These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 100: baby is born


Early the next morning, after the sun came out, the air didn't feel so cool, Lei Jin and Ming Ya were ready to set off.

It wasn't a big deal, besides, Xi Ya and Mo Ya still had something to do, Lei Jin didn't let them come out to see him off, he wrapped himself warmly, and before going out, Luo Jie stuffed him with a round, flat, biscuit box The small-sized hot water jug, with a small mouth and a wooden stopper, did not leak at all. Lei Jin thought how could it be so delicate, and was afraid of arguing with Luo Jie to waste time, so he automatically took it and put it in his pocket. inside.

The two of them left the house to go east. At this time, the leaves were falling frequently. The bluestone road in the tribe seemed to have just been cleaned, and a thin layer of yellow leaves had fallen. They rustled when they stepped on it. People on the street Not too many, just a few children chasing each other and running. Ming Ya had obviously been instructed, her eyes were wide open and she was nervously on guard, for fear that someone would bump into Lei Jin.

Lei Jin wanted to rub his head amusedly, but found that things that were easy to do are not easy to do now, and the little guy has grown up now.

Mingya changed out of the animal shape, Lei Jin's heart tightened involuntarily, and he walked slowly. But to be honest, Mingya's animal shape is very beautiful. This is the first time Lei Jin has looked at it under bright light. The snow-colored fur is a little silvery in the late autumn sun, and his body is smooth and powerful. It has slender and broad wings that are not inferior to Xi Ya and Mo Ya. At this time, he was afraid that it would be inconvenient for Lei Jin to go up, so he lay down on the ground and waited obediently.

Seeing that Lei Jin hadn't come up, Mingya turned her head and looked at him puzzled.

"Let's go." Lei Jin quickly stepped up and sat down.

Mingya's tail carefully circled Lei Jin's waist, and he happily ran two steps on the ground before spreading his wings and soaring into the air, he said happily: "Lei Jin, Mingya will take you flying."

Feeling his good mood, Lei Jin stretched out his arms and took a deep breath of the clear morning air, and he also temporarily put down a lot in his heart.

The Leopard tribe is far away from the sea, and all they eat is sea salt. They dug salt ponds by the sea to dry the salt. Lei Jin thought of digging brine to make tofu a long time ago, but at that time the beans were not yet ripe, and later he was injured again, so he forgot about it in his busy schedule. If he hadn’t seen the beans that day, I guess I can't remember now.

Speaking of Lei Jin's ability to make tofu, no one would believe it or dare to believe it in modern times. Who would associate the boss of the Qingyan Gang with tofu, but he wasn't the boss from birth. Before the boss, of course he has to live.

When Lei Jin was seven or eight years old, he was adopted by an old couple. Both of them were in their sixties. They opened a small bean shop on the side of the road. They made tofu, soybean oil, soy sauce, and vinegar, and they didn’t make much money. Fortunately, they are all ancestral handicrafts, the taste is very authentic, there are many old customers around, and they are living a good life, but the sons and daughters don't like this, and they are working hard outside.

Lei Jin was picked up by the old couple on the side of the road. They sent him to school like a grandson. Lei Jin had a stable life. He couldn't sit still in class, but his mind was still good, and his grades were not good. No more, just passable. After school, I went to Doufang to help out. I was influenced by my ears and eyes every day. Grandpa also said that he would leave Doufang to him. If there were not many things that happened later, he might be an ordinary small boss of Doufang. Maybe he would have both sons and daughters. After two or three years, my grandparents went to the farmer's market to buy beans in the morning, and there was a car accident on the road, and both passed away. I understand that people have no obligation to support him, an irrelevant stranger, and he packed up his things that night and left.

These long past events, Lei Jin once mentioned a little bit to Liu Si, Liu Si sighed seriously, and then said, this is fate.

But he doesn't believe in fate. If he believed in fate, he was abandoned by his biological mother at the age of five and kicked out of the house at the age of ten. He would have died of cold and starvation by the side of the road. Because no one will always be by your side, leaving is just the difference between sooner or later. He's been here for so many years, so this time it should be okay. When he leaves, he will soon forget everything here, and he should.

The cold wind blowing head-on brought Lei Jin back from his memory.

"Lei Jin, are you cold? If you are cold, lie on Mingya's body." Mingya asked worriedly when she heard that Lei Jin hadn't moved along the way.

