These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 48: healing


Seeing Lei Jin staring at the pattern deep in thought, Xi Ya suddenly felt a little flustered for no reason. He remembered that Ah Mo was also particularly interested in these things. There was a time when Ah Mo’s greatest hobby was to bring the three of them here and take With the charcoal pencil he made himself, he traced these patterns in detail.

"What is written on it? Xi Ya?" Lei Jin's words here are very slippery now, but the words are not good enough. He and these words have been looking at each other for a long time, and no one knows anyone.

"We don't know about these. They are some patterns passed down from generation to generation by the patriarchs in the tribe, but even Uncle Ambu doesn't understand the meaning of them."

"Then why do you still want to erect pillars here?" Moreover, it is such a big project. Although the orcs are extremely powerful, he doesn't know about such a huge stone pillar, especially because there are no mechanical tools here. How people are transported down from the mountains. But also to carve a good figure, and then erected.

"This has been passed down from generation to generation in the tribe. Every year of reincarnation, a pillar must be erected behind the temple. The old priest in the tribe said that this is used to pray for the gods to protect our tribe." Xi Ya thought about it Everything was told to him.

"Is that so? Then I obviously haven't seen it before, so it doesn't make sense to look familiar?" Lei Jin felt the patterns under his hands, not knowing how they carved them. , counting the stone pillar next to him is at least several hundred years old, the pattern is still so clear after the wind and rain

"What did you say?" Lei Jin's voice was too low, no matter how good the orc's hearing was, there was nothing he could do.

"Forget it, let me help you out first to see if the pharmacist is here?" These can be discussed later, Xi Ya's injury is more important.

Xi Ya handed him his hand very consciously, Lei Jin shook his head, picked up the things on the ground and tied them to his body, then stuffed the fruit into his bosom, holding Xi Ya's arms with his free hands.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. Most of the blood on her body came from when she was saving someone just now." Xi Ya frowned, the smell was really strong.

"I know." If it weren't for the fact that most of the bloodstains were only stuck to the clothes, how could they have the heart to speak here.

"What are you doing with these bamboo pieces?" Xi Ya wanted to untie the knot tied to Lei Jin's chest and carry those bamboo pieces on her back, but as soon as she got close, Lei Jin slapped her back.

"Be honest, you." Really couldn't tolerate it at all, Lei Jin glanced at Xi Ya who had an innocent expression, and said.

"I'm wronged, I just want to help you carry it." Xi Ya said with a smile on her face.

"Don't take care of me as a weak female in your tribe. I'm not that delicate." He probably will never be able to enjoy this kind of constant care with peace of mind. After all, as a man, he has been in the care of others for the past 28 years. role rather than being cared for.

"Yes, I understand. I will remember what you said in the future." As for whether you will follow through, that is another matter.

Why does this sentence sound so awkward, Lei Jin said.

"Xia, where did you go?" As soon as the two of them walked out of the stone forest, Ivy was about to punch Xiya when he came up.

Lei Jin helped Xi Ya take two steps back, frowned and explained, "He was injured."

Hearing this, Ai Wei stared at Xi Ya with eyes as big as pigeons, and asked, "Are you really hurt?" Xi Ya was still alive and kicking when he left, why did he get injured after going there for so long.

Seeing Lei Jin next to him, Aiwei blinked at Xi Ya, expressing that he understood, this idea is really good, seeing how cautious Lei Jin is now.

"Boy, you're smart enough." The brother understood, and Ivy's eyes clearly expressed this meaning.

Xiya can only smile wryly, what is this all about, I am too lazy to be as knowledgeable as Ivy.

This time three pharmacists came, all of them were elderly females, followed by a young female carrying a medicine basket, responsible for delivering the medicines. Xi Ya said that they were the pharmacists' apprentices, and they were still in the learning stage, so they couldn't get started. The pharmacists in the tribe are female every generation.

Because a lot of people were injured this time, the three pharmacists were really too busy, so they had to start with the most serious one. Xi Ya's injury seemed to be minor, so she could only stay aside with the other injured people.

When Lei Jin went up the mountain, Mo Ya was worried about him and gave him a knife to defend himself. At this moment, Lei Jin laid down Xi Ya's injured leg, cut open the trouser leg with the knife, and pulled up the trouser carefully avoiding his wound.

Even though he was used to bloody scenes, his body used to have countless scars, but when he saw the wound on Xiya's leg, Lei Jin still took a deep breath.

Fortunately, he was still able to support himself and bicker with himself, thinking that it was not a serious injury, a blood hole the size of a bowl was directly smashed into his leg, and the bone was deep enough to see the bone, and the blood did not stop.

"How did you do it, Xi Ya?" Ivy was still sitting on the ground chatting with Xi Ya, but when he saw the wound, he immediately jumped up and asked.

"You go to the pharmacist, we are here to move the pillars to save the people who are under the pressure, someone slipped their hands, and the pillars fell down, but fortunately everyone moved quickly, no one was hit, I just hit my leg with a stone spike " Xi Ya said lightly, thinking that this leg is not his. It's the same as growing on someone else.

