They Are Not Human!

Chapter 134: world


dog? ?

Wen Qing lowered her eyes, thinking of Song Xuan.

He was silent for a moment, then asked 001: "Can this prop also be used on all species?"

001 explained: [Strange-level active props, which can be used against species of strange-level and below.]

Wen Qing was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled: [But the halo of the victim is human-level, why can it take effect on strange monsters.]

001 explained patiently: [Although the victim's halo is a prop that is actively used, the right to choose is not yours, but the other party's.]

After being used, the victim aura will have different effects according to the quality of the cast target.

Wen Qing looked down at the detailed explanation of the halo of the dog trainer, pondered for a while, and suddenly realized.

The halo of this dog trainer is that he can manipulate the other party to do things, and the initiative lies with himself.

Wen Qing asked curiously: "Is it really possible to do anything?"

001 said lightly: [As long as you can think of it.]

Wen Qing continued to ask: "Can I directly manipulate his body changes, like playing with a doll, or do I order him to do something by himself?"

001 didn't speak.

Wen Qing was puzzled: "Can't I ask this?"

[No,] 001 paused, and then explained, [I'm just a little surprised that you asked so carefully.]

Wen Qing blinked, also surprised: "Are you still surprised?"

001: […]

After a moment of silence, it hummed, with a flat tone without any waves, like a robot talking: [I am a humanized system.]

Wen Qing thought to herself, isn't this what she used to praise 001

He echoed slowly, and asked again: "You haven't answered my question yet."

001: [You issue an order, the dog has a certain sense of autonomy, and there will be certain differences in actions and behaviors according to its own conditions.]

Hearing the dog mentioned by 001, Wen Qing thought of Song Xuan inexplicably. He felt that this prop was tailor-made for Song Xuan.

He pursed his lips, lowered his head, and carefully looked at the details of the props again.

[How to use: Slap (a slap on the face).]

Wen Qing stared at it for a while, then continued to ask: "Does this slap have to be on the face?"

001 hummed.

Wen Wei frowned slightly, and asked again: "What about the faceless monster?"

001: [Unavailable.]

Wen lightly sighed, it turns out that there are still such restrictions.

Why do you have to have a face

He doesn't mind hitting faceless monsters at all.

"I want to see personal information."

In the next second, 001 switches the content of the panel.

[Player: Wen Qing]

[Identity: Human (delicate and frail human being who needs to be loved)]

[Age: Twenty years old (human age has reached adulthood)]

[Human visa: 50 days (can only stay in the world for 50 days, please be sure to pay attention to the date)]

[Skill:? ? cry? ? (The consequences of using skills are unknown)]

[buff: Guider (all non-human beings will have a good impression of you, those who *miss* you, and those who don’t* also miss* you)]

[Props: Holy Grail (Master's post, shashaha), Victim Halo (Come and bully me, woohoo), Impossible Sexy (Sexy, Sexy, hehe), Dog Trainer Halo (Master, I am yours) dog, woof).]

Wen gently lowered his head, looked at it seriously for a long time, and couldn't help but said to 001: "Look."

001: [Huh?]

Wen lightly raised his hand and poked the transparent panel. The panel was not solid, he could only poke the invisible air: "My buffs and props are all weird."

"Is there really no problem?"

001 was quiet for a moment, then uttered two words: [No.]

Wen Qing asked: "Are other people's props also like this?"

001 answered honestly: [No.]

Wen Qing: "???"

"Then you still say that my props and buffs are fine!"

001 explained: [The props and buffs players get vary from person to person.]

Wen Qing couldn't help asking 001 about the meaning of this sentence: "You mean because I'm weird, so the props and buffs I get are also like this?"

001: [No.]

You are different.

Wen Qing snorted twice, thinking about it because he had a dark face, so he didn't have a serious prop.

He stopped worrying about the props and walked into the bathroom: "I'm going to take a shower."


The time in the world is different from the time in the dungeon. It was only noon when Wen Qing left Dezhi Middle School, but it was already nine o'clock in the evening in the world.

After washing, Wen Qing sat on the bed, wondering if it was because of jet lag, he was sleepy and tired, but couldn't fall asleep.

Holding a glass of milk, he looked at the police badge beside the bed, and thought of Xing Zuo, and that extremely gentle kiss.

The voice of 001 suddenly came to mind: [Do you like Xingxuan?]

001 asked this question before, and Wen Qing answered without thinking: "I like it, among friends."

After finishing speaking, he was a little puzzled, why did Xing Ze kiss him

It's normal for good friends to hug and touch, but kissing... isn't it normal

Wen Qing tentatively asked 001: "There shouldn't be a strange custom of kissing between good friends in Wenzhou, right?"

