There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 9: Domineering brother-in-law fell in love with me


A few days after the scented tea results came out, a new investigation report about the heroine was sent to Yun Ke.

"Ms. Bai settled down for a while after arriving at the Du Mansion. Half a month ago, she met Wen Na, the youngest Miss Sun of the Wen family, at a flower show. Later, through her, she and Sun Zhe, the elder of the Wen family, just got on the line. Second. In addition, a relative in Wen Na's mother's family opened a pharmaceutical company, and the medicine should have flowed from there."

"I see, you continue to stare at Bai Li, and report directly if there is any situation." Yun Ke hung up the phone, read the report carefully, frowning and thinking.

Next door, Ye Zhizhou heard the content of the call through the line of mental power left on Yunke, and thought about it.

The opponents of the Wen family, the pharmaceutical company, and the Du family... Judging from the results of the investigation, the heroine and the Wen family were only on the line shortly, and they did not know each other before. Therefore, the possibility of the heroine deliberately approaching Yunke is directly zero. It may just be a coincidence. Later, the scented tea medicine incident should only be because Wen Jia saw the opportunity from Bai Li and took the opportunity to prescribe medicine.

It was the Du family who had an antagonism with the Wen family, so the object that the Wen family wanted to poison should be the original owner. He remembered that in the initial plot, the heroine and the original owner had a very good relationship. He also went out together several times. The Wen family misunderstood that the relationship between the two was normal. Assuming that the drug is really aimed at the original owner...

Now the heroine has already got on the line with Du’s father’s enemy, the fourth son of the humanist family... Think about the only original owner who was cannon fodder in the original plot, and then think about the clues he got now, he was shocked and couldn’t help feeling cool and whizzing. The back of the neck.

If the heroine had the shadow of the Wen family behind everything that the heroine did in Yunzhai, and the various methods used by the Wen family were all aimed at the original owner, then the original owner later designed a car accident that did not cause the heroine, but almost harmed Yunke’s plot. It is very likely that Wen Jia used the heroine's hand to force the original owner out of Yunke's protection circle! And because of Yunke's cold-hearted nature, it was normal to drive him out of the Izumo family because he was disappointed with the original owner in the car accident, but then it was too unscientific to kill the original owner to vent his emotions! At any rate, he is a child who has been raising a child for several years, and he is still the younger brother left behind by the first wife who had been married since he was a child. Therefore, in the original plot, it is very likely that the original owner died in the hands of the literary family!

Didn't the drug be used to simply unite with the heroine to be cruel

Therefore, whether it is a flower tea or a car accident, all of this is aimed at the original owner, and has nothing to do with Yunke at all!

But why... He frowned slowly. In the original plot, why did the heroine later cooperate with Wen Jia to harm the original owner? There was no conflict of interest between the two, and before they came, the original owner was very dependent on the heroine, and there was no hostile targeting.

He once again pulled out the information provided by the system, and put aside the mentality of watching the brain-dead romantic drama, he began to look at the plot with a sensible and cold look, looking for the shadow of the writer in the plot.

"Here." He stopped turning the pages on the light screen, zoomed in on one of the plots, and read it carefully. The hostess still insisted on making scented tea for Yunke when she had a high fever. The hostess stayed in bed for a total of six days, but the previous article mentioned that in order to keep the scented tea fresh, the hostess would go out every five days to replenish scented tea materials. Because of this illness, the supply of scented tea materials was cut off. Yun Ke was off from scented tea for two days, and his sleep became worse again. Seeing this, the hostess was very anxious, and immediately went out to supplement materials after he recovered.

Here is a detail. When the hostess went out on the first day, there was one material that she didn't buy, and she returned with a pale face. Yun Ke thought she was worried about herself, but was moved by the heart. The next day the heroine went out early, but came back very late. Yun Ke was very worried, lost her temper, but the heroine suddenly cried and kept saying sorry. Yun Ke felt distressed and hugged her for the first time. …

I’m sorry, I said it to Du Yang who was there at the time. It should be here. The hostess found that her scented tea was added, but because she was worried about losing Yunke’s special treatment, she agreed with Wen. Home cooperation. It was also from here that the cowardly and introverted original owner suddenly began to "bully" the heroine, and the "unlucky" times were seen by Yun Ke, which made Yunke's impression of him worse and worse, and more and more toward the heroine. Pampered.

Then the heroine gradually got Yunke's love, but the original owner was slowly abandoned, and was eventually driven out and forced to death.

"Heh." Ye Zhizhou turned off the light screen and couldn't help but sneer. What a big show, what a "gentle and kind" heroine, what a literary artist who hides in the dark and calms down.

Wonderful, really wonderful.

Only pity the original owner, a timid and introverted student, was splashed with dirty water, misunderstood, designed, and finally killed.

His heart was full of negative energy. He lay on his back on the bed, staring at the ceiling for a long time, and finally asked what he hadn't dared to ask, "Tongtian, I occupied the body of the original owner, what about the original owner, Where did he go?"

[The body used in the task is contributed by the original owner of the body, and the original owner’s soul will be thrown into the new world. Host, please rest assured that the original owner will have a happy new life. ]

"A happy new life..." He murmured, and the stone that had been pressed in his heart finally disappeared, turned over and lay on his side, pulled the pillow and hugged him, "What will happen to the original owner's body after the mission is completed and I leave?"

