There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 52: Boyfriend is a zombie


Putting the wind blade away, Zhong Qiu took out an injection and injected it into his arm, watching the two back figures gradually moving away, happily curling his lips.

It doesn’t matter which one he is, can’t you just catch them all

The next day Wei Xutian came to look for Ye Zhizhou as soon as it was light. He was overly positive. Ye Zhizhou just woke up and kicked Zhong Qiu, who was climbing into his bed in the middle of the night.

The scene is a bit awkward.

Zhong Qiu greeted directly, "The kindergarten teacher didn't teach you to knock before entering?"

Wei Xu dodged sideways, glanced over Ye Zhizhou's loose neckline, uncomfortably averted his gaze, and said sternly, "Since I was young, I have never knocked on the door in Xiaochen's room, and Xiaochen has never asked for it."

The color of Zhong Qiu's eyes started to turn yellow when he got up, "He will ask for it from today."

Ye Zhizhou got up more angry, got out of bed and pressed a ball over him, then looked at Wei Xu, gritted his teeth gloomily, "You are here, it just so happened that there was something wrong with Fang Yunqi, you go help Yan Zheng their Busy, send people to the research institute."

Wei Xu frowned, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, it's just a bit of overfilling. We need to do a small check. Zhong Qiu's research institute has all the equipment and the results are fast." Ye Zhizhou scanned him up and down and asked, "Have you ever drunk Xu Yi's spiritual spring water?"

Wei Xu nodded, somewhat puzzled, "What are you asking for?"

"Don't do anything." He approached quickly, taking advantage of Wei Xu to feed in a big tonic pill, smiling, "Okay, now you can go and be with Fang Yunqi."

Zhong Qiu walked over very dissatisfied and took his hand down to hold it, and gave Wei Xu a cold glance, "Don't touch him."

Ye Zhizhou rolled his eyes, Wei Xu wanted to say something, but he was held back by the sudden heat rising in his body, and he couldn't help covering his abdomen. Taking a deep breath of the cool air, he asked with difficulty, "Xiaochen, what did you eat for me?"

"A good thing to save your life." Ye Zhizhou patted him on the shoulder and waved to Liang Ping who was waiting outside the door, "Put him on his back and let's go!"

Everyone quietly passed through the third gate when the sky was shining, and went straight to the research institute.

In Lab One, the new instruments that have been moved back are already in operation. Zhong Qiu called his assistant to draw the blood for Wei Xu and Fang Yunqi, and then he was pushed in a wheelchair to transfer the two to the examination room. Ye Zhizhou asked Yan Zheng and Liang Ping to follow, and he walked to Zhong Qiu's side and looked at the blood sample in his hand, "You said you can smell something wrong in their blood, really?"

"Really." Zhong Qiu nodded, put the sample into the instrument for analysis, and replied while recording the data, "It is very smelly, and it is very similar to the smell I smelled yesterday. Yesterday I wanted to catch the person back and study it. For a moment, I didn't want that person to disappear suddenly, so I had to get his companion back first."

"What did you smell yesterday?" Ye Zhizhou was taken aback by what he said, "What did you do yesterday?"

Zhong Qiu looked at him doubtfully, "Didn't I tell you?"

Ye Zhizhou directly rewarded him with a roll of eyes.

"Oh yes, you were asleep when I arrived, and your sleeping appearance is very cute. I couldn't help but watch it in the middle of the night." Zhong Qiu wrote down the data results and closed the notebook, and hugged him sideways, "Xiaochen, you are so cute. I really want to undress you."

Ye Zhizhou responded with old fist to his confession.

After you came and went with me, Zhong Qiu finally got serious, and briefly talked about how he smelled a smell last night, if he caught someone, how the person disappeared, and how he cleverly caught the opponent’s companion. Then he made a summary, "It's definitely not because I didn't have enough strength to catch someone, because there was something weird about that person."

After listening to Ye Zhizhou, he was basically sure that the person he was talking about was Xu Yi, and he slightly lowered his head to think. Zhong Qiu can smell the stench of the protagonist, so he must also find the spirit spring water is wrong. In the original plot, Zhong Qiu became interested in the protagonist after seeing the spring water sent by the traitor in Xu Yi's team, and that traitor... He opened the system data and flipped through it, then frowned. The traitor turned out to be Wang Gang. With Wang Gang's defensive attitude towards Xu Yi yesterday, the betrayal in the original plot is too suspicious. And after the protagonist was rescued by the heroes, he forgave the betrayer soon. When he saw this plot, he still complained about the protagonist's "kind and careless" character setting, but now it is suspicious to the point.

I couldn't help but look up at Zhong Qiu's Wenya Junyi's face, and carefully touched his eyes. The protagonist’s Lingquan needs a special zombie corpse to upgrade, and Zhong Qiu’s current half-human half-zombie’s bizarre state can be said to be the most unique in the world. If Wang Gang’s "betrayal" is just the protagonist’s plan to obtain Zhong Qiu’s body... he couldn’t help it. Tighten your arms and hug the person in front of you, feeling a little afraid.

