There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 8: Domineering brother-in-law fell in love with me


The results of the physical examination showed that Ye Zhizhou's body was normal, even much healthier than before. Yun Ke frowned and stared at the medical examination report for a long time, but still worried, he took the person to another hospital and checked again.

The result is still all normal.

In the next few days, Ye Zhizhou received full attention from Yunke, especially when eating. For this reason, Ye Zhizhou forced himself to eat half a bowl of rice more than before.

The weight is still falling unscientifically, and the side effects of being thin are still showing no signs.

One month later, Ye Zhizhou's weight finally fell to a normal level, and he became a handsome and slender boy.

Putting on the new clothes that Uncle Fu had prepared earlier, he stood in front of the mirror, looked at what he was like now, and twitched his mouth. Red lips, white teeth, thin lips with apricot eyes, white and delicate skin and slightly long bangs... It really looks like a girl. Fortunately, his eyebrows grow heroic, and the contours of his face are obviously boyish, otherwise...

Thinking of Yunke's deep look when he stared at himself from time to time during this period, he raised his hand to confuse his face and tugged at his bangs, "It's time to cut a board..." I think his own body is so handsome, and Now... I really want to talk and cry first.

After Ye Zhizhou's weight completely stabilized, Yun Ke took him for another physical examination. Of course, everything was normal. Finally accepted Ye Zhizhou's setting of being thin but healthier than before. Taking advantage of the weekend, he took Ye Zhizhou to the mall, who was ready to continue studying hard.

"I have enough clothes, and Fubo bought a few sets for me last week." Like most men, Ye Zhizhou hates shopping. In his world, online shopping has become the mainstream, and most of the people who go out shopping are boring housewives, so he is really not interested in shopping at all!

"The company has a reception on New Year's Day. I am going to take you to attend. Today, I will measure the size and make a formal suit for you." Yun Ke skillfully dumped the car into the parking space and helped him untie the seat belt sideways.

He has gradually become accustomed to his more and more convenient caring behavior. Ye Zhizhou raised his hand to facilitate his actions, and deliberately said: "Why haven't you seen you take me to a similar cocktail party before? Do you think I was fat and ugly before?" After more than a month, he had seen through Yun Ke's cold-hearted nature, and he spoke more casually.

"Making a fool again." Yun Ke frowned habitually, but there was a hint of warmth in his eyes, "I didn't take you before because you were still young, and I was afraid that the environment would scare you. Now you are older and have been exposed to company affairs. For a while, it’s also time for you to show your face to the heads of Du Shi."

He picked up the backpack in the back seat, opened the door and got out of the car, and said with a fat courage, "Be careful that I will embarrass you by then."

Yun Ke also got out of the car, walked quickly to join him, raised his hand and rubbed his hair, "No, I believe you."

"Well, I actually believe in myself." He stood out proudly, shook his hand away, and made a sullen look.

Yun Ke glanced at his hand, and then at the hair spin on his head that was covered by messy hair. He rubbed his fingers unconsciously and put it into his coat pocket, "Don't be proud, this is a business Taboo."

"Got it, okay, the elevator is coming, let's make a quick decision."

The Yunjia has a custom clothing store that is regularly visited, and the service is the best, and the size measurement is very smooth. After the two chose the styles of their clothes, Yun Ke pressed Ye Zhizhou to choose a finished casual suit.

"I still want to change my clothes back." Ye Zhizhou was a little uncomfortable pulling at his new clothes. He is a real otaku. He wears clothes mainly for comfort. After wearing a suit, he is a little uncomfortable.

Yun Ke retracted his gaze sticking to him, raised his hand to help him tidy up the collar of his shirt, and couldn't refuse to say, "Your suit is too big, just wear this, and I will pick a coat later."

In some matters, Yunke would occasionally change back to the previous strong mode, and Ye Zhizhou could do nothing about it.

"Okay." He nodded seemingly compromising, then stuffed the changed coat into Yun Ke's arms, turned around and ran towards the bathroom, and said as he ran: "Big Yi Yun, please help me pick it. I'll go to the bathroom. ."

"Really... Lazy again." Yun Ke watched him run away, shook his head, with a trace of unconscious pampering on his face.

Ye Zhizhou slowed down near the corner of the bathroom, exhaling. Just now, Yunke seemed to look at himself with that faint and deep gaze again, a little hairy... Just as he was thinking about it, a white figure suddenly rushed out of the corner and slammed into his arms firmly.

Leaning against the wall with a muffled snort, he raised his hand and gently pushed the person in his arms away, rubbing his chest vigorously, "Don't rush so fast when you are turning, it is easy to hit people."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." The white figure stood still and thanked him immediately, but it was very polite, "Is there any injury? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

This voice... Bai Li

He hurriedly stood up straight, looked at the white shadow who finally showed his face, and blurted out, "Why are you here?"

"What?" Bai Li looked at the delicately dressed young man in front of her with some doubts, and frowned slightly, "If you're fine, I'll go first, I'm in a hurry." After speaking, she didn't look back, and hurriedly said. Gone.

What's the matter, why is the hostess in a hurry, what is this rush to do? He didn't even care about his gentle appearance.

He frowned and followed Bai Li's direction quietly.

