These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 158: Became a legend


After more than four years, she became pregnant again. The initial shock and anger passed. Lei Jin quickly accepted the reality. I am used to serving, except for the occasional occasion when I am in the mood, the rest of the time, I will indulge the three people to play around, thinking that they will not get pregnant, and they will be quite unscrupulous every time, until they are full of heart. Now it's all right, I don't know when, these two little guys moved in, and the two new residents are still very restless, they take turns to toss people around, their stomachs are more than three months old, and they vomit as much as they eat. It's just that he didn't spit out his heart, liver and lungs. Fortunately, he has been running around all these years, and he has exercised very well, so he won't collapse because of this fuss. But in this state, it is impossible to continue running in all directions.

The orcs who have been going out with Lei Jin all the year round don’t think Lei Jin can go this year. There are quite a few places, and I am not as anxious as I was at the beginning.

"Boss, how are you?" Since you are free today, five or six orcs came to visit Lei Jin's house as soon as they discussed it, and they brought a lot of things. They are produced by their own cows, such as milk, goat milk and deer milk. In the past, no one in the tribe knew that this food could be eaten. Later, they domesticated it by themselves, and some people tried it when it was produced. The taste is not as pure as milk juice, but the taste is more mellow Some, Luo Jie taught some methods of making yogurt, milk slices, and milk tofu, so that they can be stored for a long time. Personal tastes are different, and many people still don't like it, but Lei Jin still likes acidophilus during pregnancy.

"What could be the matter, isn't it just pregnancy? It's not that I haven't been pregnant before." Lei Jin said calmly, and several people in the room praised him secretly after hearing it. They are so calm and unrestrained, thanks to the fact that they heard the news that the boss was pregnant, and they were still quite uncomfortable. Of course they knew that the boss was female, but after long-term contact, traveling through mountains and rivers, sharing joys and sorrows, the boss's fierce personality is really very strange. It’s hard for people to take care of him like a weak female, so when they suddenly heard the news that the boss is pregnant, many people were stunned, as if they realized at this time, oh, the boss is really a female, it’s incredible things.

They were patronizing and admiring, completely unaware that Lei Jin had just vomited his breakfast before he came, and spread it out on the bed without any image at all, like an eggplant beaten by frost. With the help of my friend, I sat up and pretended to be fine.

Mingya had been told not to make Lei Jin tired. When the time was almost up, he found an excuse and led these people out to see their newly built water truck. Many of these orcs were about the same age as Mingya, and there were three of them. He was even in the same year as Ming Ya, had eaten a lot of Lei Jin's meals at that time, and had a lot of respect for Lei Jin. Now when Ming Ya opened his mouth, he greeted Lei Jin knowingly and wittily, and followed him away.

Xi Ya came in with the re-cooked meal, and seeing Lei Jin slumped on the chair, he was not in the mood, so she took a cotton pad for him to lean against his waist, took the meal and planned to feed him herself.

"No, I'll do it myself." Lei Jin bowed.

"Didn't you say yesterday that you want stewed chicken and mutton with chestnuts? It's still hot, so taste it quickly." Xi Ya handed him the chopsticks. On the table were large bowls of stewed mutton with carrots, chicken with chestnuts, and a small plate of capers , quail eggs, and vegetable porridge in the jar, Xi Ya served it out and held it aside to cool it down.

"There are so many, where can I finish eating, let's eat together."

Xi Ya pushed the vegetable porridge in front of him and said, "It's only half in the morning, I can't eat at all, you have some porridge first, there are a lot of vegetables in it." Although it is early spring, the seasonal vegetables have not come yet, But there are still a lot of dishes from last year, not to mention potatoes, onions, and cabbage. There are also a lot of celery, peppers, coriander, leeks, garlic, etc., so the ingredients in this bowl of vegetable porridge are rich enough.

"Father." Putao entered the door, put down the small medicine box in his hand and ran over.

"That's right, let's have some food with Dad."