"It's not cold, just keep flying." Lei Jin pressed the brim of his hat, and buried his hands in the dense and warm fur on the back of Mingya's neck.

On the prairie in late autumn, there is golden color everywhere, only a little greenery can be seen on the edge of the valley. A large number of animals have moved south, and the river with small water volume has dried up, exposing the dry and cracked riverbed, full of the bleakness of autumn. Feeling, far away, the blue coastline is already faintly visible. Lei Jin looked up at the sun, and estimated that it should be more than two hours. Luckily, orcs can fly. God.

Arriving at the salt-drying land of the Leopard Clan, Mingya chose to stop behind a rock sheltered from the wind.

The hot water jar in Lei Jin's arms was still warm, he took a sip and handed it to Mingya.

"The wind on the beach is really strong." Lei Jin rubbed his hands and took out the prepared bag.

There is a vast expanse of whiteness in the sun-dried salt field. Since I have come here once, I will bring some salt back by the way. The salt particles that have been exposed to the sun are very thick and still a little damp. Mingya helped to pull them into the bag. Lei Jin reached in and dug two large pieces of brine under the salt pond. come out.

Thinking of the mermaid father and son at home, Lei Jin searched on the beach near the water, and found some fresh shellfish.

"Mingya, what kind of bubble do you like to eat?" Lei Jin is inconvenient to bend over now, so he kicks it out of the sand with his feet, and Mingya picks it up after him.

"Ming Ya?" Lei Jin didn't hear his answer, and when he turned around, he saw Ming Ya staring at a figure approaching from a distance with a wary face.

At first, Lei Jin didn't recognize who it was, but when he got closer, his dark blue eyes, which were exactly the same as Bubble's, let him know that it was time to come.

"Long time no see, what a coincidence." The man with dark blue eyes, no, now Lei Jin already knew his name was Lan Qi.

"It's a coincidence." Lei Jin smiled perfunctorily. He believed you to be a ghost. He probably found out that Berg was in the Leopard tribe, but he didn't know the exact direction. After all, mermaids live in the sea and live on land. Walking is still a little inconvenient, so I just sit and wait in the leopard tribe's sun-salted land.

"You have it?" Lan Qi scanned Lei Jin's stomach, looked at Ming Ya and said with a smile, "I don't remember seeing this last time, did you change?"

Lei Jin pulled Ming Ya, who was standing in front of him, behind him, his face darkened, and said, "You are so playful, it seems that I don't care about you if I change people or not. Ming Ya, let's go."

After Lan Qi was stunned, he reacted very quickly and stretched out his hand to block Lei Jin. He thought that Lei Jin was different from other females. .

"I'm joking." Lan Qi tried to explain.

"Lei Jin doesn't like you, get out of the way." Ming Ya swung her paws and leaped high, Lan Qi saw that her form was not good, and took a step back, not because she was afraid, but because she wanted something from others, attitude is very important.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lei Jin climbed onto Mingya's back in three steps and two steps, patted Mingya's head, and said, "Let's go." The salt bag and those shellfish were already tied to Mingya's body, so it was very easy to walk away. convenient.

"Hey, wait a minute." Lan Qi followed and ran a few steps, but the mermaid's speed on land was incomparable to that of an orc.

"Lei Jin, who is that person?" Ming Ya couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked after already flying.

"Beige's man." Lei Jin tugged at Mingya's ear and said.

"Isn't that Pao Pao's father?" He felt that Lei Jin's attitude changed so suddenly just now, it seemed to be intentional, but why didn't he take him to see Pao Pao

"Yes." But so what, he did it on purpose just now, just wanting to catch Lan Qi by surprise. The two times Lan Qi saw him, it was related to Berg. Even if he didn't react for a while, he would soon notice It would be too late for him to calm down before leaving the connection.

"Sure enough, she is a smart female." Lan Qi put away the smile just now, looked at the back of the two leaving with dark eyes, and said, "Do you think this can hide Berg?"

When Lei Jin and Mingya came back, Luo Jie was grinding soybean milk in the yard, and the wooden barrel next to him was already half full. The three of them had a not-so-early lunch. Mingya was going to gather and learn some things about tribal patrols and guards. Roger and Lei Jin went into the kitchen to continue making their tofu.

Beige was taking a nap with Paopao, and Lei Jin thought that with Lan Qi's speed, he would not be able to get here in a short while, so he still had plenty of time, so he was not in a hurry.

