There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 77: The handsome little husband


The crowd was seated in the main hall, and the atmosphere was a bit cold and awkward.

Tao Dong has been looking at Ye Zhizhou mournfully, with an appearance that he wants to care but dare not.

On the way here, Shen Tingwei roughly figured out the matter of marrying, and saw that Ye Zhizhou was not happy with his biological mother, Aunt Tao, so he said coldly again, "Father-in-law let the aunt welcome the guests, so why let the aunt welcome the guests? ?"

When Zou Qing heard this, his face turned dark, and he stared at Tao Dong, "Why are you still here! Go down, let the servants bring tea over!"

Taodong grabbed the handkerchief and suppressed his emotions, got up with a low eyebrow, and left. When she left, she deliberately walked around Ye Zhizhou and patted him on the shoulder, and passed a meaningful look.

Ye Zhizhou just didn't see it, sitting down beside Shen Tingwei pretending to be quiet.

After people left, Zou Qing sorted out his emotions, and said first, "Little General Shen..."

"Father-in-law does not have to be so polite, you can call me Tingwei." Shen Tingwei interrupted him and said after saluting again, "I have been recuperating before, and there is no way to bring Xiaoqing back to see. I hope my father-in-law will not take offense."

Zou Qing was so uncomfortable by his father-in-law shouting that he turned his gaze to Ye Zhizhou and habitually frowned and put on his father Yan's face, "Qing'er, you want to come back with Shen... Why don't you send anyone to come back with Tingwei? Say it in advance, and my father prepares well so as not to neglect the distinguished guests."

"I wanted to give Xiaoqing a surprise, so I didn't tell him in advance." Shen Tingwei held the pot strongly, and bluntly brought the topic to government affairs. "The emperor seems to be investigating the Huainan Salt Gang these days. I don't know if his father-in-law can Have you heard?"

Zou Qing’s expression changed. The Huainan Salt Gang had a lot of malignant tumors in the household, and some of them were promoted by him. If the emperor was really going to fix it... With a cold face that didn't show emotions, his thoughts turned, and he calmed down his expression and said to Ye Zhizhou, "Qing'er, you finally come back, don't delay with your father, go see your mother."

This is to talk about business. Ye Zhizhou hurriedly grabbed Shen Tingwei, who wanted to stop the conversation, and stood up to say goodbye, "Then Qing'er will be out of company first, father, husband, you guys talk slowly." After speaking, he broke free of Shen Tingwei's thief's hand and hurriedly bowed, and turned around. Calmly walked towards Yuan Hui's courtyard eagerly. He came to Zou Mansion but was planning to make a big fuss, how could he continue to accompany Zou Qing to consume it.

When he walked to the entrance of the garden, he felt Taodong's breath in the spiritual net and frowned. He called a servant of the Zou family to confess, and then changed the road and walked towards Yuan Hui's yard.

The gate of Yuan Hui's courtyard was closed, not as lively as the original owner remembered.

After he knocked on the door, he waited for a while before opening the courtyard door, and the person who opened the door bored his head and said, "Who are you with a terrible attitude." Too lazy to entangle these difficult servants, he directly opened the way with mental energy, and walked unimpeded all the way to the small Buddhist hall where Yuan Hui was confined. Yuan Hui's close-wife wanted to stop him, but was brought down by his simple and rude pill. Yuan Hui in the Buddhist hall heard the movement and just saw the scene where the mother fell to the ground. She was so frightened that she opened her mouth and screamed, and was covered by Ye Zhizhou's steps.

"Mother, do you remember when I was a kid when I hid in your sedan chair and followed you to the Baiyun Temple to offer incense?"

Yuan Hui froze, staring at him, and then struggling violently after seeing his appearance, calling him "Zou Qing" vaguely.

Ye Zhizhou frowned, searched the memory of the original owner, and continued, "When I was three years old, I tore up my father's painting. It was my mother who helped me cover the past and lied to my father that the wild cat came in and broke it."

Yuan Hui's struggle stopped and looked at him in shock. Only she and Qingqing should know about this. How could Zou Qing...

