These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 119: spring is coming


The past few days for Lei Jin may be the happiest he’s ever been since he came to this world. Xi Ya and Mo Ya are coming back soon, and Ming Ya will report to Chun Ji on time every day after breakfast, regardless of whether his legs will eventually work or not. Back to the original, at least it should be out of the dark inferiority complex. Little Putao has grown two teeth, and now he puts everything he catches in his mouth, just for two bites. He is lively and charming, and the weather is getting warmer day by day , Even the small streams that have dried up in winter in front of every house can gradually see shallow puddles.

In such a warm spring day, it is a great happiness to lie on the prairie with the children and bask in the sun.

"Yeah..." Putao clung warmly to Lei Jin's arm, tightly clenched his small fists, and his big emerald green eyes moved anxiously with the birds flying by in the sky.

Lei Jin put up the awning, looked up at the sky, and said helplessly to his son: "Flying so high, Dad can't catch it." The implication is, son, you should give up early.


"The protest is invalid. Next time I will find your three fathers to chase after you. Your father has no wings." This is too embarrassing.

Can you communicate with a baby who is more than three months old? ? ! I have to admire, Lei Jin, you are really very competent as a father.

"Little Putao, call Dad to come and listen." Apart from whimsical, what other words can describe this person's behavior.

Putao held her little fist in her mouth and resolutely ignored it.

"Dad-dad, Putao called daddy, dad-dad." Lei Jin displayed his indomitable spirit, hugged his son's creaking nest and raised it to his face, staring into his eyes, and said clearly and slowly.

Little Putao pouted her mouth and made two "Puffs", spraying all the saliva on her father's face who was close at hand.

"You little rascal, you smell like milk, and you'll spit on me." Lei Jin was speechless for a moment, unwillingly, he leaned forward, and kissed the original tenderly on that white and tender face.

Little Putao twisted her round body, shrunk her neck, and kept smiling to avoid being ravaged by her father. Even though Lei Jin was full of ideas, he had no way to deal with this little thing that popped out of his stomach. No. Just looking at his innocent little figure, my heart softened. Now I have managed to gain some weight, and my face is much more rosy, and it is heavy in my hands, but it is like this, I still have to drink medicine suddenly, cut off It's time to prick the needle.

For such a little thing that was so hard to keep, no amount of love can be overstated, Lei Jin thinks.

A familiar female came to the house and called Lei Jin. It is said that the orcs who went out for spring hunting came back today and have already arrived at the gate of the tribe. It was supposed to be tomorrow morning, but it seems to be earlier. At this time, Mingya is still at Chunji's place. To change the dressing, Mu Ya and Zhu Xi went up to the mountain to pick spring buds, Lei Jin held the grapes, and went back to the house to pull up Luo Jie who was laying on the table and sketching. Today is a good day, there are many people on the street People basking in the sun are full of leisurely scenery, but this calmness is quickly diluted by the crowds flocking to the entrance of the tribe. Everyone seems to be anxiously and restlessly waiting for something. In this case, Lei Jin is also embarrassed He acted too much, shouldered his shoulders, and asked Roger next to him in a low voice: "Didn't you say that the orcs are back? Why don't you look happy?"

"A few years ago, every time we went out for spring hunting, there were always 10 or 20 people killed. This year, although I heard it was better, everyone is used to worrying. No one can really feel relieved if they don't see anyone." Roger also replied in a low voice. road.

Lei Jin agreed, thinking it was the same, so far the two of them stopped talking and mingled into the crowd.

There was commotion at the front of the crowd, probably because the orcs were coming, and the people behind followed suit. Lei Jin was afraid that someone would accidentally touch the grapes, so he and Luo Jiezi picked up a free space on the side of the road and stopped.

When the orcs who came in first carried a lot of prey on their hands and shoulders, they were surrounded by their relatives at this time. Lei Jin didn't see any acquaintances, so he didn't pay attention anymore, and only concentrated on holding the grapes. , stepped on the stone in front of someone's house and looked further away, but let alone Xi Ya and Mo Ya, even An Sen and An Luo didn't see a shadow.

After all the orcs had passed, the street was free again, and there were only a few females left. Lei Jin jumped down and asked in doubt, "I didn't see anyone, so why do you have to come back in batches? What's wrong with you, Roger?" ? Why is his face so scary?"

Roger trembled his lips, tried to open his mouth several times but couldn't make a sound.

"Roger, don't scare me. What's wrong with you? I'll help you home first. Can you go? Otherwise, I'll carry you." Lei Jin didn't know why he suddenly became like this.

"Lei Jin." Roger closed his eyes in pain. He had watched him coldly for twenty years. Is it finally his turn this time


"Let's go out and have a look, maybe they are behind." Roger said quietly.

Lei Jin felt a "thump" in his heart, and he also thought of that possibility, but he immediately shook his head, and even his eyes were firm: "I'll talk to people first."

To be honest, Roger's heart is in a mess, and he hopes to gain some confidence from Lei Jin.

There was already a female beside her crying softly.

Lei Jin and Luo Jie's tribe walked only a few hundred meters away, and saw a group of orcs flying from a distance. Although they were all in the shape of beasts, Lei Jin recognized Xi Ya and Mo Ya quickly , the two of them were pulling a rattan bed together with two other orcs. There seemed to be someone on the rattan bed. They had already reached the entrance of the tribe, and the orcs all fell down one after another and changed into human forms.

"Why did you run so far away? Just wait at home. We'll go back after we've divided the prey." Mo Ya touched Lei Jin's face, looking a little tired, but her tone was joyful and affectionate.

Xi Ya also freed her hand, hugged the grape, weighed it, and said with a smile: "He's a little fatter, our chubby son."