The soy milk has been ground, filtered out the bean dregs, and boiled in a pot. This is pure natural soy milk. Before serving, Lei Jin and Luo Jie scooped up a bowl of hot soup to taste.

"It's not bad." Lei Jin took a few sips, and while drinking, he didn't know how to praise himself modestly. He didn't know whether the naturally grown beans were better, or his own craftsmanship had improved again. This soy milk tasted better than the modern ones. , no beany smell at all.

"This is not the time to eat, what are you two doing hiding in the steaming kitchen?" Su Rui knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered, and came in by herself when she heard movement in the kitchen.

"Try it, this is made by Lei Jinxin." Roger served a bowl for Su Rui.

Su Rui bowed his head and took two sips. He hadn't eaten it yet. The taste was a bit unfamiliar at first, but it was very mellow.

"It's delicious. What's it made of?" Su Rui asked.

"It's just ordinary beans." Lei Jin pointed to the half bag still in the corner.

"Is it the bean that everyone doesn't like? Lei Jin is really a capable female." Su Rui praised with a smile.

Lei Jin wiped off a drop of cold sweat from his forehead, and awkwardly accepted what should be a compliment.

This time, Su Rui came to give Lei Jin the remaining shoes, hat and gloves, and also gave him two pairs of thick knitted socks, which were wrapped in animal skins and brought along with him.

After the soy milk was out of the pan, Lei Jin started to order tofu, and asked Su Rui to eat tofu curds here. Whether the tofu can be successful depends on this "ordering" effort. It doesn't matter if there is too much salt or too little. Evenly, Lei Jin stirred clockwise with long chopsticks while ordering.

Put the finished bean curd in half a pot, wrap the rest with gauze, and press it with bluestone in a leaky wooden pot to make tofu.

Speaking of the gauze wrapped with tofu, there is a bit of background. This is a web made of golden silk spiders. The threads are very dense, and the holes are slightly larger than the eye of a needle. However, the entire web is very small, and the largest is less than half a meter. It's not easy to connect, and it's not very useful. People in the tribe often catch some birds and butterflies. Lei Jin thought it was good for filtering things, so Xiya went to the mountains to get a few pieces back.

Thinking about the lack of condiments at home, Lei Jin spread out two thin egg pancakes, cut them into shreds, added two tablespoons of home meat sauce, and sprinkled a handful of minced green onions.

The bean curd is smooth and tender, and it is also very refreshing when served with shredded pancake, meat sauce and chopped green onion. Su Rui obviously liked this more and praised it repeatedly. In the middle, Berg woke up and came to join in the fun. The four of them huddled together in the warm kitchen in the afternoon, eating and chatting happily.

This kind of life is really leisurely, Lei Jin also sighed unconsciously, maybe it will be more precious when he is about to leave.

Before leaving, Lei Jin brought Su Rui a small can of bean curd and two pieces of tofu, and explained how to eat it.

Taking advantage of everyone not paying attention at night, Lei Jin took Beigra aside and told him about meeting Lan Qi at the beach today.

"Don't panic, think about where I can hide?" Although Lei Jin felt that hiding like this was not an option, but seeing Berg's overly frightened appearance, it was obvious to persuade him to face him directly. Unrealistic.

"There's nowhere to go, I'll be caught by him right away, can't I really run away from him?" Berg sat down on the bed with blank eyes, pulling his hair in pain, thinking of continuing On the days when he was forced to suppress, he would rather die.

"You still have Bubbles, what do you want to do?" Lei Jin knew what he wanted to do when he saw Berg's expression, after all, he had seen such a cornered look before.

"Yes, yes, I still have bubbles. I can't die." Berg stood up nervously, fished out the sleeping bubbles in the bathtub, and hugged him vigorously.

Pao Pao may be in pain, and cried out with a "wow".

"Beige, calm down now, Lan Qi hasn't come yet, look at what you look like now, let go, you hurt Bubble." Lei Jin hugged Bubble and gently patted him on the back .

"Lei Jin, what should I do? I can't fall into his hands, what should I do?" Berg was at a loss for ideas. He thought it would be fine to hide in the distant Leopard tribe. Chase over.