Why is the protagonist of this world set so abnormal? Although it is the end of the world, how can human nature become so dark.

Because he thought of something bad, Ye Zhizhou's face was very ugly when he saw Qiu Xiangyu who was arrested.

"It turned out to be you." Qiu Xiangyu was fixed on the bed, looking at him coldly, "I didn't expect you to attack Xu Yi, despicable!"

Ye Zhizhou carefully looked at this male protagonist No.1, who had been silently guarding Xu Yi's side, and saw his over-white skin from his feminine features, and sneered, "Despicable? You're still a schoolmaster, why is your brain so bad? Wei Xu, with a simple mind, found something wrong with Xu Yi. How come you, a genius with an IQ far beyond ordinary people, can't see it. Are you fooled by the zombie virus that he dropped into your body?"

"You are not allowed to slander Xiao Yi!"

"Mental retardation is a disease. I will treat you today." He broke his fingers and asked for two large tonic pills from Tongtian. He stepped forward to pinch his jaw and wiped his hands on his clothes. Smiling, "Seeing is believing, hearing is not, let's go, I'll take you to a good show."

Qiu Xiangyu struggled painfully almost the next second after taking the pill, his skin was red, blood vessels protruding, and the rapid flow of blood could be seen through the pale skin. Ye Zhizhou rang the bed bell and called for the nurse. He looked at the blue veins that became more and more bulging as he struggled, and his mood was a little serious. With such a big reaction, Qiu Xiangyu's body is probably almost transformed by the spirit spring water. If it is later, it will be a problem whether the other party's human appearance can be preserved.

Leading people to a confinement room made of transparent glass, he took out a tranquilizer pill and fed it to Qiu Xiangyu, turned his face to the direction of the confinement room, and said coldly, "Did you see Wang Gang inside? Like you, he has something bad in his body. The researcher here just injected him with a semi-finished zombie vaccine. The vaccine should temporarily suppress the virus in his body, but you can see what he looks like now! There is a trace of reason, he is almost not a person now!"

Wang Gang was arrested by Zhong Qiu after Wei Xu entered the research institute. He was very emotional when he first arrived. It took a while for the researchers to conduct a detailed examination by individual, but the result was not ideal. Fearing that the spiritual spring water in his body would continue to corrode his body, Zhong Qiu injected him with a semi-finished vaccine in the first place. The virus in the opponent's body was too strong, and after the vaccine suppressed the virus a little, the body's immunity was weakened accordingly. As a result, Wang Gang directly showed signs of zombieization, and the situation did not get better but worsened.

Now Zhong Qiu's entire team is busy solving the zombie phenomenon on Wang Gang, but there is also Qiu Xiangyu who is super uncooperative and in no better condition than Wang Gang, who is making trouble, it's terrible!

At this time, Wang Gang's face in the confinement room was blue and white, and his eyes were bulging. The loudspeaker installed in the room clearly transmitted his hoarse and distorted roar, and it slammed into people's hearts with a sound, arousing a tremor of fear.

"What did you do to him?!" Qiu Xiangyu, who felt much better after taking the Anshen Pill, was very angry when he saw it and began to struggle hard in the wheelchair, "Let go of me! You devil! What kind of shit vaccine, I don't believe it! You are sure It was a human experiment with a supernatural power! Maybe the zombie virus was made by you scientific lunatics!"

"Who the hell is doing the experiment! Open your eyes and see clearly, and then think about it!" Ye Zhizhou couldn't help but blur the back of his head and said angrily, "Look at Wang Gang! We gave him the injection The semi-finished vaccine suppresses the zombie virus, but if you look at his current state, he is agitated and has a slight zombie phenomenon. What does this mean? It means that the virus in his body is no longer a vaccine that can suppress it! , You never thought that he hadn't been bitten by a zombie, how could there be a zombie virus in his body? Look at yourself again, do you feel it? There is something in your body that is slowly weakening your life as a human being!"

Qiu Xiangyu was stunned.

After Ye Zhizhou finished speaking, he directly pushed him to the inspection area in another corridor, and sent him to Wei Xu and Fang Yunqi, "Look at them again, do you think something is wrong? Because they are the same as you. Hell after drinking. Mutant zombie virus accumulates in the spirit spring water!"

Wei Xu, who was shown as an example, had a stiff expression, and then nodded to Qiu Xiangyu as a greeting. Compared to Wei Xu’s indifference, Fang Yunqi was much more enthusiastic and proactively spoke up, "Vice captain, you are here too, don’t worry, you will be fine soon. The medicine Xiaochen gave is very useful. Mr. Zhong also said that after waiting for a while. If a real vaccine is developed, the zombie virus in our body can be completely eliminated."

Qiu Xiangyu looked at Wei Xu and Fang Yunqi again, finally calmed down a bit and started to think.

