They Are Not Human!

Chapter 182: go home 05


Wen Qing opened the milk, and said slowly to 001: [001, I will go home.]

001: [Yes.]

Wen Qing thought for a while, and felt that what he said just now was a bit too absolute, and he added: [Either complete the advanced task and go home, if you can't pass the game of this dungeon, you may have to change to a host.]

With these two endings, he should never meet 001 again.

Wen lightly bit the straw, lowered his eyes, and continued: [So think about it these two days, what can I do.]

[Okay,] 001 laughed softly, and said in a low voice, [I will think about it.]

It was the first time Wen Qing heard 001's laughter, it sounded inexplicably pleasant, and it echoed in her mind, making her ears tingle and itchy.

He couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed his ears.

After eating the bread and milk, Wen Qing got up and walked into the bedroom, took out the clothes and towels, washed her hair and took a shower.

The night light ran out of power while he was sleeping, and there were no other lights or candles in the house, so he could only take a bath in black.

Wen Qing didn't close the bathroom door, and if it was closed, he couldn't see clearly.

Halfway through washing, I suddenly heard a click.

It sounded like someone was opening a door but it didn't.

Wen Qing's eyelids twitched, she hurriedly turned off the faucet, wiped it off quickly, put on her clothes and trousers, and went out.

"Da—" was another voice.

Wen Qing followed the sound and saw a man standing on the balcony of the bedroom.

Jiang Yan leaned lazily on the railing, raised his hand and knocked on the glass door of the balcony.


Obviously he was the one who opened the door just now, because the balcony door was locked and he couldn't get in.

Wen briskly walked over to open the door.

The moment he opened the door, Jiang Yan leaned over and leaned against Wen Qing.

Just as Wen Qing was about to push him away, Jiang Yan's weary voice sounded in his ears: "Meng Meng."

His pushing movement stopped.

Jiang Yan: "I've come to sleep with you."

Wen Qing: "..."

He turned sideways and quickly helped Jiang Yan to walk in.

"Are you hurt?"

Jiang Yan said hoarsely, "No."

"It's just too tired."

Wen raised his head slightly and looked at Jiang Yan's profile.

He closed his eyes, and the heavy makeup couldn't hide his tired expression.

Wen frowned lightly and helped him onto the bed.

Jiang Yan lay down straight, buried his head in the pillow, and said to Wen Qing: "I'll sleep for two hours, call me later."

After speaking, he remained motionless like a corpse.

Wen gently called out, "Jiang Yan?"

Jiang Yan didn't respond, and seemed to be asleep.

Wen Qing was afraid that he would suffocate to death, so she helped him turn over with difficulty, put a pillow on it, and covered him with a quilt.

After this series of actions ended, Jiang Yan showed no signs of waking up, obviously really tired.

Wen Qing glanced at the clock, it was half past six in the evening.

After sitting in the bedroom for an hour, his sleepiness was awakened again.

Wen lightly yawned and went to sleep on the sofa for an hour.

Woke up on time at 8:30 and went to call Jiang Yan.

"Two hours are up."

Wen Qing sat by the bed, tried to push Jiang Yan's arm, and whispered, "Jiang Yan."

"Jiang Yan."

Jiang Yan closed his eyes and hummed.

Wen Qing didn't know if he was awake or not, so she said softly, "It's two hours, do you want to sleep a little longer?"

"Well, sleep a little longer." Jiang Yan responded in a low voice.

Seeing that he was able to manage people, Wen breathed a sigh of relief, put the seeds on his body next to his pillow, and whispered, "I have something to do, go to Bai Tong first."

"You sleep here."

Jiang Yan moved his eyelids, opened his eyes slowly, and said in a hoarse voice, "Wen Qing, Ozzy is in the West District, and the vines are in the North District."

"Don't know what's going to happen in the next few days, you remember to stay away from the West End and the North End."

Wen Qing was stunned: "Did you go to find them?"

Jiang Yan responded: "Go and inquire about it."

