There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 89: Male god marry me


The soul flag was restored, but there was no hint of a plot change. Ye Zhizhou clicked on the system data and flipped through it, frowning as she rolled over. According to the timeline, the protagonist and Yuan Yao were in their forties when Yuan Yao was only twenty-five years old. So now Yuan Yao is probably... not long after she was born


The baby will not let it go, this soul flag has changed dramatically.

Cen Yuebai walked over and picked up the fork and put it aside, raised her hand to press the center of his eyebrows, and lightly tapped, "What are you in a daze?"

He regained his senses, shook his head, and asked after thinking about it, "You first approached my sister to help her return to her soul. If her body dies before returning to her soul, what will happen to her soul?"

"She is in a special situation, which is equivalent to being seized. If her body dies, her soul will become weaker and weaker until it dissipates and returns to reincarnation." Cen Yuebai sat on the bed and put her hand into the quilt, gently teasing He opened his clothes and touched the wound, leaning forward and looking into his eyes, "How come you think about this?"

The wound was a little itchy to the touch. He shrank back and caught the hand that caused the mischief at his waist. His serious expression couldn't be stretched, and he broke his work. After glaring at him, he replied, "I just feel a little troubled... Your investigation has Is it the result? Fan Lang doesn't seem to know about the soul removal at all. Who do you think will do it?"

Cen Yuebai couldn't help but leaned in and kissed his eyes, before holding his hand and saying, "I went to the place where Fan Lang had a car accident. There are traces of fighting law nearby, but unfortunately I can't see what kind of school it is. The hospital is here. Everything is normal, but Shen Mengxi's body was taken away here. Combining the two clues, I guess someone wanted to grab Fan Lang's body, but it accidentally affected Shen Mengxi."

Someone wanted to grab Fan Lang's body... He suddenly remembered something and was busy poking the system in his heart, "Did the small flag on the protagonist's head follow the protagonist's soul?"

[Searching rules, please wait... After searching, the soul flag is bound to the soul and cannot be changed. ]

Bound soul? Then why didn't he see the soul flag on the protagonist's head at the gate of Shen Mengxi's school that day? At that time, the soul in Shen Mengxi's body was clearly Fan Lang. Isn't Fan Lang the protagonist? !

In the middle of the night, he touched Fan Lang again. The light in the room was very dim, and the small gleaming flags became more and more conspicuous. He couldn't help holding the small mirror in his pocket tightly, frowning deeply. What's going on... Fan Lang's soul didn't have a soul flag when he was in Shen Mengxi's body. Why did he suddenly have it when he returned to his body

He squeezed the small mirror, and sprinkled the powdered sleep-aid pills on Fan Lang. He moved forward and observed it carefully. No problem was found. He asked in doubt, "The soul flag must be the protagonist's soul and body. Will it show up when there is a match?"

[There is no such requirement in the rules. ]

What's going on now? He became more puzzled. You can't go wrong with the resurrection pill. At this moment, Fan Lang's own soul lives in Fan Lang's body! And it was indeed Fan Lang who occupied Shen Mengxi's body at that time, but at this time, why is the soul flag sometimes missing

"You think it's weird too, don't you?"

The sudden sound of voices shocked his heart to miss a beat.

Yin Feiyu opened the door and walked in, went to the hospital bed and looked at Fan Lang on the bed with him, holding a closed notebook in his hand, "He woke up, and your sister fainted. Interesting. What's more interesting is that, His current character is a little different from his character when he was in your sister's body."

The mental power actually didn't notice Yin Feiyu's approach, what's the matter? He quickly stabilized his emotions, did not follow the other party’s thoughts, and asked, "Do you know about soul removal? Or, do you know who did it?" This Yin Feiyu has always been weird, not like a bad person but yet again. Not much better. It seems to have noticed a lot of things, but didn't mean to participate in it, keeping the posture of a bystander all the time. He secretly guarded the opponent, and monitored the opponent mentally for a few days, but found nothing. In short, he can't understand this person.

