These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 18: Lei Jin's conclusion


Tonight, Lei Jin habitually wanted to go to sleep in the innermost room, but was held back by Mo Ya. Lei Jin looked at him suspiciously. In this family, Mo Ya was probably the only one who hardly talked to him. Every time he saw him, he was very indifferent. Even if he had to speak, he would dismiss him with the simplest words.

Lei Jin wondered if it was because he acted too coveted when he first met him, which made him disgusted, but what he did was also the water that was poured out, and he couldn't take it back, so he could only take one step at a time Yes, now I don't want to hook up, I just hope that I won't be rejected by others.

So now being held back by Mo Ya, Lei Jin is a little confused.

"What do you want from me?" Lei Jin said this sentence very smoothly, he was sure that Mo Ya could understand, but Mo Ya just glanced at him and didn't speak, just took a bag of things from the window sill and stuffed it for him. he.

Lei Jin was very curious about what Mo Ya would give him, and just about to open it, Mo Ya said coldly: "Go back to the room inside and sleep. I'm going to sleep."

Lei Jin cursed in his heart, you are willing to come if you are me, but you are not the one who dragged me here, and now you are driving me away, but you will not go, who do you think I am? Come when you call, go when you wave? No such bullying.

Lei Jin simply sat down on the edge of the bed. In fact, besides the bed, there is only a table left in the room, and he didn't see a single chair. He must not be allowed to sit on the table.

Lei Jin hooked his lips and said: "Actually, what are the two men's taboos? I can sleep anywhere. How about I sleep with you in this room tonight?"

Since you hate me, I will let you hate me enough.

Lei Jin’s words were mixed with Xinxue’s words, but Mo Ya still understood the most important three words of “sleeping together”. In this world, these females cannot have children, but others let them have children, so the previous behavior of this person was not to tease him from the perspective of a female, so sleeping together should be meaningless.

Sometimes Mo Ya is very annoyed, he wished to tell him everything, transformed his body, so that he could stay by their side forever, but he was also worried about what happened to Ah Mo back then, afraid that he would not be able to accept it, and insisted on Back to the original world.

Seeing him like this at this time, he thought of teasing him, and a rare smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "Okay, then sleep here? Do you want me to help you change clothes?" While speaking, both hands touched Lei Jin chest.

Lei Jin immediately patted his hand away quickly, stood up with one step, and felt a little fussed about himself, and explained: "Forget it. I'd better go back to the room inside and sleep with the little guy. You are so hard, It's not comfortable for the little guy to hold."

He just saw Mo Ya's attitude of driving people away, deliberately playing against him, Lei Jin didn't want to admit that he saw Luo Jie and An Sen An Luo together that night, he felt somewhat shadowed, he wanted to gain a foothold in this world, But do not want to use this method.

At first, I didn't feel anything, but I didn't expect it to be this kind of relationship. Later Lei Jin thought about it, it seemed that since he entered this village, he had never seen a woman, although he had never gone out since he came to this house. But after walking such a long way into the village, I didn't see a woman, and there was no woman in this family. In addition, I haven't seen a woman in this family in the past few days. I'm afraid there is only one possibility, here The ratio of men to women is very unbalanced. Women are probably precious species that are protected and hidden at home. If there are no women, men will be used as women. Roger is like this.

If Roger knew what Lei Jin was thinking, he would probably want to blow Lei Jin's head off.

Thinking of this possibility, Lei Jin was also very depressed. You know, although he is a man and woman, he still likes a woman's soft body compared to a man's hard body, and he also likes children. Must be cold-blooded and ruthless, cut off children and grandchildren, right? He just likes children. Originally, he thought that when he was thirty years old, he would settle down, marry a wife, and raise a few children, but now he came here for no reason, not to mention that there is still a shortage of women here, so he has no right now. Powerless, penniless, and this second-class crippled figure, it is difficult to marry a woman as a wife.

But no matter how difficult it is, he doesn't want to stay here to be used as a woman. Roger is a lesson from the past. Not only was he suppressed by a man, but he was also demanded by two men. It's pitiful enough. Lei Jin doesn't want to fall to that point one day. So Lei Jin felt that it was necessary to keep a distance from these men, so as not to lose his virginity behind him.

Although he didn't mean to think badly about people, but Lei Jin was not related to this family, just because he came from the same world as Roger, the family took him in without objection? This in itself is an open question.

After Lei Jin finished speaking, before Mo Ya could speak, he waved his hand casually and walked quickly back to the inner room.

Mingya rushed over, Lei Jin hugged it, and they went back to the bed together.

It was only then that Lei Jin remembered that he still had something from Mo Ya in his arms.

The outside seems to be covered with a layer of flexible bark. When you peel it off, it turns out that there are some wild fruits inside, which seem to be ripe, with plump and bright purple skin, the size of a plum. Lei Jin took one and tried to take a bite. The skin is thin and the inside is red juice. It's very sweet, a little sour, but in short, it whets the appetite. Lei Jin ate five or six in a row before stopping.

In fact, Lei Jin's self-righteous conclusion was overturned the next day. Not only was it overturned, but it was turned upside down. The matter was 10,000 times more tragic than he thought.