"Ozzy was in the house before and the vines kept running around..."

Wen Qing stared at him blankly: "You, you couldn't be—" You went for me.

Before he could finish the following words, Jiang Yan raised his eyelids and interrupted: "Mengmeng, if you look at me like this again."

"I'm not sleepy anymore."

Wen Qing didn't react for a while: "Huh?"

Jiang Yan smiled lowly and said, "If you want to thank me Mengmeng, you can thank me with your body."

Wen Qing: "..."

He turned and walked out, without looking back, he said: "You continue to dream."

"I'm going to find Bai Tong."

Wen Qing left the room and went to look for Bai Tong.

When he reached the entrance of the corridor, he paused, not knowing whether to go up or down.

Bai Tong's previous bedroom was on the tenth floor...

He shouldn't be in the bedroom at this time, right

Just as he was thinking, a person came up from downstairs.

Wen Qing hurriedly called to him: "Excuse me."

The man stopped in his tracks, glanced at him, and before Wen Qing asked, he said, "Brother Ye and the others are in the meeting room on the second floor."

"Thank you." Wen Qing nodded his thanks, thinking that Ye Ye and Bai Tong should be together.

The man smiled and said, "Thank you, brother Ye has already greeted us."

Wen Qing was at a loss, what hello

The other party didn't explain and hurried upstairs.

Wen lightly walked to the second floor.

The second floor seems to be a dedicated office area. The windows on one side of the corridor and the door on the other side indicate the printing room, reference room, etc.

Wen Qing walked along the corridor, and saw someone smoking from a long distance away,

After approaching, it was only through the faint light from the window that the smoker was Baitong.

He stood in front of the window, raised his head slightly, and exhaled one smoke ring after another.

The voices of everyone in the meeting room can be heard through the door.

"The current supplies are enough for us to survive for seven days, so don't worry about the supplies."

"The big question right now is the next game."

"Only three hours left."

When Wen Qing walked to the door of the conference room, Bai Tong noticed his approach and turned his head to look over.

Seeing that it was Wen Qing, his expression moved slightly: "Are you awake?"

Wen nodded slightly.

Bai Tong handed him a seed and sighed softly: "After studying it for a long time, no matter whether it is burned or flooded, there is no change."

Wen Qing looked down at the seeds in her palm, and pursed her lips.

Bai Tong snuffed out the smoke, opened the window, and continued: "The number of seeds is more than we thought."

"Random distribution is not only a random location, but also a random time."

Wen Qing froze for a moment, and followed his gaze.

I saw the shining yellow light on the tree not far away.

Lots of seeds.

Probably enough for everyone to get to the second level of the game.

Bai Tong raised his eyelids, glanced at the transparent panel suspended in the air, and said slowly: "The speed of player reduction has slowed down."

"Everyone should be a little more sensible."

As he said that, he turned his head and asked Wen Qing: "Do you have any ideas about tomorrow's game?"

Wen shook his head lightly: "No."

Bai Tong lowered his eyes and asked again: "In your opinion, what kind of person is he?"

Wen Qing thought for a while, and said honestly: "A bit arrogant, he likes looking at the scenery and nature."

"In terms of games, he doesn't seem to have any favorite games..."

On the contrary, Ji Yu and Yu Xing prefer to play games.

"Really," Bai Tong said to him, pursing his lips tightly, "Now we can only wait for the time to come."

"Later, Ye Ye and I will meet you at your place."

Wen Qing was at a loss: "What gathering?"

Bai Tong explained: "At present, it is only confirmed that the seed is related to the game on the second day."

"I don't know whether it's a game, solo or in a team. It's not necessarily a good thing for everyone to get together, so it's relatively safe to divide into groups of three."

Wen Qing suddenly realized, and the next second he thought of Jiang Yan who was sleeping in her room.

He quickly asked, "Are you going now?"

Bai Tong glanced at the meeting room and said to him, "Ye Ye should be in his room, I'll come over later."

"Okay," Wen Qing said immediately, "Then I'll go back and wait for you."