"I didn't think of any good way for a while." Lei Jin frowned, the tribe is so big, it's not easy to hide someone, if Lan Qi doesn't know that Berg is here, he can fool him, But now he is clearly here to arrest people, so it's really hard to deal with. Although he doesn't know Lan Qi's true identity, he can't protect Berg because Berg's father is the head of the tribe. Lan Qi's background is obvious. Let alone the idea of secretly killing him while he is alone, it will definitely cause a war between the tribes, and Lan Qi is Pao Pao's father. After all, it's not a good thing to kill someone else's father.

Let Berg escape? This is not a good way, the grass is deep and the forest is dense outside the tribe, and the weather is slowly cooling down again, so Berg can run and hide with Bubbles.

"I think at Lan Qi's speed, if there is no one to help, it will take at least a few days. We will definitely figure out a way in these few days." Lei Jin's tone is very sure, but he has no clue in his heart.

Seeing that Lei Jin was full of confidence, Beige slowly calmed down.

Lei Jin persuaded him a few more words, put the sleeping bubbles into the bathtub, and then went out, turned around and closed the door to see Berg sitting by the bathtub with his head down, wondering what he was thinking.

When Lei Jin returned to the room, the hot water in the bathtub was ready, Xi Ya helped him remove his clothes, carried Lei Jin in, and jumped in after him.

Fortunately, the tubs at home are big enough. Lei Jin raised his eyebrows, but he didn't stop him. He just closed his eyes, put his arms on the tub, and Ren Xiya scrubbed back and forth.

"Are you tired from going out today?" While Xi Ya was washing, she didn't forget to take advantage of the opportunity. As the place where the kiss was gradually lowered, Lei Jin's breathing became obviously cloudy.

"It's okay." Lei Jin's face began to flush, but he closed his eyes stubbornly, not wanting to open them.

Xi Ya didn't seem to care, but kissed more wantonly, and lifted Lei Jin's waist and hips to sit on her lap.

"You..." Sensing a strange penetration under his body, Lei Jin opened his eyes and stared at him fiercely.

"Since it's a bath, of course it has to be cleaned inside and out." Xi Ya smiled innocently, moved her fingers tentatively inside Lei Jin, and said, "Don't look at me like that, you'll make me Thought you didn't want fingers and wanted me in person..."

"Shut up..." Lei Jin said in an unsteady voice. This person's face was truly incomparable, but his body unconsciously leaned forward, and gently twisted as Xi Ya's three fingers squeezed.

"Okay, I won't talk, and you don't want to move either." Lei Jin's silky buttocks were pressing on his own, and even a man couldn't help it, Xi Ya gasped, pried Lei Jin's teeth open and broke in, hooked Hold the tip of the tongue and entangle each other.

Xi Ya's fingers rotated faster and deeper, and the nails scraped against the soft inner wall from time to time.

Lei Jin clasped Xi Ya's shoulders tightly with his fingers, his body tensed, and he released it with sharp panting.

Mo Ya pinched her brows tiredly, walked in, saw the posture of the two connected hands and feet, turned around and closed the door, and asked: "Have you finished washing? Don't catch the cold."

"It's ready, you take Lei Jin out first, and I'll wash it for a while." They must have offended Dr. Qing Qiao, to do such a torturous job, to start a proper opening of the birth canal, but not to allow people to enter . If it goes on like this, he doubts that one day it will really die.

Mo Ya took the thin soft blanket from the bed, wrapped Lei Jin up and wiped it clean, and put him under the quilt.

Lei Jin's hands and feet are already a little swollen, and he needs to be massaged every night to sleep well.

"Where did you go today, why did you come back so late?" Lei Jin saw that he was really tired.

"Recently I've been discussing the idea of dividing the land you proposed. In fact, it's nothing, but the discussion has been going on for a long time." The key is that I was noisy to death by those stubborn old men, and my ears are still buzzing. It was an obvious good thing, and most of the tribe agreed, and if they insisted on discussing it endlessly, their heads would explode.

"Have you eaten yet?" Lei Jin asked with some effort. He had no choice but to take a hot bath in the cold weather, to release it once, and someone massaged him. It was so comfortable, no wonder he didn't want to sleep.

"Eat it, the tofu is delicious."

"Well, as long as you like it." Lei Jin muttered, his eyelids gradually sank.

"Go to sleep." Mo Ya helped him turn over, lifted Lei Jin's other leg and continued to press it.

"By the way, I want to tell you something." Just as Xi Ya came over, wiping her wet hair, Lei Jin maintained his consciousness for the last time, and told the two of them what he had said to Berg.