Seeing her thoughts at a glance, he continued, "When I was three and a half years old, my brother was wet in the morning when I slept in his bed. I was afraid that you would make a joke. One meal."

"I smashed your dressing box one time during the Chinese New Year..."

One by one, one after another, Yuan Hui calmed down completely and looked at him blankly, with doubts and confusion in her eyes.

"Mother, whether you believe it or not, I am Zou Qing, and the one you sent to the country is Zou Qing." He slowly released the hand covering her mouth, looked at her eyes and said seriously, " When I was four years old, Tao Dong deliberately took me to contact a patient who had smallpox, and then disguised Zou Qing as if he had been infected with smallpox, and persuaded my grandmother to send Zou Qing and me to the countryside. Half a month later, Taodong also came to the countryside. She asked me to wear Zou Qing's clothes, and repeatedly put a lotion on my face to change my appearance, brainwashing me, and made me think that I was Zou Qing."

Yuan Hui opened her mouth, the blankness in her eyes turned into shock.

He took out the Meiyan Pill to show her, and then pointed to his face, "This face is fake, it was made by Taodong with potion. A while ago, I remembered my childhood memories and realized Taodong's conspiracy. , I figured out a way to get the antidote to restore my appearance, mother, I really am Zou Qing."

"Are you... Qingqing?" Yuan Hui hesitated and stretched out her hand to touch his face, halfway up and then stopped, shook her head, "No, it's impossible, how could you be Qingqing, Qingqing is in the country? You are cheating I, you must be lying to me."

"Mother!" Ye Zhizhou was helpless, turned over the memory of the original owner, and said with shame, "Mother, you have a mole on your back waist. Once you and your father... I accidentally saw you, and you and your father thought me. When I fell asleep, just... At that time, your clothes were pink with butterflies embroidered on them."

Yuan Hui froze, and then rushed over excitedly, "How could you know this! How could you know this! Only Qingqing slept with me when she was a child, how could you know this! It was Qingqing who told you, right? Zou Qing, you can't lie to me!"

"Mother, I didn't lie to you, I really am Zou Qing." Ye Zhizhou looked into her eyes and said with certainty, "Zou Qing in your mouth does not have these memories at all. If you don't believe me, you can write to him and ask him! , The maid and maid beside you have been bought by Taodong a long time ago, they have been brainwashing you, you will wake up!"

"No, how could I mistake my child..." Yuan Hui covered her face, shook her head vigorously, her voice gradually choked, "I don't believe it, how can you be Qingqing... If you are Qingqing, what have I done all these years... How can you..."

Ye Zhizhou sighed in his heart, stepped forward to hug her, patted her back comfortably, and calmed her mentally while saying, "If you don't believe me, I can take the antidote to restore your appearance now, and wait for you. When I see who I am, I understand everything."

Yuan Hui's crying weakened, she lowered her head and wiped her tears, withdrew from his embrace and looked at him carefully for a while, then suddenly firmed her eyes, "You said your face is fake, but Tao Dong gave you the medicine to change your appearance. ?."

Ye Zhizhou nodded.

"Do you have an antidote?"

Continue to nod.

A trace of cruelty flashed in Yuan Hui's eyes, and he pulled him away, "Well, let's go find your father, and then call Tao Dong to confront! You can take the antidote on the spot and show me! If you dare to lie to me , I will drive you and Tao Dong out of Zou's house together!"

This request is exactly what Ye Zhizhou wanted. While continuing to output his mental power, he cooperated with Yuan Hui to walk towards the main hall.

Zou Qing was asking Shen Tingwei about the Huainan Salt Gang. Seeing Yuan Hui pulling Ye Zhizhou in, he couldn't help but shouted coldly, "Why are you here? Well, I don't need you here. Go to the backyard."

Yuan Hui ignored him, let go of Ye Zhizhou's hand, walked to the door to find a servant and asked them to call Taodong, and then sat aside with a calm face.