Putao agreed, washed his hands, and sat next to Lei Jin.

Xi Ya smiled and asked some things she learned today, took another empty bowl, and filled a bowl of vegetable porridge for Putao.

All the quail eggs peeled by Lei Jin were placed in his bowl, and Putao was already nine years old before he knew it, and almost reached his chest in size, but he never lost weight.

"Dad, enough is enough, don't want it anymore." Putao pouted, acting like a baby to Lei Jin, he knew that his father loved him the most, and if he were to be replaced by those three younger brothers, he would not be able to enjoy the warmth that his father seldom showed. He also likes his father very much. Although his father is not like other people, he stays at home every day to wash and cook for the children, but his father will teach them more things. Well, although it seems very out of tune often, He didn't say this, both Uncle Chunji and Grandfather said so.

"What are you laughing about while eating?" Why is this child so strange.

"Dad, I want to have a good time." Uncle Berg and his family came to live for a while at the end of last spring, and it has been almost a year now.

"It's just right, Xi Ya, Roger also told me that he wants to go to the Tiger tribe after the market, why don't we go together and see Berg and Lan Qi by the way." Berg and Lan Qi also have three It's a child, but he still likes bubbles the most.

"No, at that time your belly was already big, maybe two babies will be born soon, how can you go to such a far place?" Xi Ya disagreed, this matter cannot be left to his will.

"It's idle, I want to see what Roger is doing." It is said that it is the result of many years, he must go and see, "Why don't we divide it into two groups, one part goes first, and the other part concentrates Hurry over after the city."

Seeing that he had made up his mind and insisted on it, Xi Ya couldn't force it. Besides, he also wanted to see what his father had been busy with for so many years.

After a family discussion, Anbu, Ansen, Roger, Xiya and Lei Jin took their children to the Tiger Tribe in the second month of spring. Anbu, Moya and Mingya went there in the second batch. At this time Lei Jin's stomach has been in for more than five months, and it has entered a relatively stable period, and the severe morning sickness stopped around four months.

+ At this time, clusters of spring flowers on the prairie are already budding, but going north, the weather is still a bit cold, and there are two light snowfalls in the middle, but they are wearing enough to keep warm, so it’s okay, the schedule is not in a hurry, plus Lei Jin was pregnant, so everyone deliberately slowed down.

It took about a month and a half to arrive at the Tiger Tribe, and the journey went smoothly, but the disappearance of the Big Apple scared everyone out of their wits.

Big Apple is only four and a half years old this year, no matter what it is, it is a little cub whose deciduous teeth have not yet been replaced. That day they stopped to rest, Anson Anluo went hunting, Roger and Xi Ya cleaned up the cave, Big Apple insisted on going to the tree When going to sleep, Lei Jin was worried, and guarded under the tree. He closed his eyes and squinted for a while, and when he looked for someone, he disappeared. Appeared, An Luo found it in the end, besides that there were two half-sized saber-toothed beasts, which were gnawed to the point of skinless and hairless, Lei Jin held down the dirty cat-like big apple and it was a Beat violently, no one can hold back.

After the beating, Big Apple hugged Lei Jin's leg, his ruby eyes were wet, he cried and said aggrievedly: "Dad, their eyes are dangling, I can't sleep."

Lei Jin thought to himself, what's wrong, when you're at home, except for meal time, you rarely see your eyes open, besides, the eyes of wild animals are always bright at night, so why don't they close their eyes when they go out for you.

Roger persuaded from the side: "Some orcs are naturally very alert, even from a distance, they can feel it. Surviving in the wild, it is a good thing to be on guard early. Apple is still young, and it cannot be controlled when it happens. "

After all the beatings, Lei Jin's anger subsided a little, so he didn't bother with him anymore, and only told him not to run around in the future, otherwise he would find two small sticks to prop up his eyelids, so that he wouldn't be allowed to sleep.