"Don't worry about this, we already have a solution. I'll tell you tomorrow." Xi Ya covered Lei Jin's eyelids with her warm palm, and said softly, "Go to sleep."

They said yes, so there must be a way, Lei Jin was relieved.

Lan Qi arrived earlier than they expected. It only took five days to arrive at the Leopard tribe. Although Xi Ya and the others had communicated with the people in the tribe a long time ago, they all said that they had never seen any mermaids. I also know that this can't deceive Lan Qi at all, it's just delaying time.

Lan Qi has been in the tribe for more than a month, and he has no intention of leaving at all. He just lives in the house of the patriarch Anbu. In exchange, the popularity of the gangster is not bad, but it seems that he has not heard that he is inquiring about Berg, which makes him even more suspicious. Lei Jin is cautious about this man, just like now.

"Why does it seem like you don't welcome me every time I come?" Lan Qi bent his legs leisurely, half leaning against the courtyard gate of Luo Jie's house, and said to Lei Jin who was busy in the courtyard.

"So you know this?" Lei Jin seemed to be very surprised and sarcastically raised the corner of his mouth. He comes to report once a day. Is aesthetic fatigue okay

"Then tell me where Berg is?" Lan Qi's face darkened. After more than a month of patience was exhausted, he no longer concealed the fierce aura on his body, revealing a natural arrogance from his bones. He knew it was useless to ask others, and Berg's whereabouts would definitely be inseparable from the family.

"How do I know where your shells or crabs are?" Lei Jin denied without blinking an eye, turned around and curled his lips in disdain, cut, who are you scaring? I was terrified when I was little.

"I promise you whatever you want, as long as you tell me where Berg is." It has been more than a month, why is this man named Lei Jin so difficult to deal with.

"I want to leave quickly, don't bother me." If you can't be hard, you can be soft, but it's a pity that you don't want to be soft, this man is busy for nothing.

Lan Qi gritted his teeth resentfully, turned around and left, Lei Jin stood up straight, touched his seven-month-old belly, glanced outside the door, confirmed that he was gone, and then went back to the room with his back and sat down.

Berg was placed in the tree house where they took refuge. Although Xi Ya and the others had repacked it a long time ago, it was enough to keep warm, but now it’s winter, and the weather is getting colder. Berg is okay, but he doesn’t know Bubbles can stand it. He attracted Lan Qi's attention at home. Roger went up the mountain to deliver something to Berg today. The orcs in the tribe were preparing for the last jungle hunt before winter. on this matter. Hiding like this is not the solution after all, but it is the only way now.

"How are they, now?" Roger went in, took off his hat and scarf, turned around and closed the door, and Lei Jin handed him a cup of hot water.

"Bubble has a fever." Roger took the cup and held it in his hand. It was very cold on the mountain.

"It's really not possible, let's take Bubble back first." Lei Jin thought for a while and said, Lan Qi probably didn't know the existence of Bubble, maybe Bubble could be hidden.

Roger drank a few sips of hot water and said, "Well, it's very cloudy today. I'm afraid the first snow this year is coming. I'll go get Bubbles back tomorrow. He still has a fever today, and Berg can't rest assured."

Lei Jin pushed open a gap in the window, there was a cloud of lead outside, it was really going to snow, the days passed so fast, it was already winter here.

"Is Bubble's fever serious?"

"It looks okay now, it's very slight. We prepared some herbal medicine in advance, and Berg fed some of it. It's estimated that it will get better after tonight."

"That's good." Lei Jin rubbed his stomach. He always felt that the little guy in his stomach was moving a lot these days. Could it be a beastman baby? Little Leopard, Lei Jin still finds it a bit difficult to accept. Lei Jin didn't want to put too much affection on this child, after all, this baby was never what he expected.

The period before dawn was the darkest. Mo Ya heard a slight noise and opened her eyes. Lei Jin had disheveled hair and lay on his arms with his head sideways. There was a faint blue color under his eyes. These days, Lei Jin She didn't sleep well at night, she had to wake up many times a night, Mo Ya knew how uncomfortable he was, and every time she saw him frown and endure, she felt so distressed that she could only rub and press him over and over again.

Xi Ya obviously also heard the movement, and when Mo Ya came out, he was already dressed.

Xi Ya motioned to the room, Mo Ya nodded, and said in a low voice: "I have been tossing all night, I didn't sleep well, I just fell asleep, I guess I can sleep for a while, let's go out and have a look."

