There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 54: It's a baby, not a stand-in


Xu Yi's scalp was numb when he saw him, and felt that the previous delusion to kill Zhong Qiu with too many people was a bit naive. Obviously, he has seen countless more disgusting and terrifying zombies, but facing Zhong Qiu who looks like ordinary humans, he has a trace of fear in his heart.

The wind in the corridor grew stronger, and Zhong Qiu disappeared in the blink of an eye. All the attacks failed. Before they could return to their senses, an erratic white shadow suddenly flashed across the corridor, and then slid past them one by one. After ten seconds, all the people who stood before were groaning. Fell to the ground.

The wind reduced, and a slender figure with black-rimmed glasses stood among the fallen crowd, holding a scalpel in his hand.

Watching all his companions fall to the ground, Xu Yi became more panicked, couldn't help but step back a few steps, panicked and asked, "Who are you? Where's Zhong Qiu!"

Liang Ping glanced at him slightly, then turned his head in disgust, took out a piece of durian from his pocket, looked at the durian and looked at him again, frowning, "You are not as cute as durian." After speaking, he turned around and quickly disappeared in the corridor. .

"Did you just look for me?"

A cool voice sounded behind him, his back tightened, he leaped forward a few steps and turned around, staring at Zhong Qiu, his voice trembled, "Why do you keep chasing me? I didn't hurt Pass you!" Now the situation is unfavorable, it is not suitable to continue to struggle, he must find a way to retreat!

Zhong Qiu played with the vaccine in his hand, curled his lips, "I don't like nonsense." The wind rose again, but Zhong Qiu controlled him within the range of Xu Yi's body, like an invisible cage.

Yan Zheng led a group of soldiers out of the room at the end of the corridor and waved, "Tie up all the people on the ground and throw them into the observation room. The one with the worst scream will be given another vaccine and then sent to the confinement room."

The soldiers should act quickly.

Wei Xu also came out of the room, took a look at Xu Yi and walked to Zhong Qiu's side, "Hurry up and stop playing."

"You're just playing." Zhong Qiu blocked his words coldly, and looked at Xu Yi's heart to remind him, "Don't try to escape, as long as you cross the boundary a little bit, those cute little wind blades will slash your skin and flesh. Turn you into a skeleton."

The impatient Xu Yi stopped his movements, looked back and forth at Wei Xu and Zhong Qiu with a calm face, sneered, "Wei Xu, you betray me."

"I'm saving you." Wei Xu looked at him indifferently, there was no warmth in his eyes, "Xu Yi, you know exactly what Lingquan is, don't harm people anymore."

The sneer on Xu Yi's face froze, his expression gloomy, and he turned his head and stopped looking at him.

All the people who should be tied up were taken away, Yan Zheng finally relaxed his tight nerves, looked at Zhong Qiu and asked, "What are you going to do with this virus library? Just kill it?"

"First get the vaccine to see the situation, and then, uh, pry open his head and directly destroy his nucleus."

When Xu Yi heard this, his face turned pale, and his body trembled. After seeing the vaccine in Zhong Qiu's hand, he bit his lip, secretly used his abilities, and entered the space under their eyelids.

"Sure enough, I hid." Zhong Qiu plunged the disassembled medicine directly into his arm, shrugging boredly, "Seal this corridor, turn on all monitoring, and clean the institute again with vaccine."

"It can only be so." Yan Zheng was a little dissatisfied with the result, but he was helpless. Wei Xu sighed, was silent for a while, turned and walked towards the observation room where Qiu Xiangyu was.

The matter came to an end, and all that was left was the boring catching turtles in the urn and the scattered endings.

Ye Zhizhou would go to the monitoring room every day to look at the situation in the corridor, and then took Qiu Xiangyu to visit the team members who were receiving treatment after being vaccinated. When the first team member recovered, Qiu Xiangyu's chance of falling in love with the protagonist dropped to 80%. Then Qiu Xiangyu went on a hunger strike, and the chance of falling in love never moved. He looked at Qiu Xiangyu, who was full of death ambitions in his eyes, thought for a while, took him to the monitoring room, pointed to the monitoring screen on the wall, and briefly explained Xu Yi's situation. Qiu Xiangyu was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at the monitor without blinking, but still did not speak or eat.