"You!" Zou Qing wanted to scold when he patted the table. When Shen Tingwei got up to meet Ye Zhizhou, he swallowed the reprimand and said, "Madam, what are you doing? There are guests here."

"You'll know what I'm going to do soon." Yuan Hui straightened his collar and looked at him, with cold and faint eyes, as if he had quenched the ice and hid the needle, "Husband, your mother has taken it for you. What a good concubine."

Zou Qing's eyebrows beat, and he took a few deep breaths before the pressure of anger that almost broke through the sky came down.

Shen Tingwei listened to the conversation between the two and looked to Ye Zhizhou inquiringly.

"It's okay." Ye Zhizhou pressed him onto a chair and said, "Don't be surprised at what you see for a while."

Tao Dong came to the main hall suspiciously, and was a little worried by the expressions of Yuan Hui and everyone sitting aside, "Master, madam, this is..."

"Stand while." Yuan Hui waved her hand to interrupt her, looking at Ye Zhizhou, with hope and madness in her eyes, "Take the antidote, just eat here."

Ye Zhizhou broke free from Shen Tingwei's hand, got up in the sight of the crowd, either puzzled or dissatisfied, walked to the table to take the pill, then poured a cup of warm tea to wet the handkerchief, and began to wipe his face vigorously.

Tao Dong's face changed when he saw him doing this, and she couldn't help but raise it.

Shen Tingwei glanced at the palm of his hand and got up and walked to sit down beside him, looking at him seriously.

As he wiped it, the handkerchief was gradually stained with yellow marks, and the smooth facial skin became wrinkled. Yuan Hui couldn't help leaning to look, Zou Qing's eyes were shocked.

"Qinger, you..."

"Father, stay calm and not restless. It's just some old toxins, just let them out." He raised his head to soothed, then glared at Shen Tingwei, who was about to get started, and lowered his head to continue wiping.

Tao Dong finally stopped being calm, and stepped forward and said eagerly, "Qing'er, what are you doing? There are still guests here. It's too rude, so stop."

"Shut up, you!" Yuan Hui glared at her, and then shouted outside, "Come on, tie up Auntie Tao and gag me!"

Zou Qing intuitively wanted to stop, but after seeing Yuan Hui's sharp eyes and Ye Zhizhou's face, he hesitated to stop.

The servant came very quickly. Tao Dong was tied up and gagged before struggling and screaming. His eyes gradually became panic. After a quarter of an hour, the yellowish skin on Ye Zhizhou's face was finally wiped off, revealing the white and tender but reddish swelling inside. Skin. The warm tea has been replaced with a basin of warm water, and several handkerchiefs are dirty. He wiped his hands sour, and his heart became more sympathetic to the original owner. The potion had already penetrated into the flesh after more than ten years. If it hadn't been for the pill given by the system against the sky, the original owner would have been unable to return in his life.

Layer after layer, his face was visible to the naked eye with a small circle, and the beautiful and straight bridge of the nose was exposed. Because of the thick upper eyelid, the drooping eyes gradually showed the original outline of the smart, and finally the lips. , Tearing apart the last layer of dead skin that was taken off, the dull and purple lips became rosy and plump.

Yuan Hui looked at him, breathing more and more rapidly, and finally couldn't help covering his mouth and let out a cry of change in tone when he finally revealed his entire face.

The water in the basin was already faint, and the handkerchief in his hand that hadn't been changed for a long time was also completely black. Ye Zhizhou took the new handkerchief that Shen Tingwei handed over and wiped his face, and smiled at Yuan Hui, "Mother, it's been more than ten years, do you remember? Did I look like when I was a kid? Do I look like when I was a kid?"

"Like, too much like... Qingqing..." Yuan Hui rushed forward and tremblingly touched his face, her tears finally fell, "You are Qingqing? Then, then I have raised it for so many years... You, what about you … I… Qingqing, you really are… ”

Zou Qing also looked shocked, and couldn't help asking loudly, "What's the matter? How can your face become like this? Madam, why do you say he is Qingqing? What, what is going on? !"

Despair flashed in the eyes of the tied Taodong, her face pale and she lowered her head.