I don't know the impact of this threat on others, but the effect on Apple is obvious. No matter how young he is, he dare not be ambiguous about this matter. His heart trembled, and he immediately pricked up his ears, and hurriedly agreed.

In the Tiger Tribe, Kunge and the others were preparing to pack up and go to the Leopard Tribe when they heard that Lei Jin and the others were coming.

Because of Lei Jin's relationship, the Tiger Clan and the Leopard Clan have traveled frequently over the years, and have known each other a lot, so now Lei Jin and the others have not stopped them from entering the Tiger Clan, and some even went to report the news.

Jingping held a ceremony a few years ago, moved out, and set up a new home. There were three vacant rooms in the house, Luo Jie and the others lived in one, Lei Jin and Putao lived in one, and Xi Ya took the three hairballs to one. .

During dinner, Jing Ping and Jing Yue's family came over. Jing Yue's family added a little orc, and Jing Ping also had a little female.

In the Tiger Tribe, I met Rong Chuan once. He is more restrained than before. The hunting orcs picked up a tiger cub that lost its parents in the forest. It lost a right front paw. No one wanted to raise it. , he and Jing Tang took them home, and now the family of three has heard about it well.

Mo Ya and the others confessed that they came here at the end of April. At this time, Roger’s petroglyphs had already started, and the paint was fresh red. Everyone divided the work, just to express the meaning, there is no need to be very similar, and to be honest No one has the ability to draw meticulously. Berg and Lan Qi came here for the first time, and they felt that it was a novelty to join them. Berg now has a fourth child in his belly, and his abdomen is slightly bulging. He met Lei Jinyi , they laughed at each other, but in this state, no one is more majestic than the other.

Roger took the opportunity to add some information about the mermaids. Lei Jin heard him muttering that the mermaids in the sea are very different from the orcs on land in terms of social system and species evolution. I don't know why.

"It would be great if the crystal space sealed in the forbidden area was not destroyed." Roger sighed again, then many things might be able to find their source.

"Do you still think about this?" The space was accidentally destroyed by the four of them, and it has sunk to the bottom of the lake forever. Roger didn't find any clues.

"There are so many things inside, you can bring out some of them anyway." But it's too late to say these now, Roger adjusted the paint and continued to paint.

"The old ones don't go, and the new ones don't come." Lei Jin patted him on the shoulder to comfort him, and he knew that he was not sincere by looking at his expression.

Roger was a little stunned, perhaps this is indeed the case, isn't the origin of life just rebirth, death, and rebirth? This world has been reborn, so why bother to keep those things that have been destroyed, they are now creating another history, the history they personally participated in, but he has gone astray, many times, the simpler, the more Close to the truth, in this respect, he admits that he is not as good as Lei Jin.

But this sentence, he would never say it out loud, otherwise this man would not know how arrogant he would be.

Everyone has been busy for nearly two months, and finally finished drawing the things that Roger specified.

Looking at the petroglyphs in this half-valley, Roger always felt that there was something missing, so he asked Lei Jin: "Why don't you leave something for modern people?"

"You mean, the things here can be seen by modern people?" Lei Jin found it incredible.

"It should be." He is eight or nine percent sure that the things here will not disappear, and will remain until modern times.

Lei Jin showed an evil smile and said, "Why don't we leave a doomsday prophecy for them?"

"That's a good idea." Roger is also playable, and his eyes lit up when he heard Lei Jin's words, "Add a few things that have happened before, and a doomsday prophecy at the end, so that more people will believe it. .”

Lei Jin looked at him in surprise, hung half of his body on him, and said with a smile: "Roger, you hide it very deeply, I didn't realize that you have so many bad ideas."

Roger rolled his eyes at him, not intending to argue with him.

The two discussed it, and in order to give his son a chance to express himself, Lei Jin called Yuzu and Chengzi and said, "You two come here, I have a few words, and you write."

After Yuzu and Chengzi finished writing, Lei Jin looked at it and his face turned dark. This is not a square character, it is crooked, like ghostly drawn symbols, and he couldn't recognize any of them.

