These Werebeast Gongs Are Rogues

Chapter 75: Under Mingya's Secret


Life and death are just a matter of a moment. When the first one suddenly rushed in, Xi Ya flew up to meet it, and was caught off guard. It didn't take much effort to hear two screams from the comer. After struggling on the ground twice, he died. There was no movement, Xi Ya threw the dead prey under his claws far out of the cave, growled twice, intending to warn, Mo Ya and Ming Ya also echoed twice, telling them that there are three orcs here, I thought it would be best to scare them away.

"We still encountered a hunting tooth beast. These guys will never die when they encounter their prey. The possibility of leaving is very small. My brother and I will go out later, so you stay by Mingya's side and don't leave him." Mo Ya has already Turning into a beast shape, he licked Lei Jin's face and told Mingya solemnly, "Take care of Lei Jin." Looking up at Berg who had also woken up, he added: "If possible, there is Berg."

Berg snorted and said, "I'm a male mermaid after all, and I need the protection of an underage little orc? Just like your little brother is soft and sloppy, it's good to be able to protect myself well." After finishing speaking , Berg also transformed into his beast form, a huge golden fish tail was also faintly visible in the darkness.

"Second brother, Mingya doesn't want to protect him, and he treats Lei Jin badly." Mingya hugged Lei Jin closely, rubbed her little nose, and looked at Berg dissatisfied.

"Ming Ya, be good." Mo Ya rubbed his head, and didn't say much, because there was no time.

Outside the entrance of the cave, countless pairs of yellow animal pupils flickered in the darkness, shining with cruel and cunning light.

Xi Ya and Mo Ya stood side by side, with the faint moonlight coming in, the long shadows of the two fell all the way to Lei Jin's feet.

When encountering such a thing, no one will believe you if you say you are not afraid at all, but Lei Jin knows what is the use of being afraid, how to protect yourself, and not to drag people down is serious, little guy? forget it. If it really doesn't work, let him run first, the little guy can't do anything else, it should still be possible to escape.

Suddenly there was a long bark from outside, and groups of hunting tooth beasts began to approach.

"Be careful yourself, I don't have time to collect your corpses." After enduring and enduring, Lei Jin finally couldn't help shouting.

Both of them turned their heads in unison, their four big eyes were shining brightly, and they wagged their tails fawningly.

"Stupid, look ahead." Lei Jin was really powerless.

Taking advantage of the moment when they turned their heads, the two hunting-toothed beasts planned to sneak attack, but Xi Ya and Mo Ya slapped the body that had just jumped over with one paw, and fell to the ground, dying.

Most wild animals are bloodthirsty, and the toothed beasts are no exception. They are even more ferocious, and the strong smell of blood stimulates their bestiality.

Xi Ya and Mo Ya saw that the three just-dead hunter-tooths were quickly eaten up by their companions, and the hairs on the back of their necks stood up one by one. They have seen cruel ones, but they are cruel It is really rare to even eat one's own companion's.

The hunter-toothed beasts quickly attacked in groups, and Xi Ya and Mo Ya rushed out to fight with them, fighting and retreating, and took them away from the cave.

Lei Jin and the three of them spent an unknown amount of time in the cave, maybe it was a long time, maybe it wasn't that long.

"Why is there no movement?" Berg said suddenly.

Lei Jin felt a "thud" in his heart. He didn't know if he was lucky. He had been in this world for so many days, and this was the first time he encountered a large-scale hunting of wild animals. People trekking in the wild for so long have never met.

Nothing will happen to Xi Ya and Mo Ya, right? Lei Jin wanted to go out and have a look, but if he didn't, going out by himself would distract the two of them and increase their danger. He was in a dilemma.

"You two don't move here, I'll go out and have a look." Berg's expression was serious for a rare time, although he was dragging a fish's tail, his movements were swift and neat.

Mingya stood next to Lei Jin, her ears closed, not letting go of her guard for a moment. Hearing Berg's words, his pupils shrank, and he said, "Don't go out."

It was too late, and Berg had already heard a scream.

A huge hunting-tooth guarding the entrance of the cave is approaching step by step. It doesn't seem to be in a hurry to hunt, but the malice in its eyes cannot be mistaken. It is bigger than any one just now, and it is quite large. The body is four or five meters long, with a slender neck and a large head. At this moment, the mouth is open, revealing a row of sharp teeth.

