There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 92: Male god marry me


On a beautiful morning without school or work, Ye Zhizhou, who was sleeping with his head covered, was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone. He reached out and touched it in a daze, but he touched a slender and strong hand.

"Woke up?"

I was kissed on the cheek, and then the phone's ringtone disappeared. He struggled to wake up, but he was too sleepy, the bed was too soft, and the breath of his lover around him was so good that he moved and fell asleep deeply.

Cen Yuebai looked at him with her head supported, with a smile in her eyes unconsciously. The screen of the phone turned on silent again turned on, he glanced at the three words reminding Shen Zixia of the incoming call, squinted his eyes, and sent a text message after he hung up the phone.

Shen Zhai, Shen Zixia's face became stiff after reading the text message, and then she slammed the sofa pillow hard.

"Big brother, what's wrong with you?" Shen Mengxi came out with breakfast and asked in confusion, "Is it the second brother's phone? When will he be back?"

"I'm not coming back." Shen Zixia got up with a black face, and walked over to help her put the dishes, "Zihao has something to do, and I live at Cen Yuebai for the time being."

"Living with the second sister-in-law?" Shen Mengxi smiled suddenly, "Then I have to prepare something for my second brother... I'll go buy it now!" After talking about breakfast, she turned around and ran upstairs.

Shen Zixia watched her up and took a deep breath. The phone ringing suddenly rang, he took it out and took a look, Su Yu hung up with a black face! As soon as he took a sip of coffee and the phone rang again, he was furious and yelled when he picked up the phone, "You don't persuade you! Chase if you want to chase, play any roundabout tactics, I'm not as free as you!"

The phone was quiet for a while, and then Yin Feiyu’s unique voice came from Xiaobian, “If you get angry, drink more chrysanthemum tea.”

Shen Zixia froze, looked at the phone screen and made sure that the person calling was not Su Yu but Yin Feiyu. She wiped her face sadly, put her phone to her ear again, and asked, "What's wrong with you when you call? "

"Cen Yuebai and Shen Zihao can't get through on the phone." Yin Feiyu glanced at Fan Lang whose soul was turning black on the hospital bed, sympathized and disgusted, "Let them come to the hospital, Fan Lang is getting darker and darker."

After speaking, she hung up the phone, and Shen Zixia was so depressed that she took a sip of the bitter coffee in her hand.

It was already lunch time when Ye Zhizhou and Cen Yuebai arrived at the hospital. Yin Feiyu was standing by the door of Fan Lang’s ward eating sandwiches. Seeing them come over, he said directly, “Fan Lang was still taking medicine and reading a book for a lunch break yesterday, and his body was invading. The soul seemed to have not noticed the formation outside the ward at all, but the situation changed when I came to round the room in the middle of the night. His soul was getting blackened faster and faster. Now it is mostly black. Go in and take a look. "After eating the last bite of the sandwich, he took out a wet tissue from his pocket and wiped his hands, and opened the door of the ward. "My grandfather asked me to help you after hearing about it. Tsk, it's cheaper for you. "

"Thanks." Youtian Eyes can handle many things a lot easier, and Cen Yuebai is very generous with his thanks.

Ye Zhizhou also thanked him, and then rushed into the room to check Fan Lang's situation, frowning, "He hasn't been awake today?"

"No." Yin Feiyu opened the logbook and looked at it. After calculating the time, "I have slept for more than ten hours."

"Half the soul is melted, the invading soul can control Fan Lang's body. The normal work and rest yesterday is probably not Fan Lang's consciousness. The formation outside the ward has been discovered, and the invading soul has begun to be desperate." Cen Yuebai checked the situation and her expression changed. I got to be dignified, hurriedly took out a few talisman papers, folded them and hung them around the hospital bed in the direction of the five elements, and looked at Ye Zhizhou, "Do you have Zhang Lin and Cao Yu on the phone? Call them to come over."

Ye Zhizhou quickly took out his mobile phone and asked while dialing, "What do you want them for?"

"Soul summoning, they are the last people who stayed by Fan Lang's soul when he was entangled by this invading soul, and the three of them have grown up together, which meets the requirements for evocation." Cen Yuebai briefly explained, and then took out a stack of talisman. Fiddled with the paper, "Hurry up, Fan Lang and the invading soul will no longer be inseparable after the soul is completely melted."

Zhang Lin and Cao Yu came very quickly, both looking confused. Ye Zhizhou briefly explained the situation, and then pushed them to the bed.

"What is the soul? What are you tossing about?" Zhang Lin became impatient, and he reached out to grab the rune paper hanging beside the hospital bed, "What else are you going to do? What are your gods talking about! "

"Don't move." Ye Zhizhou stepped forward and took his hand, and said in a deep voice, "If you think your brother will never come back, you will continue to die."

Zhang Lin was still a little shocked, and withdrew his hand when he heard the words, only dared to curse in his stomach.

The two were insincere and uncooperative, and forcing the soul to summon had no effect. Ye Zhizhou thought for a while, and asked in his heart, "Tongtian, is there a way to temporarily open the eyes of the two people? Let them see the situation of the soul."