As soon as the two of them went out, they saw under a tree not far away, Berg holding Bubble in his arms was strangled by a man and pressed against the tree.

Hearing someone approaching, Berg reluctantly turned his head and called for help: "Mo Ya, help me."

"Lan Qi, let go first." Mo Ya rubbed her throbbing forehead, she knew who this man was without even thinking about it, please be bothered.

"It turned out to be you." Lan Qi's gloomy eyes returned to Berg's face, and he sneered, "So this is the man you've been thinking of, so this evil seed was born with you and him?"

"Don't touch Bubble." Berg tightened his arms to protect the child in his arms.

"I said, why don't you take a look at this place?" Xi Ya stroked her sleeve and said casually.

"So there's more than one? Berg, you're really amazing. Didn't you tell them that you're under me too?"

"Lan Qi, you are shameless, let me go, let me go." Berg's strength is not as strong as his, and he holds the sick Bubble in his arms, but he struggled with all his strength, and Lan Qi couldn't control it for a while. .

"Are you so eager to fall into their arms?" Lan Qi has been dazzled by jealousy. For more than a month, he has also pretended to be in the tribe during the day and searched for Berg without a trace. He had to stay far away near Lei Jin's house, and what was waiting was his eager escape.

Xi Ya and Mo Ya saw that the reasoning didn't make sense now, so they could only grab him first to prevent Lan Qi from strangling Berg to death.

But at this time, something happened suddenly, Bubble had a severe fever, and started crying with his eyes closed in Berg's arms. Lan Qi saw the undisguised distress on Berg's face, so angry, he grabbed Bubble and shook his hand. Throwing it out, he intended to throw it at Xi Ya and the others, but Xi Ya and the two of them just rushed over to make a move, and just missed it, and Bubble fell towards the wall.

"Bubble..." Berg cried out heart-piercingly, and suddenly burst out with strength to push Lan Qi away, and rushed over, but it was over, and Bubble barely touched the wall.

Lei Jin didn't fall asleep, he pretended to be asleep for a while because he was afraid that Mo Ya and the others would be worried, but how could he not hear such a loud commotion outside the door, as soon as he opened the door and came out, he saw this thrilling scene, there was no time to think After two quick steps, he stretched out his arms and pulled Pao Pao into his arms, but the force of the backlash caused him to slam his whole body against the wall.

But the severe pain from the abdomen made his eyes black. Lei Jin subconsciously hugged his stomach with his free left hand, "My child."

"Lei Jin." The accident happened so fast that they had no time to stop it.

"Xiya, child..." Lei Jin's mouth trembled in pain, and his fingers were green and white, tightly grabbing the sleeve of Xiya who was closest to him.

"Berg..." Lan Qi supported Berg who fell to the ground and didn't get up for a while.

"Lan Qi, I will never let you go in this life. You killed your own son. Bubble is your child. You killed him with your own hands." Berg knew that the matter was irreversible, so how could he bear to look at himself? When the son was thrown to death, he naturally didn't know that Bubble had been rescued.

"He's your son, Lan Qi." A vicious smile appeared on the corner of Berg's vindictive mouth. Without the bubbles, he has nothing to care about, but he wants this man to live in regret forever.

"What did you say?" Lan Qi's eyes were full of unbelievable shock.

Mo Ya held Bubble, who had fainted from fright, and stuffed it into Berg's arms with a blank face, raised her hand and punched Lan Qi fiercely, her dark eyes were bloodthirsty and cold, and said: "If Lei Whatever happened to Jin, no matter what the price is, I will let you pay with your life."

"Maybe premature delivery, boil more hot water in the kitchen for preparation." Dr. Qing Qiao took a general look and said. It's just that Lei Jin curled up on the bed with his stomach in his arms and was semi-conscious, but refused him to approach. He really couldn't make the final confirmation.

Lei Jin felt that the surroundings were cold and dark, and he couldn't see anything, just like when he was a child wandering the streets in winter nights countless times, he was the only one around, and he really couldn't stand the cold.

No, this is the child. His stomach hurts badly, and he keeps squeezing towards the exit at the back, but he knows that the child is not yet full-term, and he will not be able to keep the child if he comes out like this. Lei Jin instinctively hugs his stomach to keep him. This is His own child, but the pain from the lower body was stronger than once, let him know that this child is almost impossible to keep.