"I forgot to tell you, my eyes are a little different from yours." Yin Feiyu took off his glasses and looked over. The tail of his eyes was slightly raised, unexpectedly charming, "Your soul is golden, my grandpa said. Golden souls are rare, and the owner must have great merit, and life is precious. It needs to be treated with caution. Although I hate these gods and strange things, I have to admit that they are very useful, so I believe you."

"And this one on the bed." He put his glasses on again, curling his lips with disdain, "The first day he entered the hospital, his soul was chaotic gray, and the second day he lost his soul and became a blank. Now, his soul It is gradually becoming black. Black represents the evil person who cannot enter reincarnation after death. I really don't want to cure him."

[The probability of Yin Feiyu falling in love with the protagonist has dropped to 0%, and the fourth soul flag is removed. Congratulations to the host, please continue to work hard. ]

The system prompt that popped up alleviated Ye Zhizhou's surprise. His thoughts flew in his mind, but he didn't miss the slightest on his face. He continued to ask, "Then can you see the color of Cen Yuebai's soul?"

"Cen Yuebai." Yin Feiyu squinted his eyes and looked sideways at the door of the ward. "Since you are here, don't hide. Don't worry, I don't have any thoughts about your little lover."

Ye Zhizhou, who was working hard to pretend to be profound, twitched his eyebrows and couldn't help turning his head to look at the ward door.

"That's why I hate you people who have opened sky eyes." A cold voice came from the door panel. Cen Yuebai opened the door and stepped on the light in the corridor to walk in, and followed to look at Fan Lang who was unconscious on the hospital bed. "The evil guy, it turns out that it's not soul removal but soul fusion. It's no wonder that the first soul return spell will fail."

Soul melting? ! Then the soul flag... Ye Zhizhou turned to look at Fan Lang on the bed, and turned on the system's scanning function. The helpless system can only scan the physical condition, and has no special effect on the soul. He reacted halfway through the scan, and shut down the system in frustration. In these increasingly unscientific worlds, high-tech and gold fingers are sometimes not very useful... The task is difficult.

Cen Yuebai crossed Yin Feiyu and walked to Ye Zhizhou, holding his hand and squeezing, "Go back to sleep, it's late."

Ye Zhizhou, who sneaked out, took a guilty look at him and followed him obediently. When he was about to pass Yin Feiyu, he suddenly remembered his previous question and asked again, "So what color is Yuebai's soul?"

Cen Yuebai stopped and turned to look at Yin Feiyu. His eyes were sharp and threatening, completely different from his usual coldness and indifference.

"Ordinary people's souls are warm light yellow. The more evil they do, the more muddy the color. On the contrary, the more merits, the purer the color." Yin Feiyu didn't answer his question directly, but turned and walked outside. Said, "A person who is ruthless, heartless and has no merit, but is born with immortal fate to kill evil, you say... What color will his soul be?"

Seeing the other side's white and unrestrained back again, Ye Zhizhou's mood was a bit heavy this time.

Tianshengxianyuan was carrying a killing... Killing... He looked at Cen Yuebai who stopped in front of him, wanted to say something, opened his mouth, and closed it hesitantly. In each life, I put my soul into it and occupy the body of others, but my lover is actually reincarnating for so many lives without the memory of previous lives. Even if you ask the mysterious question of killing evil, you are destined to be unable to get from your lover. The answer was obtained there, and the lover who has not committed any evil karma in this world, how powerless and sad when faced with this kind of problem.

There was a sudden wave of fluctuation in the mental power net surrounding Fan Lang. He returned to his senses, held his lover's hand tightly, and walked out with him, "The effect of the hypnotic powder I sprinkled is about to come. Let's go. Go back and talk again."

Cen Yuebai looked down at the hands between the two, her stiff body slowly relaxed. What about killing evil, as long as this person doesn't let go, as long as this person is still around...

Returning to the ward in silence, Cen Yuebai didn't go to the escort bed next to her, but squeezed into the bed and hugged Ye Zhizhou in her arms, dead tightly, not showing any gaps, as if she was afraid that the other party would run away as soon as she let go.

Ye Zhizhou turned back to hug him, raised his head and kissed his chin, then released a soothing mental energy to surround the two, and said warmly, "Yuebai, we will always be together."