Seeing that they were all right, Lei Jin was relieved. Although he didn't show it on the face just now, he was still taken aback.

"Patriarch, what's wrong with you?" Lei Jin saw that it was Anbu who was lying on the rattan bed.

Anbu's eyes have been on Roger who was talking to Anson Anluo from just now, and when he heard Lei Jin's voice, he was slightly taken aback. After two voices, he said, "Is Lei Jin here too?"

Lei Jin thought to himself that the co-author not only didn't hear his question, but didn't even see him standing in front of him, how bad his eyes are.

But you have to take care of your face, after all, he is Mo Ya's father, so he said: "Well, I came here with Roger, are your injuries okay?"

"It's nothing serious, it just happened to be hurt on the wing, so I can't fly back by myself."

"That's good, that's good." Lei Jin rubbed his nose, and that was all he could do to comfort him. Could it be that he wanted to yell, don't think about it, didn't he see that Luo Jie didn't even look at him

When the group returned to the tribe, Zhu Xi and Mu Ya rushed over when they heard the news. The injured orcs were sent home first. There were not many of them, only a dozen or so. Seeing that everyone was awake, they estimated the injuries. It shouldn't be too heavy, but Anbu's life as the patriarch is not so good, and he has to go to the open space in front of the temple to preside over the distribution of prey to each household as fairly as possible.

Because there is no one living in Anbu's house during this time, and the spring hunting is rare for the whole family to be safe, they wanted to have a meal together, so they stayed at Roger's house tonight, and Lei Jin cooked the dinner. Mu Ya also came to help. Put the smoked fish on the big plate into the pot and add some shredded green onion to sauté until fragrant, add some soy sauce to simmer the oily large braised pork, stew the tofu soup with crucian carp, and stir-fry a young spring sprout, and serve it in a small basket. The pancakes are steaming hot on the stove. Although there are not many dishes, the portions are sufficient, and it is enough for two people.

When taking a bath at night, Lei Jin was surprised to find that Xi Ya and Mo Ya were not as innocent as they appeared on the surface, and they both had injuries on their bodies, but luckily they were not serious, so he didn't ask too much.

"Is your journey going well?" Lei Jin leaned lazily on the bed after taking a shower.

"In the beginning, according to our plan in advance, it went smoothly, but when we came back and passed the wolf tribe, Yu Qi suddenly led some people to intercept our prey, but it didn't work, just hurt some people." Mo Ya gently He patted his son who was squinting comfortably in his arms, looking like he was about to fall asleep.

"It's really shameless." Lei Jin murmured, once a person is forced to a certain level, he can do anything, and he can understand, but if the injured is replaced by his own family, forgive him for his incompetence up.

Loss can’t be for nothing, but at any rate, Yuqi stayed with them once. Even if it doesn’t hurt his life, the matter can’t just leave it as it is. It seems that Yuqi likes the position of patriarch very much, so why don’t you change him for someone else? , Lei Jin drooped his eyelashes slightly, hiding the darkness in his pupils.

Mo Ya lowered her head and kissed the grape's fleshy little face, and missed Lei Jin's expression, sighed, and said: "Actually, someone died this time, and you should know him too, the one who often came in and out of Chunji's house That Peining."

"It turned out to be him?" Lei Jin was startled, he did know Pei Ning, and there were only two people with Chun Ji, among whom Pei Ning was the one who went the most often, seeing Chun Ji's attitude towards him was also very strange. Slightly different.

"What's going on, is it hunting or fighting with wolves?" I don't know if Chun Ji knows.

"Neither, we had hunted enough prey and were about to leave the valley. Peining didn't know what he saw, so he climbed up a smooth and steep cliff by himself. Later, the rock on the cliff collapsed, and he was smashed to the ground. It was the bottom of the valley, we searched for a long time and only found the cloth bag he carried with him, the rocks on the cliff were still falling, and most of the exit was buried, so we had to come out first, there was probably no hope of surviving.”

The acquaintances left like this, no one could be indifferent, so Lei Jin was more and more grateful that Xi Ya and the others could come back safely.

"I said little brother, I left with your second brother, you really don't know how to be polite at home." Xi Ya took advantage of Mo Ya and Lei Jin's conversation, gritted her teeth and dragged Ming Ya by the collar to the outer room.

"Mingya doesn't understand." She didn't understand the situation at all.

Seeing his ignorance, Xiya felt frustrated, pressed Mingya against the wall, and whispered with a smile: "Dare you say that you haven't eaten Lei Jin from head to toe all this time?" When he saw him When I arrived at Lei Jin, I found out that it was full of the smell of being loved too much, and I was more sure when I returned to the room.

Mingya also thought of how Lei Jin was tossing and bearing under him, the blood flowed backwards all over his body, he touched his head, showing a shy and proud smile, Xiya was full of jealousy when he looked straight at it, wishing he could rush in and press Lei Jin to have a good time Come here drippingly to relieve the pain of longing for so long, but I can only think about it, because Lei Jin has given the order to die just now, and he must have a good rest tonight, and he dare not refuse to listen.

Lei Jin went to see Chunji several times, but was turned away, so he had to take back some prey to Tianqi who came to change Mingya's dressing every day.

The weather is getting warmer day by day, especially after a few light rains, there are faint blue traces on the grassland, I don't know if it is his illusion, it seems that as the weather gets warmer, the frequency of the three people pulling him to roll the sheets becomes more and more It is frequent, and he always thinks of changing to a beast shape. If he hadn't taken strict precautions, maybe another one would have to live in his stomach now, but this thing can be prevented for a while, but it can't be prevented forever. Lei Jin looked at God, put on a melancholy expression of bitterness and hatred.

Could it be that spring is the oestrus period for leopards