They Are Not Human!

Chapter 187: go home 10


"Yes—" Wen Qing's voice paused, swallowed back the fake characters, and said instead, "Yes, she is the younger sister at home."

Zhang Yang looked at Wen Qing's brows and eyes at close range, his cheeks turned even redder, and he didn't feel that the words "I'm the younger sister in the family" sounded strange at all.

He thought, Wen Meng is such a good-looking brother, how beautiful his sister's words are.

Zhang Yang asked coyly: "Then, does my sister have a date?"

What my sister...

Wen Qing looked at his flushed cheeks, and slowly realized what Zhang Yang was thinking.

He said blankly: "Yes, I have been married a long time ago, and I have two children, a boy and a girl."

Zhang Yang was stunned for a while, but didn't give up, and continued to ask: "Then do you still have a cousin?"

Wen Qing: "..."

When Xiao Chen walked in, he just heard Zhang Yang's question, and he asked curiously, "What sister?"

Zhang Yang said quietly: "Nothing."

Xiao Chen glanced at him and asked, "You are Zhang Yang, right?"

Zhang Yang nodded.

Xiao Chen: "Brother Dao asked you to go downstairs to help now. There seems to be something wrong in the North District and I need your props."

Wen Qing's eyelids twitched, isn't the North District the place where Ji Junfeng stays

"Okay," Zhang Yang turned and walked out, and said to Wang Dawang Er, "You two don't bully Wen Meng."

Wang Dawang and Wang Er looked at each other and asked Xiao Chen: "Don't we have to go?"

"No," Xiao Chen explained, "I'm not sure what happened yet, I just said that something has changed, and I'm going to send someone to investigate the situation."

"You can rest for a while, it's already eight o'clock, and it's time for the third day of the game."

Wen Qing asked hesitantly: "How big is the western district?"

"It's very big," Xiao Chen said vaguely, looking Wen Qing up and down, doubting his intentions.

Before Wen Qing could open his mouth, Wang Da answered for him: "He and his sister got separated, and my sister is in the east."

Wen Qing nodded, thinking to himself, Wang Da is really a good person, and even helped him imagine that he was separated from his sister.

Xiao Chen snorted, looked out the window, and said to Wen Qing: "Before this dungeon starts, all the places you can see with your naked eyes are within the scope of the West District."

"After the game started on the second day, everyone gathered here."

"In terms of the range of the veterinary medicine, have you seen it from the shopping mall to the triangular building on the east side?"

Wen Qing raised his eyes and looked over.

Xiao Chen continued: "The area we are staying in now is safe, and every way in and out is guarded."

Wen Qing was stunned for a moment: "Is there someone guarding?"

"Yeah," Xiao Chen nodded and smiled friendly, "Someone in the area where you ran over was dereliction of duty, Brother Dao has already dealt with it."

Wen Qing pursed her lips tightly, it seemed that it would be difficult to sneak out.

Xiao Chen asked again: "Do you have any questions?"

"I have nothing to do, I will go first."

"Yes, yes," Wang Da hurriedly called to him, with the same twisted expression on his face as Zhang Yang, "Well... can we meet Ozzy here?"

Wen Qing turned her head to look at him, a little dazed.

Xiao Chen looked at him clearly, and his expression became more and more kind: "Are you a fan of Ozzy too?"

Wang Da nodded.

Xiao Chen said to him, "It depends on luck."

"Oz doesn't like crowded places."

Just as Wen Qing breathed a sigh of relief, after hearing Xiao Chen's next sentence, her little heart was suspended again.

"But it will be the third day of the game soon, and he might show up."

Xiao Chen explained with a smile: "Because I'm not sure what the game is, so I divided into groups to gather an hour before the game starts."

He looked down at his watch and said to them, "I'll go first, see you later."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Chen turned and left the room.

Wen gently closed the door, walked to the window of the living room, and looked at the surrounding terrain.

"Wen Meng, right?" Wang Da's voice sounded from behind.