"Lei Jin, Lei Jin, don't be afraid, we are all here." Mo Ya didn't know what to do now, she was sweating nervously, seeing that Lei Jin seemed to be shivering from the cold, she hugged him tightly and hugged him tightly. Kiss comfort on the lips over and over again.

"Mo Ya, child... less than a month old..." Lei Jin woke up in pain, frowned, and gasped for breath.

"It's okay, it's okay. Doctor Qing Qiao said that the baby can survive six months of premature birth. Our baby is more than seven months old, and it's almost eight months old. It's fine when it comes out." Xi Ya sat by the bed, Holding Lei Jin's hand, fortunately Lei Jin did not reject their approach.

Lei Jin bit his lip and couldn't speak, but just stared at Xi Ya.

Xi Ya understood what he meant and asked Dr. Qing Qiao to come and talk to him in person. When it was finally confirmed, he straightened his stomach, trying to relax himself.

Doctor Qing Qiao saw that Lei Jin was awake, so he came over to take off his pants, but Lei Jin still resisted fiercely, so Xi Ya and Mo Ya came together, Mo Ya hugged Lei Jin and pillowed on her lap, Xi Ya Lifting his legs, he took off his trousers, threw them aside with the cotton coat, and found a dry cotton jacket for him to put on.

"Separate his legs further." Doctor Qing Qiao still couldn't see clearly.

"I don't want to..." In front of so many outsiders, Lei Jin felt ashamed with his legs spread wide.

"It's okay, it's like this when giving birth. Dr. Qing Qiao is helping the baby come out early." Mo Ya wiped the cold sweat off his face with a towel.

"Next time it will be your next life." You said it so painlessly, but it's not you who is hurting now.

"Okay..." Mo Ya agreed indiscriminately, she didn't know what she should answer, she just knew that no matter what Lei Jin said now, she would answer.

As the thighs were pulled apart, some sticky liquid flowed out from the secret behind.

"The amniotic fluid broke, how many fingers did you try?" Dr. Qing Qiao learned the lesson this time and asked Xi Ya to do it.

Xi Ya said a number, but Dr. Qing Qiao said no, and had to wait.

"But Lei Jin is in so much pain..." Xi Ya didn't know where to put her anxious hands.

As time passed, Lei Jin's pain intensified again and again, but Doctor Qing Qiao still said no.

At dawn, there was a wind blowing outside, and the whistling north wind beat on the window lattice, but the people in the house didn't notice it, and were sweating profusely.

Dr. Qing Qiao has been in this business for more than thirty years. He was calm at first, but perhaps Xi Ya and Mo Ya's panic infected him, making him a little restless. Now Roger is still calm. The first child It is always difficult, and it is estimated that the baby will not be born for a while, so I made hot porridge and everyone drank some.

Lei Jin's stomach was churning and uncomfortable, how could he be in the mood to eat, Xi Ya and Mo Ya coaxed and persuaded him to finally eat a little, the child didn't know when he would come out, so he had to maintain some strength.

One morning passed, Lei Jin passed out several times due to the pain, but the child suddenly stopped moving, but Doctor Qing Qiao knew that time was running out, the amniotic fluid broke, but the child had not yet entered the birth canal, when the time came, the child All adults suffer.

"Xiya, Moya, hold Lei Jin's hands and feet so that he doesn't move." Dr. Qing Qiao rolled up his sleeves.

"Lei Jin fell asleep, let's do it after he wakes up." Xi Ya couldn't bear it, although she didn't know what Dr. Qing Qiao was going to do, seeing Lei Jin in pain all morning, finally fell asleep, and seeing With this posture, Lei Jin will definitely not feel comfortable in the future.

Mo Ya seemed to mean the same thing.

"You two don't mess around, listen to Dr. Qing Qiao, the longer you delay, the worse it will be for Lei Jin." Luo Jie reprimanded them softly, a common problem of new fathers.

Dr. Qing Qiao took a deep breath, turned to Luo Jie and said, "You also come here to help."

Luo Jie understood what he meant, agreed, and the two pressed Lei Jin's stomach with four hands and began to press down.

"Don't hurts..." Lei Jin struggled violently, Xi Ya and Mo Ya were afraid that he would hurt themselves, so they had to tightly hold down his hands and feet.

