These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 11: this way


Last night, in the first half of the night, there was still a bright moon and a sky full of stars, but in the second half of the night, there was a sudden downpour of rain. The south wind carried rainwater and rushed straight into the cave. Fortunately, this cave is located on a high terrain, so there is no problem of rainwater intrusion, but the cave is very shallow. After a short time, half of the cave floor was wet It was impossible to lie down and sleep, so Lei Jin had to hold the little guy on the inside of the cave against the rock wall, half asleep and half awake, and rested for half the night.

Last night, both Lei Jin and Mingya didn't sleep well. Lei Jin was awakened by the sound of birds in the morning. He covered his mouth and yawned loudly. Guy pushes to the ground.

He picked up the towel that had dried by the campfire, hung it around his neck, and left the cave.

The fresh air is mixed with the fragrance of natural soil, blowing towards the face, which makes people feel refreshed. After the rain, the greenery on the leaves of the grass and trees by the river seems to drip down.

Lei Jin took a deep breath, stretched his arms, kicked his legs, and stretched his wrists.

Mingya was pushed to the ground, woke up in a daze, rubbed his eyes, and saw his own female standing at the entrance of the cave. The morning sun shone in from outside, covering his white and naked body with a layer of blanket. The soft golden light makes people unable to take their eyes off.

It rained heavily last night, and the ground was a bit muddy, but fortunately there were many rocks by the river, so the road was not difficult to walk. Lei Jin went to the river and squatted down. He washed his face with water and rinsed his mouth, it was cool and sweet.

When I looked down and saw the dry white marks on my inner thighs, my pretty brows frowned. I was busy with the little guy yesterday when I was able to move. Even the marks that the little guy didn't have time to lick off were still there, so I forgot to clean them. Wet the bath towel on his shoulders in the river, and wiped it vigorously. Thinking of the feeling of being pressed and licked, Lei Jin exerted more force on his hands, and the skin on the inner thigh was tender, and it was soon flushed by his rubbing One piece, burning and painful. Lei Jin still felt that it was not clean, and he didn't care about the cold water in the morning, so he plunged into it, and the cold water rushed in, causing his pores to shrink.

After swimming back and forth in the river for a few times, Lei Jin's body gradually recovered and his spirit relaxed.

When Mingya came out, Lei Jin had already landed. He was sitting on a large pebble, with one leg flat and the other bent naturally. He wiped the water droplets on his body with a bath towel. Jin's hands paused, and after groping his body with his hands, he glanced at the little guy inexplicably.

Mingya swallowed, wishing she could. It became the drop of water on Lei Jin's body.

When Lei Jin turned his head, Ming Ya had already got down on his stomach, obediently looking at her paw, her eyes were so pure that it seemed that that furry paw could produce a flower out of thin air in the next quarter of an hour.

After these two days of getting along, especially the violent beating yesterday, Mingya knows no matter how smart she is, her own female, she still doesn't like that. Females are always thin-skinned, and they only knew each other for two days. It's right to be embarrassed, he can't think of doing that thing when he sees his females, so females should be more reserved, those who hook up with male orcs around because of the scarcity of females are the worst, they are not decent. It seems that this female of hers is the kind of person that Ah Mo says is very upright and upright, Mingya draws a terrible conclusion on her own.

And the eldest brother and the second brother also said that this matter is not in a hurry, so they have to wait to return to the tribe, hold a ceremony, and formally take their female home.

Naturally, Lei Jin didn't know what Mingya was thinking now, if he knew, he would probably fall to the ground laughing, since Lei Jin became an adult, he no longer knew what the word morality was.

Taking advantage of the fine weather, Lei Jin decided to finish his meal and set off on the road, walking downstream along the river to see if he could find someone. In the past two days, I was lucky and didn't encounter any large wild animals. However, in such a dense jungle, Lei Jin knew without common sense in the wild that it was impossible for such a place to have no large carnivores. Lei Jin has no interest in fighting wild beasts, and since he has no tools and a little guy who doesn't seem to have any strength, it's better to forget it and leave as soon as possible.

"Xiao Baimao, let's go, let's go to breakfast." Lei Jin passed by him and patted his head, with the towel wrapped around his waist. But Mingya's position was low, and Mingya could see clearly when Lei Jin was walking.

Mingya followed closely behind, the scenery was beautiful, she couldn't move, as long as she could look at it, Mingya licked her mouth, thinking contentedly.

When the two returned to the cave, the wood had been burned and the bonfire had been extinguished.

Lei Jin broke a branch from the outside. It rained heavily last night, and now the sun has just risen again. There is a lot of water vapor on the branch, which is perfect for scraping away the remaining ashes without splashing too much dust.

As the soil was scraped away, the strong aroma of fish quickly spread in this small cave. The fish has been smothered under the campfire all night and is completely cooked, and the wrapped leaves are also browned. Because it was cooked, the aroma of the fish did not escape at all, but it seemed to be more intense than yesterday's grilled fish.

Waking up in the morning with no appetite, Lei Jin thought he still had a long way to go today, so he forced himself to eat one. Ming Ya was rather interested, and after Lei Jin saw that he had eaten five, he ignored his pitiful and coquettish eyes, and decisively put away the remaining three.

The little guy eats too much, and they always have to keep some in case they need it from time to time. No matter what they say, they can't let this little guy be reimbursed for one meal.

Lei Jin pulled a bright green vine, tied the three fish firmly together, stuffed them into the little guy's arms, knocked on the head, and warned: "You are not allowed to eat these, if you eat them, I'll roast you and eat you."

Seeing the little guy nodding his head, Lei Jin picked him up, walked out of the cave, and looked for it along the bottom of the river.

During the daytime, the owl was sleeping on a branch of a tree. Hearing the movement, he opened his eyes slightly, then seemed to be frightened, and suddenly stared as big as a copper bell, chirping crookedly: "Fuck, shit, shit, I haven’t woken up yet, have I? Why did I see a female hugging a leopard male orc? This world is too crazy. No, this is big news, I have to spread the word.” The owl was afraid of flapping its wings and flying away. In a short time, all animals with ears will know that the male orcs of the leopard tribe are weak enough to let their females walk in their arms. The space collapsed, and the image fell again and again, and it fell to the point where it had to dig three feet deeper into the valley.

For many years since then, the male orcs of the leopard clan did not understand why the prey they could catch suddenly increased. The beasts did not hide when they saw them, and they seemed not to be afraid at all, and they rushed up in a daze up.

As the saying goes, if there is a gain, there is a loss, and if there is a loss, there is a gain. If the male orcs of the leopard clan know the truth, they don’t know whether they should be more fortunate or more irritable. Should they thank Mingya or beat him up together? , Of course, these are all impossible, because who told them not to be able to understand the language of other species without the ability of Mingya.

At this time, Mingya couldn't care about those things, the refreshing breath from the female made him take a deep breath quietly, and leaned on his female's chest, Tao Taoran didn't know why, the slightest bit of self-consciousness that a male orc should have No.

However, the good times did not last long. This sweet time was quickly interrupted by the footsteps of several tall men.