Beige took a few steps back, seeing that Lei Jin and Mingya were still inside, he insisted on stopping, thinking to forget it, rather than dying at the hands of that man in the future, it would be better to die here, although for this annoying Lei Jin's death wasn't worth it, but thinking about it, apart from being a little arrogant and having a bad mouth, this person was actually kind to him.

"Ming Ya, you will take Lei Jin out later, and leave this dead thing to me." Berg turned his back to the two of them, staring warily at the hunter-toothed beast in front of him.

"Berg, what do you want to do?" Lei Jin didn't expect Berg to do this.

"I'm not for you, don't you know that I have always liked Mo Ya?"

As soon as Berg finished speaking, he took the initiative to attack, swung his tail suddenly, and hit the toothed beast hard on the head, but it cunningly dodged it, and Berg quickly threw it a second time, and the two quickly fought together , exposing the gap on the right.

"Lei Jin, I'll carry you out." Ming Ya whispered.

"But what about Berg?" Looking at the battle situation, Lei Jin found that Berg was obviously not an opponent, but he was still flexible.

"I'll take you out, hide it, come back and help him." Mingya didn't wait for Lei Jin's objection, and circled him with his tail, but Mingya was too small, so Lei Jin could barely lie on top of him. With a strong tail, Mingya curled up Lei Jin and ran away.

But within a few steps, the hunter-tooth that had already cornered Berg saw the two fleeing, turned around immediately, and threw its paw down, Lei Jin let out a very dull snort.

"Lei Jin..."

"I'm fine, let's go quickly." Lei Jin said calmly.

Ming Ya didn't see the back, but heard the wind, she took Lei Jin and ran away.

They ran around in desperation, but they finally found a small tree hole that could only accommodate one person.

"Lei Jin, hide here and don't come out." Mingya heard no movement around, there should be no danger here.

"En." Lei Jin nodded, the sky had already turned gray, and this night of killing was about to pass. It's just that except for him and Mingya, the life and death of everyone else is uncertain.

"Why is the fur on Mingya's body red?" Mingya took two steps on the spot, and found red blood dripping down her back, but she didn't feel any pain at all.

"It's Lei Jin's." Mingya thought of this, and rushed to Lei Jin's side, tears streaming down her face, and asked, "Lei Jin, where did you get hurt? Tell Mingya, Mingya will lick you."

Although Mingya ran fast just now, the claw of the hunting tooth was not solid, but a large piece of flesh was forcefully hooked off Lei Jin's back shoulder.

No one gave them time to grieve, that toothed beast had already found it following the bloodstains, and behind it were a dozen smaller ones, but no matter how small they were, they were as big as Mingya's three.

Come again such a group? I guess I don't even have enough teeth for them, Lei Jin thought to himself mockingly.

Ming Ya was still crying while lying on Lei Jin's back, while carefully licking the wound, it was especially painful when the tears fell on it.

"Ming Ya, go find Xi Ya and the others." Now it's impossible for two people to escape together, they can only go one by one, but with the speed of the hunter-toothed beast, Berg's life should not be in danger for the time being. After all, he didn't want to be saved by that annoying guy.

"Mingya won't leave, Mingya wants to protect you." Mingya wiped tears on Lei Jin's body.

Lei Jin looked at his size, he was really not convincing, just about to say a few more words to trick Ming Ya away, when he found that the little guy's eyes had changed, from clear blue to dark dark blue.

"Mingya?" Lei Jin called out in astonishment.

Lei Jin probably never dreamed of the next scene. He saw the little guy jumping between the hunting-toothed beasts, until Xi Ya and Mo Ya rushed over, and the surrounding hunting-toothed beasts were all dead. , only the biggest one was still barely standing, but Mingya had already torn out several fatal wounds on its body, bleeding continuously. As for Mingya's smooth snow-white fur, it had already been dyed red, Mingya seemed to kill him. In a hurry, he tore each of the hunting tooth beasts to pieces, and the original shape could not be seen at all.

"Mingya..." Lei Jin felt something was wrong, so he quickly stood up and shouted.