Wen nodded slightly.

Wang Da took out biscuits and bread, piled them on the coffee table, and said to him: "They probably won't distribute anything today, so come and eat something."

Wen thanked lightly, but didn't go over to eat: "I'm not hungry, you can eat."

Wang Da took a look at him, but didn't force him, and sat on the sofa with Wang Er and started eating.

Wang Da's appetite was obviously good, he ate a piece of toast and biscuits in two or three bites.

Wen Qing looked at him, without any desire to eat

Strangely, he has not eaten or drank all day, but his body has no adverse reaction, and he is still full of energy.

It must have something to do with the flower in the early morning.

Wen Qing tentatively asked 001 in her heart: [Is that flower in the early morning a prop?]

001 did not answer.

Wen Qing asked again: [Can't you say it?]

001 hummed lightly.

"How many things are there in your space?" Wang Er asked.

Wang Da: "Eat enough for the four of us for three days, but there is no water."

Wen Qing looked at the two brothers, and said slowly: "Did your seeds produce props?"

Wang Da nodded, and said straight to the point: "It's space."

Wang Er shook his head: "I'm not a prop."

Wang Da poured bread crumbs into his mouth, and said to Wen Qing: "This kid's seeds almost killed us all, but luckily he ran fast."

Wen Qing asked curiously: "If it's a prop, does the system have a prompt?"

Wang Da responded: "Yes, it's the same prompt as getting props through dungeons."

He looked at Wen Qing and asked, "Didn't you remind me?"

Wen nodded slightly.

Wang Da: "Did you faint and didn't hear?"

"Maybe." Wen Qing sat on the sofa, drooping his eyes in thought.

If it's a prop, 001 can definitely tell him.

Something that cannot be said is certainly not a prop.

The flower didn't hurt him, but took him away from Ji Junfeng's territory.

Wen gently raised her hand and sniffed the rose fragrance on her body.

Is it Sikong who is helping him...

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the sky was still bright without any darkness, which was the complete opposite of the situation on the first day.

Wang Da Wang Er lay on the sofa and fell asleep.

Wen Qing stood in front of the window, looking at the pink and black giant pig in the distance, frowning slightly.

The pig hasn't left yet.

Suddenly, there was a noise on the radio, and then someone said:

"All the players gather in the conference room on their respective floors to prepare for the game on the third day."

"All the players gather in the conference room on their respective floors to prepare for the game on the third day."

The broadcast was repeated twice.

Wen Qing woke up Wang Da Wang Er who was still sleeping, and they left the room together.

The meeting room is at the end of the corridor, with a prominent door sign.

Wang carelessly pushed open the door.

There were seven or eight people sitting in the meeting room, and the leader was Xiao Chen who just introduced the situation to them.

Xiao Chen motioned for them to sit down, and said, "It's all here."

Wen Qing sat beside Wang Da, quietly glanced at the other players.

They didn't seem to be familiar with each other, there was a certain distance between the seats, and no one chatted in a low voice.

There were only the sound of breathing one after another in the meeting room, and the clear ticking of the clock.

"Tick tock—"

"Tick tock—"

After waiting for an hour like this, Wen Qing watched the hour, minute, and second hands on the wall slowly converge.

"Tick tock—"

The moment the second hand turned to 12, Wen Qing heard Yu Xing's whistle in the air.

"It's my turn." Yu Xing said lazily.

Wen Qing's eyelids twitched, seven days of games.

If it was two days for Sikong, Yu Xing and Ji Yu should also be two days.

What is that last day

"For games..." Yu Xing dragged the end of his voice, and said casually, "During my game time, live on."

"Simple," he laughed softly, "I wish you all a happy game."

Wen Qing frowned, Yu Xing didn't explain what the game was at all.

Yuxing is the god of love and desire...

Before Wen Qing could figure it out, the players in the meeting room suddenly started arguing.

"What game? Why don't you fucking explain it?"

"The voice just now is different from yesterday's."

"It's fucking annoying, who the hell wants to play games!"