"Father, it's hard to write with your paws." Cheng Zi shook his paws, fluffy, with paint stained everywhere.

Instead, Roger laughed loudly and said, "This is the best. Let them slowly decipher this unknown text."

In modern times, three years of continuous archaeological excavations are coming to an end. Joey holds the pocket watch in his hand. It is here that Roger disappeared. It has been more than two years. He got this pocket watch from an oriental man. What he got back was indeed what he gave to Roger through his teacher back then. He personally engraved the initials of Roger's name on the back, and he would not admit it wrong, but where did Roger go? Later, he wanted to find that The eastern man inquired more carefully, and heard that the man was in distress and disappeared in the sea.

There was an uncontrollable exclamation from the deep cave.

"What happened?" Joey called to stop a person who had just come out.

The young man was excited and said loudly: "A major discovery, we found a stone slab with a lot of writing on it, which shows that those orcs have invented their own writing, which will help us further understand the history at that time , Maybe we can solve the mystery of the mysterious disappearance of these orcs in history, this will be a world-class discovery, and it may rewrite the history we know now."

"There won't be such a day." Joey said lightly.

Sure enough, for many years after that, for some unknown reason, the results of this excavation were sealed up in secret. Only a handful of people knew about it, but they never disclosed it to the public. However, the prophecy of the doomsday spread gradually. .

At the same time, in the Leopard tribe.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Tian Qi got up with his clothes on, and saw Chun Ji still sitting in the yard.

"Master, Luo Jie and Lei Jin should have gone to that place, right?" Chun Ji's eyes were covered by his slightly long bangs, so he couldn't see clearly.

"According to the time, it should be about the same. Don't think about it, go back to sleep, tomorrow will be fine, and the medicinal materials will be dried." Tian Qi yawned, turned around and prepared to go back to the house.

"Master?" Chun Ji called to stop him.

"Damn boy, what can't be said tomorrow." Tian Qi stared, pretending to be impatient.

"Master, to put it bluntly, we are the guardians of the new world, but in fact we are the ones who were abandoned here." Carrying a heavy burden, guarding the eternal secret.

"I loathe this lineage and hope it dies in my generation." Something that should have died long ago.

"Is this the real reason why you have been refusing to transform your body and have children with beasts?"

"Yes." In the dark, it seems easy for people to face their own hearts.

"If this is your final choice, I won't stop it."

Xiya took the three little ones to take a bath in the lake, and Mingya jumped down too, while Putao sat in the corner and whispered to Bubble.

Mo Ya took Lei Jin away from Roger, took him to sit on the warm stone by the lake, lowered her head and kissed the corner of his mouth and asked, "Do you feel sick to your stomach today?" You can't blame him for being careful, Lei Jin Jin's stomach is eight months old, and the orc baby is almost there.

"How can you be so punctual?" Recently, I don't feel much at all except my stomach.

As soon as Lei Jin finished saying this, he covered his stomach, his face turned pale and crooked in Mo Ya's arms.

"Lei Jin, what's wrong with you?"

"It seems to be really on time this time." Lei Jin was still in the mood to make a joke.

Mo Ya was not as relaxed as he was, she yelled at everyone, picked up Lei Jin and left.

"dad… "

"Lei Jin..."

A large group of people followed, look, this lively family.


The author has something to say: This is the legendary ending. Rice made a promise a long time ago. If anyone remembers, I will finish the article after I edit it.

Thank you everyone for walking with me for so long, it has been more than a year. In fact, I am diligently updating the article, and it should have been finished long ago.

I’m going to say goodbye here, I’m really reluctant, maybe after a long time, I’ve written a lot of articles, and I won’t have so many feelings, but this is the first finished article, and the feeling is very subtle, ah, it seems a little hypocritical up.

In short, thank you everyone, no matter whether there is fate in the future, thank you for this article for letting us all meet.

Finally, a spoof O(∩_∩)O

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