When the nutrient solution gradually couldn't support Qiu Xiangyu's body, which was in urgent need of nutritional supplements after being vaccinated, Ye Zhizhou remained silent for a long time. Regardless of Wei Xu's objection, Qiu Xiangyu was sent into the corridor where the protagonist was trapped. Qiu Xiangyu’s affection for the protagonist has been deep after a long time together. Even if he knows so many terrible facts, the chance of falling in love is still not lowered. Even after knowing that the protagonist’s situation may not be very good, he chose to use a hunger strike to fulfill him. love. The task has been unable to proceed so far. Out of selfishness, he hopes Qiu Xiangyu can get better, and hopes that the protagonist can have a little conscience. After seeing Qiu Xiangyu who looks like this, he can come out to comfort him and comfort him.

After another two days, Qiu Xiangyu stubbornly stayed where Xu Yi disappeared. In the early morning of the same day, the protagonist who had been shrinking in space and refused to appear finally came out.

Ye Zhizhou looked at the two people embracing in the surveillance and Xu Yi who was talking excitedly, and sighed.

"Xiangyu, help me, as long as I escape, I will surely restore you to the way you were at the peak!"

"Xiao Yi." Qiu Xiangyu raised his hand to touch his hair, a gentle smile appeared on his feminine face, "If you had told me everything earlier, I would definitely not let you look like you are now."

"Xiangyu!" Xu Yi became a little impatient, "Can you help me in the end! Now only you can help me!"

Qiu Xiangyu carefully recognized the emotions in his eyes, and the hope in his eyes went out a little bit, "Xiao Yi, if you can only look at me, it will be fine for me and you... OK?"

"You... Ah!"

Ye Zhizhou stared at the monitor screen.

A metal spike appeared out of thin air and quickly pierced Xu Yi's back, passing through his heart. The dark red and rancid blood slowly flowed out. Qiu Xiangyu raised his hand to touch it and sighed, "Xiao Yi, you really are no longer a human, but it doesn't matter." He raised his head and touched Xu Yi with blood-stained fingers. Then slowly covered his eyes, "I will accompany you, don't be afraid."

A new metal thorn gradually formed in his hands. Qiu Xiangyu hugged Xu Yi's fallen body, looked at the monitoring probe, said "thank you" with his mouth, and then ended his life without hesitation.

Dark red and bright red blood converged on the ground, surrounding the two bodies. Ye Zhizhou raised his hand to press on his cheek, and squeezed the "don't" back into his chest. Why... Why is this...

[Qiu Xiangyu and the protagonist lose their life characteristics, the fourth soul flag disappears, all soul flags in this world are removed, and the task has been completed. Will you enter the next world? ]

He nodded in his heart, wiped his face, looked at the dead bodies lying together in the corridor for a few seconds, and rang the alarm bell, "Xu Yi died. The cleaning procedure will start in ten minutes. Please prepare for each department."

Zhong Qiu, who was examining the patient in the observation room, paused after hearing the announcement, turned and ran towards the monitoring room. Yan Zheng, Wei Xu, Liang Ping... Everyone stopped busy and gathered around Ye Zhizhou without hesitation.

After Xu Yi died, the virus in his space really spread. Zhong Qiu used a clumsy method to directly fill the entire corridor with vaccine, and then kept the corridor closed for a month.

Three months later, the vaccine was delivered to all corners of the world; six months later, the spread of the zombie virus was controlled; one year later, the escalation of high-level zombies stopped, and the number became less and less; three years later, all countries finally All zombies and their corpses were disposed of, and the city's recycling and cleaning work began; five years later, the world finally had its pre-apocalyptic appearance.

