They Are Not Human!

Chapter 101: Dezhi Middle School 06


Jiang Yan looked at Wen Qing with a smile, her eye makeup was very heavy, her false eyelashes were long and thick, her fox eyes were raised upwards, and there was a hint of surprise in her teasing expression.

Obviously, the content of the conversation just now exceeded his expectations.

Wen Qing stared into Jiang Yan's eyes for a while, and it seemed that he was not from Baitong, Oz or Zhouzhou.

Whose is that

Who would be so kind to ask someone to help him

After struggling for a while, unable to figure it out, Wen Qing simply asked, "Why did you help me?"

Jiang Yan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Because I'm kind."

"Help others, be kind, and implement the core values of socialism."

Wen Qing: "..."

Jiang Yan continued: "I actively respond to the country's call."

Wen Qing: "..."

Seeing Wen Qing's speechlessness, Jiang Yan smiled again, and said slowly, "Actually, I just have a conscience."

"You also know the rewards of those reward posts, who can't be tempted?" Jiang Yan paused, and then said, "Especially for a woman like me who is blind to money, I will change your name card for you, which will not only help you, but also help you." I can exchange your information for rewards by myself.”

"Let's call it a courtesy."

Wen Qing blinked, and Jiang Yan's face was a little serious at the moment, but the seriousness and bohemian temperament were a bit inconsistent and abrupt.

This reason is so serious, it seems to be said to him on purpose.

Wen pursed his lips lightly, Jiang Yan didn't want to say anything, and he stopped asking, and said, "I'm going back to the dormitory, how about you?"

Jiang Yan nodded and walked down the stairs.

The dormitories of Dezhi High School are divided into unified dormitory areas, and male and female dormitories are mixed together.

A class of girls is in the 2nd building, and the boys are in the 3rd building, exactly one in front and one behind.

It was not time to turn off the lights, but the dormitory building was brightly lit and noisy.

Wen Qing suddenly remembered the conversation between Song Xuan and his little brothers.

He stopped and said to Jiang Yan hesitantly, "What time do the people in the first class seem to be waiting for?"

"I don't know exactly what it is, I only heard a few words of dialogue."

Jiang Yan was slightly taken aback, raised his eyebrows and smiled and said, "Okay, thank you little brother for reminding me."

As he spoke, he bent his eyes and asked again, "Do you want to return the gift?"

"How about breastfeeding?"


At this moment, Wen Qing was very glad that there were no other classmates around her, and no one heard what Jiang Yan said.

Although no one heard them, someone was watching them from afar on the balcony of the dormitory building.

"No need!" Wen Qing blushed slightly, and walked quickly towards the 3rd building.

When he walked downstairs, he paused and looked back at Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan didn't enter the dormitory building, but stood under the tree, his body was shrouded in shadows, and he couldn't see clearly.

He moved and took out something.

In the next second, Wen Qing saw clearly that it was cigarettes and lighters.

As if sensing Wen Qing's gaze, Jiang Yan took a step forward, stood under the light, waved his hand to light a cigarette, and blew a kiss to Wen Qing.

Wen Qing quickly turned around and hurried upstairs.

Suddenly, 001's voice sounded in the ear: [Can I speak?]

Wen Qing doesn't hold grudges, and has long since stopped being angry with 001.

Just because 001 didn't make a sound, he didn't take the initiative to speak.

Hearing 001's question right now, I somehow felt like my pet was talking pitifully.

He groaned, and said slowly: [Yes.]

001 asked: [Do you like this?]

Wen Qing didn't understand 001's question: [What is this?]

001: [Do you like Jiang Yan?]

Wen Qing: [? ? ?]


Wen Qing was puzzled: [Why do you bring up liking?]

001: [Then why are you blushing?]

Wen Qing blushed even more now, thinking, he is thin-skinned and can't listen to those words.

And... whoever heard Jiang Yan's words would blush, right? !

001 I can hear what I'm thinking...

Thinking of this, Wen Qing said dissatisfiedly: [Because I'm hot, are you satisfied?]

After finishing speaking, before 001 could speak, Wen Qing took the lead to ask: [You've been acting weird recently.]

[Why do you think about love and love all day long?]

001 remained silent.

While going upstairs, Wen Qing said to 001: [You must have watched too many movies during this time.]

[The next time you return to the human world, you are not allowed to watch love movies.]

001: […]

Walking to the door of the dormitory, Wen Qing didn't go in directly, but pushed open the door to have a look.

Song Xuan was not there, only Fu Ranxiu was alone.

Wen breathed a sigh of relief, walked into the bedroom, closed the door, and locked it.

He walked in, stopped in front of the closet, took out his clothes and towels, and carefully peeked at Fu Ranxiu.

Fu Ranxiu sat at the desk, lowered his eyes, and read ten lines at a glance.

Judging from the text on the cover and pages, it is not a Chinese book, nor is it an English book.

Wen Qing didn't know it, and didn't know what language it was.

Fu Ranxiu turned two pages and stopped on an illustration.

Wen Qing looked at the angel and demon in the illustration, and squinted his eyes, as if it had something to do with religion.

He stared slightly, and then looked at Fu Ranxiu's desk.

In addition to the little angel sculpture and papers, there are a few more books, all in English and other languages, obviously just brought back.

Probably sensing his gaze, Fu Ranxiu closed the book and tilted his head.

Wen Qing quickly looked away, and quickly ran into the bathroom to wash up.

