work hard at all.

[If the mission fails, you will die. ]

… Well, everything is to survive.

[After each mission is completed, I will level up, and you can get rewards. ]

Ye Zhizhou beat a carp... too fat to stand up. He sat up, stared at the light screen, his voice raised with surprise, "Every time? Are there many more missions of this kind of salvation?"

[a lot of. ] A desperate answer popped up on the light screen, and then a progress bar that made him even more desperate popped up, [When the progress bar is finished, you can go home. ]

A very long progress bar, divided into nearly a hundred small grids, now only the first two small grids are shining.

"...When the progress bar finishes, my body will rot so much that there are only bones left."

[Relax, ten thousand years in the mission world is equivalent to one second in the world you are in. ]

No, he is worried.

[The system can help you upgrade your mental power to 3S level for free. ]

Ye Zhizhousheng’s unlovable face came alive in an instant, and he kept asking, "Really? You are so good?" The difference between 3S and double S is not a little bit. The genius of 3S in the entire empire can count it with both hands. If what the system says is true...

[It’s true, don’t lie to you, as long as the energy is enough, everything is possible. ]

His eyes widened, his heart beating faster, and he said anxiously, "Then you can promote me now!" 3S-level mental power can be separated from the human body to achieve substantiality, it is simply a necessary killer for home travel!

[Wait for the progress bar to finish. ]

"You can't get promoted first and then..."

[can not. ]

"But… "

[There is no shortcut to success. ]


[Sufficient rest is the basic guarantee for the host to complete the task, the host, it is late at night. ]

"..." This system is annoying.

Ye Zhizhou fell asleep in his irritability. In his dream, there seemed to be countless screens of light flicking and flicking in his head, making him difficult to breathe and his mood was heavy. At half past five in the morning, he finally woke up from torture.

"Through the sky."

[What's the matter? ] The light screen quickly bounced before his eyes, and the reaction speed was moving so fast.

"I think it's difficult to breathe, and I can't sleep well. Am I uncomfortable?" He opened his apathetic eyes, thinking of himself, who used to sleep well, but the quality of his sleep was so good that he choked speechlessly.

The light screen flickered, separated a light, swept over him, and then a line of words slowly popped up, [Soul casting is no problem, and the body fit is 100%. You cannot sleep well because you are too fat. ]

Too fat... It turns out that it's not a heavy heart, but a heavy body.

He got up from the bed, shook his fat palm, and said seriously: "I want to lose weight." The ghost knows when the tasks in this world will be completed. For the sake of his quality of life, it is better to be thinner.

The light screen flickered, and the vanity mirror on the bedside table opened automatically with a click, revealing the small brown pills inside.

[eat. ]

"What's this?"

[The next grade Xisui Dan. ]

Suddenly the style of painting is not right, the absurd feeling of suddenly passing from the high-tech society to the world of comprehension. Ye Zhizhou was a little afraid to eat.

[Believe me. ]


[You have no choice but to believe me. ]

Okay... He is dependent on this system now, and it seems that he can only trust him.

The pill melts in the mouth, not bitter at all, but with a hint of sweetness. The melted pill turned into a warm current, which slowly walked around in the body, warm and very comfortable. This feeling is very mysterious, Ye Zhizhou closed his eyes with enjoyment.

Two minutes later, he suddenly opened his eyes and rushed to the toilet.

Pulling from half past five to six o'clock, Ye Zhizhou almost collapsed.

[There are three grades of Xisui Dan, the lower grade is for strengthening the body, the middle grade is for beauty and beauty, and the top grade is for washing the sutra. This is a necessary process for repairing the body and expelling toxins to better nourish the body. Please don't panic the host. ]

No, he doesn't panic, he wants to die.

The next day, Yun Ke rarely slept in. The housekeeper Fu Bo was as happy as the New Year. After seriously ordering that everyone was not allowed to go to the second floor to disturb Mr., he put on a face that was smiling like a chrysanthemum and went to incense the deceased old lady.

Ye Zhizhou murmured inwardly, swept over the stiff and gentle smile on the hostess's face, and got into the car that took him to school with mystery and satisfaction.

Life in high school was boring and boring, Ye Zhizhou's good mood quickly disappeared. He patiently spent the morning looking through Du Yang's second year textbooks, then went to the bookstore during his lunch break to read through the textbooks for the first and third years of high school, and then used the afternoon to do two sets of simulation questions for the college entrance examination. After the full score of the door, he threw away the test paper and looked at the sky with a sad 45-degree angle... I don’t know if Yun Ke and the hostess secretly developed any discordant relationship between men and women at home while he was away from school...

"Tongtian, why don't I skip the grade and directly take the college entrance examination next year, so that I will have a lot of time to stare at the heroine." The high school students are completely free and painful.

The vanity mirror opened automatically with a click, and there was a small green pill in it.

"… what is this?"

[Level skip reward, refreshing and refreshing Yulu pills. Refresh and refresh yourself, and keep yourself the most awake at any time. ]

It seems to agree with the suggestion of skipping a grade, but...