001: […No.]

Wen Qing was startled: "Then Xing Xuan..."

001 said four words simply and rudely: [He likes you.]

Wen Qing stared blankly at the air, and let out a low ah.

After a while, he said in a daze, "So Xing Ze is gay."

"I didn't even see it."

001: […]

Wen Qing sipped hot milk, recalling the scenes of getting along with Xing Ze, thinking that some behaviors of straight men seem to be misunderstood by gays.

If I had known earlier, I should have kept a little distance.

After drinking the milk, Wen Qing sighed quietly, and said to 001: "You were quite right when you said to keep your distance."

Hearing this, 001 immediately said: [You have received a lot of news.]

[Wanna see?]

Guessing that it belonged to Ye Ye and Li Ran, Wen Qing nodded: "Yes."

The news is not only from today, but since he left the world, he has received a lot, and the screen is full.

Li Jingjing: [I'm in the dungeon, wait until I come out to find you for dinner.]

Li Jingjing: [I'm out, the human-level dungeon is quite simple.]

Li Jingjing: [I'm going in again, haven't you come out yet? It won't be in the god-level book.]

Li Jingjing: [Remember to call me when you come out.]


Li Ran: [Brother, are you back yet?]

Li Ran: [Brother, I'm going in, I'm afraid woo woo.]

Li Ran: [Brother, if I come out, remember to treat me to dinner, my sister is too poor, so she can't afford to treat me.]


Ye Ye: [Come out yet?]

Ye Ye: [Come back and let me know.]

Ye Ye only sent two messages, which was very different from the screen-full messages of Li Ran and Li Jingjing.

Wen Qing replied one by one, telling them that she was back.

[I `m coming out.]

As soon as this message was sent to Ye Ye, Ye Ye replied in seconds: [Will you come out tomorrow?]

Wen Qing: [If you don't come out, rest for a few days.]

Ye Ye: [Are you injured?]

Wen Qing: [No, I just don't want to go out.]

Wen Qing looked down at the transparent panel, he was a little tired and wanted to relax by himself.

After a while, Ye Ye sent another new message: [It's good that you're not injured.]

Ye Ye: [Brother Bai is back.]

Ye Ye: [Do you want to see me?]

Wen Qing: [How is he?]

Ye Ye: [Look for yourself.]

Wen Qing was stunned for a moment, before he could reply, Ye Ye sent another new message: [Call me if you come out.]

Wen Qing replied "Hello", and then looked at the news of Li Jingjing and Li Ran.

There is no reply, they are probably still in the copy.

Wen rubbed his eyes lightly, put down the milk glass, and lay on the bed staring at the white ceiling in a daze.

Because of the punishment, he wanted to go home even more.

He really missed the dean's mother, the head of the dormitory... all of them.

He doesn't want to be here alone.

001 said: [You are not alone now.]

I don't know if it was his illusion, Wen Qing felt that 001's cold voice was a little more gentle, as if coaxing him.

He got into the quilt, grabbed the corner of the quilt, and called out: "001."

001 hummed.

Wen Qing closed her eyes and said slowly, "It would be great if you had a body."

I can touch you.

"Good night."

[Good night.]


the next day

Wen Qing was lazy on the bed for a long time, until she was so hungry that she got up to wash up.

After washing up, there was already a bowl of steaming noodles in front of the computer, steaming upwards.

Wen Qing didn't even pause in her footsteps, without even thinking about it, she knew that 001 bought it.

He is now very used to 001 spending points without saying a word.

Wen Qing sat in front of the computer, watched a movie with 001, and then opened the forum leisurely.

The netizen message area is still very lively, and the homepage is full of posts with the hot tag.

Wen glanced lightly and saw a very eye-catching title: [Does anyone know what dungeon upgrade means?]

Main building: Strange dungeon, it’s a small book, there are not many players, from entering the dungeon to coming out, I haven’t seen any strange monsters, only people, and players can’t use props on those aborigines. Speaking of which, some players should guess which one it is Ben

I won't talk about the plot of the other dungeons, just briefly talk about what happened.

During the game time of the dungeon, I suddenly received the main system saying that the dungeon is being upgraded. It repeated it several times, and I could hear it clearly. Then the dungeon changed. It really changed. Dark, like that kind of sci-fi movie.

Not long after, the main system said that the copy upgrade was terminated.

I was completely confused. When I found other players, a boss told us the answer to the advanced task directly, let us go.

I was so embarrassed to ask what happened, so I left immediately.

Has any player encountered this kind of dungeon upgrade

1L Daba Daba yo: I haven't encountered it before, come downstairs.