Bai Li walked fast, as if someone was chasing after her. Five minutes later, she reached the underground parking lot and drove straight into the car of a middle-aged man. The two of them were locked in the car and said a few minutes, and then drove away.

There was no heating in the parking lot, and Ye Zhizhou's nose was red from the cold. When the hostess left, he hurriedly took the elevator back to the mall, and asked in his head by the way, "Tongtian, do you have the information about the middle-aged man just now?"

The light screen pops up, and there are densely packed words.

He scanned it quickly, and then said in surprise, "Wen's fourth child? Father Du's former rival?" How did the hostess have contact with this person? Moreover, the information provided by the system does not say that the heroine is in contact with the literary family... Is this another pit caused by the lack of energy in the system

The cheerful ringing of the phone interrupted his thoughts, and he hurriedly took out his mobile phone to pick it up, "Hey, Brother Yun... well, I just came out of the bathroom..."

"Go directly to the parking lot, I'll wait for you by the car." Yunke's tone was solemn, "The test result of the scented tea has come out, and something has been added to it. That thing... not very good."

After more than a month, the test results of scented tea finally came out.

"What was added in it was a newly-researched drug. It hasn't been put into use through clinical trials, and it's rather biased, so it took a little longer to find out." The gray-haired researcher pushed his glasses and put his hands on "This thing is for mental patients. It has good effects but large side effects, and it is slightly dependent. Long-term use will make patients gradually become irritable and aggressive, reduce reaction speed, and memory loss. …In short, there are many side effects, so this drug has never passed clinical trials."

Yun Ke's face darkened as he listened, and his body pressure was terribly low. "Xiao Yang took that medicine once more than a month ago. Is there a problem?"

"How much did you eat?"

Realizing that Yunke's mood was a bit wrong, Ye Zhizhou hurriedly grabbed his hand and squeezed it comfortably, and replied on his behalf, "I only ate a little bit. I went to the hospital for an examination that day, and the doctor said it was OK."

The temperature suddenly covering his hands made Yun Ke stiffen. Although the relationship between the two men eased a lot during this period, there was not much physical contact. At this moment, the other party's subconscious comforting movements made his heartbeat speed up a little bit. He glanced sideways at the young man's gentle and serious look, his whole body's compelling aura disappeared unconsciously, and his expression eased. After hesitating, he finally defeated reason with impulse, gently spread his palms, and clenched the young man's slender but still white hands, and then clasped his fingers a little bit.

"That's okay." The researcher put down the information, glanced at Yun Ke who suddenly became quiet and gentle, and asked kindly, "Do you need me to call the police for you? The crime of illegal drug use is still quite serious, and such a beautiful child needs to be drugged. That person is also very bad-hearted."

"You don't need to call the police." Yun Ke shook his head, squeezed Ye Zhizhou's hand to prevent him from breaking free, and said to the researcher: "Director Hu, thank you for your kindness. We hope to resolve this matter by ourselves. Thanks for your hard work, let's say goodbye."

"Let's go." The old director waved his hand and picked up the materials again. "Next time you have this kind of work, you can find our hospital. I will give you a 20% discount."

"Wait, I have another question." Ye Zhizhou said quickly, "Grandpa Hu, if this medicine is given to patients with insomnia, what effect will it have?"

"Patients with insomnia?" The old director raised his eyebrows and exaggerated. "It's just like taking drugs. One of the effects of this medicine is to calm down and sleep, and fall asleep immediately after eating. Kids, don't eat randomly. That stuff is good for your body. Healthy people are very harmful."

Ye Zhizhou shook his head hurriedly, smiled obediently with his eyes bent, and replied: "I'm not ready to eat, I'll just ask, thank you Grandpa Hu, let's go first, goodbye."

The old director waved his hand and stopped looking at them.

Ye Zhizhou broke free from Yun Ke's hand as soon as he left the house, and raised his hand to rub his stomach, "Brother Yun, I'm hungry, let's go eat." The two went out early in the morning, and later turned directly to the research institute. It was past one o'clock in the afternoon, and he was almost fainted from hunger.

The warmth in his hands disappeared, and a trace of dismay flashed in Yun Ke's eyes, but he quickly covered it and turned around and walked out first: "Let's go, I invite you to have hot pot today."

Ye Zhizhou cheered and quickly followed.

[The chance of Yunke and the heroine falling in love has dropped to 35%, please keep the host's efforts. ]

The sudden pop-up system prompt scared him to almost lose his balance, and fell directly on the flat ground to eat shit.

"It's nice to have a hot pot?" Yun Ke quickly held his shoulders to help him stabilize his body, hesitated for a moment, didn't let go of his hand at all, and hugged him towards the parking place, "If you like it so much, I will Just take you to eat more, don’t rush to walk."

Ye Zhizhou, who was caught in doubt, didn't even notice how ambiguous the postures of the two of them were at this time. He just nodded vaguely, and his head was full of question marks.

What's going on, why has the chance of falling in love suddenly dropped? Is it because the heroine's medicine is too vicious, so Yun Ke hates the heroine even more? But it’s not right. He remembered that the assistant Yang Ge said that the results of the investigation later showed that the heroine might not have deliberately prescribed the medicine. The problem was actually with the materials she bought. From this point of view, the chance of love has not risen. It's alright, how can this drop...