"Tongtian, you actually sell fake drugs, right?"

Tongtian pretended to be dead and ignored him.

Ye Zhizhou was in a good mood, put away the pills, and waited for get out of class.

During class, he knocked on the door of the head teacher's office, and after getting permission to enter the door, he pushed the door in, and showed a smile with eight teeth to the head teacher behind the desk, "Teacher, my parent asked me to skip a class. What should I do for the skipping procedure? "

The teacher in charge of correcting the homework slipped.

Yunyuan Group, top floor office.

Yunke opened the computer browser with a serious face, and typed in keywords such as "character mutation", "an introverted child suddenly has a small temper", "17-year-old boy" and other keywords, and press Enter.

The search results quickly popped up. He skipped a lot of medical advertisements and set his goal on the answer to a similar online question and answer.

Xuanyuanlong Aotian: Oh, answer the Lord, don't worry, your son is entering the youth rebellious period, it's not a big thing, the child is not obedient, it is mostly itchy, just a few beats.

A few beats... Yunke frowned and closed the page.

Ye Zhizhou, who had successfully used a few sets of simulated questions with full scores, returned home happily, smiled at Fu Bo who was greeted by him, and asked, "Where is Brother Yun? I have good news to tell him."

Fubo was infected by his smile, and he also laughed, taking the schoolbag and replied: "Mr's assistant called back and said that there is a temporary meeting in the company. Mr. will be back later today."

"Why are things going to happen every day?" Ye Zhizhou frowned. Seeing Bai Li coming out of the dining room with a large insulated lunch box, the mission radar instantly exploded and asked, "Sister Lili, what are you doing with the lunch box?"

Bai Li seemed to have forgotten the unhappiness between the two yesterday, and replied softly: "I am worried that Brother Yun is too busy in meetings and forgets to eat, so I want to send him some food. The family meal is ready, Xiaoyang, you go eat first. Don't wait for Brother Yun."

It is worthy of being the hostess of the "gentle and considerate" setting. She is thoughtful, but what is the attitude of this hostess

Ye Zhizhou raised his eyebrows in his heart, but he stepped forward with a smile on his face, and said with concern, "Sister Lili, you have only been discharged from the hospital for a few days. It's just when you need to rest, how can you be exhausted to deliver food to Brother Yun? Or me? Go, I just happen to have something to tell Brother Yun." After finishing speaking, regardless of the hostess’s reaction, she snatched away the lunch box in her hand, turned around and ran out the door, shouting as she ran, "Uncle Li, get the car again. Drive it out, let's deliver food to Brother Yun."

"Eh, Xiaoyang, no need, I..." Bai Li watched him roll out the door like a ball, leaving a place of smoke.

"Young Master has grown up, and I know Mr. Care, it's great." Fubo sighed with relief, and his eyes were full of gratitude when he looked at Bai Li, "Xiao Li still has a way. Before, the young master was too introverted. Thanks to your enlightenment a few days ago, now the young master looks so cheerful and energetic."

"No... You should, Fu Bo is polite." Bai Li tugged at the corners of her mouth stiffly, clasped her hands, and slowly tightened, her nails almost pinched her palms, "Xiao Yang is indeed a lot more cheerful now... and more words... "

The car stopped at the door of the company, and Ye Zhizhou sent the driver away, carrying a big lunch box and using the identity of an "emperor's relative" to get on the exclusive elevator that went directly to the president's office and slid into Yunke's spacious and tidy office.

This was the first time the original owner came to Yunke's company, and of course, it was also the first time Ye Zhizhou came. Unlike Yunke's indifference and strength, his office looks very warm and has a warm home feeling.

He put the lunch box on the coffee table in the hospitality area, curiously turned around in the office, then boringly ran back to the hospitality area to sit down on the sofa, and took the lunch box carefully prepared by the hostess and opened it.

Three dishes and one soup, two meats and one vegetarian, and a small pot of brightly colored scented tea with fruits after the meal.

The hostess is prepared very well... Wait, scented tea? The hostess hasn't given up on sending flower tea yet

He tutted twice, picked up the small glass teapot containing the scented tea, found the largest cup and poured it all in, picked it up to the tip of his nose and smelled it, then took a sip and savoured it carefully.

The scent is light, the taste is slightly bitter and sweet. After drinking, there is a light sense of relaxation in the brain, as if the whole person is surrounded by warm clouds, and even the mental strength can't help but weaken...


He quickly recovered from the state of enjoyment, and swallowed the refreshing Yulu Pills that the system had sent in the afternoon. After the pill melted in the mouth, it turned into a hint of cool gas and rushed towards the forehead. The next second, the chaotic brain suddenly cleared, and the mental power was rejuvenated.

He frowned and put down the cup, his eyes full of solemnity.

This tea is weird.

Yun Ke opened the door and entered, seeing him looking at a cup of tea with bitter grievances, frowned slightly: "What are you doing?"

He slowly raised his eyes, moved his lips, and uttered two words, "Try the poison."

"Puff." The assistant who entered the door behind Yun Ke couldn't help laughing.