2L Flying Big JJ: Can the copy already in the game be upgraded? Unheard of.

The 3L system is my father: I have been to the dungeon mentioned by the poster, and I only completed the main mission. At that time, there was a boss in the team who hadn’t passed the advanced mission.

4L Spicy Tangyuan: Am I the only one wondering if there is any compensation

5L Landlord: There are compensation, points and visa time.

6L Coffee Jar: Huh? This compensation seems to be similar to the compensation for the previous closure of the zoo.


The 50L downstairs is full of my son: Last time the zoo closed early, this time there is an upgrade, what is going on with the system

51L Upstairs is my grandson: not only the dungeon has changed, but the world has also changed a lot, which feels ominous.

52L Mole on the palm: I feel that the main system is going to make some big moves.

53L Landlord: So so far, no similar things have happened in other dungeons

54L Durian Duoduo: According to my observations during this period, you are the first case, the poster, what about the players with you? I want to top the post and push him out.


205L Landlord: My elder brother and elder sister didn’t show up, maybe I didn’t browse the forum.

206L Host: Since the posts are so popular, let me just mention some people by the way, our temporary team is just to take care of you, we have no obligation to help you and let you, no matter how scared you are, don’t cheat your teammates, just You are so frightened, I and all the old men are also frightened.

207L Good luck: This upgrade...does it have something to do with the next post

208L Killing but not changing ID: what next door? Please show me the way!


Wen Qing browsed and guessed that the host was Zhang Yang, and the person who told them the answer to the advanced task must be Jiang Yan.

He stared at the post for a while, he knew it was because of Ji Yu.

Can Ji Yu's name be spoken in the world

Wen Qing tapped the keyboard tentatively, but as expected, he couldn't type it out, the keyboard seemed to be malfunctioning.

He dismissed the idea, pondered for a while, and repeated what 001 said.

503L W: [Because there is an unstoppable force.]

After posting this sentence, Wen Qing didn't read the rest of the reply, and went to the homepage to find the "next door post" they were all mentioning.

After clicking in one post after another, I finally found it.

Title: [Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck!]

Main Building: Ah, it's over, it's over, I heard that many big shots were injured, they seem to have all entered the same copy, even Ozzy almost died in this copy.

What's even more frightening is that the probability of this copy getting in is very high, oh my god, my visa is about to expire, am I going to die

1L Landlord: Ah, I’m so scared, there’s only one day left for me.

2L Landlord: Boss has life-saving props to leave the dungeon, but I don’t! It's over!

3L Flying Big JJ: Is it true or not? What dungeon is so scary

4L Landlord: I don’t know, I just heard about it, it seems that Ozzy didn’t stay in the dungeon for a full day.

5L Your little one: Don’t scare me, landlord, I’m leaving at night.

6L Black Speaker: The news is true. Many people have lost their life-saving props. This is a very brutal dungeon.

7L Desperate: I also heard that the Lucky Hotel has been closed these days because of this matter.


Seeing the reply on the 7th floor, Wen Qing's eyelids twitched, why did the door close

Ye Ye didn't tell him about it.

Could it be related to Bai Tong

Wen Qing hesitated for a moment, and sent a message to Ye Ye: [Is Bai Tong injured?]

After waiting for a while, Ye Ye did not reply to the message.

Wen lightly clicked the mouse and quickly browsed through the replies to this post.

Half of them are afraid, and the other half are saying that this is conclusive news, because the difficulty and death rate of the dungeon are unexpectedly high, and there are almost no clues about the specific content of the dungeon.

After eating the noodles, Wen Qing hesitated for a while, changed her clothes and went out, deciding to go to the Lucky Restaurant.

World*Commercial Street

Wen Qing stood in the red pavilion and looked around. There was no change in the commercial street. Pedestrians came and went, gathering in twos and threes.

I don't know if it has something to do with the dungeon mentioned in the forum, but this time there was no one standing guard outside the booth.

Wen Qing breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door and walked out of the red pavilion.

Without even looking up, he saw the huge light blue colossus in the air.

This time Wen Qing confirmed that the white mist began to spread from the bottom up.

The white mist spread to the fingers last time, but this time it has spread to the arm of the colossus. The part above is still hazy and shrouded in white mist, making it hard to see clearly.

Wen Qing looked at it, and the next second, he saw the face of the colossus, which was covered by the white mist, tilt its head.

He couldn't see where it was leaning, but he was sure it had moved.

Wen Qing pinched her palms nervously, and asked 001 in her heart: [What is this giant statue?]

001 did not answer.

Wen lightly pursed his lips, and walked quickly towards the Lucky Hotel.