On the day the base wall was demolished, Ye Zhizhou made a big dinner, invited all his relatives and friends, held a small private engagement banquet with Zhong Qiu, and got drunk. In the early morning of the next day, he went to a hill outside the base alone to worship an unknown grave.

Decades later, he and Zhong Qiu lie together holding hands, looking at the blue sky and white clouds and smiling, "I really want to know your real name... Forget it, I will go to the next world to find you now, remember to wait for me." On the upper eye, I nestle sideways into the arms of my lover who is gradually losing his temperature, poke the system in my heart, and choose to enter the next world.

The sound of rain, quarrels, the sound of things falling, and then the sound of doors slamming.

Ye Zhizhou's consciousness withdrew from the darkness and gradually returned to reality. He sat up from the bed and found himself in a spacious and cozy room. There was a basketball rolling in the corner, a badminton racket hung on the wall, and he stretched out his hand to look at it, sports watches, wrist guards, and young and delicate skin.

It seems that the original owner of the body this time is a good boy who loves sports.

There was a photo frame on the bedside table. He picked it up and looked at it. It was a group photo of two teenagers, one handsome and one sunny, full of youthful and happy atmosphere, which made people curl their mouths unconsciously. Looking at the clock hanging on the wall, at 4:30 in the afternoon, the original owner may be taking a nap.

Ignoring all the noisy sounds outside, he searched for it on the bed, and finally found a small mirror shaped like a pink kitten head from the quilt, and said silently, "Tongtian, isn't it happy to be able to use pink again? "

The fake feather tail at the bottom of the small mirror moved, and then it bounced off with a click, revealing a pill.

"What's this?"

[The task reward of the last world, the transformation pill. ]

"What is it?" Ye Zhizhou rubbed his eyes.

[Shaping pill, can increase the cultivation base for a hundred years, one second adult is not a dream, the dream pill of monsters, the best helper for cross-species love, come with one, happiness for a hundred years. ]

Ye Zhizhou sneered, stretched out his hand to grab its false tail, "I think you are blind, but I actually think I am a monster. Come, I will help you correct your eyesight."

The small mirror shook, and then quickly magnified the light screen and poked his face, spoofing the information.

Ye Zhizhou grinds his teeth, but finally let it go, focusing on the information.

The protagonist in this world is named Si Han, male, his mother is a dance teacher, and his father is a successful businessman. He has a childhood friend named Xing Guan, one of the male protagonists in this world.

At the age of five, Si Han and Xing Guan were kidnapped. Finally, Xing Guan was successfully rescued and Si Han disappeared. Si Han's mother, Zhong Min, had a weak temperament. In order to calm his wife’s emotions, Si Han’s father, Si Yougan, brought into the house Qin Bao, the son of Zhong Ke’s younger sister Zhong Ke, who happened to be found, and forced Qin Bao to remember all Si Han’s behaviors and habits, and sent him as Si Han. In front of his wife.

Qin Bao is similar to Si Han by seven or eight points, and when Zhong Min is mentally unstable, this scene of misidentification of the parent-child is so logically successful. Seeing this, Si Youqian simply did nothing, wiped out all traces of Qin Bao in the orphanage, renamed him Si Han, and let him live under the identity of Si Han.

On the other hand, Si Han, who was lucky enough to escape from the kidnappers, hid in a black taxi on the side of the road and was transported to the remote H city by accident. Later, he was found to be sold by the driver of his black car. A deaf-mute old couple.

Three years later, Qin Bao gradually grew up and forgot his childhood memories, and in Si Youqian's constant brainwashing, he firmly believed that he was the real Si Han, and later changed his name to Si Han, the youngest son of the Si family. The real Si Han was abandoned in an orphanage by a deaf-mute couple that year. One month later, he was adopted by a teacher and moved to City W. He met the second male protagonist—the only son of the adoptive father Wei Jianjun. Wei Songning.

Ten years later, Si Han, Qin Bao, was admitted to the B major, and the real Si Han, the protagonist who was renamed Wei Sihan after being adopted, was also admitted to the b major. The two happened to be in the same major and were also assigned to one. The bedroom, Nie Yuan starts from here.