[Death in a reasonable way. ]

"... The original owner, that's not right, the reason why Du Yang volunteered to contribute his body... Can I know?"

[Confidential documents, the host has no access rights. ]


[The host is asked to work hard to complete the task, and come on to increase the level of authority. ]

"How many tasks do I need to do to reach the viewing authority?"

[The progress bar is finished. ]

"..." Bye bye system!

His mood turned a little bit, he rubbed his face and lifted up his spirits, and opened the hole-filled information again.

There should always be a reason for harming people. Du's father, who had a feast with the Wen family, died a long time ago. Du Yun, the later leader of the Du family, has also passed away for many years. It's strange to look at adult cowardly children.

Intuition told him that there must be something in Du Yang that made the Wen family jealous.

He went through the plot carefully over and over again, but found nothing. The information provided by the system is still too one-sided, and the superficial love story has no effect on finding the truth.

Thinking has fallen into a dead end, he rubbed his temples, trying to find clues in other ways. Unexpectedly, Director Hu's face broke into his mind.

By the way, medicine!

The medicine in the scented tea was specially prepared by the writer for the original owner, and the side effects of that medicine are... irritability and combativeness, decreased reaction speed, memory loss... memory loss.

He clicked on these words, and his thoughts became a little clearer.

What the writer is afraid of should be something Du Yang has in his mind. But what would it be? After being adopted by Yun Ke at the age of 13, Du Yang has been at the Yunzhai School two points and one line, and has not had any contact with others.

Could it be something the original owner wrote down a long time ago? Thinking of this, he hesitated. In order not to infringe on the privacy of the original owner too much, he has not read the memory of the original owner before being adopted by Yunke. Now...

There was a little confusion in his heart. Finally, he gritted his teeth, opened the quilt to cover himself, closed his eyes in the dark, and showed a trace of mental power, reaching out to the blue air mass in his brain that represented the memory of the original owner.

A happy childhood, a beautiful sister, a gentle and considerate mother, a dignified and reliable father... The memory gradually spread, his frowning brow gradually loosened, and his consciousness plunged into the memory.

Yunke came out of the study after handling the official business, thought for a while, and went to Ye Zhizhou's bedroom.

No one responded when he knocked on the door. He frowned and looked at his watch. The hour hand had just turned to nine o'clock. Xiaoyang fell asleep so early? With some doubts in his mind, he hesitated for a moment and tried to unscrew the doorknob.

The door was not locked, and opened gently with his strength.

The light in the room was on, and a small bag bulged on the bed.

He really fell asleep... He lowered his eyebrows softly, gently lifted his steps, walked to the bed and pulled the tightly covered quilt, "Xiaoyang, don't put your head in the quilt to sleep."

The quilt was motionless, and the people inside were sound asleep.

"Really..." He bends down helplessly and stretches out his hand to pull the quilt, trying to get the boy's head out.

Probably it was noisy by his actions. The person in the quilt moved, turned over, exposed all his head and shoulders, and buried his face directly in the pillow.

"Why didn't you even take off your clothes..." He frowned slightly.

The room was very quiet, only the steady breathing of the teenager could be heard. The warm yellow light shone on the boy's side face, and a shallow shadow was drawn on the eyelashes... It was so cute, he couldn't help reaching out and touching it.

It's just too skinny. He thought about it, but his hand moved gently to straighten the person, and gently untied his woolen jacket.

The white T-shirt inside the jacket was unbuttoned, which was probably the reason for the bad sleep. At this time, the neckline of the white T was slightly torn open, revealing the boy's delicate collarbone and a small part of his chest.

He was a little stunned, and hurriedly looked away, half hugged the boy's body, and carefully took off his coat.

During the action, the boy's head tilted to his neck, and his warm breath sprayed on the position of his Adam's apple, causing his heartbeat to speed up unnaturally.

He quickly threw away his coat and put the boy back on the bed. He frowned and rubbed his neck, his eyes were on the boy's pants... The pants of the housewear are cotton, so it should be fine to sleep... right.

The heartbeat gradually stabilized.

Putting the quilt back on the boy, he sat on the bedside and looked at the boy's facial features. The thin boy was really beautiful, with slightly angular facial lines, a straight nose, beautiful apricot eyes, and... His eyes moved down, slightly holding his breath... And, as if The rosy lips with a smile always make people want to kiss them... Obviously they have soft and beautiful facial features when they are taken apart, but when combined together, they have a green and gorgeous feeling, which is unique to the Du family. Of gorgeousness...

"Don't go..." The sudden murmur awakened Yun Ke, who was plunged into peachy fantasy. He grabbed the boy's suddenly tumultuous hand and frowned slightly.


The teenager seemed to have suddenly fallen into a nightmare, his body was disturbed, his babbling gradually turned into a low cry, tears flowed from the corner of his eyes, "Don't go, Mom and Dad, don't go... Sister, don't get in that car, don't, don't go up. …"

"Xiaoyang!" Seeing that the situation was not right, he hurriedly took the person into his arms, patted him hard on the cheek, and wanted to wake him up, "You have a nightmare, wake up, Xiaoyang, wake up quickly, it's all right. It's all over, it's all right."