The greenery on both sides of the road is also more lush than last time, the trees are lush and beautiful, the birds are chirping and chirping, flapping their wings and flying over the heads of pedestrians from time to time, and the trees are full of colorful flowers.

Wen Qing glanced at the pedestrians on the road, most of them looked normal, and they were not surprised by this.

Occasionally, I can see a few standing on the side of the road in a daze. I don't know if it's the first time I came to the human world, or I just came out of the dungeon and discovered the changes in the human world.

Just as Wen Qing walked to the entrance of Jixiang Hotel, the girl walking two meters in front of him suddenly fell straight to the ground.

Her companion hurriedly helped her up, and laughed so hard: "What's the matter with you? You could fall if you walk."

The girl patted her knees and stood up, glanced at the grass beside her, wondering, "I tripped."

"Is there anything tripping you?" The companion looked down, "Is there anything on the ground?"

"There is something," the girl frowned, and continued to walk forward, "There was something at my feet just now, it couldn't be a snake."

"Don't scare me. I hate snakes the most. There are no snakes in the world, right?"

"What's that tripping me up?"

Wen Qing glanced at the ground where they were standing just now, there was nothing there, only the flowers and plants in the green belt were swaying in the wind.

Without thinking too much, he stepped into the Lucky Hotel.

As the forum said, the restaurant is closed and does not entertain guests, but the store is still open, and there is a boy with a mohawk sitting at the front desk.

Wen Qing stepped forward and said to him: "Hi, I want to find Bai Tong, and Ye Ye is also fine."

Brother Moxigan looked him up and down, but didn't speak.

Wen Qing opened his mouth and was about to speak.

Brother Mo Xigan smiled and said, "Are you Wen Qing?"

Wen Qing was taken aback.

Brother Moxigan explained: "Ye Ye has told me several times, if there is a boy who is dressed more tightly than a beekeeper and has a nice voice, it is Wen Qing."

Wen Qing looked down at his clothes: "..."

Brother Moxigan used the walkie-talkie to call someone to take over, walked out of the front desk, and said to Wen Qing: "Let's go, I'll take you to find Brother Bai."

"Brother Bai asked about you two days ago."

Wen Qing followed him to the back kitchen and asked, "How is Bai Tong doing now?"

Brother Mohigan sighed: "It's not very good."

"Remember to ask Brother Bai to take his medicine and eat well."

Wen lightly frowned, Bai Tong was hurt.

I left the Lucky Hotel through the back door of the back kitchen, and went directly to the building across the alley.

Brother Moxigan explained: "This building is our staff dormitory, and the password for the building is 0000."

"You can come here directly to find someone next time."

Wen responded lightly, followed him into the building,

The interior decoration of the building is very similar to that of a hotel, so brother Mohigan directly took him into the elevator and pressed down on the tenth floor.

"Brother Bai lives in 1020, and Ye Ye lives in 1001."

Wen nodded slightly.

Brother Moxigan led him directly to 1020, and knocked on the door: "Brother Bai, someone is looking for you."

"Come in." Bai Tong's voice came from inside the room.

The door was unlocked, so brother Mohigan opened the door and left.

Wen Qing walked in alone. The room was very large. Bai Tong was sitting on the sofa with his upper body naked and his back to the door, as if he was taking medicine.

A strong smell of blood lingered in the air, mixed with the smell of wound medicine, which could be smelled clearly even with a mask behind it. .

Wen Qing took off the mask and whispered, "Bai Tong."

"it's me."

Hearing a familiar voice, Bai Tong shrank his pupils and stood up abruptly: "Wen Qing."

Wen lightly responded, and following Bai Tong's walking, he saw the bandages from his chest to his waist and abdomen. The white bandages were stained red with blood, which was shocking.

"You don't—"

Before the word "moving" was uttered, Wen Qing was embraced by Bai Tong and hugged into his arms.

Worried about the wounds sprayed on his body, Wen Qing didn't dare to move, and could only let Bai Tong hug her.

Bai Tong was not wearing any clothes, Wen Qing's cheek was directly pressed against his chest, skin to skin, he could clearly feel Bai Tong's gradually rising body temperature and faster and faster heartbeat.

Wen Qing became even more worried, and wanted Bai Tong to sit down quickly.

Suddenly, there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside the door.

Immediately after the door was opened, Ye Ye's voice sounded at the door: "Wen Qing!"

In the next second, Wen Qing was pulled out of Bai Tong's embrace by Ye Ye.

Ye Ye lowered his head, staring at the blood stains on Wen Qing's clothes, gnashing his teeth: "You're fucking injured and still looking for Bai Tong?!"

"You are not gay!"

"Don't do this kind of thing that will misunderstand Bai Tong!"

Bai Tong: "???"