At this time Si Han had completely forgotten his childhood memories, but Qin Bao retained a little suspicion in his subconscious. After seeing Si Han who was very similar to himself and whose name was almost exactly the same, his childhood memories began to churn and gradually recalled. Something from the past.

Once the suspicion arises, it is not easy to erase, he began to look for a private detective to investigate Si Han's details, and then quietly searched for clues at home. A week later, the private investigator did not find anything useful, but he found an old photo album in the attic of the old house. In it, he saw a photo of Si Han with his family when he was a child. Since then, he has finally confirmed The fact that he is a fake.

Unbearable such a truth, coupled with fear that the real Si Han would be abandoned by his family after he appeared, Qin Bao began various hostility to deal with the real Si Han, but he didn't want his actions like this to be noticed by his elder brother Si. Out of concern for his younger brother, Si Yue secretly commissioned his friend Wei Zhuang, the third male protagonist, to investigate his younger brother's recent itinerary and people and events he encountered, to see if his younger brother was bullied.

Wei Zhuang is a person who excels, but his methods of checking information are first-rate, and he has thoroughly checked Si Han's details in just one week. In the process of investigating, he gradually became moved by the strong and sunny Si Han, and after telling Si Yue this amazing truth, he tried his best to publicize Si Han's goodness and criticized Qin Bao's bad behavior of bullying others. .

The more shocked Si learned the truth, he hurried home and told his father the news. Since then, the true prince Si Han has entered the center of the story, while the counterfeit Qin Bao has gradually become disgusted by his family and friends in the increasingly fierce oppression of Si Han.

Because he was often bullied and injured, Si Han frequently went in and out of the school infirmary after enrolling, and got the blue eyes of the school doctor Lu Chen, the fourth male lead, and the love of the fifth male lead, single father He Jing, during his work-study program. , All five male protagonists arrived.

Ye Zhizhou stopped reading the information, a little speechless. Why is it a world of basics, and the number of male protagonists has increased...

Quickly turning over the emotional entanglement between the six people, he turned the plot to the end of the world.

After Qin Bao sent himself to prison for the last time and died tragically, the protagonist and the five male protagonists lived happily together. Three years later, the male protagonists who had become leaders in various industries were suddenly suppressed by the crazy business of unknown people. They were confused and angry, but had no clue. In the end, Wei Zhuang used the power of the family to find the man behind the scenes.

It turned out that Qin Bao's biological parents had adopted a biracial baby before Qin Bao was born, but the biracial baby was found and taken abroad by his family in the year Qin Bao was born, leaving little trace of existence. After Qin Bao's parents died in an accident, Qin Bao fell into the orphanage, was picked up by Si Yougan and erased the traces of the orphanage, and began to live as Si Han.

The mixed-race child returned to repay his gratitude after he grew up and became independent, but found that his adoptive parents were dead, and the soft brother in his memory grew up with someone else's identity, and finally died in prison! Under the anger, the mixed race began to retaliate wildly, first Si Yougan, then Si Han and several male protagonists.

The fighting between the two parties was getting fiercer, and it actually shook the economy of one side. It happened that the national leaders were receiving foreign guests here and found that the situation was not right. To make matters worse, the children of the foreign guests stayed with the leader to watch the excitement and hung up.

The dispute between the two countries began, and then the world situation gradually became chaotic under the influence of this butterfly's wings. Within a few decades, the World War broke out, and the culprits who caused the struggle at that time have already died.

Ye Zhizhou turned off the data and looked up at the ceiling. What else can he say, what is the need for such an easily destroyed world? He despairs every time he sees the cause of the destruction of the world.

"Tongtian, let me guess, the body I use now is called Qin Bao, right?"

The little mirror moved its hairy tail, clicked, and revealed another pill, [Guess correct, reward Yi Rong Dan. ]

"..." It really is like this, ah, I really want to cry.