[Does advance the task to reward the same character in advance? ]

Homonyms? Empathy? He quickly confirmed in his heart, and after spitting out one black, three gold and four pieces of talisman paper in the small mirror, he took them out of his pocket to figure out how to use them, and stepped forward and pasted the black one on Yin Feiyu's body, leaving three pieces left. The golden ones were posted to Zhang Lin and Cao Yu. After hesitating for a while, they posted the last one to themselves, and quickly explained, "This is a talisman, don’t tear it, Zhang Lin and Cao Yu, you guys. Take a closer look at Fan Lang on the bed, and then tell me if you want to save him!"

Yin Feiyu retracted his hand reaching out to the talisman after hearing this, but did not move. Cen Yuebai's body stiffened, stopped the movement of hanging the talisman by the hospital bed, and looked at the golden talisman paper on Ye Zhizhou's body.

Zhang Lin and Cao Yu were confused when they turned their heads to ask, but they were taken aback by the black shadow that suddenly appeared in front of them, "Which, what are these foggy shadows?!"

"It's your soul. I temporarily copied Dr. Yin's Sky Eye onto you." Ye Zhizhou explained to them, while adapting to the effect of the Sky Eye, then looked at Cen Yuebai by the bed. A translucent shadow appeared on everyone. Zhang Lin was chaotic gray, Cao Yu was dark brown, Yin Feiyu was warm and bright yellow, and Cen Yuebai...

"Xiaozhou." Cen Yuebai whispered to him, stepping forward to cover his eyes, "Don't look."

"Why..." Ye Zhizhou's face turned pale, and he raised his hand to hold his hand, shaking a little, "Why are you... No?" There was a blank, there was nothing, how could this happen... How could a person have no soul

Yin Feiyu glanced at them, silently stepped forward, explaining the whole story to Zhang Lin who was still screaming and Cao Yu who was shocked, and Zhang Lin calmed down in a few words.

Cen Yuebai hugged him and kissed his eyebrows comfortably, "It's okay... Actually there are, but you can't see it."

"But… "

"It's transparent." Cen Yuebai touched his face and said with a smile, "How can a person have no soul, but mine is special and inherently transparent. A good friend of my master also has a heavenly eye. He checked it for me, no problem. of."

"Really?" Ye Zhizhou's eyes were stained with hope, "Will it gradually become normal in the future? Does this harm you?"

"No, maybe after the killing on my body is finished, the soul color will be normal." Cen Yuebai hugged him again, and then quietly took off the talisman paper on his body, "Don't worry, you don't think I have been doing well."

All the shadows disappeared, Ye Zhizhou hugged his hands tightly, forcing himself to relax. Really... just can't see it

Yin Feiyu turned his head to look at them, his gaze coincided with the line of sight that Cen Yuebai was looking at, and after a few seconds of each other, he faintly retracted. transparent? Fortunately he can find such a reason.

Raising his hand to tear off the talisman paper on his body, he uninterestedly helped his glasses. People who fall in love have not only IQ, but their eyes are not so good.

Having seen those mysterious scenes with their own eyes and listening to detailed explanations, Zhang Lin and Cao Yu's attitudes became more serious. Although I had a big quarrel with Fan Lang and almost broke my face, I grew up together since I was a child. The relationship is there. I learned that my brother is in danger. Of course I must help if I can help! They obeyed Cen Yuebai's instructions and cut their fingers and pressed them onto a larger piece of red talisman paper. They closed their eyes and began to reminisce about the days when they went out with Fan Lang.

Yin Feiyu and Ye Zhizhou retreated to the corner of the ward, trying not to disturb them.

There were no earth-shattering special effects. After shaking the talisman paper hanging beside the hospital bed a few times, Yin Feiyu, who was paying attention to the situation there, opened the record book and began to write and draw. Up."

Cen Yuebai burned the talisman paper in her hand, and then nodded towards Zhanglin and Cao Yu.

Zhang Lin fell directly to the ground, his face full of fear, "I have been flustered just now, and there are some memories that don't belong to me, what's the matter?"

"It's the memory of invading the soul." Cen Yuebai explained lightly, and began to clean up the talisman paper around the hospital bed. "The soul call needs to be repeated many times. You should be mentally prepared. Don't run around recently, be careful of contaminating things that are dirty."

Ye Zhizhou's focus was on Zhang Lin's previous sentence, and he stepped forward and asked, "What do you see in your memory that doesn't belong to you?"

"I saw two little boys playing together." Zhang Lin climbed up, his expression a little ugly, "I also saw them grow up... er..." Recently, his straight man's heart has been affected a bit.

"Fire." Cao Yu suddenly spoke with a pale face, and looked at Ye Zhizhou in horror, shaking unconsciously, "Big fire, the house...there are people in the house...someone is standing outside the house laughing."

Ye Zhizhou was startled, remembering the information he had found before, and asked seriously, "You said someone was standing outside the house laughing?"

"Yes, I also heard someone calling him Xiaotao..."