Mingya turned her head to look at Lei Jin, her dark blue eyes showed a bit of red, her gaze was strange and cold, under such gaze, Lei Jin unconsciously took a step back.

Ming Ya turned her head and continued to hunt indifferently.

Mo Ya supported Beige and walked behind, Xi Ya came to support Lei Jin and asked, "Are you okay?"

"What's wrong with Mingya?" Lei Jin didn't hear Xiya's question, and his attention was still on Mingya who suddenly went berserk.

But as soon as Xiya helped Lei Jin's shoulder, she realized something was wrong, because she had blood on her hands.

"Mo Ya, where is our medicine bag? Lei Jin is injured." Xi Ya asked Lei Jin to lie in her arms, and hurriedly called Mo Ya.

When Mo Ya heard it, she put Berg on the stone beside her, and ran over while taking out the medicine bag from her arms. The falcon-flavored grass that can stop bleeding quickly had dried up, and it was too late to grind it, so Mo Ya chewed it to a paste in her mouth. When it came to the wound, fortunately no bones were injured, the bleeding stopped quickly, but it still hurt, burning hot.

"Ming Ya, Lei Jin's wound hurts very much." Mo Ya suddenly shouted without thinking.

The biggest hunter-tooth was already dead, and Mingya was still tearing at its corpse. Hearing this, she paused for a moment, as if she had finally remembered this matter, her big blue eyes that had recovered were still teary, I wanted to come over, but my body was covered in blood, and I didn't dare to get close, so I lay obediently not far away with my four paws sticking to the ground.

A few people washed up briefly, Xi Ya helped Lei Jin change clothes, Ming Ya was carried by Mo Ya to take a bath, and the few people who smelled of blood all died.

"What the hell is going on, Mingya?" The transition was too fast, there were no two intermediate links, schizophrenia? Lei Jin suddenly thought of this word inappropriately, and he startled himself.

"Lei Jin, don't be afraid of Mingya, he won't hurt you." Xiya carefully avoided his wound.

Lei Jin raised his eyebrows, motioning for him to continue talking.

"Do you know who the current patriarch of our Leopard Clan is?" Xi Ya suddenly changed the subject.

Lei Jin wanted to interrupt him impatiently, whoever he wanted to know was Mingya.

"It's Father An Luo."

An Luo? That An Luo who was very silent and muffled, who hardly had anything to say except to Roger? No matter how you look at it, you don't look like a patriarch? Of course, he doesn't mean that the patriarch should boast, but at least he has some outstanding ability, can he convince the crowd? That An Luo really didn't see it.

"Daddy Anluo is the best warrior in the tribe."

Lei Jin raised his eyes, expressing disbelief.

"It's true, if it wasn't for Ah..."


"Forget it, you can talk about this later, do you know what white fur means in our world?" Xi Ya tied Lei Jin's clothes and continued: "Either be abandoned, or become the strongest .”

"You mean ya..."

Xi Ya nodded, and said: "Actually, Ming Ya's power is very powerful. We all know that Ming Ya's power will appear when Ming Ya is threatened with his life. believe."

"But this time..." Mingya could run away, but his life was not considered to be threatened.

"In his heart, you are more important than his life." Xi Ya sighed, probably knowing what Lei Jin wanted to say.

"Lei Jin, look at Mingya has become clean again." Mingya ran over cheerfully, shaking the water beads on her white fur, and carefully leaned against Lei Jin, probably because she was tired, and it was very close to Lei Jin's leg. Fell asleep soon.

"Do you remember the first time you met Mingya?" Xiya asked Lei Jin, following Mingya's hair.

Of course Lei Jin remembered the dragon pig hiding in the tree. After eating the meat a few times, Lei Jin already knew the name of that thing.

"That dragon pig is certainly a little timid, but the snow-white fur on Mingya's body may have scared him at the time. Your journey went smoothly at that time, and Mingya scared away many timid ones." Of course the bold ones , Let him and Mo Ya solve it secretly.

Lei Jin sounds reasonable, but he seems to have overlooked something, for example, why Xiya told it as if he witnessed it with his own eyes, and for example, what he did after eating the fruit picked by Mingya by mistake. A dream, those three people wantonly caressing his body in the dream...

Lei Jin narrowed his eyes and looked at Xi Ya.