"It must be intentional. We didn't say anything clearly on purpose. We are going to die soon."

Players have different expressions, some are fearful, angry, anxious... The same thing is that their emotions are very open.

Unlike the indifferent appearance an hour ago, it seems to be affected.

Wen Qing's face changed slightly, and she turned to look at Wang Da and Wang Er.

Wang Da didn't know when he started eating again, and there were already many empty packaging bags at hand.

Wang Er lay on the table, yawning continuously: "If it's okay, I'm going to sleep for a while, I'm so sleepy."

Wen Qing calmed down a little, it was relatively safe for the two of them to eat and sleep while the other wanted to eat.

The radio sounded again: "Hi everyone, I'm Zhou Zhou."

Hearing Zhou Zhou's voice, Wen Qing lowered her eyes and pulled up the mask subconsciously.

"The games on the third and fourth days should be related to everyone's own desires."

"So please everyone control yourself."

"If you can't control it, shoot and kill."

The last four words were like a basin of cold water poured on everyone's faces.

Several players in the conference room became a little more sober, their faces turning green and pale.

The walkie-talkie at Xiao Chen's waist rang, and he got up and said, "You all heard Brother Zhou's words, right?"

"Open the window and let the wind blow to calm down." After finishing speaking, he walked outside the meeting room and picked up the walkie-talkie.

Wang Da's eating hand paused, then turned to look at Wen Qing: "Is it wrong for me to keep eating?"

Wen nodded slightly.

Wang Da immediately put away the things on the table, and said to Wen Qing in a low voice: "I heard that Brother Zhou in the West District kills people without blinking an eye, and even Oz is willing to bow down."

"He seems to be a college student. A cultured pervert is different."

Wen nodded silently.

Wang Da cleaned up the trash on the table, caught a glimpse of the drowsy Wang Er, raised his hand and slapped him: "Don't sleep, you pig."

Wang Er was still a little dazed, and looked at him blankly: "What's wrong, bro?"

Wang Da said coldly: "If you sleep again, you will be killed."

"Brother Zhou said that the games in the past two days have something to do with desire, so hold back."

Wang Er's expression changed, and he kept complaining: "Then we are gone."

"Then, what's that called? Desires are hard to fill."

Wen Qing: "..."

Wang Da stood up and opened the window: "Blow the air and calm down."

Wang Er wiped his face and looked at Wen Qing. Seeing that his expression was normal, he couldn't help asking softly, "Brother, don't you feel it?"

Wen nodded lightly, and said slowly, "I didn't have such a strong desire in the first place."

Wang Er looked at him: "Then your life is so boring."

"Were you a monk before?"

Wen Qing: "...No."

Wang Er sighed: "I still want you to teach me to recite scriptures, calm down."

The door of the conference room was opened again, and Xiao Chen stood at the door and said to everyone: "Brother Dao said to get rid of those animals around now."

He raised his hand to roll his name: "You guys go directly downstairs and walk with Brother Dao."

"You guys follow me," Xiao Chen pointed to Wang Da, Wang Er and Wen Qing, "Go to the rooftop."

Xiao Chen led them into the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor.

Wang Da couldn't help asking: "What are we going to do on the rooftop?"

Xiao Chen explained: "Strengthen the defense measures, there is a sparrow nearby, it may fly over."

"You guys are new here again, and you need someone to take you with you."

Wen Qing stood behind Wang Da and glanced at the elevator floor.

Instead of going up, go down to the first floor.

"Ding dong—"

The elevator doors opened.

A touch of gold appeared in Wen Qing's vision.

His pupils shrank suddenly, he quickly lowered his head, and hid behind Wang Da and Wang Er.

Ozzy stood outside the elevator and looked at them coldly: "Aren't you going out?"

"We're going to the rooftop—" Xiao Chen changed his words quickly, "We're going to climb the stairs right now."

Ozzy raised his eyelids and looked at the figure reflected in the elevator mirror.

"Need not."