Xiaotao? The name of the invading soul was Luo Tao, and the fire... He couldn't help clenching his fist, cold sweat oozing from his back. The elder’s name was Yuan Chang. He had a miserable life when he was a child. His mother died early, his father was addicted to gambling and was prone to domestic violence, and his grandma had a bad temper because of illness... In his sophomore year in high school, his father and grandma had a dispute Zhong accidentally overturned the oil pot and lit a fire. He was burned to death at home... Yuan Chang's grandma once bought insurance for herself and her son. After their death, Yuan Chang received a large insurance indemnity. He and his parents were early Luo Tao, who died, relied on this money to complete his university studies.

"What's the matter?" Cen Yuebai stepped forward to hug him.

"Yuebai." He regained his senses, looking at him sideways, "I think we have to go to Yuanchang." Originally, he was going to separate the invading soul and stabilize Fan Lang before getting the boss's side, but now … To untie the bell, you still need to tie the bell. Yuan Chang is probably not innocent. Let the people involved settle this old grievance by themselves.

Yuan Chang and his wife moved to another city a few years ago. Cen Yuebai wanted to watch Fan Lang in the hospital and watch the progress of Soul Rong, so Ye Zhizhou was the only one to find someone.

"Let Shen Zixia accompany you." Cen Yuebai was a little worried.

"No." He shook his head and stuffed the things he was going to bring into the space. "I don't want my eldest brother to mess with these things again." In the original plot, Shen Zixia and Su Yu were wasting all their lives by the protagonist and had a bad life. Now that the two of them have returned to their ordinary lives, Fan Lang's affairs should not involve them anymore.

Cen Yuebai took off the Buddha beads from her wrist, took his hand to put it on him, and hugged him, "Come back early."

He touched the Buddhist beads that still had body temperature on his wrist, hugged him back, and nodded gently, "Okay."

A day later, Ye Zhizhou set foot on the land of a strange city alone.

At eight o'clock in the evening, he went to Yuanchang's home and rang the doorbell. The one who opened the door was a bright-looking woman with a smile, about 30 years old, she was taken aback when she saw Ye Zhizhou outside the door, and asked in confusion, "This gentleman, may I ask you..."

"Xia Xiang." Ye Zhizhou interrupted her, took out a photo from his pocket and shook it, "If you don't want your son and daughter to die together, call Yuan Chang to come out and go to a place with me."

What the photo shows is the place where Luo Tao's body was buried. Xia Xiang's face changed drastically after seeing it, and she wanted to close the door sideways.

"It seems that you are going to watch your son and daughter die together." Ye Zhizhou was not surprised by her reaction. He put the photo in his pocket and said lightly, "Perhaps you prefer to come over and invite you to be the policeman?"

Xia Xiang stopped closing the door, looked at him defensively and fearfully, lowered her voice and said sharply, "How much money do you want, I will give you! As long as you don't disturb my life."

Sure enough, it was the style of the rich lady. He snorted, took out his mobile phone and dialed Yuanchang, and then slowly said in her gradually widening eyes, "Luo Tao is dead. The body is in the small woods on the outskirts of city b. Want to know who killed him? Come to the door."

"You..." Xia Xiang's face turned pale, and her body trembled slightly because of anger, "Why do you have my husband's phone?" As if thinking of something, she slammed the door.

Ye Zhizhou raised his hand to look at his watch. Thirty-six seconds later, the door opened. The tall and handsome Yuan Chang rushed out with a distorted expression. He quickly locked his eyes, and stepped forward and asked, "Is it you who made the call? You are lying to me. No! Xiao Tao obviously went abroad... Why are you not talking! Say, how could Xiao Tao be dead!"

"Yuanchang!" Xia Xiang rushed out and pulled him, dragging him into the house, "This man is a lunatic! You believe what he says nonsense, you have been married for so many years, you can't forget Luo Tao and live a good life! You! What do you think of me Xia Xiang!"

"The fire and Luo Tao's death." Ye Zhizhou watched them pulling and pulling coldly, Yu Guang noticed the small figure appearing behind the door, hurriedly softened his expression and said in a low voice, "None of you are clean, but the child is innocent. So do you follow me obediently, or do I speak out your crimes directly in front of your children?"

Xia Xiang's sharp voice stopped abruptly, and Yuan Chang turned his head to look at him sharply.

"Dad, mom... Don't quarrel, my sister is crying..." A little boy ran over from behind the door and grabbed their trouser legs and tugged gently. "My sister is crying, she is hungry..."

Xia Xiang's lips trembled a few times, and suddenly she covered her face and squatted down to hug the child, and started crying low, "Don't say... Please don't say, the child is innocent... Please... I'll go with you, please don't Say… "

Yuan Chang's Adam's apple moved and clenched his fists, "Wait for the baby to be settled... I'll go with you."

[The probability of Yuan Wei, Yuan Yao and the protagonist falling in love has dropped to 50%, please keep the host’s efforts. ]

Ye Zhizhou glanced at the system prompt, his eyes fell on the child in Xia Xiang's arms, a trace of unbearable flashes in his eyes. With such a pair of parents, what should these two children do in the future