Cen Yuebai hugged him harder, and then whispered after being silent for a while, "A few years ago, Master realized that his life was approaching, so he told me a hexagram with his life as a sacrifice... The hexagram turned out to be a piece of Scarlet hell."

Ye Zhizhou's heart was tense, and he wanted to look up to see his expression, but was suppressed and his head couldn't move.

"You bring merit in your body, and you are destined to have good luck and longevity throughout the world, and I..."

"I believe you are not bad-hearted." Ye Zhizhou interrupted him, arching back and forth in his arms anxiously, "If we can kill evil, we can redeem it slowly. Besides, we are married for several generations. Don't even think about it. Leave me alone! Don't you want to be with me anymore? You don't need to care too much about this..."

"To be together." Cen Yuebai suddenly hugged him and rolled over and pressed him under her body, with a rare emotional fierce, "You can only be mine! Even if you are going to hell, I will take you with you! "

Ye Zhizhou stared at him stunnedly, and then laughed out of a very disruptive atmosphere, "You really are... this line every time..." I don't get tired of talking for a few lifetimes.

Cen Yuebai was full of panic and anxiety, and he laughed away, and her emotions were a little stuck, "You..."

"I like you, no, I love you." Ye Zhizhou raised his arm around his neck and pulled him down, touching his forehead, saying slowly, "I have a secret, you must have noticed it, but You respected me and didn’t ask. Now, I also have to respect your secrets, murder or something, and I will forget them tomorrow. I’ve never done anything bad in my life, I’m a good person, and in my last life, my last life... You’ve always been a good person, and I happen to like you as a good person, understand?"

Cen Yuebai's expression gradually became gentle, and the nerve in his brain that had been suppressed for many years by the bloody hexagram finally loosened, slowly filling in a warm and soft emotion, "I understand." He relaxed and pressed his body against him, and kissed his eyes. , "I love you too... forever."

The spiritual power scattered in the air felt a familiar spiritual power approaching, he closed his eyes and smiled, and hugged the person on his body tightly. Whatever the color of the soul of the lover, he believes in this person and loves this person deeply, that's enough.

The two slept sweetly and happily, and completely forgot Fan Lang, whose soul was turning black upstairs.

The next morning, Ye Zhizhou woke up in a daze, glanced over the small mirror next to the pillow, instantly awake, brushed it and sat up from the bed.

Oops! Task!

Cen Yuebai just came in with his breakfast. Seeing him sitting on the bed with his hair up and looking horrified, she frowned slightly, walked over and touched her forehead, and asked concerned, "Have you had a nightmare? Or did you not sleep well?"

"Yuebai! Ronghun, Ronghun!" He grabbed the opponent's hand, and he was so anxious that he could not say things smoothly, "How is Fan Lang now? What is the matter with Ronghun? We were yesterday, no, Yin Feiyu Yesterday, he said that his soul is turning black. Is it because of soul melting?"

Cen Yuebai loosened her frowning brows, sat on the bedside and patted him comfortably, and waited for him to calm down a little bit before saying, "Heating souls is different from seizing houses. What he grabs is not someone else's body, but someone else's life. And the opportunity of reincarnation. It takes time to melt the soul, don't worry, Fan Lang's soul has not been fully integrated yet, there is still a way."

He quickly asked, "What is the method? How long does it take to melt the soul? How to stop it?"

"As long as one or two months, as many as three to five years, it depends on the strength of the invading soul itself, as for the method of stopping... separate the invading soul and destroy it."

Separation of the invading soul... Ye Zhizhou muttered these words in silence, and then pulled his hair in a crushing manner. So that damn invading soul is the real protagonist of this world! How come none of the protagonists in Hard Mode is normal! This time it was actually a soul directly, and even the body was robbed of others!

[Soul flag fluctuating detected... The fourth removed soul flag has been restored and transferred to Yuanwei soul, please pay attention to the host! ]

Ye Zhizhou took a deep breath after seeing the system prompt that popped out suddenly. Yuanwei? Big brother's son? !

Was the invading soul arguing with the Yuan family!