After finishing speaking, he hurried back and ran upstairs in two steps.

He was the only one in the corridor, so quiet that his footsteps and breathing were very clear.

There seemed to be other voices mixed in.

Wen Qing held his breath and stopped.

After a while, a faint rustling sound was heard.

It wasn't in the corridor, it seemed to be the sound from outside the building.

Wen Qing walked to the corner of the third and fourth floors and looked out the window.

The streets were empty, and the nearby buildings were pitch black.

It seemed that the wind had picked up, and the branches of the trees beside the building trembled, and the leaves fell all over the place.

Is it because the wind is too strong

Wen Qing pursed her lips tightly and walked upstairs quickly.

The rustling sound sounded again.

It wasn't until he walked out of the corridor and closed the corridor door that the voice disappeared.

Wen Qing walked towards 0408, thinking about the voice just now.

The sound seemed to be rubbing against something, and it was a little familiar.

Wen gently opened the door and walked into the room.

As soon as I put the master key in my pocket, I heard a "da".

Jiang Yan was locked on the balcony again

Thoughts flashed by.


Wen Qing heard the voice again.

From the floor-to-ceiling windows in front of him, not the bedroom balcony.

There is no place for people to stand outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Wen Qing's face changed slightly, and she immediately realized that something was wrong.

The next second, a vine appeared outside the floor-to-ceiling window, and the tip of the vine tapped lightly on the window, making a "da" sound, and the floor-to-ceiling window shattered like a spider web.

Wen Qing now remembered the familiar rustling sound, it was the rubbing sound of vines!

He turned his head and ran towards the bedroom. Just as he raised his foot, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air behind him.

The vines penetrated the floor-to-ceiling windows and wrapped themselves around his feet, tightly wrapping around his legs in the blink of an eye.

Wen Qing wanted to shout, but the speed of the vine was faster than his speaking speed, he didn't have time to shout a word, and there was an extra vine around his lips, blocking his mouth.


The vines wrapped around him at lightning speed, forming a cocoon-like object, wrapping Wen Qing in it, suddenly tightening him tightly, then pulling him back and out of the building.


The floor-to-ceiling windows shattered and made a loud noise.

"Wen Qing!"


Li Ran stumbled into 0408 and bumped into Ye Ye's back.

"Brother Ye."

She yelled, turned her head and saw glass shards all over the floor in the living room, and a person standing in the middle of the living room with disheveled hair.

Li Ran rubbed his eyes, looked at the crooked chest of the man in front of him, and then at his long hair and skirt.

Unable to see the face clearly, she wasn't sure who this person was, so she called out tentatively: "Big, big brother?"

Jiang Yan: "..."

Ye Ye: "..."

Jiang Yan: "It's me."

Li Ran remembered his voice, it was the big guy in women's clothes from the barbecue shop.

Ye Ye asked coldly: "Wen Qing?"

Jiang Yan took off his wig casually, looked out the window, and said expressionlessly, "I can't sense his existence."

Hearing this, Li Ran almost fainted, she took a deep breath: "Brother, is he dead?"

Jiang Yan lowered his eyes, and raised his foot to touch the shards of glass on the ground, one of which was stained with green juice on the edge.

"It should be Ji Junfeng who kidnapped him."

The name was a bit familiar, Li Ran quickly asked, "Is that the vine?"

Ye Ye's expression turned even worse.

Jiang Yan hummed, glanced at Li Ran's pale face, and said, "It's okay if it's Ji Junfeng, I won't hurt him."

"I'm going to find someone."

After speaking, he walked to the broken French window and jumped down.

After a while, there were several hurried footsteps in the corridor, and everyone who heard the movement rushed over.

"What happened?"

"What's going on here?"

"What was that sound just now?"

Bai Tong quickly walked into the living room, seeing the expressions of Li Ran and Ye Ye, his expression changed: "What happened to Wen Qing?"

Li Ran said in a daze: "Brother, brother was robbed by vines."