"Why didn't you say it earlier, I'll ask the pharmacist to come and have a look, how can your injury be considered a minor injury? The treatment is late, wait for the disabled, which female still likes you when you see it?" Ivy was annoyed that he didn't care.

Xi Ya said: "Don't go, you didn't see that the people the pharmacist is treating are much more seriously injured than me. If they are late, they are not disabled, but a matter of life and death."

But he looked at Lei Jin with a satisfied smile in his eyes, he was busy working on his lap without saying a word.

"Ivy, please help me get some wine, the stronger the better." Lei Jin said suddenly.

"Wine? Oh. I'll go right away, I still have two jars of good quality at home." Although I don't know what Lei Jin uses wine for. Mi Yumai "Don't frown, I'm fine." Xi Ya's fingertips tried to smooth Lei Jin's brows.

Lei Jin tilted his head slightly to avoid him, and said in his mouth, "Cut, what do I care about? Don't be too sentimental."

"Okay, I'm self-indulgent, so why don't you smile?"

"I'm not trying to make you laugh." Lei Jin sighed heavily in his heart. Does this Xi Ya have nerves? She's so hurt that she can still laugh.

He can laugh, but he can't laugh.

"Untie your belt and take off your pants." Lei Jin stood up and said to Xi Ya.

"It's inconvenient here, isn't it? Why don't we talk about it when we go home, and I'll show you alone?" Xi Ya knew that Lei Jin didn't mean that, but at least there were so many people here. It's embarrassing to take off your pants in front of you.

"What are you thinking?" Lei Jin wanted to stretch out his hand countless times and just strangle this person to death, causing a disaster.

There is still a distance between them and other people, and there are trees blocking them. Others can see them, but they can't see the whole body. Lei Jin doesn't talk nonsense with him. Seeing that no one is paying attention, he just squats down, rolls up his sleeves, and He touched Xi Ya's waistband with his hands.

"Hey, are you serious?" Xi Ya yelled, but she didn't need to stop her. Even though Lei Jin loosened his belt, under the cover of his jacket, he reached into his pants, not counting, and even groped into his shorts.

"What on earth are you going to do?" Xi Ya didn't have time to calm down, and held Lei Jin's arm to stop him from moving, because Lei Jin's hand had already touched his clone, and he couldn't guarantee that he would not respond.

Lei Jin also felt it, the hot object throbbed twice against the back of his hand.

"Take care of him, otherwise I don't mind letting him rest for the rest of his life." After gritting his teeth, Lei Jin warned in a low voice, and continued to move his hands, touching the approximate location of the artery at the root of Xiya's thigh.

"Bend your legs slowly."

Xi Ya's words and actions are well done.

Lei Jin's thumb began to press on one point, which was a necessary first aid measure to stop the bleeding, but the thing standing upright by his hand kept rubbing against him as he moved.

"Xiya." Lei Jin shouted in a low voice.

"You also know that this kind of thing is out of control." In particular, it has not been a day or two since he longed for Lei Jin. How could he bear Lei Jin's movements? Although the wound on his leg hurts, but this Can't stop the reaction below him at all.

Seeing that the blood on his leg hadn't stopped, Lei Jin knew that his strength might not be enough, so he came in with his other hand, overlapping his two thumbs and pressing.

Lei Jin broke out in sweat, but he finally saw that the wound on Xi Ya's leg had temporarily stopped bleeding.

Lei Jin was about to take out his hand.

His arms were clasped by a pair of hot and humid hands, Lei Jin looked up in surprise, the undisguised strong lust in Xi Ya's eyes, he wanted to swallow the person in front of him.

Sweat rolled down Lei Jin's forehead, it felt terrible.

"Help me." There was a hint of pleading in Xi Ya's hoarse tone.

There was a flash of struggle in Lei Jin's eyes, he didn't want to have any more relationship with Xiya, although Xiya's pride always asked for it, but...

"Help me this time." Sensing Lei Jin's intention to refuse, Xi Ya tightened her grip.

Good brothers can help each other in this matter, Lei Jin finds an excuse for himself. Under Xi Ya's expectant gaze, she held his avatar with both hands, glanced at it last time, and touched it with her own hands this time, which really made the man envious.

Lei Jin's hands were sore, but Xi Ya was still stiff as before, showing no intention of letting go. Lei Jin reckoned that Ai Wei would be back soon, thinking that no matter what, no one could see this scene. Seeing Xiya with her eyes closed, panting with her head leaning against the tree trunk, a beauty is a beauty, no matter what posture she looks at, Lei Jin lowered his head and bit his Adam's apple that was sliding up and down, Xiya trembled, and finally let out a sigh of relief. In Lei Jin's hands.

Lei Jin frowned, and wiped his hands on Xi Ya's blood-stained clothes. Before he could withdraw, Xi Ya grabbed his neck and kissed him deeply.

"I don't seem to be coming back at the right time." Ivy's joking voice came over.

Lei Jin pushed Xi Ya away, looked up into the familiar dark green eyes behind Ivy...