"Don't keep moving, save some strength..." Dr. Qing Qiao stopped to wipe his sweat.

"I'm so tired...let me sleep for a while." Lei Jin had no strength left and his face was very pale.

"Don't let him fall asleep, you guys talk to him." Dr. Qing Qiao started again, putting more strength into his hands, the painful Lei Jin was dying, all the injuries in so many years have never been so painful.

"Lei Jin, if you press hard, I can already see the baby's head. It's a female baby. If you push harder, the baby will come out soon." Under the continuous pressing of the two, Roger can finally see the baby up.

"I... have no strength..." Lei Jin's whole body seemed to be fished out of the water, and the only piece of clothing on his whole body was soaked in winter.

"It still doesn't work, so the baby can't come out, so I have to prepare a bowl of oxytocin medicine, and I have to drink it later." Dr. Qing Qiao also felt distressed seeing Lei Jin like this, but this is what a mother must endured.

"Let me go, big brother, you come here." Mo Ya stroked Lei Jin's sweaty hair, and saw that there was a bit of persuasion in his flushed eyes, so she said softly, "I'll be there soon." Come back, let's watch the baby come out together."

Doctor Qing Qiao finds out the herbal medicine to induce labor in the medicine box and gives it to Mo Ya.

"Persist for a while, the baby will come out soon, and then you can have a good sleep." Xi Ya supported Lei Jin's head against her lap, holding Lei Jin's hand non-stop Said: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

"It seems that you are more afraid." Lei Jin said without strength, Xi Ya's hands were shaking all the time. Lei Jin's voice may have been overused just now, but now it is deep and hoarse.

Xi Ya gave a wry smile, he also found out, but he couldn't control it.

Not long after the peaceful and warm time, Dr. Qing Qiao pressed down again cruelly.

The intense pain made it difficult for Lei Jin to maintain his sanity, so he could only call their names in a daze, sometimes Xiya and sometimes Moya.

Looking at the sky, it was going to snow soon, Mo Ya took a few deep breaths to calm down a bit, then lit the fire of the small medicine stove, squatted down the medicine pot with herbs and water, took a piece of bark fan Catching fire, the baby is about to be born, obviously it is something that should be happy, but he always has a bad premonition, lingering, it should be his own overthinking, Lei Jin and the child will be fine, they must have a lot more Years can be together.

Mo Ya forced herself to settle down, and added another piece of firewood to the fire. It was really cold today, and the most warm polar mink skin she bought for her baby last time was just right for her to use.

When Mo Ya came out with the boiled medicine, the first snow since winter began to float in the sky. Mo Ya quickened her pace and wanted to tell Lei Jin the news. Before going to bed last night, Lei Jin kept asking when the snow would fall.

As soon as Mo Ya arrived at the door, Xi Ya came out with red eyes, holding a small black animal skin swaddle, shaking her head silently, the medicine bowl in Mo Ya's hand fell to the ground, and the black medicine juice scattered.

"It's a little black-haired female baby, take a look, I'm going to take it away." The saying here is that a baby who dies young cannot be buried in the ground, and must be sent away as soon as possible, otherwise he will be attached to his aunt's side and never be free , It will also be shortened to the life span of my own Ah Mo. Although they don't know if it's true or not, they have no other choice.

"I'm going to send him off for the last time." Mo Ya opened her arms and took the child over. Her face was red and wrinkled, and her facial features hadn't opened yet. She couldn't tell who she looked like, but it was too light, and she was almost hugged in her arms. No weight is felt.

"Come back earlier, Lei Jin passed out at the time, it's not good." Xi Ya looked at the lonely back that was gradually disappearing, thought for a while, and added another sentence, but she was not sure if Mo Ya heard it.

"Baby, you really don't want to come. We forced it. You haven't even glanced at it, and you haven't opened your eyes to see the world." Mo Ya wrapped the baby tightly in her swaddling clothes, the last time Touch the child's face, and take off the excess animal skin on the top of the head, "Baby, this is the place where Dad often takes you to watch the sunrise, the first ray of sunshine will shine here every day, it's very warm, baby , you go well, Dad is going back to see you, although he keeps saying that he doesn't want you, but he has never been able to really be hard-hearted, he must be very sad now."

The snow was heavy, and it was soon covered by black swaddling clothes. The moment Mo Ya turned to leave, she burst into tears, but she never looked back.

Their first baby came in the first snow of this winter, and then left quickly.