"Qiu Xiangyu, haven't you ever doubted it?" Ye Zhizhou made up the knife at the right time when he saw this, "The smell of the spirit spring water... It resembles the rancid smell of zombies, isn't it?"

He suddenly clenched his hand on the armrest of the wheelchair, his back was tense, and he lowered his head and said nothing.

"Think about it." Ye Zhizhou let go of the wheelchair armrests, winked at Wei Xu and Fang Yunqi, and continued, "There are many suspicious places. Leaving aside all the positive auras on Xu Yi's body, you will find many interesting things. ."

[The probability of Qiu Xiangyu falling in love with the protagonist has dropped to 90%, please keep the host's efforts. ]

Such a verbal excitement actually only dropped by 10%. Qiu Xiangyu deserves to be the one who is most desperate for the protagonist, and the great cause of drawing the flag seems to be grind. He turned off the light screen, turned and walked out. Qiu Xiangyu's hard rock should be left for Wei Xu and the others to beat. He can't help it for the time being.

Xu Yi found a corner of the base and hid, a little panicked and a little excited. The panic was because the person with a very good smell took the initiative to attack him last night, and his strength was so strong that even Qiu Xiangyu had no room to resist. Fortunately, he hid in the space in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. The excitement is because of the other person's very normal human appearance! I think it must be a zombie that smells good, but this zombie actually looks like a normal human. One can imagine the special body of his body. If he can get this special nourishment...

Space seemed to be responding to his excitement, heating slightly at the location of the supernatural nucleus in his brain. He raised his hand and pressed his forehead, with a twisted smile on his face that was so refined that it did not look like a real person. Wait a moment, wait for him to make a good plan, now that Wang Gang and Qiu Xiangyu are not around, he needs to think about how to get that special zombie.

Zhong Qiu, who had obtained a large number of vaccine development clues in a short period of time, was so busy that one person had to be used by three people. Ye Zhizhou was careful not to disturb him. After leaving Liang Ping who studied medicine to help in the laboratory, he returned to the base with Yan Zheng.

After telling Liu Tao about what happened last night to today, he turned to Wei's house, notified Wei Xu's whereabouts, comforted everyone in the Wei family, and then went around to see where Xu Yi's team settled. After looking, they found that they were still moving as usual, as if they had not discovered the disappearance of Wang Gang and Qiu Xiangyu, they could not help but frown slightly, and turned back to their own site.

He originally wanted to take all of Xu Yi's team to the research institute for inspection, but Zhong Qiu said that he had other arrangements and made him stand still for the time being. Judging from the situation we just observed, the people in Xu Yi's team were a little too calm, as if they didn't care about Wang Gang and Qiu Xiangyu's staying all night. Could it be that Xu Yi came back to comfort them? So where is Xu Yiren now

I want to come forward to find out, but I'm afraid that it will startle the snake. Now the protagonist does not know the identity of Researcher Zhong Qiu, nor does he know that Lingquan's weirdness has been exposed, let alone that Wei Xu and others have stood by Zhong Qiu's side. The protagonist is showing that they are in the dark. This situation is very advantageous. If he rushes out to find out if the news is exposed, it will be more than worthwhile.

Tangled and entangled, hesitated and hesitated, he sighed and turned back to the base. Forget it, I believe Zhong Qiu, there is no doubt about the lover's ability to solve problems. When the vaccine is developed, all problems will not be a problem.

Yan Zheng accompanied him to leave, thoughtfully, "Liu Chen, Xu Yi's Lingquan is so weird, have you ever thought about how to completely destroy it, as long as that space exists every day, we will not be able to catch people. , And from your analysis, that space will continue to upgrade, and the end times will never end if you keep it."

Ye Zhizhou just remembered this terrible problem. The protagonist's space can hide from people and can be upgraded, and there are a lot of zombie viruses inside, which is simply a mobile "doomsday"! In the original plot, the zombies began to evolve rapidly after the protagonist died. Could it be because the space abilities disappeared and collapsed after the protagonist died, and then all the zombie viruses in his space spread out? !

It's terrible to think like this!

The damned space cannot be allowed to continue to upgrade, and it must be destroyed!

"Strictly." He stopped, with a serious face, "You have a good question. We must find a way to destroy Xu Yi's space abilities and still not be able to touch his life! I suspect that his space will be after his death. Disintegrate and release all the zombie viruses stored inside!"

"Can't move his life?" He frowned, and a murderous look flashed in his eyes, "How can such a scourge not move his life, if you are afraid of the spread of the virus, can you kill him in a confined environment?"

[The probability of Yan Zheng falling in love with the protagonist has dropped to 0%, and the second soul flag is removed. Congratulations to the host, please continue to work hard. ]

Ye Zhizhou glanced at the pop-up light screen, the corners of his eyes twitched, and then he patted his shoulder with relief, "Seriously, good job!" This kind of disgust is so disgusting that he must kill the other person. He likes it!