Worried that Fu Ranxiu would become suspicious, when she came out of the shower, Wen Qing didn't dare to look any further, and went straight to bed.

After getting into the quilt, he continued to look at Fu Ranxiu through the gap between the quilt and the bed.

Fu Ranxiu's side face was sharp and angular, and the contours of his eyebrows and eyes were cold.

His coldness was not ordinary coldness, but emanating from his bones, with a hint of eerie feeling, like creepy, the dormitory seemed to be several degrees colder.

The feeling that Fu Ranxiu gave him was a bit like the feeling that Ji's family gave him.

However, he is not as good as Ji's family, and is more intuitive.

Wen Qing pinched her palm nervously, so far.

His instincts are spot on.

Suddenly, Fu Ranxiu put down the book in his hand and stood up.

Wen Qing quickly pressed the corner of the quilt to cover her face.

Footsteps sounded, and Fu Ranxiu seemed to be walking to the door, and then with a "da", the light was turned off.

Immediately after the lights were turned off, the music played, and the noisy dormitory building gradually quieted down.

Wen Qing thought, is Fu Ranxiu going to sleep

The thought flashed by, and a faint light lit up outside the quilt again.

Wen Qing pricked up his ears and listened for a while.

The dormitory building was so quiet after the lights were turned off that Fu Ranxiu was particularly clear.

Wen Qing tilted her head, and quietly pulled up a corner of the quilt.

Fu Ranxiu was still at the desk, he turned on a small desk lamp and continued to read.

From time to time, I draw circles on the book, as if I am taking notes.

Staring at his back for a while, Wen Qing suddenly realized the difference between Fu Ranxiu and the other students in the class.

A group of students are very serious during class and don’t miss out, but they still relax and do their own things after class.

Fu Ranxiu was still reading seriously after turning off the lights...

Looks like it's about religion...

Could it be some weird religious ceremony

Wen Qing closed his eyes, thinking about it, feeling sleepy.

He thought in a daze that he had to find a chance to use the props tomorrow.

First determine the attributes of the monitor.


the next day

At 6:30 in the morning, the wake-up bell rang throughout the dormitory building, and the melodious singing continued, and it was impossible to stay in bed for a while.

With a dazed mind, Wen Qing slowly got up to take a shower.

It was dark and the high school students got up before the sun rose.

Waking up too early, Wen Qing didn't have any appetite, so she bought bread and milk downstairs, and was going back to the classroom to sleep again.

Before reaching the door of the classroom, I heard several students in front discussing in a low voice:

"Damn it, there's a whole group of people."

"It's only seven o'clock, and I thought we were early enough."

"As expected of a class."

"It wasn't so early two days ago.


Wen Qing listened to them silently, walked to the back door of the first class, and looked up.

Except for Song Xuan and others, the other students were sitting in their seats. They looked sleepy, but their eyes were bright and full of energy, as if they were looking forward to something.

If you wake up early today...

Is today the time Huangmao said

Wen lightly pursed his lips, and walked into the classroom full of doubts.

Not long after, other players also arrived in the classroom.

The last one to come was Jiang Yan. She was wearing heavy makeup and yawning non-stop. She looked extremely sleepy.

As soon as Jiang Yan sat in his seat, Fu Ranxiu got up and said to everyone, "The transfer students and I will go get the school uniform."

After finishing speaking, he walked straight to the door, leaving the classroom regardless of whether the people behind followed him or not.

Wen Qing hurriedly followed.

Because it was too early, the players were a little tired. From the classroom on the fourth floor to the storage room on the first floor, no one spoke, only yawning one after another.

The storage room is huge, about the size of a classroom, with all kinds of desks, chairs, and sports equipment in a mess.

In the deepest part, there is a small room.

Fu Ranxiu pushed open the door, and the light inside was dim. On the floor was an army green cushion for physical education, and piles of school uniforms were piled up on the cushion.

"The new school uniforms can't be delivered for the time being. Here are the school uniforms left over from previous years."

Fu Ranxiu took a step inside, and the dust flew up.

Wen Qing couldn't help coughing in a low voice.

Fu Ranxiu glanced at him, stopped, and said to the players, "Choose a few sets that suit your size."

"Starting today, everyone has to wear school uniforms."

After speaking, he turned and walked out of the small room, leaving the storage room.

Jiang Yan stepped forward, grabbed three sets of oversized school uniforms, yawned, and said sleepily to Wen Qing, "I'm going to sleep first."

Wen Qing nodded and looked down for the school uniform.

School uniforms are divided into male and female styles. Most of the male models are XL, and there are a few L. Wen Qing searched for a long time but couldn't find an M size.

The few remaining players also found school uniforms that fit their size one after another.

After the girls had left, Zhang Yang took off his clothes in the storage room and changed into his school uniform.

Seeing that Wen Qing hadn't found it yet, she said, "Just pick a few of them."

Wen lightly responded, and wanted to get L, but turned around to see that it was all in Zhang Yang's hands.

He said slowly, "I'll look for it again."

Zhang Yang didn't think much, and said, "I'll go first."

Wen Qing continued to look for her size, and finally found a shirt in size M.

Suddenly, there was a piercing sound outside the small room, as if something fell heavily on the ground and was dragged.

Wen Qing thought it was Zhang Yang who made the noise, got up and opened the door, and looked out.

I saw Song Xuan standing not far away, turning his head to look at him, his brows were stern, and there were blood stains on his face.

"Transfer Students."

"come over."